Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

No JB, don't you know that the man is suppose to keep his sperm to himself while she does not have to do any of the above?

They both do. Simple as that. Or do you think that I (not speaking for anyone but myself) don't advocate females using birth control?

However if it the men who seem to be the ones with the problem then they need to take control of their sperm.
They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.

I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

"Men have all the control in this situation"? What, because only men are capable of deciding not to fuck? :eusa_eh:

"The men are the only ones whining", huh? Funny how it wasn't whining when WOMEN felt they were being treated like second-class citizens - as you all like to say - but as soon as they manage to cobble together a biased playing field for themselves, anyone ELSE'S objections ARE whining. Double standard much? Or is it just that it's not allowed to argue with the gospel as decided by the sacred, holy bearers of the uterus? And I say this as a female who really believes feminists give us all a bad name.
Si modo wrote in part:

There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child.

You are a woman hater and a baby hater. There just is no other name for this kind of thinking.
And you're fucking nuts.

You prove it in most of your posts.

Your input here and anywhere is useless other than to provide tragic and comedic relief.

Seek professional help, hag. Seriously.
It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.
Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision. She has every opportunity to avoid becoming or remaining a single mother. Innumerable birth control methods, adoption agencies, Safe Place, abortion services. If her choice is to become a single mother, then she needs to grow up. Old enough to have a baby, old enough to be a mom. Lose the helpless little woman act.

So you are saying a man can just fuck around and sorry your pregnant, im out of here?

I have said in many threads. If a woman is not financially able to take care of a child on her own then she has no business having a baby.

That being said, it does not excuse a man his half of the responsibility of a live birth.

How hard is that one to understand?

Isn't that what the mother says to the sperm "I'm pregnant--you're outta here" ?
They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.
I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

Look at the OP again---it's clearly a woman whining about men.:eusa_whistle:
They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.

I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

"Men have all the control in this situation"? What, because only men are capable of deciding not to fuck? :eusa_eh:

"The men are the only ones whining", huh? Funny how it wasn't whining when WOMEN felt they were being treated like second-class citizens - as you all like to say - but as soon as they manage to cobble together a biased playing field for themselves, anyone ELSE'S objections ARE whining. Double standard much? Or is it just that it's not allowed to argue with the gospel as decided by the sacred, holy bearers of the uterus? And I say this as a female who really believes feminists give us all a bad name.

Now where have i said men should keep their dicks in their pants? I am saying men should keep their sperm to themselves. You do know what a condom are? Problem solved. (for the most part) No sperm, no fertilized egg, no pregnancy, no abortion or non abortion, no one whining about anything. Yes in my opinion men have all the control of this situation.

If it was the sacred uterus there would be no issue of a womans total right to choose what her uterus bears. Since that is a question up for debate it is obviously not the sacred uterus.
They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.
I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

Look at the OP again---it's clearly a woman whining about men.:eusa_whistle:

I would whine too if a gun was put to my head and kidnapped.

No sperm involved either. :eusa_whistle:

I suggest you look at the OP again too. Clearly the man is whining so much he went off the deep end.
I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.

I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

"Men have all the control in this situation"? What, because only men are capable of deciding not to fuck? :eusa_eh:

"The men are the only ones whining", huh? Funny how it wasn't whining when WOMEN felt they were being treated like second-class citizens - as you all like to say - but as soon as they manage to cobble together a biased playing field for themselves, anyone ELSE'S objections ARE whining. Double standard much? Or is it just that it's not allowed to argue with the gospel as decided by the sacred, holy bearers of the uterus? And I say this as a female who really believes feminists give us all a bad name.

Now where have i said men should keep their dicks in their pants? I am saying men should keep their sperm to themselves. You do know what a condom are? Problem solved. (for the most part) No sperm, no fertilized egg, no pregnancy, no abortion or non abortion, no one whining about anything. Yes in my opinion men have all the control of this situation.

If it was the sacred uterus there would be no issue of a womans total right to choose what her uterus bears. Since that is a question up for debate it is obviously not the sacred uterus.

Ah, yes. The "infallible condom". Because suggesting that those evil men just stop fucking irresponsible women would prevent them from being used as sex toys by same, hmmm? And we certainly don't want any reality - like the comparatively abysmal failure rate of condoms - to get in the way of the right to indiscriminately fuck men we don't like very much, now do we?

Seems to me that "no issue of a woman's right" to fuck and kill with impunity - and absolutely no silly talk about them controlling their own horny vaginas - is exactly what you're advocating, thus I attribute to you the belief in the "sacred uterus bearers" who should be able to say and do any abhorrent thing they like without argument.

But I tell you what, sweetie. As one uterus bearer to another, how's about you accuse ME of "whining" about your repugnant double standard, rather than attacking those poor penis bearers for daring to think they have any rights beyond dropping trou and servicing you silently?

Honestly, the more I listen to feminists talk, the more I want to secede from the female gender and start my own. :puke:
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Now where have i said men should keep their dicks in their pants?

And her very next post...

Just as men have the ability to keep their dicks in their pants.

You're like a caricature of yourself...

Yes in my opinion men have all the control of this situation.

Yes... because the pill doesn't exist, abortions are illegal, and women are stupid, mindless creatures with no ability to actively decide for themselves when and where or with whom to engage in sexual intercourse...

It seems you're the one who's anti-woman, given the way you view females.
Are you a paraplegic? Most women have the ability to close their legs...

Just as men have the ability to keep their dicks in their pants.

Are you really JD_2B ?
JD_2B's last post activity

  • Last Activity: 03-28-2010 09:49 AM

Sy joined in May

I'm not saying they're the same person; I am saying I can't tell them apart.

Tell us, Sy... ever been worried about your dog getting you pregnant?
Ah, yes. The "nfallible condom" Because suggesting that those evil men just stop fucking irresponsible women would prevent them from being used as sex toys by same, hmmm? And we certainly don't want any reality - like the comparatively abysmal failure rate of condoms - to get in the way of the right to indiscriminately fuck men we don't like very much, now do we?

Seems to me that "no issue of a woman's right" to fuck and kill with impunity - and absolutely no silly talk about them controlling their own horny vaginas - is exactly what you're advocating, thus I attribute to you the belief in the "sacred uterus bearers" who should be able to say and do any abhorrent thing they like without argument.

But I tell you what, sweetie. As one uterus bearer to another, how's about you accuse ME of "whining" about your repugnant double standard, rather than attacking those poor penis bearers for daring to think they have any rights beyond dropping trou and servicing you silently?

Honestly, the more I listen to feminists talk, the more I want to secede from the female gender and start my own. :puke:

Sweet, i don't have a double standard. Both parties should have though of getting pregnant before the issue came up. If men don't want to be fathers they need to keep their sperm to themselves. If women don't want to be mothers they should use birth control. If a baby is the outcome, they are both responsible for it once its born. Rather simple don't you think and no double standard involved.
Just as men have the ability to keep their dicks in their pants.

Are you really JD_2B ?
JD_2B's last post activity

  • Last Activity: 03-28-2010 09:49 AM

Sy joined in May

I'm not saying they're the same person; I am saying I can't tell them apart.

Tell us, Sy... ever been worried about your dog getting you pregnant?

Poor babies try again. I have no idea who you are talking about. So go grasp another straw.


Now where have i said men should keep their dicks in their pants?

And her very next post...

Just as men have the ability to keep their dicks in their pants.

You're like a caricature of yourself...

Yes in my opinion men have all the control of this situation.

Yes... because the pill doesn't exist, abortions are illegal, and women are stupid, mindless creatures with no ability to actively decide for themselves when and where or with whom to engage in sexual intercourse...

It seems you're the one who's anti-woman, given the way you view females.

Again the men have all of the control in this situation.
Are you a paraplegic? Most women have the ability to close their legs...

Just as men have the ability to keep their dicks in their pants.

Do try and keep up with the conversation. If you ask stupid questions after post expect a stupid answer

Yes... because the pill doesn't exist, abortions are illegal, and women are stupid, mindless creatures with no ability to actively decide for themselves when and where or with whom to engage in sexual intercourse...

It seems you're the one who's anti-woman, given the way you view females.

So long as it takes sperm to make a baby, men have all the control. If they don't want to be a father they need to keep their sperm to themselves.

If women don't want to be mothers they have the same options as men...birth control.

So long as it takes sperm to make a baby, men have all the control.

yes... no egg or womb required... men just ejaculate into the air and a baby is magically formed... then they sneak into your room at night and cast a spell that shrinks the baby so it can crawl into your stomach and give you stretch marks...

and, of course, sometimes dog sperm makes a puppy on the carpet and it magically makes its way across the floor at night...
So long as it takes sperm to make a baby, men have all the control.

yes... no egg or womb required... men just ejaculate into the air and a baby is magically formed... then they sneak into your room at night and cast a spell that shrinks the baby so it can crawl into your stomach and give you stretch marks...

Get control of yourself. You're babbling.
So long as it takes sperm to make a baby, men have all the control.

yes... no egg or womb required... men just ejaculate into the air and a baby is magically formed... then they sneak into your room at night and cast a spell that shrinks the baby so it can crawl into your stomach and give you stretch marks...

Get control of yourself. You're babbling.

But his babbling is HILARIOUS for those of us that suffered through that 75 page abortion thread with JD_2B
But, it is not nice in any way to claim they are the same JB. Not even I can fling an insult of that order!!!

OTOH, I thought that we all agreed that it was not fair and the issue lied in the consequences of that action. We covered that ABORTION was the key point where that inequality existed and that AFTER the equally bad choices that were made by BOTH parties the mother suddenly had the universal 'out' of abortion and the man was not allowed that universal out. Then, for some inane masochistic reason the argument returned to this fruitless bullshit of straw men. One side claiming that the other want men in bondage and the other side claiming that they wanted women subject to a man's whims.

GAT A CLUE. That is not what anyone is saying.


The argument that the man has 'all the control' is moot and idiotic as the EXACT SAME THING can be placed on the woman's control and leads us nowhere. The real focus should be on the viability of a system that allowed men a fair shake and whether or not that can be implemented.
yes... no egg or womb required... men just ejaculate into the air and a baby is magically formed... then they sneak into your room at night and cast a spell that shrinks the baby so it can crawl into your stomach and give you stretch marks...

Get control of yourself. You're babbling.

But his babbling is HILARIOUS for those of us that suffered through that 75 page abortion thread with JD_2B
But, it is not nice in any way to claim they are the same JB. Not even I can fling an insult of that order!!!

OTOH, I thought that we all agreed that it was not fair and the issue lied in the consequences of that action. We covered that ABORTION was the key point where that inequality existed and that AFTER the equally bad choices that were made by BOTH parties the mother suddenly had the universal 'out' of abortion and the man was not allowed that universal out. Then, for some inane masochistic reason the argument returned to this fruitless bullshit of straw men. One side claiming that the other want men in bondage and the other side claiming that they wanted women subject to a man's whims.

GAT A CLUE. That is not what anyone is saying.


The argument that the man has 'all the control' is moot and idiotic as the EXACT SAME THING can be placed on the woman's control and leads us nowhere. The real focus should be on the viability of a system that allowed men a fair shake and whether or not that can be implemented.

Viability didn't make a difference when it came to affirmative action. Why should it now ?

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