Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

It's a statement in irony.
It's no less true than the insurrection on Jan 6th. (Or the Russian Collusion hoax)
Only insurrection in history where nobody showed up armed....and nobody set any fires.

And 141 police officers were injured and one died as a result of the insurrection. Some were tasered. Some were beaten.
A racist is someone who talks about special privileges. That is exactly how racists try to alibi for their racism.
Exactly. Affirmative-Action, Reparations, special TV programs called "Black Voices", Changing superhero's ethnicity, changing The Little Mermaid into a Black Chick. Only Black Lives Matter.
The list goes on and on.
There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams.

For elected Republicans the trap is right here before them. If they back off of Abortion to represent the majority view, they alienate the base and lose their positions. If they embrace the base they still risk losing their positions to a majority populist view.

For decades Republicans claimed that the Democrats didn’t dare allow the issue onto the ballot as they would lose. It was a favorite claim of Rush Limbaugh as one example. But the truth turns out to be much stranger than fiction. Every time Abortion is on the ballot the Left wins.

Now this is apparently supported by polling which shows roughly 60% of the people supporting the right to an Abortion in most cases. In other words the standards of the old Roe decision.

So how did this happen? How did decades of polling get it so wrong? I think it is money where the mouth was syndrome.

I don’t like Abortions. I would prefer the woman choose another path. However my dislike doesn’t change my duty as an American to protect her rights. As I argue to protect other rights, even if the individual is doing something I disagree with, I argue in favor of the woman’s right to choose her own path.

For those who would argue it is a Sin. Perhaps it is. But I’m not the one who judges such things. That is God. That is between God and her. I may be able to pray that God have mercy. But that is about all I can do.

I always oppose someone having their rights stripped away. I would hope that you feel the same way. I suspect many of you do not.

Democrats / snowflakes always look at issues as political agendas, political gains and losses....

Did you guys ever stop to think what has motivated Conservatives is a desire to save the lives of children, to stop the Death want to.kill them from the moment of conception right up to a baby fighting for survival on the table after surviving a failed abortion?!

Conservatives actually care about saving the lives of children, morality, while Democrats selfishly think children are an inconvenience that could impact their lives. Democrats are more concerned with the right to take life .. and political benefit.
A pro-abortionist will assent to the murder of a human fetus, but if you stomp on a sea turtle egg they will come after you with torches and pitchforks.
Environmentalists think humans are a virus infecting the planet.
They forget that we're just as organic to this planet as any other creature.
That's what your typical fascist/communist would say in response.

Anyone who has read history knows that the left and fascists use fear, anger, and populist slogans to fool the masses into putting them in power.
They create a hot-button issue and folks blindly follow them without weighing the consequences.
Being able to spot this isn't difficult.
I've learned about Marxist tactics for decades.
It's why they focus on the young and the easily manipulated like children, women, people of color, and members of the gay community.

It is right wing fascists who are terrorizing this country. Right wing fascists are trying to fool Americans. Americans aren't buying.
It is right wing fascists who are terrorizing this country. Right wing fascists are trying to fool Americans. Americans aren't buying.
Yep. The Tranny that shot up that Christian school was a right wing fascist.
The Tranny that beat up a female swimmer and kept her hostage for 3 hours is a right wing fascist.
Today a BLM supporter shot and killed several people in a bank in KY.

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That simply is not true. The elections prove it.
Every poll going back decades consistently shows two-thirds of Americans oppose abortion after the first trimester.

The new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds 61% of Americans say abortion should be legal in most or all circumstances in the first trimester of a pregnancy. However, 65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.
There is a lot of middle ground which can be found on the abortion issue, but we are allowing the extremists to control the conversation.

The New Right's hatred only pushes the American people toward the Left on the abortion issue. They are blowing a golden opportunity.


Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Murder is not a right--just to clarify for you.
I was unaware that a woman, by virture of pregnancy, had a right to murder another living human.
She's not murdering anyone. but death among poor females goes up when abortion is banned, so, apparently you like to kill women. (I'm just using your hysterics reasoning right back at you).
Try being honest for a change. We are not talking about miscarriages, early births, births that would be a danger to the mother, rape or incest--all very clearly excepted in so-called abortion bans. Those arguments are normal disingenuous democrat distraction. We ARE talking about abortion for the convenience of a slut that couldn't keep her legs together or think far enough ahead to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. In short MURDER. BTW, I hope you never go on a ventilator, you could not survive without it, so we can murder you as well, eh?

Being honest? Your comment is utterly disingenuous. Allow me to debunk it.

First, the statement relies on offensive and derogatory language to describe women who seek abortions. Using terms such as "slut" to describe women who have unintended pregnancies is inappropriate and deeply disrespectful. This kind of language dehumanizes women and promotes harmful stereotypes about their sexuality.

Second, the statement seems to suggest that all abortions are for "convenience" and that women who seek them are irresponsible or morally bankrupt. This is an oversimplification of a complex issue that ignores the fact that many women seek abortions for a variety of reasons, including medical, financial, and personal. Moreover, the statement fails to acknowledge that access to safe and legal abortion is a basic human right that should not be subject to judgment or stigma.

Third, the statement implies that people who support abortion rights are somehow advocating for murder. This is a false and misleading characterization that ignores the legal and moral complexities of the abortion debate. The vast majority of people who support abortion rights believe that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices, without interference from the government or religious institutions.

Finally, the statement contains a false equivalence by comparing the decision to seek an abortion with the decision to withhold medical treatment. Abortion is a legal and constitutionally protected medical procedure that is often necessary to protect the health and well-being of women. Comparing it to the decision to withhold medical treatment is a misleading and disingenuous argument that does not accurately reflect the realities of the abortion debate.

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