Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams
The reason the organization formerly known at the Republican Party is losing the abortion debate is because when they finally got what they claimed they always wanted, returning abortion to the states to decide, they became vicious and cruel about it.

They want to jail women who get abortions, they want to jail anyone who gives a ride to someone who gets an abortion, they want to form public posses to earn bounties for turning in anyone who helps a woman get an abortion or provides someone an abortion, they want to jail anyone who helps a woman leave the state to get an abortion.

And, contrary to what they always claimed, they want to make a national law banning abortion.

Just hate, hate, hate, and more hate.
Those who call themselves "pro-life" and "pro-choices" has been 50/50 for a long time.

However, when you ask people about abortions past the first trimester, 2/3 of Americans are opposed. This means a lot of people calling themselves "pro-choices" are actually in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade.

With their never ending burning hatred, the GOP is really blowing this issue. Big time.
The reason the organization formerly known at the Republican Party is losing the abortion debate is because when they finally got what they claimed they always wanted, returning abortion to the states to decide, they became vicious and cruel about it.

They want to jail women who get abortions, they want to jail anyone who gives a ride to someone who gets an abortion, they want to form public posses to earn bounties for turning in anyone who helps a woman get an abortion or provides someone an abortion, they want to jail anyone who helps a woman leave the state to get an abortion.

And, contrary to what they always claimed, they want to make a national law banning abortion.

Just hate, hate, hate, and more hate.

Hate would be killing the most innocent of all. Or a political agenda
The anti-abortionists are being vengeful rather than Christian in their pursuit of reducing abortions.

And this is going to result in major losses across the board for pro-lifers.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Bullshit. You're a left loon towing party lines.

Just stop
Look at my signature.

Search my posts about abortion.

You don't get to make shit up about people and get away with it.

You think bearing false witness is okay. This is exactly what I mean about hatred vs. Christianity.
The democrat Party cheats in the tens of millions column, so the notion of fair elections accurately reflecting ANYTHING is absurd

Republicans are the ones who cheat. They can't win any other way. They want to turn this country into Nazi Germany. Americans will reject that.
There is the problem. Most people seem to realize what you do not. At six weeks it is impossible for the Fetus to survive outside the Womb. So while it may be a human in a few more months, it really doesn’t qualify now.

If I handed you a Fetus. And even if you were surrounded by an unlimited budget, with every medical expert at hand. Nothing you or they could do would change the fact that the fetus will cease to live.

It can’t live on its own.

Another old saying. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

A lot of things can happen. Even if the Mother does everything she should. There are miscarriages, still births, and a host of other complications. It isn’t ever as simple as shouting that’s a human. It’s murder.

As evidenced by the elections I mentioned. It is the belief of the majority.
What makes a fetus “alive”?
Then why is it when a leftist has a drop of African blood they're considered black? Obama is less than half black.

Do you want to know what a real racist is?
It's anyone who thinks his race should be afforded special privileges due to their ethnicity.

A racist is someone who talks about special privileges. That is exactly how racists try to alibi for their racism.
A pro-abortionist will assent to the murder of a human fetus, but if you stomp on a sea turtle egg they will come after you with torches and pitchforks.
Democrat's view on abortion is that it is a woman's right to choose, all the way up to a nine month old fetus. That's not what most Americans believe.

Americans overwhelmingly supported and still do, Roe vs Wade. I just wonder how many elections you will lose before you get it.
Americans overwhelmingly supported and still do, Roe vs Wade. I just wonder how many elections you will lose before you get it.
Actually, two-thirds of Americans are opposed to abortions after the first trimester. That is in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.

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