Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

[Yeah, and I guess personal responsibilty by taking all considerations into account BEFORE choosing to spread ones legs, is not ones OWN business, eh?

Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

Sick fuckin' ghouls!:cuckoo:

You spend an awful lot of time worrying about other people's sex lives, don't you?

The Only "Ignorant" people I see are the ones who keep voting for Republicans on this issue hoping they'll make good on their misogyny, and the GOP forgets about the issue completely between elections.

They do make sure the rich get their tax cuts, free trade, right to work and at-will employment laws.

Which probably cause MORE abortions to happen when working women find they can't afford that baby.
[Yeah, and I guess personal responsibilty by taking all considerations into account BEFORE choosing to spread ones legs, is not ones OWN business, eh?

Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

Sick fuckin' ghouls!:cuckoo:

You spend an awful lot of time worrying about other people's sex lives, don't you?

The Only "Ignorant" people I see are the ones who keep voting for Republicans on this issue hoping they'll make good on their misogyny, and the GOP forgets about the issue completely between elections.

They do make sure the rich get their tax cuts, free trade, right to work and at-will employment laws.

Which probably cause MORE abortions to happen when working women find they can't afford that baby.
Nooooooo, I worry about sick, twisted, ghoulish types like you who use sex as a means to commit wholesale murder on those who have no choice in the matter....You know, those lives that you, and those of your ilk, get off on watching being summarily tortured and killed?
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[Yeah, and I guess personal responsibilty by taking all considerations into account BEFORE choosing to spread ones legs, is not ones OWN business, eh?

Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

Sick fuckin' ghouls!:cuckoo:

You spend an awful lot of time worrying about other people's sex lives, don't you?

The Only "Ignorant" people I see are the ones who keep voting for Republicans on this issue hoping they'll make good on their misogyny, and the GOP forgets about the issue completely between elections.

They do make sure the rich get their tax cuts, free trade, right to work and at-will employment laws.

Which probably cause MORE abortions to happen when working women find they can't afford that baby.
Nooooooo, I worry about sick, twisted, ghoulish types like you who use sex as a means to commit wholesale murder on those who have no choice in the matter....You know, those lives that you, and those of your ilk, get off on watching being summarily tortured and killed?

Yeah, man, I totally watch "The Abortion Channel" all day, dude.

Oh, wait. We don't have a channel where I can watch that. It's usually done quietly in a doctors office with privacy, along with most medical procedures I probably wouldn't want to watch, either.

Let's get real, dude.

Abortion happened before Roe v. Wade, it happens in countries like the Philippines where abortion is illegal.

If you clowns on the right were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd be for universal health care, you'd be for PAID medical and family leave, you'd be for strong worker protections.

I used to work for a guy who fired employees when they got pregnant. Another young lady of my acquaintance had employers ask her straight up if she planned to have children any time soon before hiring her. (Yes, this is all illegal, but it still happens).

This is why I don't take you guys seriously. Because frankly, you call it a human life before it is born and a "Welfare Scam" after it's born.

The ironic thing is, the people who run your party don't take you seriously either. They see you for what you are - RUBES!

adjective \(ˌ)prō-ˈchȯis\

Definition of PRO-CHOICE

: favoring the legalization of abortion

If a woman favors legalization of abortion it does not automatically mean she would go out and have one herself.

Ok WHY is that though?

More than likely its because she believes each woman has the right to decide what's right for herself and not have to be subjected to what you or koshergrl think.
Except people in the name of god, even in the Bible, have slain countless people. Men, women, children... the unborn...

What is your point?

You also failed to answer my question.

I wasn't aware you were posing the question at me, so I fail to see how I failed to answer it.

I don't understand the question anyway.

My POINT was that throughout history man has defined what it means to murder someone. Stoning people wasn't murder. Killing people in the name of god wasn't murder. Sacrificing your son wasn't murder.

"Murder" is dependent entirely on how a society views differing acts of homicide.

In our society, abortion is NOT murder. It is a lawful act, provided it is done in accordance with the law.

While my question wasn't asked of you specifically, since you chose to respond to my post why don't you attempt to answer my question? 'My body, my choice' is the meme of the pro-choice crowd. I agree, a person can do whatever they want with their body. So ... what part of a woman's body is no longer intact after she has an abortion? I've asked this question at least a half a dozen times in various threads and it always gets ignored.

Whether abortion is murder or not can be argued six ways to next Tuesday. What abortion most assuredly is, is the killing of another human. #6 says: Thou shall not kill. Abortion kills. Therefore, abortion breaks the sixth commandment. I see you also wrote (in your response to kg) that #6 says "thou shall not kill". So, we agree. Abortion breaks #6 because abortion kills.

What the commandments say is irrelevant to this discussion,imo. Not everyone believes in God or commandments. What is relevant is that abortion is the termination of a human being. Period. It ends the life of another human. Period. Pro-choice dances around that fact constantly ... they have too in order to ease their conscience and to justify what it is that abortion does.
No your arguement is stupid. Why are they not for abortion, what is the reason?

For me, I have a very emotional response to pregnancy. I cannot conceive of aborting a child. I don't know what I would have done if there had been abnormalities with the fetus, but this was something I never had to face.

Not all of my pregnancies were planned, and one, in particular, came at a very bad time for me, but in spite of enormous pressure from my ex, I carried the child to term and have never regretted it. That was MY choice.

When the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Canada's abortion laws and declared that abortion was a matter between a woman and her doctor, there was an attempt by the Conservative government of the day to try to write a new abortion law, and Canadian women took to the streets. 6 months pregnant with my third child, I went down to the pro-choice rally which ended with a march down Yonge Street in Toronto. One of the organizers asked me to march at the head of the parade and hold the banner and I was proud to do so. I knew when she asked me that she was using me to make a point - having the baby is a CHOICE I made.

I know of no one who is "pro-abortion", nor do liberals want women to abort their fetuses. I think everyone would like to see a world where everyone remembered to take their BC pill, the condom never breaks, and unintended pregnancies don't happen, but that would be unrealistic. Realistically, abortion should be safe, legal and readily available.

Last but not least, it would really help if people stopped pushing "abstinence only" sex education at teenagers. The result is that girls think that "being prepared", i.e. being on the BC pill, or having condoms, anything that would indicate that precautions are in place, is viewed by teenage girls as "planning for sex" which just showed that they are sluts who are out looking for it. They prefer the idea that they "got carried away" in the moment. This is a driving force behind a LOT of teenage pregnancies.
Progressive word twisting has no effect on the reality of the situation.

Pro-choice is pro-abortion. You think it's perfectly okay for OTHER people to get abortions.

That's the way totalitarianism gets in the ring. Morons.
Choices do not exist in some nebulous, undefined vacuum and are often restricted based on the effect(s) allowing such a choice would have on another individual.

To consistently claim you are "pro-choice" without reference to that which is being chosen ignores this fact. Notice how Dragonlady, in all her posts, refuses to acknowledge the fact that the "choice" she is supporting has a both a real and tangible negative consequence on another individual? You don't support "choice", since choice is not limited to abortion. One could "choose" to rape someone, "choose" to beat someone to an inch of their life or even "choose" to rob someone blind, but these are not "choices" that society permits precisely because of the effect it has on the individual who is being acted against. No, when you say you support "choice" what you really mean is you support the ability to have an abortion. Point blank.

What's funny is pro-choicers refusal to be called pro-abortion. You don't see any pro-lifers grimacing at being labeled anti-abortion, do you?
IMHO: I know the biological realities of human procreation create inequities. I can appreciate the heavier burden that women are forced to bear. But I have to agree with the original poster. The choice comes before the preganancy. I can appreciate that women feel they are being punished by being forced to carry and birth a baby they don't want. I wish there were a better solution - but I know that killing an innocent baby is not the right solution.

Every human being within the jurisdiction of the United States has a right to the protection of law. I know where the Roe v Wade decision drew the line between "human" and "clump of cells" but I disagree. I believe that when a "clump of cells" begins developing characteristics that are uniquely human, then the law should protect that human.

I can support exceptions in the case of rape and when the health of the mother is jeopardized. I respect women who choose to carry a baby under those circumstances, but I have a hard time requiring that by law. It's just too big a burden to require. There is such a thing as "justifiable homicide" and I think those two instances fit that.

If you are a woman who has faced this difficult decision and ultimately decided to have an abortion, I don't judge you and I'm truly sorry that you had to endure that and the aftermath. I'm also sorry that you've had to endure being vilified by people who claim to be Christlike. They are not.
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Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

The vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester. There is no torture because there are no brain functions. I know that doesn't jibe with your notion of fully formed babies being brutally murdered, but the anti-abortion faction has never been too good at dealing with facts.
Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

The vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester. There is no torture because there are no brain functions. I know that doesn't jibe with your notion of fully formed babies being brutally murdered, but the anti-abortion faction has never been too good at dealing with facts.

^^^lies based on biased information fed to her by the abortion industry.
You spend an awful lot of time worrying about other people's sex lives, don't you?

The Only "Ignorant" people I see are the ones who keep voting for Republicans on this issue hoping they'll make good on their misogyny, and the GOP forgets about the issue completely between elections.

They do make sure the rich get their tax cuts, free trade, right to work and at-will employment laws.

Which probably cause MORE abortions to happen when working women find they can't afford that baby.
Nooooooo, I worry about sick, twisted, ghoulish types like you who use sex as a means to commit wholesale murder on those who have no choice in the matter....You know, those lives that you, and those of your ilk, get off on watching being summarily tortured and killed?

Yeah, man, I totally watch "The Abortion Channel" all day, dude.

Oh, wait. We don't have a channel where I can watch that. It's usually done quietly in a doctors office with privacy, along with most medical procedures I probably wouldn't want to watch, either.

Let's get real, dude.

Abortion happened before Roe v. Wade, it happens in countries like the Philippines where abortion is illegal.

If you clowns on the right were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd be for universal health care, you'd be for PAID medical and family leave, you'd be for strong worker protections.

I used to work for a guy who fired employees when they got pregnant. Another young lady of my acquaintance had employers ask her straight up if she planned to have children any time soon before hiring her. (Yes, this is all illegal, but it still happens).

This is why I don't take you guys seriously. Because frankly, you call it a human life before it is born and a "Welfare Scam" after it's born.

The ironic thing is, the people who run your party don't take you seriously either. They see you for what you are - RUBES!
Uh, excuse me, but......we now have government mandated health care.....Nothing's changed, nor will it.....You were saying?

I owned a restaurant for many years, I gave my employees paid medical and family leave.....You were saying?

There are already strong worker protections.....I know, I owned a successful business, OSHA ensured worker protection.....You were saying?

Got any other stupid, loony libprog talking points to spew?

Ok I think I will join the "ignore shaman" movement. You're just too weird to willingly subject myself to.
Naaaaaaah, fuck it, abortion is just another form of birth control for the ignorant.....If all else fails, I'll just have the inconvenient lil' bastard brutally tortured and killed, FUCK 'EM!:evil:

The vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester. There is no torture because there are no brain functions. I know that doesn't jibe with your notion of fully formed babies being brutally murdered, but the anti-abortion faction has never been too good at dealing with facts.
Bullshit....the Kidneys, Liver, BRAIN, and Lungs begin to function around week 8, a full month before the first trimester ends....This is FACT!

Ya' might want to educate yourself, before making such ridiculous claims.
Ya' might want to educate yourself, before making such ridiculous claims.

I do read the facts a$$Hat. The early brain functions have to do with movement, not pain, or higher functions.

Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded in a meta-analysis of data from dozens of medical reports and studies that fetuses are unlikely to feel pain until the third trimester of pregnancy. There is an emerging consensus among developmental neurobiologists that the establishment of thalamocortical connections (at about 26 weeks) is a critical event with regard to fetal perception of pain.

So much for your torturing and killing hypothesis.

JAMA Network | JAMA | Fetal PainA Systematic Multidisciplinary Review of the Evidence
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