Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

You look it up, if you intend to make some sort of point regarding the definition. Look it up, post the meaning, and explain what your malfunction is.

A gravely injured horse is not an unborn child.

You're blithering again.

I have not seen any of you right wingers post anything that would indicate that you give a rat's ass for these children once they're born. You don't care what kind of life they have, so long as they're alive. You oppose any sort of social programs to help poor families, and then go on about "personal responsibility". I see NOTHING about personal responsibility in the Bible and a whole lot about giving and helping one another.

You want these children to be born, but you don't want them to have any kind of life once they are. You don't care whether their parents can afford the child or what happens to the rest of the family because of the hardship of the pregnancy and delivery, and loss of income to the family.

You don't care about living families at all.
I have not seen any of you right wingers post anything that would indicate that you give a rat's ass for these children once they're born. You don't care what kind of life they have, so long as they're alive.

Christian scriptures teach us to give in secret, not even letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing, to give in secret. Some of us believe that the Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward this kind of giving that is not known to others. (Matthew 6: 1-4)
And to show his sense of humor, Christ also said a light that shines on a hill cannot be hidden, and to let your light shine and not worry about it.

So whatever the giver decides, you may never hear of their real giving Dragonlady, or you may hear too much about it. I'm sorry if not knowing or even knowing too much bothers you. Seems there's always something. Maybe the message is to moderate what others know about you, so they won't think too highly of them, when Christians are just as subject to making mistakes as other people are. There's only one difference between men and women who are Christians and who are atheists--belief in Jesus Christ. Not one single thing more. For us, it's in God we trust. It's so simple people miss it for looking. :)

Where I used to go to church, our family sat two pews over from the lady who ran the planned parenthood center for the community. We don't judge. That's God's job.

It could be that people whom you are accusing of not caring for the unborn child spent years secretly supporting half a dozen orphans. You will never know because the Founders' children read and believe the same scriptures they did and act in different ways to serve our understanding of those words Matthew wrote.

I will tell you this: if you recollect the tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004, I saw a lot of high school people in our church assembling care packages of school supplies for dozens of young people whose homes were lost, yet they were attended by teachers still willing to teach them all they could about reading, writing, arithmetic, history, science, and art--if only they had supplies and stuff. They were amazing, what I saw on tables where people brought stuff for children, plus personal items like soap and toothbrushes, etc.

America was there for those who were washed out, lost parents or siblings, or children who were washed out to sea. By the same token, many are there for those in their communities who have hurting needs. They just don't noise about it by trying to do what the scriptures advise, which must drive the IRS people out of their minds, sometimes, as they look down their noses at "nongivers" who wouldn't let on they may have given it all away.
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What are you talking about? worthy of what same life? And I'd rather the government not determine who is valued and who is not, it's fascism/communism.

Do you value and respect the lives of the working poor or do you refer to them as "takers"?
Riddle me this batman. How exactly does objecting to government confiscating money and giving it to people for not working mean that anyone doesn't like people who do work?

Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?
So you don't think there are white people on welfare? Where did you get that delusion? Doesn't that make you the racist if you think only non-whites need welfare?

If you don't value all of these people equally, does that make you a communist/facist?

So if we don't want to pay pay non-whites (who you claim are the only people on welfare) to not work, like we don't want to pay whites to not work, that means we think they aren't equal?

You might want to say these arguments out loud before you type them. At least read them before you hit "enter." Just a thought.

Progressives are necessarily bigoted. You have to be bigoted to propose a whole group of people be "allowed" to kill their babies..and to believe that the babies are better off dead.
You look it up, if you intend to make some sort of point regarding the definition. Look it up, post the meaning, and explain what your malfunction is.

A gravely injured horse is not an unborn child.

You're blithering again.

I have not seen any of you right wingers post anything that would indicate that you give a rat's ass for these children once they're born. You don't care what kind of life they have, so long as they're alive. You oppose any sort of social programs to help poor families, and then go on about "personal responsibility". I see NOTHING about personal responsibility in the Bible and a whole lot about giving and helping one another.

You want these children to be born, but you don't want them to have any kind of life once they are. You don't care whether their parents can afford the child or what happens to the rest of the family because of the hardship of the pregnancy and delivery, and loss of income to the family.

You don't care about living families at all.
Seriously, you are one fucked up in the head individual.:cuckoo:

Funny how it is you liberal fucks who fight against anything and everything that would pull the poor, particularly minorities, out of the vicious cycle of poverty.

And the only example that is necessary, is listening to you morons howl whenever the issue of Vouchers and Charter schools is brought forward by conservatives.....Systems that would put the power into the hands of parents regarding their child/childrens failing education.....Ya' see, morons like you, and those you vote for, abjectly fear an educated voting bloc that you seek to keep in despair, for no other reason than they provide votes for the masters you are beholden too.

Bottom line, dumbass, you're an idiot!
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but I dont value a guy like James holmes....because when you kill or rape people, I stop valuing your life and it should end....I think those requirements are not unreasonable and pretty universal.

So you have determined that the life of James Holmes is not as valuable as your own, thus proving my point.
That's right. You do not have the right to determine whether or not an innocent and defenseless person's life is *worth* something. That's not your call. Even if the life you are dismissing is the life of your child.

We decide the value of a person's life each and every day. Why the uproar over abortion, when we have decided that people in other countries are not worthy of the same life as us?

We don't target infants in other countries.

If we were, what you are saying is you approve. It's okay by you? After all, abortion is, and this is your reason...

You targeted innocent civilians every time you dropped a bomb. It matters not whether you intended innocents to die - they did, regardless.
We decide the value of a person's life each and every day. Why the uproar over abortion, when we have decided that people in other countries are not worthy of the same life as us?

We don't target infants in other countries.

If we were, what you are saying is you approve. It's okay by you? After all, abortion is, and this is your reason...

You targeted innocent civilians every time you dropped a bomb. It matters not whether you intended innocents to die - they did, regardless.
Christ, you're stupid.:cuckoo:

Ya' see, targeting is direct intention.......Much like how you stated you would have killed those conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you considered them nothing more than "monstrocities"....You had the direct intention of slaughtering them dead. You would then therefore be "TARGETING" them for certain death,.......because, well, you're a sick and vile human being.

We don't intentionally target children in other countries.....Sadly, collateral damage happens in ALL wars.

Your killing of those twins would have been targeting, seeing as though you would have directly targeted them for death, because you're a sick, vicious, heartless, cold blooded, demented human being.

Get it?:eusa_whistle:
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We decide the value of a person's life each and every day. Why the uproar over abortion, when we have decided that people in other countries are not worthy of the same life as us?

We don't target infants in other countries.

If we were, what you are saying is you approve. It's okay by you? After all, abortion is, and this is your reason...

You targeted innocent civilians every time you dropped a bomb. It matters not whether you intended innocents to die - they did, regardless.

Well this, besides being a lie, has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. :cuckoo:
Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?
So you don't think there are white people on welfare? Where did you get that delusion? Doesn't that make you the racist if you think only non-whites need welfare?

If you don't value all of these people equally, does that make you a communist/facist?

So if we don't want to pay pay non-whites (who you clim are the only people on welfare) to not work, like we don't want to pay whites to not work, that means we think they aren't equal?

You might want to say these arguments out loud before you type them. At least read them before you hit "enter." Just a thought.

You might want to read the sentences before you respond.

Do you respect people who aren't white? End of question. The next question is "Do you respect people who are on welfare?" End of question. These are two separate questions and they are not tied together.

YOU'RE the one who connected the two together. I simply asked a series of questions about people that conservatives on this board routinely denigrate, insult and berate. That includes liberals, people of color, people who comprise the "takers", and especially, welfare recipients.
but I dont value a guy like James holmes....because when you kill or rape people, I stop valuing your life and it should end....I think those requirements are not unreasonable and pretty universal.

So you have determined that the life of James Holmes is not as valuable as your own, thus proving my point.

Oh so you're saying his life is valuable? So if we have a trial to kill James Holmes who killed many people as an adult and of his own free will...we should have a trial to permit abortion? Oh I'd love to see that......I might agree to that actually......but you support a guy shooting people in a theatre, wow you're crazier than I thought
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We decide the value of a person's life each and every day. Why the uproar over abortion, when we have decided that people in other countries are not worthy of the same life as us?

We don't target infants in other countries.

If we were, what you are saying is you approve. It's okay by you? After all, abortion is, and this is your reason...

You targeted innocent civilians every time you dropped a bomb. It matters not whether you intended innocents to die - they did, regardless.

Ok so you have no context for anything. ok so for you all deaths are equal? so noone should ever be executed for a crime, no war should ever take place and if people get shot by someone they shouldnt fight back, because you killing them is the same as them killing 15 people in the room....God you liberals are beyond stupid.
She's not one of our liberals. Those people don't exist anymore. She's a progressive, in Australia, I think.
Great. So you want to punish the woman for getting pregnant by forcing her to have a baby she doesn't want.
Not to mention your rotten views on rape.

Let me be clearer with the hopes that you'll understand.

Pregnancy isn't a choice. It's an outcome. Sex is the choice.

GTFO of a woman's body. Abortion is HER decision, not yours.

Clever choice of words.

Abortion should be the fetus' decision.

Are you going to ask the damned fetus if it wants an abortion?

How about you ask a newborn baby if it wants a bath, or its nappy changed, or if it wants to sleep? Don't be such a tool.

I guess you think it is Ok to kill and infant or a toddler. I mean they cant voice their opinion and that means everything when they are in the belly to you so it should transfer outside the womb , the way you just put it ...
Let me be clearer with the hopes that you'll understand.

Pregnancy isn't a choice. It's an outcome. Sex is the choice.

Clever choice of words.

Abortion should be the fetus' decision.

Are you going to ask the damned fetus if it wants an abortion?

How about you ask a newborn baby if it wants a bath, or its nappy changed, or if it wants to sleep? Don't be such a tool.

I guess you think it is Ok to kill and infant or a toddler. I mean they cant voice their opinion and that means everything when they are in the belly to you so it should transfer outside the womb , the way you just put it ...

you see to defend her position she says innocents die in war all the time...so either
a) she's saying abortion is the killing of an innocent person and to which I say welcome to the club
b)that killing an innocent as collateral damage is worse than a premeditated killing of a baby

What she really doesnt realize is
a) Wars happen and sometimes for good reason
b)innocents do get killed, but most of the time they are not that innocent (the muslims know how to stage scenes to make it look worse than it is, for propaganda)
c)Warfare has nothing to do with innocent kids being terminated just because mommy says so.
d)she even tried to compare executing a serial killer like James Holmes to an abortion, saying that if I thought he should die, it's the same as saying a baby should die.....She doesnt have any concept of free will, cupability, and the results of their actions. A baby does not = a serial killer
Do you respect people who aren't white? End of question. The next question is "Do you respect people who are on welfare?" End of question.

I don't have your bigotry that only non-whites don't work and need handouts, so I'm not playing your idiotic game.
I don't have your bigotry that only non-whites don't work and need handouts, so I'm not playing your idiotic game.

I said nothing about the color of people on welfare. YOU said it and then tried to accuse me of saying it. I know that approximately 75% of the people receiving welfare in the US are white. That percentage is even higher in Canada, where I live.

I asked whether the poster I was responding to respected various groups of people: liberals, people of color, welfare recipients, people referred to as "takers", etc. When making connections, you could have connected liberals to people of color just as easily since 70% or more of the Asians, blacks and Hisapanics voted for Obama, but you connected people of color to welfare recipients, because that's where YOUR mind goes.
I said nothing about the color of people on welfare. YOU said it and then tried to accuse me of saying it.

Really? Then why don't you report me for changing your quote, because here's what I quoted you saying. Which you can't do because I didn't change your quote.

Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?

If you're trying to do some bull crap word parsing where you called someone a racist then didn't, but you are, but you didn't say that, then go ahead and delude yourself. But no one with a critical mind is buying it.
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Really? Then why don't you report me for changing your quote, because here's what I quoted you saying. Which you can't do because I didn't change your quote.

Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?

If you're trying to do some bull crap word parsing where you called someone a racist then didn't, but you are, but you didn't say that, then go ahead and delude yourself. But no one with a critical mind is buying it.

Let's start with my full quote, shall we, instead of the part you snipped out:

Do you value and respect the lives of the working poor or do you refer to them as "takers"? Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?

If you don't value all of these people equally, does that make you a communist/facist?[/

There are THREE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT QUESTIONS. At the end I said "If you don't value all of these people, as in "all three groups of people".

You're so busy playing "Gotcha" that you can't see that you missed the entire point of the post.
Your posts are notoriously dimwitted, vague, and unsupported...so we can forgive those who can't find the point because the point is always well hidden (i.e., non-existent). You blather incoherently, then come back later to explain what you REALLY meant. Pathetic.
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