Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

practice birth control gentlemen and you wont have this issue....again...when a man carelessly releases his sperm into a woman...said sperm becomes hers...to do with as she wishes.....simple solution...dont be releasing said sperm willy nilly
practice birth control gentlemen and you wont have this issue....again...when a man carelessly releases his sperm into a woman...said sperm becomes hers...to do with as she wishes.....simple solution...dont be releasing said sperm willy nilly
When she uses her egg to make his child, it becomes part of a child that is his as well as hers.

Now... why do you support her 'right' to kill his baby if she doesn't want to have stretch marks without the father having a say in whether his child dies yet have such an issue with her being expected to own up of she decides to have a child outside of a committed relationship?
Except when you want his money....

Try using the whole quote so that what i say is in context.

Then Cesarean Section it out, insert it into a mans body and let him gestate it.

So long as only a woman can gestate, so long as it is only her body that carries the baby, then that is her choice and hers alone.

It has nothing to do with "his" baby. It has everything to do with the sole control of your own body.

It has nothing to do with 'his baby'... except when 'it's his baby' is your cry when you want his money.

Ah, JB, still objecting to some men "having to be" Daddies. Do you also object to them "having to be" Adults?

for maddie, since you asked

The Feminist Case Against Abortion

[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]"When you consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."

[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]Elizabeth Cady Stanton[/FONT]
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Except when you want his money....

Try using the whole quote so that what i say is in context.

Then Cesarean Section it out, insert it into a mans body and let him gestate it.

So long as only a woman can gestate, so long as it is only her body that carries the baby, then that is her choice and hers alone.

It has nothing to do with "his" baby. It has everything to do with the sole control of your own body.

Women cannot gestate without the consent of a male. You should be honored.
And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!
for maddie, since you asked

The Feminist Case Against Abortion

[FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]"When you consider that women have been treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."

[/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,arial,helvetica]Elizabeth Cady Stanton[/FONT]


Do you also have a link to A Black Man Explains The Benefits Of Slavery?
Try using the whole quote so that what i say is in context.

Women cannot gestate without the consent of a male. You should be honored.
And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!

"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:
Women cannot gestate without the consent of a male. You should be honored.
And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!

"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:


WHAT is up with the EXTREMELY creepy bodily fluids sharing imagery you guys fling at Ravi?

You're making my eyes bleed here, dilloduck.
And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!

"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:


WHAT is up with the EXTREMELY creepy bodily fluids sharing imagery you guys fling at Ravi?

You're making my eyes bleed here, dilloduck.

Sperm is a natural substance men are born with, Madeline. Many women lust after it. I think you should look into your "issues".
"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:


WHAT is up with the EXTREMELY creepy bodily fluids sharing imagery you guys fling at Ravi?

You're making my eyes bleed here, dilloduck.

Sperm is a natural substance men are born with, Madeline. Many women lust after it. I think you should look into your "issues".
Christian/Puritan issues, no less.

WHAT is up with the EXTREMELY creepy bodily fluids sharing imagery you guys fling at Ravi?

You're making my eyes bleed here, dilloduck.

Sperm is a natural substance men are born with, Madeline. Many women lust after it. I think you should look into your "issues".
Christian/Puritan issues, no less.

Indeed--I was bit shocked to learn that, Maddy had them but I should know by now that many are still afflicted with Victorian prudery.:dunno:
Women cannot gestate without the consent of a male. You should be honored.
And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!

"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:
Keep it to yourself.

Regardless of what you think, you have described the fairness of the situation.

Time to quit whining and act like a big boy.

And men can't give birth without the consent of a female.

You just proved it equal, good work dildo!

"It takes two to tango" was proven a log time ago, Ravi. Do try to keep up. I would share some sperm with you but you but I'm afraid you might abuse it. :lol:
Keep it to yourself.

Regardless of what you think, you have described the fairness of the situation.

Time to quit whining and act like a big boy.


the "tough bitch" act still won't get you my sperm, baby but it may work for a few others around here. I'll check around and see if anyone is intersted. :lol:
Except when you want his money....

Try using the whole quote so that what i say is in context.

Then Cesarean Section it out, insert it into a mans body and let him gestate it.

So long as only a woman can gestate, so long as it is only her body that carries the baby, then that is her choice and hers alone.

It has nothing to do with "his" baby. It has everything to do with the sole control of your own body.

It has nothing to do with 'his baby'... except when 'it's his baby' is your cry when you want his money.

Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.
Try using the whole quote so that what i say is in context.

It has nothing to do with 'his baby'... except when 'it's his baby' is your cry when you want his money.

Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.

Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.


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