Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

That's funny considering that christians pray to god maybe once a week, while muslims pray to god five times a day, seven days a week.

Most Muslims pray five times a day, with their prayers being known as Fajr (before dawn), Dhuhr (afternoon), Asr (late afternoon), Maghrib (after sunset), and Isha (nighttime), always facing towards the Kaaba.

Where'd you come up with that false comment? Pull it out of your ass?
I never said it wasn't alive I said it wasn't a person yet. all human cells are human life but not all human life are persons.

I answered a question. You're going on trying to be coy

I'll remind you that you were once "cells, you should thank your parents
Nothing subjective about it.

There is a beating heart. Does that make it clear for you? Once again, the tired old "the fetal mass could not survive outside of the mother" doesn't fly either. Many people could not survive for a limited amount of time while on a ventilator. Does that give us the right to remove them from a ventilator because they are no more than a "fetal mass" (for all intents and purposes) at that point. Abortion for convenience is nothing more than legalized MURDER.

You are the one who is comparing apples and oranges. A so-called fetal heartbeat is not a heartbeat at all. The fact that it cannot survive outside of the mother does fly. Someone on a ventilator could survive outside of the womb if they were healthy. Taking someone off of a ventilator is generally not considered murder. That is what right wing sexist bigots say. Women take abortion seriously and do not do it for convenience.
According the to the law of the land, at birth.
That's not accurate at all.
From my own point of view at viability outside the womb.
So as scientific/medical techniques move forward when abortion transitions to murder moves closer and closer to conception in your mind? So if we had an artificial womb that doctors could place a just conceived baby into, all abortions would then be murder?
When a woman decides to have a baby, she decides the person it will be will die. Only fertile women have this choice. Not men, not moralists, not legislators.
It is a woman's decision.
I answered a question. You're going on trying to be coy

I'll remind you that you were once "cells, you should thank your parents
And I'll remind you that that particular argument is utterly meaningless since an aborted embryo never attains consciousness and is utterly oblivious.

But tell me something, since you think that a just fertilized human embryo is a person then you must consider the freezing of embryos a crime, correct?

If a lab tech drops a petri dish containing human embryos and "kills" a dozen of them he should be brought up on 12 counts of manslaughter, correct?
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Decades? The right to hire somebody to terminate the unborn life inside you has only been in effect for decades based on a bad S.C. decision that found a Constitutional "right to privacy" that did not exist. Despite the anger and the violence and the hatred on the left, it's possible that young women are relieved that they can't easily be forced into an abortion by an abusive husband or boyfriend.

It was not a bad Supreme Court decision. It stated that a woman makes the medical decisions for her body not politicians. We have a right to privacy even if Republicans do not agree. The anger, violence and hatred are on the fascist right. Since Trump became President in 2016, more people have been killed by right wing fascist Republicans than bu Islamic terrorists. Young women are voting against right wing Republican terrorists.
That's not accurate at all.

So as scientific/medical techniques move forward when abortion transitions to murder moves closer and closer to conception in your mind? So if we had an artificial womb that doctors could place a just conceived baby into, all abortions would then be murder?
Of course it is.

When is any person considered a citizen of the USA?

1 if either parent is a citizen
2 if that person is BORN in the USA

Nowhere does it say in our laws that every child conceived on US soil is a US citizen.

And there is the fact that every Supreme Court has interpreted the word "person" in the Constitution to mean a born person.

You really think there will be a point where we can grow an embryo into a fully functioning human in a bottle?

Tell you what I'll worry about that IF it ever happens in my life time, which it won't.
Oh, like the dems did here in Virginia during the two years they held total sway....That type of seizing power?

There's no participation trophies in real politics.

We see what Republicans are doing in states they hold control over. These states make up the Nazi States of Amereica.
Your disregard of the facts re: exceptions notwithstanding. The pregnant women DO NOT have the right to murder their offspring. It IS MURDER! There is no justification for aborting a child because it is inconvenient for the incubator. I won't use the word "mother" because that would be the ultimate misnomer. If the slut has unprotected sex, there are plan B pills. If she is too stupid to understand that she might have a fertilized egg in her womb, then she can offer the child up for adoption or just state that she does not want it at birth and the government will take over. Murdering an innocent child is barbaric and should be banned for any but the excepted instances which can be accomplished long before a heartbeat is present.

They are not murdering anyone. THERE IS NO MURDER! You are showing that you are sexist. Women do not take the decision lightly. There are no sluts except for you. Don't be surprised if they go after Plan B pills as well. You are the one who is stupid. If right wing fascists cared about women, they would offer alternatives even if it costs a few dollars. Republicans love a fetus until it comes out of the womb. Then they attack mothers who need help.
Yeah.....that's why you support abortion and why Trannies are killing children in Christian schools.
Cuz it's just talking-points.
There is a difference between supporting abortion and supporting choice.

I support individual rights and at the pinnacle of individual rights is the sovereignty over one's own body.
The only Nazis are the folks that attack Christians and gun-owners.
Satan is your master.
You murder us and then scream at us because we won't bow down to you.

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You are the Nazis. Right wing Christian nationalists are the attackers. They attack people who they do not agree with and act like they are God. You are Satan incarnate. You want to force your religion on us at the point of a gun. You Nazis are the ones who are killing us.
Nah.....I would have gladly put a bullet in his head.
Now you folks are acting like Nazis.
COVID proved that.
Masks and vaccine mandates.
View attachment 775327

You are saying that George Washinton was a Nazi. He imposed a vaccine mandate on his troops. Masks and vaccine mandates are about protecting the public. You do not get to do whatever you want if you live in society.
You are saying that George Washinton was a Nazi. He imposed a vaccine mandate on his troops. Masks and vaccine mandates are about protecting the public. You do not get to do whatever you want if you live in society.
Isn't it a little funny how so called "pro life" people are so quick to say they'd be "happy to put a bullet " in a person's head or that they tend to be all for capital punishment?

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