Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

When a man can gestate a baby then he CAN say that too. As it is, only a woman can do that. It is her body and she has the right to choose what she is going out HER both though.

Then when a woman earns what is in a man's wallet, she should have a say in what comes out of it, not before.

The woman isn't taking anything out of a mans wallet. His child is.

The woman doesn't have a say in how much he must pay. The court does.

Not if that child is aborted before it becomes a child (using YOUR logic, my idea of when it becomes a child is MUCH different than yours)
What makes you think it has to be equal?

Then who says the man should equally be financially responsible for the child?

Are you beginning to see how this works. You can't have it both ways. PERIOD.

:lol: Both issues sit on firm legal ground already.

At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.
Then when a woman earns what is in a man's wallet, she should have a say in what comes out of it, not before.

The woman isn't taking anything out of a mans wallet. His child is.

The woman doesn't have a say in how much he must pay. The court does.

Not if that child is aborted before it becomes a child (using YOUR logic, my idea of when it becomes a child is MUCH different than yours)

A woman right to choose what she does with her body is also THE LAW. She has the absolute right to choose to have an abortion or not, without interference from any quarter.

Agreed. And that is a different topic for a different thread. Do try and stick to the topic.
Then who says the man should equally be financially responsible for the child?

Are you beginning to see how this works. You can't have it both ways. PERIOD.

:lol: Both issues sit on firm legal ground already.

At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.

So go start your campaign for men to abandon their children then.
:lol: Both issues sit on firm legal ground already.

At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.

So go start your campaign for men to abandon their children then.

That isn't even close to what I have EVER said and you know it
At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.

So go start your campaign for men to abandon their children then.

That isn't even close to what I have EVER said and you know it

You mean like the way you misrepresent what people say? Oh the irony.
At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.

So go start your campaign for men to abandon their children then.

That isn't even close to what I have EVER said and you know it

What's the matter? Don't like someone putting words into YOUR mouth? Seems you don't like two way streets.
At one time slavery was on firm legal ground, so was beating your wife.

At one time it was legally accepted that women couldn't vote, nor divorce .

Laws adjust to correct their inequality all the time.

So go start your campaign for men to abandon their children then.

That isn't even close to what I have EVER said and you know it

That's precisely what it comes down to though, which is the point...It's not about you.
Yes, it is the womens decision to abort or not. It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.

and who is that fair to? How is that EQUAL?

They both had sex. The both made a baby. No one was raped. They are both responsible for it. That is equal.
If it's his baby, too... why do you support her unilateral 'right' to kill his child?

Make up your mind.
It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.
Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision. She has every opportunity to avoid becoming or remaining a single mother. Innumerable birth control methods, adoption agencies, Safe Place, abortion services. If her choice is to become a single mother, then she needs to grow up. Old enough to have a baby, old enough to be a mom. Lose the helpless little woman act.

So you are saying a man can just fuck around and sorry your pregnant, im out of here?

I have said in many threads. If a woman is not financially able to take care of a child on her own then she has no business having a baby.

That being said, it does not excuse a man his half of the responsibility of a live birth.

How hard is that one to understand?

He wasn't the one who decided to have a child outside of a committed relationship.

She was.
I wonder if these women-and-baby-haters also believe that if a man or woman ends the commitment after the baby is born, the woman should have to smother it?

I mean, does the baby get to live even after the man no longer wants it?
Only one person has spoken of smothering babies.

It's the same poster calling for satanists to unite.

Draw your own conclusions.
What makes you think it has to be equal?

Then who says the man should equally be financially responsible for the child?

Are you beginning to see how this works. You can't have it both ways. PERIOD.

The law says so. End of story.

The law once said a white man had a right to his negroes.

The law once said women couldn't refuse their husbands sex.

The law once said women couldn't vote.

Is there nothing higher than the law of the State?
Then who says the man should equally be financially responsible for the child?

Are you beginning to see how this works. You can't have it both ways. PERIOD.

The law says so. End of story.

The law...and basic human decency.

Some would claim that 'basic human decency' would preclude having a child out of a committed relationship, having sex outside marriage, and.or abortion...

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