Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

Your "god" does it all the time. Indiscriminately and randomly.
You know nothing about me, so keep your unfounded assumptions to yourself. But since you feel this is an issue to bring God into, are you now equating yourself with God because you can murder a helpless life?
This issue is not even about "morality" or some "sanctity of life" as The Christian Taliban have led you to believe.
Again, why are you promoting your religion and trying to make it mine?
It is about religion viewing women as reproductive chattel
Naw, that was what happened when the irresponsible sex to place. Run along now, you cannot and have not justified the murder of an innocent with your feeble attempts. You have not even attempted to address the Plan B option. LMAO, that would require you to abandon your love for murdering innocents. I understand.
You know nothing about me, so keep your unfounded assumptions to yourself. But since you feel this is an issue to bring God into, are you now equating yourself with God because you can murder a helpless life?

Again, why are you promoting your religion and trying to make it mine?

Naw, that was what happened when the irresponsible sex to place. Run along now, you cannot and have not justified the murder of an innocent with your feeble attempts. You have not even attempted to address the Plan B option. LMAO, that would require you to abandon your love for murdering innocents. I understand.
My, my!
Such inflammatory, tug-at-the-emotions language you radical freaks have to resort to in order to make your ridiculous argument.
Surgical procedure covers it pretty adequately.
Innocent whats,
Cells ?
I have asked the question already....and nobody seems to be able to answer it.
Is the killing of ANY "living" mass of "human" cells murder?
How about a tumor removal?
Heart transplant?
And so on.
These are medical procedures to remove (human) tissue.
These cells are only PART of the human organism....the same as an embryo or fetus.
If they are unwanted/undesired we simply remove them.
We don't yell and scream "OH MY GOD....SAVE THE WITTLE BABIEEES!"
And then pat ourselves on our sanctimonious backs for being some kind of social justice morality warriors!

If you need a "cause" to make yourself feel self-important pick something that doesn't fuck with someone else's basic human rights.
Keep YOUR words in YOUR mouth. I have not used the word viability. As I stated before, READ THE THREAD. I have stated that a person on a ventilator is dependent on that machine to live and using your logic, we should be able to remove them from that machine for convenience sake. Replace ventilator and machine with "incubator, host body, LOL 'mother'" and you will see that abortion for convenience is no different than removing a person from a ventilator for "convenience"
You made the allegation that abortion is murder. That is a claim independent of the OP.

Therefore, the context of the OP need not be referenced, as my comment is directly and singularly pertinent to that claim.

First, You claim it's always murder, that is your personal philosophy or based on religion, which has no basis in law.

Now then regarding viability, since viability is the only pertinent fact regarding your claim, 'in theory'.

Although I am not a legal expert, but I can provide some general information on this topic. In theory, some people might consider abortion as equivalent to murder post-viability under certain circumstances. These circumstances might include:

  1. Late-term abortions: If an abortion is performed after the point of viability, it might be seen as morally or legally equivalent to murder by some, especially if the fetus would have a high likelihood of survival outside the womb with medical intervention.
  2. Lack of life-threatening medical conditions: If the pregnant person and the fetus do not have any life-threatening medical conditions or severe health complications, some might argue that a post-viability abortion is akin to murder because the pregnancy could have been carried to term without significant risk to either party.
  3. Absence of severe fetal abnormalities: In cases where the fetus has no severe abnormalities or conditions that would result in a significantly reduced quality of life or a short life expectancy, some might consider a post-viability abortion morally equivalent to murder.
  4. Non-medical reasons for abortion: If an abortion is sought after viability for non-medical reasons (such as financial hardship or a change in personal circumstances), some people might view this as morally or legally equivalent to murder.
It's important to note that the legal status of post-viability abortions varies greatly depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances of each case. In the United States, for example, the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade (1973) and subsequent decisions have established that states have a stronger interest in regulating or prohibiting abortions after the point of fetal viability, except when the life or health of the pregnant person is at risk. Each country and jurisdiction may have its own laws and regulations regarding post-viability abortions, which can significantly impact how such procedures are viewed and treated.

Public opinion on this matter varies, and there is no single answer that represents everyone's perspective. It is essential to consider the nuances of each situation and the legal and ethical frameworks at play when discussing these complex issues.
Both are Gross Speculation, got any real numbers. I could say that I have a study that shows the world could end tomorrow,
Strawman, read the studies.
but again that would be SPECULATION. Your feeble attempts to justify murder are a waste of my time.
Conclusion from data provided by studies is not speculation, it is extrapolation, learn the difference. Speculation would be to conclude something without data. to conclude something in emotion and/or philosophy or religion, which is what you are doing.

Speculation is to assume abortion is murder. that is an emotional/philosophical statement. It can never rise to a level called 'fact'.

That you do, you are wasting time this forum's time insofar as serious discussion.

Please educate yourself.

And I'll remind you that that particular argument is utterly meaningless since an aborted embryo never attains consciousness and is utterly oblivious.

But tell me something, since you think that a just fertilized human embryo is a person then you must consider the freezing of embryos a crime, correct?

If a lab tech drops a petri dish containing human embryos and "kills" a dozen of them he should be brought up on 12 counts of manslaughter, correct?

It's murder...and you'll never ever change my mind

Now be gone
I don't think the truth is disparaging.



  1. A person considered to be sexually promiscuous
It's a dehumanizing derogatory term

Your use of it is testament to your debate incompetence

You could have used 'promiscuous', and you would not be criticized.

However, if you are basing a conclusion on a generality, you'd' be criticized for that.
Surgical procedure covers it pretty adequately.
Euthanasia would be the word you're looking for if it makes you feel better. Just another term for medically assisted MURDER.
Is the killing of ANY "living" mass of "human" cells murder?
I responded. You didn't read it or you disregarded it if you did. Did those cells have a heartbeat?
These cells are only PART of the human organism
LMAO, you're a moron. You are not talking about removing a part. You are advocating the murder of a living human being.
Conclusion from data provided by studies is not speculation,
Educate yourself! "Could" is not a conclusion--it is speculation and by no means can it be construed as an end result. SMFH.
You could have used 'promiscuous', and you would not be criticized.
So now in addition to promoting changing the term "murder"
to the completely false "reproductive healthcare" you want to also limit your vocabulary to another single term because it makes you feel better. Guess what? I don't care if it make you feel terrible. I care for the life that you would take for convenience.
Of course not, your mind is closed and your debate skills are incompetent
Back at you. Your arrogance keeps you from accepting reality.
Euthanasia would be the word you're looking for if it makes you feel better. Just another term for medically assisted MURDER.

I responded. You didn't read it or you disregarded it if you did. Did those cells have a heartbeat?

LMAO, you're a moron. You are not talking about removing a part. You are advocating the murder of a living human being.
That is only a subjective opinion...based upon emotion.
It is fine to have emotions but you should not presume to FORCE your subjective emotional FEELINGS upon others.
There is an old saying, I’d call it a curse. Watch what you wish for. You just might get it.

For decades Conservatives dreamed of overturning Roe. They salivated at ending this right. They imagined that this would be the culmination of all their dreams.

For elected Republicans the trap is right here before them. If they back off of Abortion to represent the majority view, they alienate the base and lose their positions. If they embrace the base they still risk losing their positions to a majority populist view.

For decades Republicans claimed that the Democrats didn’t dare allow the issue onto the ballot as they would lose. It was a favorite claim of Rush Limbaugh as one example. But the truth turns out to be much stranger than fiction. Every time Abortion is on the ballot the Left wins.

Now this is apparently supported by polling which shows roughly 60% of the people supporting the right to an Abortion in most cases. In other words the standards of the old Roe decision.

So how did this happen? How did decades of polling get it so wrong? I think it is money where the mouth was syndrome.

I don’t like Abortions. I would prefer the woman choose another path. However my dislike doesn’t change my duty as an American to protect her rights. As I argue to protect other rights, even if the individual is doing something I disagree with, I argue in favor of the woman’s right to choose her own path.

For those who would argue it is a Sin. Perhaps it is. But I’m not the one who judges such things. That is God. That is between God and her. I may be able to pray that God have mercy. But that is about all I can do.

I always oppose someone having their rights stripped away. I would hope that you feel the same way. I suspect many of you do not.

I posted my reply to this topic in another thread. Reps are idiots. All they have done is bring more dems into the world that could have been killed, instead of growing up to destroy America. Also, banning abortion kills the reps chances to win elections.


Gfy Rump Hole. If personal responsibility was practiced abortion numbers would drop drastically

Goddamn dumbass
Yes. It's called birth control. The saving grace is more and more women are choosing not to have kids which will continue to reduce abortions. It's a win all the way around.
That is only a subjective opinion...based upon emotion.
Nothing subjective or emotional about it. You are more than welcome to research the definition of Euthanasia. It is in the dictionary. A medical procedure with a planned end result of ending a life is nothing more than MURDER. You are twisting in the wind. Your lack of ability to accept responsibility for your actions is on you, not me or anyone else. Those who promote abortion for convenience are murderers by proxy.
Nothing subjective or emotional about it. You are more than welcome to research the definition of Euthanasia. It is in the dictionary. A medical procedure with a planned end result of ending a life is nothing more than MURDER. You are twisting in the wind. Your lack of ability to accept responsibility for your actions is on you, not me or anyone else. Those who promote abortion for convenience are murderers by proxy.
According to your own "logic" here then the same must apply to anybody who supports war.
Any war.
Or capital punishment.
Or the "right" of murderers to possess guns.

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