Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.
Well it would be the child wanting his money, not the woman.

Again if a man doesn't want to be put in that position he should keep his sperm to himself. A rather easy solution to HIS problem.

Strangely enough, it would also be the child wanting to use her uterus, not the man.

Again, if a woman doesn't want to be put in that position, she should keep her eggs to herself. A rather easy solution to HER problem. :eusa_whistle:

Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!

She's not shaming anyone. She's telling sexually active women to grow the fuck up and be responsible.

She's speaking like a feminist; you're whining like a little girl.
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

The vast majority of men already know if they would be involvedt or not. That some women do not attempt to find out a man's position/nature/character before they give spread their legs is the fault, and only the fault, of the women in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for 'women' like mad, ravi, and JB, and sy. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

Else admit you're not responsible to make any choice for yourself in the first place...

I don't give a flying monkey fuck what emotions you have over me. And since when are you a chick?

Hermaphrodite much?
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

No JB, don't you know that the man is suppose to keep his sperm to himself while she does not have to do any of the above?
Of all people to be trying to shame the sexually active woman, Cecilie! YOU?!
So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.

No implied agreement... to have or rear a child...

I'll just let that one hang out there.
My point is, and I do believe that I have clearly stated it over and over is that for women to keep our progress, we need not to seek power at the cost of integrity and fairness, but seek equality.


Si is a female?
I don't need any crutch of being a 'poor, oppressed woman so give me special rights and special accommodations' to succeed at anything. I don't WANT that as I can stand on my own and don't want anyone to marginalize my accomplishments based on some crutch. I just want the playing field to be even. That's all I need.

So, it's OK to say such to a man, but saying it to woman is shameful.

Gotta love your idea of fair - 'fuck men'. :cuckoo:

If women keep this shit up - lack of honor, fairness, responsibility, equality, integrity - eventually we lose our progress. THAT is shameful in its shortsightedness.
Lack of progress? As I stated above...a man should make an attempt to find out beforehand if a woman he is in a casual relationship agrees to bear his child. There is no implied agreement here as you and a few others seem to believe.

No implied agreement... to have or rear a child...

I'll just let that one hang out there.
Go right ahead. I have stated repeatedly that fathers should not be held responsible.

You can't seem to accept the facts of biology and seem increasingly bitter.
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

The vast majority of men already know if they would be involvedt or not. That some women do not attempt to find out a man's position/nature/character before they give spread their legs is the fault, and only the fault, of the women in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for 'women' like mad, ravi, and JB, and sy. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

Else admit you're not responsible to make any choice for yourself in the first place...

I don't give a flying monkey fuck what emotions you have over me. And since when are you a chick?

Hermaphrodite much?

1) Meh. I copy-pasted and edited

2) Does it matter Whether my name is James or Jane? Does it matter if I have 34Cs and a thick cock? Not if you don't buy into sexist stereotypes or judge people by their genitalia. But you clearly do, because you're not a feminist- you're a chauvinist.
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The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

The vast majority of men already know if they would be involvedt or not. That some women do not attempt to find out a man's position/nature/character before they give spread their legs is the fault, and only the fault, of the women in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for 'women' like mad, ravi, and JB, and sy. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

Else admit you're not responsible to make any choice for yourself in the first place...

I don't give a flying monkey fuck what emotions you have over me. And since when are you a chick?

Hermaphrodite much?

Why such profanity?

Why so emotional?
The vast majority of men already know if they would be involvedt or not. That some women do not attempt to find out a man's position/nature/character before they give spread their legs is the fault, and only the fault, of the women in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for 'women' like mad, ravi, and JB, and sy. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

Else admit you're not responsible to make any choice for yourself in the first place...

I don't give a flying monkey fuck what emotions you have over me. And since when are you a chick?

Hermaphrodite much?

1) Meh. I copy-pasted and edited

2) Does it matter Whether my name is James or Jane? Does it matter if I have 34Cs and a thick cock? Not if you don't buy into sexist stereotypes or judge people by their genitalia. But you clearly do, because you're not a feminist- you're a chauvinist.
You edited my quote and came up with JB? I never posted JB...:lol:. Why are you afraid to tell the truth?
Si modo wrote in part:

There, the woman can make that happen as well - abort or give up the unwanted child.
You are a woman hater and a baby hater. There just is no other name for this kind of thinking.
Wait... so pro-choice = anti-woman ?

That makes you.... what, exactly, aside from a blathering idiot desperately trying to paint anyone and everyone with the same brush and covering yourself in your own bs in the process?
I don't give a flying monkey fuck what emotions you have over me. And since when are you a chick?

Hermaphrodite much?

1) Meh. I copy-pasted and edited

2) Does it matter Whether my name is James or Jane? Does it matter if I have 34Cs and a thick cock? Not if you don't buy into sexist stereotypes or judge people by their genitalia. But you clearly do, because you're not a feminist- you're a chauvinist.
You edited my quote and came up with JB? I never posted JB...:lol:. Why are you afraid to tell the truth?


Why are you so obsessed with my genitalia?
1) Meh. I copy-pasted and edited

2) Does it matter Whether my name is James or Jane? Does it matter if I have 34Cs and a thick cock? Not if you don't buy into sexist stereotypes or judge people by their genitalia. But you clearly do, because you're not a feminist- you're a chauvinist.
You edited my quote and came up with JB? I never posted JB...:lol:. Why are you afraid to tell the truth?


Why are you so obsessed with my genitalia?
Why are you afraid to tell the truth?
I'll tell ya what, love, you cover drinks at the bar down the way and, if you're cute, maybe I'll take you home and you can learn all about my sexuality for yourself.

No promises; I'm not a floozy.
:lol: The only point you've made is that you think you should be the sole person in control in any given situation.

There is nothing to address.

Do you also have a link to A Black Man Explains The Benefits Of Slavery?

Not wanting to kill your child is...slavery? :eusa_eh:

Motherhood is slavery?

You want to take by force someone else's hard-earned money because of a decision you made, and you want to talk about slavery?

Interesting. Blacks' major complaint about slavery is that whites broke up their families, separating children from their Daddies. Yours is, we don't separate men from their babies anymore.

How much more "separated" can a man be from his child than for the child to be dead?
The vast majority of women already know if they would abort or not. Therefore, they have made the decision before sex occurs. That some men do not attempt to find out a woman's view before they give away their sperm is the fault, and only the fault, of the men in question.

It is impossible for me to feel pity for men like dillo, cornjob, and Buttemia. You want responsibility? Then grow up.

They don't get the part of keeping their serm to themselves. They just want to whine about it all being "unfair to men." Its rather simple, don't get a woman pregnant and there will be no problem to deal with later.

They don't get the part about keeping their legs closed, taking the pill, using the foam- you know, being responsible like a grown-ass woman should. They just want to whine about men and how much they hate being female. It's rather simple, don't get pregnant and there'll be no problem.

I have no problem telling women they need to use birth control and being responsible. Just as i have no problem telling men to keep their sperm to themselves. That being said no sperm no problem. Again the men have all of the control in this situation. If they don't want to be a parent keep their sperm to themselves.

This is beyond all of that. The deed is done. No one is whining about being female. No one is whining about men. The men are the only ones whining.

I agree, don't get pregnant and don't get a woman pregnant. Problem solved.

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