Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

There should be off-year ballot referendum on abortion in every state but the couple that already had them.....Let the people decide the issue by direct vote, not legislatures beholden to the crazies on either side of the issue.

When there is not a clear and present danger to society, there should be no law at all, and let each individual decide for themselves.
What the majority wants is not always best or legal.
When there is not a clear and present danger to society, there should be no law at all, and let each individual decide for themselves.
What the majority wants is not always best or legal.
It is never the right of the mob to tell people what they can and cannot do to their own bodies.
They do, and they don’t. If the Abortion for the safety of the Mother is performed, and later a Prosecutor finds a Doctor willing to testify that the Abortion wasn’t warranted, then it could still be considered murder.

If you were a Doctor would you even consider it if the outcome would be debated by others for days or weeks and could result in your being prosecuted for murder?

We are already seeing that. Women are being forced to carry dead fetuses in their womb for weeks. Women are suffering massive bleeding. It seems that right wing Christian nationalists do not believe that the pregnant woman has the right to life. It seems that it is a matter of time before a woman dies.
Anyone whose tax dollars kill babies with bombs has little ground for attacking a woman's decision not to give birth.
That is where you are grossly mistaken. The decision was made by two people. The slut had opportunity the very next day to do something about it that was short of murder. Waiting until a child has a beating heart is the line in the sand. It is murder. You can twist yourself in as many pretzels as you choose and use as many unrelated examples as you want, the fact remains that a person is being murdered for the sole reason of the of an irresponsible slut.

Women are not sluts. You clearly are as neanderthal pig. A fetus does not have a beating heart after six weeks. It is not murder. You are the ones who are twisting yourself into pretzels. Keep it up and you right wing Nazis won't be elected as dogcatchers.
Anyone whose tax dollars kill babies with bombs has little ground for attacking a woman's decision not to give birth.
No that's OK because pro life means only the unborn matter. Once people are born no one cares
Those who call themselves "pro-life" and "pro-choices" has been 50/50 for a long time.

However, when you ask people about abortions past the first trimester, 2/3 of Americans are opposed. This means a lot of people calling themselves "pro-choices" are actually in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade.

With their never ending burning hatred, the GOP is really blowing this issue. Big time.

The voting does not show that. Michigan's new laws allow abortion after the first trimester and that overwhelmingly won. The same in Vermont and it was supported by the Republican governor.
Exactly. Affirmative-Action, Reparations, special TV programs called "Black Voices", Changing superhero's ethnicity, changing The Little Mermaid into a Black Chick. Only Black Lives Matter.
The list goes on and on.

It proves that you are a racist. Your examples are bullshit. There is nothing that says a mermaid has to be white. Only racists think so. Superheroes can be black. You are pushing that only white lives matter and should count.
The voting does not show that. Michigan's new laws allow abortion after the first trimester and that overwhelmingly won. The same in Vermont and it was supported by the Republican governor.
The Michigan vote passed because if it didn't, a 1931 law banning abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest would have gone into effect.

This is what I mean. Right wing cruelty is backfiring. Bigly.

As for Vermont, that's a deep blue state. The home of socialist Bernie Sanders.
According the to the law of the land, at birth.

From my own point of view at viability outside the womb.
So as scientific/medical techniques move forward when abortion transitions to murder moves closer and closer to conception in your mind? So if we had an artificial womb that doctors could place a just conceived baby into, all abortions would then be murder?
Of course it is.

When is any person considered a citizen of the USA?

We weren’t talking about citizenship. We were talking about when abortion becomes illegal which varies from state to state
1 if either parent is a citizen
2 if that person is BORN in the USA

Nowhere does it say in our laws that every child conceived on US soil is a US citizen.

And there is the fact that every Supreme Court has interpreted the word "person" in the Constitution to mean a born person.

You really think there will be a point where we can grow an embryo into a fully functioning human in a bottle?

Tell you what I'll worry about that IF it ever happens in my life time, which it won't.
The # of weeks when a baby becomes viable has shrunk drastically in your lifetime and I dont have to know when you were born to know that. So under your definition when a baby becomes a person has changed dramatically as well.
It is the intentional and premeditated homicide of an innocent human being, the use of lethal and aggressive violent force to end the life of a victim.
And when does a fetus become a 'person'? No one knows, this is not something that science can address. It is the subject of philosophy, so the only determinant is judicial decree. Under Roe, that was at 22 weeks or so. Until we have a judicial decree on that point (which some states do) we do not have a legally established 'viability'. No one is recommending abortion for a fetus that has reached viability, and is legally decreed as a 'person'. So, before that adjudicated point, there is no 'person' and thus there is no murder, and your statement has no legal consequence. If your reasoning is based on a philosophical or religious view, please understand that even the Bible, in many places, treats the unborn as a commodity, as chattel. so, there is very little in law and religion to support your view, other than your own philosophical stance, which carries no weight in this debate. If philosophy is the basis, then 'whose philosophy'? As you can see, if we go there, the destination is chaos.
In all other cases, this is prosecuted as murder, the most severe category of murder, in every jurisdiction.

Moot point, see above.
Yep. The Tranny that shot up that Christian school was a right wing fascist.
The Tranny that beat up a female swimmer and kept her hostage for 3 hours is a right wing fascist.
Today a BLM supporter shot and killed several people in a bank in KY.

The guy that shot black people in Buffalo was a right wing fascist. The guy that targeted San Antonio did so because a large number of Hispanics live there. Since 2010, 21 people were killed by left wing violence while 117 were killed by right wingers.

The guy that shot black people in Buffalo was a right wing fascist. The guy that targeted San Antonio did so because a large number of Hispanics live there. Since 2010, 21 people were killed by left wing violence while 117 were killed by right wingers.

The only right wingers doing any shooting are Muslims.
Republicans send the FBI after parents speaking out at school board meetings?

Republicans have the FBI direct social media companies to censor speech?

Republicans have local DA indict opposing political candidates?

Your post get both 4 Pinocchios AND 3 Adolfs!

The FBI is investigating people who threaten school boards.

FBI is not directing social media companies.

A local DA is investigating local crimes and has nothing to do with political candidates.

Strike one for you! Strike two for you! Strike three for you! You are out.

Your post breaks the counter on Pinocchios and Adolfs. Adolf Hitler would love you and we could walk to the moon using your nose.
The FBI is investigating people who threaten school boards.

FBI is not directing social media companies.

A local DA is investigating local crimes and has nothing to do with political candidates.

Strike one for you! Strike two for you! Strike three for you! You are out.

Your post breaks the counter on Pinocchios and Adolfs. Adolf Hitler would love you and we could walk to the moon using your nose.

Lying or ignorant and I tend to believe it's lying because NO ONE is that clueless
Americans DON'T support a woman's right to choose at 9 months. How long will it be before the left get that? And, Americans DO support lower inflation and a better economy. How long will it be before the left get that? Right now Trump is on course for beating Biden in 2024. How long will it be before the left get that?

In 2016 Hillary had a 2% advantage in popular vote and still lost by quite a bit. The latest poll shows Trump with a 7% lead over Biden.

Again the election results do not show that. How long will it take for you to get that? We have inflation because greedy businesses are raising prices to fatten their profits. The economy is okay however Republicans are more concerned about cutting taxes for the rich.

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