Abortionist: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is infanticide and ALL democrats support it. If your own child interferes with your life, they say kill it.
Abortionist: 'This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop' | CNS News

March 20, 2013

(CNSNews.com) – Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist now on trial in Philadelphia charged with seven counts of first-degree murder--he allegedly cut the spinal cords of late-term aborted babies who were born alive--apparently used to joke about the large size of some the infants he aborted and in one case, according to what a co-worker told the grand jury, said, “This baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.”

Gosnell, 72, who ran a multi-million dollar abortion business in West Philadelphia, was arrested on Jan. 19, 2011, and his trial started Monday, Mar. 18, 2013. The first-degree murder counts refer to seven late-term aborted babies who were born alive and then killed, their spinal cords cut with scissors.


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