Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?


Fuck you. You don't, and have never, presented any facts. You're a discredited porn weirdo whose greatest joy is to see women degraded, and who interjects his repulsive self into every single abortion discussion, and holds out to the very end, posting lies and baby killing propaganda throughout the entire discussion. You present lies as if they were previously proven and which can't BE proven.

Like the lie that there were just as many abortions prior to RvW as after it. That's an outright lie...yet you have been committed to it for YEARS when it comes to this discussion. I have shown you to be a liar dozens, scores of times...as have others...yet you continue to doggedly continue to post all the discredited and vile rhetoric. You know you're lying, I know you're lying, and every person who has watched you on this board knows you're lying.

So what motivates a sleezeball to continue to post the very lies he's been outed with, over and over?

I don't even want to imagine. All I know is that you're a liar...and not an accidental one. You deliberately tell lies to minimalize the horror of abortion, and to encourage women it's in their best interests to support the abortion and porn industries.

You're disgusting. I've no doubt you're a criminal in real life, but worse, you're a fucking lying pervert, with all the revolting connotations that go with it, which you exemplify on this board.

Honestly, I don't know how scummy people can stand themselves...let alone be okay with knowing how other people view them. Ordinary people would at least try to appear normal. Not you, though. You wallow in your depravity, you wear it like a badge, and you appear to be proud of your lies (which aren't even clever...just blatant...) What sort of person does that make you? Exactly the sort of person you are. Dishonest, dangerous, perverted.

The problem is, you just rant and rant about porn and exploiting women...

And you didn't offer one fact, figure or statistic to back up your claim.

I on the other hand, have posted the birth rate (Did not drop after Roe V. Wade) and evidence of countries like the Philippines where abortion is illegal and they have a higher rate of them than we do.

Because you don't like a fact doesn't make it any less a fact.

Facts are fact.

Now, I would love to have less abortions. But you don't get there by outlawing them.

You get there with better sex education, stronger social programs, economic equality, and so on.
I'm not a Catholic, zealot. I'm a Southern Baptist.

You said "there is no culture of death". I am pointing out that the terminology was coined by the Church and that if the culture of life is (and it is) pro-life, anti-death, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia...then certainly the drooling ghouls who are pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-sterilization, pro-death are certainly members in good standing of the Culture of Death.

Here's a quarter. Hire a rat to lick the saliva flecks off your computer monitor.

Once again your ignorance of what it means to live your life by Christian values never ceases to amaze, especially considering that YOU are lecturing us about our lack of values. What part of Christ's message of love and respect for others do you not understand? Why did you persist in insulting posters? Is this how a good Christian treats people, strangers even?

You are supposed to live your life as an example to others. Your example is one of condescension, hate and intolerance. You insult and berate others at every opportunity. If Jesus knocked on your door and asked for a meal, you'd call him a bum and lecture him on personal responsibility.

Last, but certainly not least, Southern Baptists don't use the Crucifix in their iconography, they show the empty cross to signify the Risen Christ, as do all Protestant denominations. The Baptist Church traces it's roots back to the Reformation when the Protestant movement began in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church and its violence and corruption.

My in-laws are Baptists, and they would not be quoting ANYTHING the Catholic Church teaches for direction.

I'm not buying what you're selling.
Some of the issues that are included in the Catholic Church's description of the culture of life include:

  • Crusades
  • Inquisitions
  • Witch Burnings
  • Religious wars
  • Collaboration with the Nazis
  • Collabortion with Juntas in Latin America
  • Molesting Altar boys
  • Telling people infected with HIV they can't use condoms

Lol. You're a moron. You know that, right?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I'm not a Catholic, zealot. I'm a Southern Baptist.

You said "there is no culture of death". I am pointing out that the terminology was coined by the Church and that if the culture of life is (and it is) pro-life, anti-death, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia...then certainly the drooling ghouls who are pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-sterilization, pro-death are certainly members in good standing of the Culture of Death.

Here's a quarter. Hire a rat to lick the saliva flecks off your computer monitor.

Once again your ignorance of what it means to live your life by Christian values never ceases to amaze, especially considering that YOU are lecturing us about our lack of values. What part of Christ's message of love and respect for others do you not understand? Why did you persist in insulting posters? Is this how a good Christian treats people, strangers even?

You are supposed to live your life as an example to others. Your example is one of condescension, hate and intolerance. You insult and berate others at every opportunity. If Jesus knocked on your door and asked for a meal, you'd call him a bum and lecture him on personal responsibility.

Last, but certainly not least, Southern Baptists don't use the Crucifix in their iconography, they show the empty cross to signify the Risen Christ, as do all Protestant denominations. The Baptist Church traces it's roots back to the Reformation when the Protestant movement began in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church and its violence and corruption.

My in-laws are Baptists, and they would not be quoting ANYTHING the Catholic Church teaches for direction.

I'm not buying what you're selling.

You obviously aren't competent to comprehend what I'm selling. Join hollie and joe on the bench, loon.
I'm not a Catholic, zealot. I'm a Southern Baptist.

You said "there is no culture of death". I am pointing out that the terminology was coined by the Church and that if the culture of life is (and it is) pro-life, anti-death, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia...then certainly the drooling ghouls who are pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, pro-sterilization, pro-death are certainly members in good standing of the Culture of Death.

Here's a quarter. Hire a rat to lick the saliva flecks off your computer monitor.

Once again your ignorance of what it means to live your life by Christian values never ceases to amaze, especially considering that YOU are lecturing us about our lack of values. What part of Christ's message of love and respect for others do you not understand? Why did you persist in insulting posters? Is this how a good Christian treats people, strangers even?

You are supposed to live your life as an example to others. Your example is one of condescension, hate and intolerance. You insult and berate others at every opportunity. If Jesus knocked on your door and asked for a meal, you'd call him a bum and lecture him on personal responsibility.

Last, but certainly not least, Southern Baptists don't use the Crucifix in their iconography, they show the empty cross to signify the Risen Christ, as do all Protestant denominations. The Baptist Church traces it's roots back to the Reformation when the Protestant movement began in opposition to the Roman Catholic Church and its violence and corruption.

My in-laws are Baptists, and they would not be quoting ANYTHING the Catholic Church teaches for direction.

I'm not buying what you're selling.

You obviously aren't competent to comprehend what I'm selling. Join hollie and joe on the bench, loon.

Jesus would be so proud of you and all your name calling.
You obviously aren't competent to comprehend what I'm selling. Join hollie and joe on the bench, loon.

Yeah, I'm both competent and I'm smart enough to see through your snakeoil. You have no understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Anyone who reads you posts full of misogyny and hate can see it.

You are so busy telling us how to live our lives, while you leave a 3-day old infant to return to more important things - your job. That tells us where your priorities are. Check back with us in 20 years and let us know how that worked out for you.
No, parental rights do not trump all. Which is why it's illegal to kill children.

Yes, it is illegal to kill children, but it is not illegal to abort a fetus - don't you see the difference?

As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.
Progressives make me puke, seriously.

Parental rights trump all...they honestly believe that...except for when the state determines parents don't HAVE any rights...

It's schizophrenic.

So if parental rights trump all, it's legal to abuse, kill, and molest your own children. Because you have "the right". Neglect is not a crime......this is what comes to us from the culture of death that was spawned by RvW.

No, parental rights do not trump all. Which is why it's illegal to kill children.

Yes, it is illegal to kill children, but it is not illegal to abort a fetus - don't you see the difference?

As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.

This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.
Progressives make me puke, seriously.

Parental rights trump all...they honestly believe that...except for when the state determines parents don't HAVE any rights...

It's schizophrenic.

So if parental rights trump all, it's legal to abuse, kill, and molest your own children. Because you have "the right". Neglect is not a crime......this is what comes to us from the culture of death that was spawned by RvW.

It's absolutely astounding, isn't it? In the liberals mind, you don't have a right to bear arms (they want to ban guns), you don't have the right to free speech (they have worked for years to ban Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and more to get them all off of the air), you don't have the right to protect your borders and/or enforce your immigration laws, but....

"parental rights trumps all" (where in the hell is that written in the U.S. Constitution?)
Yes, it is illegal to kill children, but it is not illegal to abort a fetus - don't you see the difference?

As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.

This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

Uh-oh! Uh-oh!!! Uh-oh Noomi! Do I see someone running for the hills once the idiocy of their position is exposed using their own lack of logic? Are you ready to be a big girl and admit you were wrong on this issue?

I shall wait here eagerly awaiting your response running from your own position :lol:
Yes, it is illegal to kill children, but it is not illegal to abort a fetus - don't you see the difference?

As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.

This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

So a Supreme Court stacked with liberal whacko's violated the U.S. Constitution and "legalized" the murder of babies at Planned Parenthood? They *could* do the same thing with rape some day. Are you such a blind, obedient, stupid fuck'n mutt that you would support that if it were ever unconstitutionally "legalized" by a Supreme Court? :cuckoo:
As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.

This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

Uh-oh! Uh-oh!!! Uh-oh Noomi! Do I see someone running for the hills once the idiocy of their position is exposed using their own lack of logic? Are you ready to be a big girl and admit you were wrong on this issue?

I shall wait here eagerly awaiting your response running from your own position :lol:

Rape is rape whether a condom is used or not. The law is clear on that, isn't it?
What the law doesn't say, is that abortion is murder, does it?

Score one for me.
As I've said many times - this is every bit as fuck'n stupid as a rapist claiming he didn't break the law because he wore a condemn and thus no actual part of his penis ever made contact with any actual part of the victims vagina, hence there was no rape... :cuckoo:

You fuck'n idiot liberal nut-cases would never tolerate that kind of insane "loop-hole" shit, yet that's the exact fuck'n insanity you try to spread when it comes to abortion.

This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

So a Supreme Court stacked with liberal whacko's violated the U.S. Constitution and "legalized" the murder of babies at Planned Parenthood? They *could* do the same thing with rape some day. Are you such a blind, obedient, stupid fuck'n mutt that you would support that if it were ever unconstitutionally "legalized" by a Supreme Court? :cuckoo:

Who said anything about making rape legal? How about you stay on topic?
This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

By the way, show me a case where George W. Bush was ever charged with any crime for his actions as President? By your "logic", I guess that means you support the Iraq war and 100% of the decisions made by GWB while in office.:dance:

I mean, after all, of the government sanctions it, it can't possibly be wrong in Noomi's mind :lmao:

This is what's called getting "owned" Noomi. I've taken your own words and showed you just how absurd and asinine your positions on these issues are. Are you ready to give up?
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This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

So a Supreme Court stacked with liberal whacko's violated the U.S. Constitution and "legalized" the murder of babies at Planned Parenthood? They *could* do the same thing with rape some day. Are you such a blind, obedient, stupid fuck'n mutt that you would support that if it were ever unconstitutionally "legalized" by a Supreme Court? :cuckoo:

Who said anything about making rape legal? How about you stay on topic?

I did... Now how about you stop running like a coward and answer the question which exposes the severe flaws in your own "logic"?

The fact that you have to avoid the question is glaring evidence that you now realize you're dead-wrong, but can't bring yourself to admit it. That's a sign of immaturity.

Go worry about your Kangaroos sweetheart - we'll worry about the United States.
This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

Uh-oh! Uh-oh!!! Uh-oh Noomi! Do I see someone running for the hills once the idiocy of their position is exposed using their own lack of logic? Are you ready to be a big girl and admit you were wrong on this issue?

I shall wait here eagerly awaiting your response running from your own position :lol:

Rape is rape whether a condom is used or not. The law is clear on that, isn't it?
What the law doesn't say, is that abortion is murder, does it?

Score one for me.

It is? That's funny - I've yet to see anything mentioned about a condom in the actual law.

Furthermore, murder is murder whether done by Planned Parenthood or not. The law is clear on that, isn't it?
This thread is not about rape.

Now provide me some evidence to show that abortion is murder, and also show me a case where a woman has had an abortion at Planned Parenthood and ended up charged with murder.

I shall wait here.

By the way, show me a case where George W. Bush was ever charged with any crime for his actions as President? By your "logic", I guess that means you support the Iraq war and 100% of the decisions made by GWB while in office.:dance:

I mean, after all, of the government sanctions it, it can't possibly be wrong in Noomi's mind :lmao:

This is what's called getting "owned" Noomi. I've taken your own words and showed you just how absurd and asinine your positions on these issues are. Are you ready to give up?

George Bush doesn't make the law regarding abortions, which is what this thread is about. Stay on topic, troll.

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