Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

And there you go again, just rambling about random shit that has nothing to do with the thread topic.
And there you go again, just rambling about random shit that has nothing to do with the thread topic.
No, Bud, this is what is called an open discussion.
You made a false assumption and I responded to it.
Nothing random about it.

LOL, Thank you--is the male counterpart of that union being consulted before the murder? Nope, weeeeellllll, I guess that just isn't too important is it. The child is being murdered.

One always has the say. Someone always makes the decision. Right now, a wife, or sister, or husband, brother, or parent is making that decision. We don’t call it murder. The person on the ventilator doesn’t get a vote. The decision is made in consultation with Medical Professionals. That’s all we can do in such cases. Let the next of kin make the decision.

One person makes the decision on pulling the plug. One person makes the decision. In the case of an Abortion, that one person is the one who’s body is affected.

And in my opinion, that is the way it should be. Not a committee, or anything where outsiders get involved. The person, and the Doctor. Period.
One always has the say. Someone always makes the decision. Right now, a wife, or sister, or husband, brother, or parent is making that decision. We don’t call it murder. The person on the ventilator doesn’t get a vote. The decision is made in consultation with Medical Professionals. That’s all we can do in such cases. Let the next of kin make the decision.

One person makes the decision on pulling the plug. One person makes the decision. In the case of an Abortion, that one person is the one who’s body is affected.

And in my opinion, that is the way it should be. Not a committee, or anything where outsiders get involved. The person, and the Doctor. Period.
I really think you should have the right to murder babies.
I just have no intention on paying for it or having it done to get me out of trouble.
One always has the say. Someone always makes the decision. Right now, a wife, or sister, or husband, brother, or parent is making that decision. We don’t call it murder. The person on the ventilator doesn’t get a vote. The decision is made in consultation with Medical Professionals. That’s all we can do in such cases. Let the next of kin make the decision.

One person makes the decision on pulling the plug. One person makes the decision. In the case of an Abortion, that one person is the one who’s body is affected.

And in my opinion, that is the way it should be. Not a committee, or anything where outsiders get involved. The person, and the Doctor. Period.

Your problem is an individual on life support likely has no chance...an unborn has every chance
Abortion bans already have exceptions for that as well as rape and incest. Try again to justify murder, moron.

They do, and they don’t. If the Abortion for the safety of the Mother is performed, and later a Prosecutor finds a Doctor willing to testify that the Abortion wasn’t warranted, then it could still be considered murder.

If you were a Doctor would you even consider it if the outcome would be debated by others for days or weeks and could result in your being prosecuted for murder?
One person makes the decision.
That is where you are grossly mistaken. The decision was made by two people. The slut had opportunity the very next day to do something about it that was short of murder. Waiting until a child has a beating heart is the line in the sand. It is murder. You can twist yourself in as many pretzels as you choose and use as many unrelated examples as you want, the fact remains that a person is being murdered for the sole reason of the of an irresponsible slut.
They do, and they don’t. If the Abortion for the safety of the Mother is performed, and later a Prosecutor finds a Doctor willing to testify that the Abortion wasn’t warranted, then it could still be considered murder.

If you were a Doctor would you even consider it if the outcome would be debated by others for days or weeks and could result in your being prosecuted for murder?
Woulda, coulda, shoulda. The democrat bastion when no justification exists. Care to post a link to an abortion ban that does not address, rape, incest or the well-being of the mother? I'll wait.
The curse is that we have right wing bitches like you. Mothers have a right to life as well.
We are told over and over that these women are smarter than the rest. A million abortions a year is not a hundred thousand abortions a year. You forced the hand of the supreme court as the abortion industry was expanded over and over and when the abortion could still happen was after the birth of the child. Let's get all of the stats and where the abortions occur and who has them. Who has multiple abortions. Let's break it all down. So, we all can understand it.
Don't you understand.......both the left and the Neocons conspired to make it that way.
It's how they plan to bring this country down....by using women to vote like idiots and put the communists in power to the point where they can't be stopped.
That Rob Reiner quote in your signature is a hoax.
It isn’t murder. Again if I handed you a Fetus that was two months old. You couldn’t keep it alive with all the medical technology in the world. If it can’t live on its own it can’t be a human yet. Maybe it will be in the future. Maybe it won’t. We don’t know.
There are millions of living Americans who could not survive without medical technology. I guess it would be okay to murder them, too.

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