Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

Your concession is noted.
Filed in the 'Wishful Delusions' file.
I don't recall using any disparaging remarks pointed at any one person so your "ad hom" remark is more grasping. I also used no generalizations. Again, troll somewhere else, your uninformed remarks have added nothing.
Let's take a look what you wrote:

You wrote:
That is where you are grossly mistaken. The decision was made by two people. The slut
Dehumanizing term of disparagement, as such, reduces your credibility to zero, and thus you cannot be taken seriously
had opportunity the very next day to do something about it that was short of murder. Waiting until a child has a beating heart is the line in the sand. It is murder.
Not the determining factor in law for viability.
While I am not a legal expert, I can provide you with some information on factors that have been used by court rulings to determine fetal viability in the context of abortion laws. Viability is typically understood as the point at which a fetus has the capacity to survive outside the womb, and it has been a significant factor in various court decisions. Here are some factors that courts have considered when determining fetal viability:

  1. Gestational age: Courts have often relied on the gestational age of the fetus to determine viability. Historically, this threshold has been set around 24 weeks of gestation. However, advances in medical technology have pushed this boundary earlier, with some cases of survival at 22 weeks or even earlier.
  2. Lung development: Lung development is a crucial factor in determining fetal viability, as the ability to breathe is essential for life outside the womb. Courts have considered the development of the fetus's lungs and its potential to breathe with medical assistance as a key factor in determining viability.
  3. Fetal weight: The weight of the fetus can be an important indicator of its overall development and ability to survive outside the womb. Courts have considered the fetus's weight in conjunction with other factors when assessing viability.
  4. Medical technology: The availability of advanced medical care and life-sustaining technology is an important factor when determining viability. As medical technology has improved, the chances of survival for premature infants have increased. Courts may consider the availability of such technology in their rulings.
  5. Overall health and development of the fetus: Courts may also take into account the overall health and development of the fetus, including the presence of any severe abnormalities or life-threatening conditions, when determining viability.
It is important to note that these factors can vary between jurisdictions and individual court decisions. Legal decisions regarding fetal viability are often complex and multifaceted, reflecting evolving societal values, scientific advancements, and legal frameworks.
You can twist yourself in as many pretzels as you choose
Incompetent point: weasel words lack sufficient coherence to merit a proper response.
and use as many unrelated examples as you want,
Oh, but I use only relevant examples, if and when I do use them, rest assured.
the fact remains that a person is being murdered for the sole reason of the of an irresponsible slut.
Incompetent point on two fronts:
1. Your point rests on viability, which has not been defined in law at the federal level, though some states have established the threshold for viability.
2. Highlighted is a derogatory term of dehumanizing disparagement, which reduces your credibility to zero, thus you cannot be taken seriously.

Upon such time you rectify the aforementioned defect in your rebuttals, I will be happy to engage.

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Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.​

What was the general position taken on baby killing when America was American…Before Mac1958 ’s people invaded our nation, before the America Hating Marxist movement, before immorality and indecency was sold through social networks and academia?

At the founding of our nation? There were no laws. There weren’t any laws until 1850.

The very first law said when the Mother could feel the kick of the baby, called the Quickening, then you couldn’t anymore.

But hey, we aren’t talking about the founders are we?
A fully developed person on a ventilator cannot survive without it, so lets just take people off of ventilators for the convenience of people around them regardless of whether or not they will eventually recover. Abortion is MURDER.
Why don't we just do away with ALL lifesaving modern medical science altogether?
Including lifesaving medications.
The Christian Taliban that insists that a modern medical miracle like safe abortions is "murder" and "against God's will" sounds like they'd prefer we just return to the dark ages where average lifespan was around 35 and the infant mortality rate over 50%.
Wasn't that really "God's will?"
That MOST babies would die in infancy?
Or is it medical SCIENCE that allows most infants in developed societies to live in the first place?
And if it is medical SCIENCE then isn't it that same SCIENCE which makes possible safe and LEGAL abortion?
Isn't it safe to say (since "God's" infant mortality rate was well over 50% before we intervened with uh...SCIENCE) that a modern medical procedure like abortion is actually MORE in line with "God's will" than expecting EVERY single unwanted infant to survive no matter what?
Dehumanizing term of disparagement, as such, reduces your credibility to zero, and thus you cannot be taken seriously
I don't think the truth is disparaging.



  1. A person considered to be sexually promiscuous

Incompetent point: weasel words
What was that you were saying about ad homs?
Oh, but I use only relevant examples
According to you
2. Highlighted is a derogatory term of dehumanizing disparagement, which reduces your credibility to zero, thus you cannot be taken seriously.
See the definition above. The fact that you see it as disparaging says more about your own feelings of guilt than mine. Bottom line, you have said NOTHING that disproves that abortion is MURDER for the convenience or irresponsible people. Sixty-four million lives have been taken since RvW, you should not feel proud of your part in that loss of life.
modern medical miracle like safe abortions
Murder, there I fixed it for you.
sounds like they'd prefer we just return to the dark ages where average lifespan was around 35 and the infant mortality rate over 50%.
What kind of logic is that. I am suggesting preserving the life of the most innocent among us and you are advocating for murder and somehow you equate that with midieval lifespan? Run along and come back when you can make a relevant point.
Again the election results do not show that. How long will it take for you to get that? We have inflation because greedy businesses are raising prices to fatten their profits. The economy is okay however Republicans are more concerned about cutting taxes for the rich.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, Republicans took back the House and have recently had 3 dems switch parties and polls show Trump over Biden, while polls also show Biden under water in approval numbers.
Rasmussen is not a legitimate poll.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, there was another one under that from a more legitimate source which also showed Trump ahead by 2, I believe. Also, remember that Hillary won the popular vote by 2 and had an electoral landslide against her. That means Biden would have to win by 3 or 4 just to have a 50/50 shot with the electoral college. Trump has been going up while Biden has been going down.
Troll somewhere else or at least read the entire thread. You are off base and it emphasizes your contrarian intentions. Re: your contention that my remarks dehumanize--LMAO, what is more dehumanizing than the taking of a human life. Quit projecting.
Your premise is predicated on your philosophy, which has no bearing in law. Viability is determined strictly by other factors. You comment did, indeed, contain derogatory terms, not appropriate in a serious discussion.
None of which give license to murder.
Predication on personal philosophy has no bearing on viability, which an only be established by judicial decree.
As you would have noted if you read the whole thread, there are "plan B" options that could be exercised the morning after--before any negligible development takes place. If that is not done, then adoption is a available.
I'm just noting your propensity to traffic in derogatory, dehumanizing, politically charged terms of disparagement, which reduces your credibility to zero, and thus you cannot be taken seriously. I don't need to read the thread to come to that particular conclusion.
There is no right to murder.
Premise is predicated on your personal philosophy, which is dominated by your emotional state, which has no legal significance,
Murder has absolutely nothing to do with reproduction. The taking of a life is totally contrary to reproduction. Try your pretzel logic on some other liberal. Just because you repeat the party line does not make it so.
See above.
The SCOTUS disagrees, take your tears to them.
I meant under Roe.
Again, read the thread. I am not going to rehash my position because you are too lazy to read.
No need -- you can't be taken seriously as your credibility, which is proven above, is zero, the only point in this comment

I have posted many threads detailed and robust, thus proving I am not lazy.

Summary of above link:
I meant under Roe.
Irrelevant to the discussion at hand. I will leave you with a point that you and your fellows that try to justify the taking of life for convenience will not accept. Abortion is the taking of a LIFE for no other reason than convenience. As I stated in an earlier post, abortion bans have exceptions for medical reasons, rape and incest. You are advocating for murder of convenience. Nothing more.

Summary of above link:
Both are Gross Speculation, got any real numbers. I could say that I have a study that shows the world could end tomorrow, but again that would be SPECULATION. Your feeble attempts to justify murder are a waste of my time.
When there is not a clear and present danger to society, there should be no law at all, and let each individual decide for themselves.
What the majority wants is not always best or legal.
It was left up to the states to decide by the highest court in the land so let's decide it.
Here is your "human" at 6 weeks when heartbeat is detected.
Appears more reptilian than human.
Wouldn't you agree?
Some might argue that this thing isn't really a "human baby" until after birth when it is CONDITIONED to be such.
Until then it is just an embrionic/fetal animal.

A human skull is not fully developed until the age of two, and puberty is not attained until teen years. Are you basing excusing murder on the development of the human? You are poorly educated and have no clue as to what you are talking about.
Your point rests on viability, which has not been defined in law
Keep YOUR words in YOUR mouth. I have not used the word viability. As I stated before, READ THE THREAD. I have stated that a person on a ventilator is dependent on that machine to live and using your logic, we should be able to remove them from that machine for convenience sake. Replace ventilator and machine with "incubator, host body, LOL 'mother'" and you will see that abortion for convenience is no different than removing a person from a ventilator for "convenience"
Murder, there I fixed it for you.

What kind of logic is that. I am suggesting preserving the life of the most innocent among us and you are advocating for murder and somehow you equate that with midieval lifespan? Run along and come back when you can make a relevant point.
Eradicating an unwanted embryonic/fetal mass is not murder.
Your "god" does it all the time. Indiscriminately and randomly.
This issue is not even about "morality" or some "sanctity of life" as The Christian Taliban have led you to believe.
It is about religion viewing women as reproductive chattel and continuing to opress them by controlling their reproductive autonomy over their own bodies.

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