Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

But bad laws can lead to legalized murder...that is recognized after the fact as murder, and for which despots and monsters can be held accountable for later...DESPITE the legality of the killing at the time.
But bad laws can lead to legalized murder...that is recognized after the fact as murder, and for which despots and monsters can be held accountable for later...DESPITE the legality of the killing at the time.

That post doesn't make sense. And the murder of citizens for political reasons is not comparable to a woman deciding that she is not in a position of having a baby or raising it. And unless you're going to give her the money she needs to have and raise the baby, it's none of your damn business.

So a Supreme Court stacked with liberal whacko's violated the U.S. Constitution and "legalized" the murder of babies at Planned Parenthood? :

Poodle, you are completely ignorant. Here's how the Supreme Court voted on Roe.

Majority (Roe)

Chief Justice Warren Burger - Appointed by Nixon
Justice William O. Douglas - Appointed by FDR
Justice William J. Brennan - Appointed by Eisenhower
Justice Potter Stewart - Appointed by Eisenhower
Justice Thurgood Marshall - Appointed by LBJ
Justice Harry Blackmun (wrote the opinion)* - Appointed by Nixon
Justice Lewis Powell - Appointed by Nixon

Dissenting (Wade)

Justice Byron White - Appointed by FDR
Justice William Rehnquist - Appointed by Nixon

Yup- of the seven justices who vote for a woman's right to choose, FIVE of them were appoined by Republican presidents.

And of the 8 Republicans appointed to the court since Roe, four of them - Steven, O'Connor, Kennedy and Souter have consistently voted to uphold Roe.

So Roe was written by a Republican, passed by Repubicans, and upheld by Republicans for decades!

And this is where you Rubes don't get it. The people who run the GOP don't want to overturn Roe. They just want people like you and Ally to be soooooo angry about it that you can't see your own economic interests.

Still lying.

Do you believe dishonesty is the hallmark of intellect?

Please point out one thing in the above I got wrong or wasn't accurate.

Abortion is not murder. Get that through your thick skull.

Abortion is murder. You confuse the terms "murder" and "legal". Just because a radical Supreme Court unconstitutionally legalized it, doesn't mean it's no longer murder. It's just "legalized" (and I use that term loosely) murder.

Murder is a legal definition, you fucking idiot. Murder... manslaughter, self defense, etc... they're all just legal definitions.

So who is confusing what?

Murder is defined as "the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another person"

Please tell me how the mother and doctor are acting with malice?

They are literally killing and you don't consider that "malice"?!? :cuckoo:
But bad laws can lead to legalized murder...that is recognized after the fact as murder, and for which despots and monsters can be held accountable for later...DESPITE the legality of the killing at the time.

Abortion has not led to legalised murder, has it?
Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

oh the rape red herring...we'll allow it, so that will eliminate abortions by 99%, I'm ok with that tradeoff, are you?

And where is your protesting of banning sodas, sugar, all these "unhealthy" foods, arent those choices too?
Isnt buying insurance a choice?

Funny how the only "choice" you support is abortion
Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

oh the rape red herring...we'll allow it, so that will eliminate abortions by 99%, I'm ok with that tradeoff, are you?

And where is your protesting of banning sodas, sugar, all these "unhealthy" foods, arent those choices too?
Isnt buying insurance a choice?

Funny how the only "choice" you support is abortion

Pro choice applies to abortion, and you know it.
Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

oh the rape red herring...we'll allow it, so that will eliminate abortions by 99%, I'm ok with that tradeoff, are you?

And where is your protesting of banning sodas, sugar, all these "unhealthy" foods, arent those choices too?
Isnt buying insurance a choice?

Funny how the only "choice" you support is abortion

Pro choice applies to abortion, and you know it.

I do, so why dont you just say pro abortion, because you're not talking about choice in general...thank you for saying what I've always said about pro choices...er pro abortioners
It's the same thing.

Progressives are all about hiding what they're really about. Noomi is the person who believes if someone wants to kill a 2 year old, then they must have a really good reason for it.
I do, so why dont you just say pro abortion, because you're not talking about choice in general...thank you for saying what I've always said about pro choices...er pro abortioners

Because many people in the pro-choice movement oppose abortion. Having the baby is also a choice, but it's our choice. It is possible to be anti-abortion and pro-choice. There are a lot of people on this board who personally oppose abortion, but respect that each woman and each pregnancy is different and the right choice for me is not necessarily the right choice for someone else.

That's the real meaning of pro-choice.
I do, so why dont you just say pro abortion, because you're not talking about choice in general...thank you for saying what I've always said about pro choices...er pro abortioners

Because many people in the pro-choice movement oppose abortion. Having the baby is also a choice, but it's our choice. It is possible to be anti-abortion and pro-choice. There are a lot of people on this board who personally oppose abortion, but respect that each woman and each pregnancy is different and the right choice for me is not necessarily the right choice for someone else.

That's the real meaning of pro-choice.

And thus, as your definition has it, government should stay out of the woman's genital area. The definition would apply to both Republicans and Democrats.
I do, so why dont you just say pro abortion, because you're not talking about choice in general...thank you for saying what I've always said about pro choices...er pro abortioners

Because many people in the pro-choice movement oppose abortion. Having the baby is also a choice, but it's our choice. It is possible to be anti-abortion and pro-choice. There are a lot of people on this board who personally oppose abortion, but respect that each woman and each pregnancy is different and the right choice for me is not necessarily the right choice for someone else.

That's the real meaning of pro-choice.

Ok so why do they oppose abortion?

adjective \ˌprō-ə-ˈbȯr-shən\

Definition of PROABORTION

: favoring the legalization of abortion

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈchȯis\

Definition of PRO-CHOICE

: favoring the legalization of abortion

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