Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

It has nothing to do with 'his baby'... except when 'it's his baby' is your cry when you want his money.

Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.

Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:

Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!
"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:
Keep it to yourself.

Regardless of what you think, you have described the fairness of the situation.

Time to quit whining and act like a big boy.


the "tough bitch" act still won't get you my sperm, baby but it may work for a few others around here. I'll check around and see if anyone is intersted. :lol:

Why must you speak to women you do not know this way, dilloduck? It is so slimely I can see the snail trail from here.
Keep it to yourself.

Regardless of what you think, you have described the fairness of the situation.

Time to quit whining and act like a big boy.


the "tough bitch" act still won't get you my sperm, baby but it may work for a few others around here. I'll check around and see if anyone is intersted. :lol:

Why must you speak to women you do not know this way, dilloduck? It is so slimely I can see the snail trail from here.

You mean sperm trail don't you?
Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.

Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:

Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!
So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
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Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:

Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!
So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.
Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!
So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.
Where did I say anything about any 'lack of progress'? :confused:

My point is, and I do believe that I have clearly stated it over and over is that for women to keep our progress, we need not to seek power at the cost of integrity and fairness, but seek equality.

Femnazi: That term used to piss me off. I consider myself a feminist. I have considered myself one since I was a child. Now, I totally understand what it means.

I don't need any crutch of being a 'poor, oppressed woman so give me special rights and special accommodations' to succeed at anything. I don't WANT that as I can stand on my own and don't want anyone to marginalize my accomplishments based on some crutch. I just want the playing field to be even. That's all I need.

When the umps favor one team, there is no sweetness of victory. In fact, there is danger of appeal.
So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.
Where did I say anything about any 'lack of progress'? :confused:

My point is, and I do believe that I have clearly stated it over and over is that for women to keep our progress, we need not to seek power at the cost of integrity and fairness, but seek equality.

Femnazi: That term used to piss me off. I consider myself a feminist. I have considered myself one since I was a child. Now, I totally understand what it means.

I don't need any crutch of being a 'poor, oppressed woman so give me special rights and special accommodations' to succeed at anything. I don't WANT that as I can stand on my own and don't want anyone to marginalize my accomplishments based on some crutch. I just want the playing field to be even. That's all I need.

When the umps favor one team, there is no sweetness of victory. In fact, there is danger of appeal.
There are no special rights here.

And the actions of a few women do nothing to take away the constitutionally given rights of all women.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.
Where did I say anything about any 'lack of progress'? :confused:

My point is, and I do believe that I have clearly stated it over and over is that for women to keep our progress, we need not to seek power at the cost of integrity and fairness, but seek equality.

Femnazi: That term used to piss me off. I consider myself a feminist. I have considered myself one since I was a child. Now, I totally understand what it means.

I don't need any crutch of being a 'poor, oppressed woman so give me special rights and special accommodations' to succeed at anything. I don't WANT that as I can stand on my own and don't want anyone to marginalize my accomplishments based on some crutch. I just want the playing field to be even. That's all I need.

When the umps favor one team, there is no sweetness of victory. In fact, there is danger of appeal.
There are no special rights here.

And the actions of a few women do nothing to take away the constitutionally given rights of all women.
I believe there are with respect to not only forcing a man to pay for something he never wanted (assistance to the mother of the child he didn't want), but being able to imprison him if he defaults. Debtors prisons are sooooo two centuries ago.

I understand that a man is just as responsible for the conception of the unwanted pregnancy as the woman is. I don't see either as being more or less responsible for that. The woman, by biology, is THE only one who decides to take that pregnancy to term, even if a man does not want to be a father. There is no balance at all in rights or accommodations.

I also understand that the child needs the best shot at a decent life. There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child. 'In the best interest of the child' does not mean screw the father. There are plenty of couples who would be more than thrilled to give the child a great home.
Sure there is a balance. All a man need do is find out what a woman he has casual sex with will do if she becomes pregnant. If he doesn't ask or care, then the decision is none of his business.

Women can and are also forced to pay child support or face prison so that argument is a non-starter.
Sure there is a balance. All a man need do is find out what a woman he has casual sex with will do if she becomes pregnant. If he doesn't ask or care, then the decision is none of his business.

Women can and are also forced to pay child support or face prison so that argument is a non-starter.

Its actually simpler than that ravi. All a man needs to do is keep his sperm to himself.

Sure there is a balance. All a man need do is find out what a woman he has casual sex with will do if she becomes pregnant. If he doesn't ask or care, then the decision is none of his business.

Women can and are also forced to pay child support or face prison so that argument is a non-starter.

Its actually simpler than that ravi. All a man needs to do is keep his sperm to himself.

Is it really that simple? And the woman needs to do what? :eusa_eh:
Where did I say anything about any 'lack of progress'? :confused:

My point is, and I do believe that I have clearly stated it over and over is that for women to keep our progress, we need not to seek power at the cost of integrity and fairness, but seek equality.

Femnazi: That term used to piss me off. I consider myself a feminist. I have considered myself one since I was a child. Now, I totally understand what it means.

I don't need any crutch of being a 'poor, oppressed woman so give me special rights and special accommodations' to succeed at anything. I don't WANT that as I can stand on my own and don't want anyone to marginalize my accomplishments based on some crutch. I just want the playing field to be even. That's all I need.

When the umps favor one team, there is no sweetness of victory. In fact, there is danger of appeal.
There are no special rights here.

And the actions of a few women do nothing to take away the constitutionally given rights of all women.
I believe there are with respect to not only forcing a man to pay for something he never wanted (assistance to the mother of the child he didn't want), but being able to imprison him if he defaults. Debtors prisons are sooooo two centuries ago.

I understand that a man is just as responsible for the conception of the unwanted pregnancy as the woman is. I don't see either as being more or less responsible for that. The woman, by biology, is THE only one who decides to take that pregnancy to term, even if a man does not want to be a father. There is no balance at all in rights or accommodations.

I also understand that the child needs the best shot at a decent life. There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child. 'In the best interest of the child' does not mean screw the father. There are plenty of couples who would be more than thrilled to give the child a great home.

For me the balance comes in the choices and decisions before conception. The field is level. The woman has nothing of the mans and the man has nothing of the woman's. If a man does not care about the conquest of what his sperm could do that is his problem for being careless. Don't complain about what is "fair" after the fact.

Si modo wrote in part:

There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child.

You are a woman hater and a baby hater. There just is no other name for this kind of thinking.

How is that being a woman hater and baby hater? Use the whole quote and take it in context.

I believe there are with respect to not only forcing a man to pay for something he never wanted (assistance to the mother of the child he didn't want), but being able to imprison him if he defaults. Debtors prisons are sooooo two centuries ago.

I understand that a man is just as responsible for the conception of the unwanted pregnancy as the woman is. I don't see either as being more or less responsible for that. The woman, by biology, is THE only one who decides to take that pregnancy to term, even if a man does not want to be a father. There is no balance at all in rights or accommodations.

I also understand that the child needs the best shot at a decent life. There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child. 'In the best interest of the child' does not mean screw the father. There are plenty of couples who would be more than thrilled to give the child a great home.
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Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.

Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:

Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!

I have no opinion on someone's sexual activeness or lack thereof if they don't ask/force me to. Shaming people who are sexually active and unwilling to accept the consequences of their choices? You'd better frigging believe it, and there's no reason on Earth that I, personally, cannot be critical of people who expect their consequences to be suffered by others.

I am famous for telling young women that if they are not mature enough to tend to their own health, well-being, and future, then they aren't mature enough to be having sex, and I absolutely stand by that position.
Keep it to yourself.

Regardless of what you think, you have described the fairness of the situation.

Time to quit whining and act like a big boy.


the "tough bitch" act still won't get you my sperm, baby but it may work for a few others around here. I'll check around and see if anyone is intersted. :lol:

Why must you speak to women you do not know this way, dilloduck? It is so slimely I can see the snail trail from here.

Why shouldn't he talk to women that way? Are they somehow more special and fragile than men, and requiring of special treatment? :eusa_angel:
for maddie, since you asked

The Feminist Case Against Abortion

[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]"When you consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."

[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]Elizabeth Cady Stanton[/FONT]


Do you also have a link to A Black Man Explains The Benefits Of Slavery?

Not wanting to kill your child is...slavery? :eusa_eh:

Motherhood is slavery?

You want to take by force someone else's hard-earned money because of a decision you made, and you want to talk about slavery?
"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:


WHAT is up with the EXTREMELY creepy bodily fluids sharing imagery you guys fling at Ravi?

You're making my eyes bleed here, dilloduck.

Sperm is a natural substance men are born with, Madeline. Many women lust after it. I think you should look into your "issues".


You just failed Sex Ed. Women are born with all their eggs. Men produce sperm.
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

The vast majority of men already know if they would be involvedt or not. That some women do not attempt to find out a man's position/nature/character before they give spread their legs is the fault, and only the fault, of the women in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for 'women' like mad, ravi, and JB, and sy. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

Else admit you're not responsible to make any choice for yourself in the first place...
for maddie, since you asked

The Feminist Case Against Abortion

[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]"When you consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."

[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]Elizabeth Cady Stanton[/FONT]


Do you also have a link to A Black Man Explains The Benefits Of Slavery?

Not wanting to kill your child is...slavery? :eusa_eh:

Motherhood is slavery?

You want to take by force someone else's hard-earned money because of a decision you made, and you want to talk about slavery?

Interesting. Blacks' major complaint about slavery is that whites broke up their families, separating children from their Daddies. Yours is, we don't separate men from their babies anymore.

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