Abortion: Why Men Don't Get A Say

Nice try to deflect.

Moving back to the topic at hand.

I want to understand why some of you can't acknowledge that just leaving men completely out of the decision making process is absolutely going to cause some to simply abandon their responsibilities? I also wonder why some of you don't seem to care that men can care about a child to.

So answer the question. Where did she say any of that?

I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.

What cant stand on your own now conjob"

Don't put words in my mouth and don't represent my attitudes on anything.

It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.

Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision.

I think the very fact that you support a father's right to abandon his own child marks you as a pathetic loser, JB. Children need Daddies just as they need Mommies, and as a society we should be searching for ways to strengthen the father-child bond, not eliminate it.

You are a beshitted little twerp.
So answer the question. Where did she say any of that?

I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.
Sy hates that she's a woman. She loathes the fact that sex involves penetration and demonizes men for the nature of the act. She loathes the fact that women carry children, can't grasp that not all women hate their children, and hates babies because they're an evil parasite infesting her and causing stretch marks. The only reason she can imagine for not killing a baby is to use it to as a means to control, dominate, and punish a the man who penetrated her.

In short: Sy = JD_2B

We're just waiting for her to claim her dog got her pregnant; then we'll have clone of the 'What should Abortion Laws Be?' thread. All the bullshit she's been posting was debunked over there. It's standard feminazi rhetoric.

syrenn said:
Hi, you have received -109 reputation points from syrenn.
Reputation was given for this post.

right back at ya


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I guess the truth hurts, eh sy?
Yes, it is the womens decision to abort or not. It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.

and who is that fair to? How is that EQUAL?
It's not fair. Get over it. It is reality.

Hey, you women are the ones who claim you want equality, fine stop lying. Don't claim you want equality because that is NOT what you want.

Speaking of reality, the REALITY is that over 70% of fathers who owe child support in this country are fathers who were not in a committed relationship when said child support began, how many of those cases could have simply been non issues if the man would have been given the opportunity to say " I don't want to be involved with the child?" How much tax money could have been saved? And don't give me any BS about the fathers owe the kids the money, because the reality is that they are not getting that money from the fathers anyway.
I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.
Sy hates that she's a woman. She loathes the fact that sex involves penetration and demonizes men for the nature of the act. She loathes the fact that women carry children, can't grasp that not all women hate their children, and hates babies because they're an evil parasite infesting her and causing stretch marks. The only reason she can imagine for not killing a baby is to use it to as a means to control, dominate, and punish a the man who penetrated her.

In short: Sy = JD_2B

We're just waiting for her to claim her dog got her pregnant; then we'll have clone of the 'What should Abortion Laws Be?' thread. All the bullshit she's been posting was debunked over there. It's standard feminazi rhetoric.

syrenn said:
Hi, you have received -109 reputation points from syrenn.
Reputation was given for this post.

right back at ya


Note: This is an automated message.

I guess the truth hurts, eh sy?

Oh, she can't take criticism, she must lash out, including retaliating with neg rep, instead of just taking her medicine when she says or does something stupid.
So answer the question. Where did she say any of that?

I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.

What cant stand on your own now conjob"

Don't put words in my mouth and don't represent my attitudes on anything.

LOL @ THAT hypocrisy
I've had this debate with Syrenn several times, Her attitude is obvious. If you weren't so busy sucking up to her maybe you would notice that she actually finds you to be nothing but a contemptible animal who needs to be beaten down.

You accuse me of hating women, when it is in fact Syrenn who hates men. What other explanation is there for someone who says the things she says.
Sy hates that she's a woman. She loathes the fact that sex involves penetration and demonizes men for the nature of the act. She loathes the fact that women carry children, can't grasp that not all women hate their children, and hates babies because they're an evil parasite infesting her and causing stretch marks. The only reason she can imagine for not killing a baby is to use it to as a means to control, dominate, and punish a the man who penetrated her.

In short: Sy = JD_2B

We're just waiting for her to claim her dog got her pregnant; then we'll have clone of the 'What should Abortion Laws Be?' thread. All the bullshit she's been posting was debunked over there. It's standard feminazi rhetoric.

All true, there was another thread she was in in which she pointedly said SEVERAL times that all men are dogs unless and until they can prove that they can take no for an answer from her. She hates men

:lol: Only certain men. Get your facts straight.
and who is that fair to? How is that EQUAL?
It's not fair. Get over it. It is reality.

Hey, you women are the ones who claim you want equality, fine stop lying. Don't claim you want equality because that is NOT what you want.

Speaking of reality, the REALITY is that over 70% of fathers who owe child support in this country are fathers who were not in a committed relationship when said child support began, how many of those cases could have simply been non issues if the man would have been given the opportunity to say " I don't want to be involved with the child?" How much tax money could have been saved? And don't give me any BS about the fathers owe the kids the money, because the reality is that they are not getting that money from the fathers anyway.
I. don't. think. fucktard. parents. should. be. forced. to. pay. child. support.

Of either gender.

Oh, wait...you do.
I love how people presume to know all about other people, merely because they have a difference of opinion. Quite shallow.


When you've had MULTIPLE conversations with a woman and heard her scream that men are animals and such and that a man should just shut up and either have a kid or not totally dependent on the woman's issues and pay his child support or else; it's pretty easy to ascertain that she hates men.

Funny i wasn't screaming about anything your were. Its pretty easy to ascertain that men who don't pay child support a dead beat dads.
The incident with the stripper was 18 years ago, and the link was an accident. Do you get browny points from Sy for obsessing over me?

Excuses, excuses. Obsess over a slimeball? Lol! Just handing out some of your own medicine.

No, you're obsessing, trying to score some points with Syrenn. You must resort to this tactic because you have nothing to offer to the discussion.

Please tell me why you believe a man should not have ANY say in whether he becomes a father or not. Prove you have ANYTHING to offer this thread other than some lame half insults.

Funny coming from you. Do YOU have anything to say other then derailing another thread into a conjob?
It's not fair. Get over it. It is reality.

Hey, you women are the ones who claim you want equality, fine stop lying. Don't claim you want equality because that is NOT what you want.

Speaking of reality, the REALITY is that over 70% of fathers who owe child support in this country are fathers who were not in a committed relationship when said child support began, how many of those cases could have simply been non issues if the man would have been given the opportunity to say " I don't want to be involved with the child?" How much tax money could have been saved? And don't give me any BS about the fathers owe the kids the money, because the reality is that they are not getting that money from the fathers anyway.
I. don't. think. fucktard. parents. should. be. forced. to. pay. child. support.

Of either gender.

Oh, wait...you do.

I do what? I have two children, One I have had sole custody of since he was 2, the other with my current wife.
Hey, you women are the ones who claim you want equality, fine stop lying. Don't claim you want equality because that is NOT what you want.

Speaking of reality, the REALITY is that over 70% of fathers who owe child support in this country are fathers who were not in a committed relationship when said child support began, how many of those cases could have simply been non issues if the man would have been given the opportunity to say " I don't want to be involved with the child?" How much tax money could have been saved? And don't give me any BS about the fathers owe the kids the money, because the reality is that they are not getting that money from the fathers anyway.
I. don't. think. fucktard. parents. should. be. forced. to. pay. child. support.

Of either gender.

Oh, wait...you do.

I do what? I have two children, One I have had sole custody of since he was 2, the other with my current wife.
riiiiiiiiiiight...and you've cried like a baby several times that your "ex-wife" didn't pay child support.
So you're saying you wish someone had killed you instead?

No, Cecilie. Try to be a tad more compassionate and read what I actually wrote. I saw children driven to suicide by the abuses they suffered...and that is just for starters.

I'm being neither compassionate NOR uncompassionate. I'm asking a very logical question, based on the thread you yourself responded to. Adoption was suggested as an alternative to abortion. It was derided as a "poor choice" because lives of adopted/foster children are sometimes bad. Adoption was then championed as often bringing about excellent results. You then responded by talking about how awful it was for you, and that you therefore think that putting children in that system is a bad idea. So that leads one to conclude that you think death - the choice that adoption was offered instead of - is preferable to adoption/foster care. And you yourself said in another post that you thought it would be more humane to smother children than to allow them to have less-than-ideal childhoods.

All things considered, it's completely logical for me to ask you, as someone putting yourself forward as representative of and expert on foster care, if you therefore wish someone had killed you rather than allow you to experience life as a foster child.

I myself, while sorry that you had a bad childhood, am actually quite glad that you are here now, rather than being "humanely" killed in infancy.

Okay, I see. I am opposed to (almost all) government action that would result in more children in foster care. However, I do not favor killing children to avoid the need to place them in foster care.

I think my POV about abortion generally is, by now, pretty clear.
I. don't. think. fucktard. parents. should. be. forced. to. pay. child. support.

Of either gender.

Oh, wait...you do.

I do what? I have two children, One I have had sole custody of since he was 2, the other with my current wife.
riiiiiiiiiiight...and you've cried like a baby several times that your "ex-wife" didn't pay child support.

Correct, she hasn't , the difference being we decided TOGETHER to have said child. No one forced her to become a parent against her will, thus she should help support said child.
Sy hates that she's a woman. She loathes the fact that sex involves penetration and demonizes men for the nature of the act. She loathes the fact that women carry children, can't grasp that not all women hate their children, and hates babies because they're an evil parasite infesting her and causing stretch marks. The only reason she can imagine for not killing a baby is to use it to as a means to control, dominate, and punish a the man who penetrated her.

In short: Sy = JD_2B

We're just waiting for her to claim her dog got her pregnant; then we'll have clone of the 'What should Abortion Laws Be?' thread. All the bullshit she's been posting was debunked over there. It's standard feminazi rhetoric.

syrenn said:
Hi, you have received -109 reputation points from syrenn.
Reputation was given for this post.

right back at ya


Note: This is an automated message.

I guess the truth hurts, eh sy?

Oh, she can't take criticism, she must lash out, including retaliating with neg rep, instead of just taking her medicine when she says or does something stupid.

What a piece of work you are! We've ALL seen the gratutuitous negs reps YOU dole out on a regular basis and your hounding and harassment of ladies in PMs is legend. Now tell us again WHO retaliates with neg rep! You hypocritical, whining baby!
It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.

Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision.

I think the very fact that you support a father's right to abandon his own child marks you as a pathetic loser, JB. Children need Daddies just as they need Mommies, and as a society we should be searching for ways to strengthen the father-child bond, not eliminate it.

You are a beshitted little twerp.

That seems to be their main point...Fighting for the means of getting even with that evil wench Mother Nature who dares not want her body under government control.

As far as giving a man the opportunity to relinquish parental rights, although it would be financially detrimental to the well-being of the child, I agree with Ravi. How much better is it for the child to have a reluctant father who is always causing financial stress on the family anyway?
And if she chooses to, that's her choice, too.

Ergo, it's on her to be responsibility for the results of her decision, whichever it might be.

Yes, it is the womens decision to abort or not. It is BOTH of their responsibilities if the baby is born.

and who is that fair to? How is that EQUAL?

They both had sex. The both made a baby. No one was raped. They are both responsible for it. That is equal.
Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision.

I think the very fact that you support a father's right to abandon his own child marks you as a pathetic loser, JB. Children need Daddies just as they need Mommies, and as a society we should be searching for ways to strengthen the father-child bond, not eliminate it.

You are a beshitted little twerp.

That seems to be their main point...Fighting for the means of getting even with that evil wench Mother Nature who dares not want her body under government control.

As far as giving a man the opportunity to relinquish parental rights, although it would be financially detrimental to the well-being of the child, I agree with Ravi. How much better is it for the child to have a reluctant father who is always causing financial stress on the family anyway?

We have just such a child in my family, Val. After fighting, bitching and behaving like an ass, my nephew has bonded with the baby and is FINALLY growing up to be a Daddy. I think he'll be a fine one. Some men need support to bond with babies, especially babies they don't live with and whose Mommies they now despise....but most will, given enough support.

I'll throw the men's rights crew on here a bone, though. Regardless of the circumstances at the baby's birth, I think we should stop jailing men who fail to pay support if -- and only if -- they have a provable inability to pay through no fault of their own.
Only if he originally said or implied he had any intention of sticking around. Then she has a case to argue that he made a commitment and needs to own up.

If she chooses to have a child outside of a committed relationship, then she needs to own up to that decision.

I think the very fact that you support a father's right to abandon his own child marks you as a pathetic loser, JB. Children need Daddies just as they need Mommies, and as a society we should be searching for ways to strengthen the father-child bond, not eliminate it.

You are a beshitted little twerp.

That seems to be their main point...Fighting for the means of getting even with that evil wench Mother Nature who dares not want her body under government control.

As far as giving a man the opportunity to relinquish parental rights, although it would be financially detrimental to the well-being of the child, I agree with Ravi. How much better is it for the child to have a reluctant father who is always causing financial stress on the family anyway?

That's what I said pages ago. AND the fact is that the states could get rid of their CSEs pay the delinquent child support directly to the custodial parents and come out ahead financially. It doesn't make sense to spend $50K over the course of 18 years to collect $5K in child support. Those are averages spent per case and collected per case in the US from 1999-2009. Sorry I can't link to it, it is a paper report that is part of the research one of the members of our fathers right's group has collected. i know of nowhere online to find that information in one nice site.

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