Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Should women be allowed to choose what they do with their bodies? Absolutely.

And they have plenty of options to choose from. Birth control pills, condoms, abstinence and natural sex.

Those are all choices.

Pregnancy isn't a choice; it's the outcome of a decision that had a choice.

And abortions aren't about a woman's body; they're about another body, very much alive, forming within the woman's body. So a woman's "right-to-choose" should be about what the woman does with her body; not the body of an infant she chose to have.

And if we can all agree that every human being is born with the inherent right to live, then abortions are clear violations of this right. As the baby is never consulted with when abortions are decided.

Sorry, but Roe v. Wade is settled law.

Abortions will go on.

Recent state laws will be overturned.

Women's rights advocates should just use the gun show model on open mobile clinics all along red (retarded) states borders.

Banning abortion leads to unwanted children, leads to poverty, leads to crime, leads to a lifetime of dependency....
but I dont value a guy like James holmes....because when you kill or rape people, I stop valuing your life and it should end....I think those requirements are not unreasonable and pretty universal.

So you have determined that the life of James Holmes is not as valuable as your own, thus proving my point.

Oh so you're saying his life is valuable? So if we have a trial to kill James Holmes who killed many people as an adult and of his own free will...we should have a trial to permit abortion? Oh I'd love to see that......I might agree to that actually......but you support a guy shooting people in a theatre, wow you're crazier than I thought

I never said his life was valuable. People are saying that no one has the right to decide which life is worth more than another - I gave them a life that they don't see as being worth the same as theirs.
There's a difference between an adult who has chosen to kill as a way of life, and an innocent baby.

The fact that you think a child is more deserving of death than an adult just shows how sick and twisted you are.
There's a difference between an adult who has chosen to kill as a way of life, and an innocent baby.

The fact that you think a child is more deserving of death than an adult just shows how sick and twisted you are.

You never said there was a difference when you made your statement. You said that we don't have the right to decide which life is less valuable. I gave you an example and proved that you DO consider at least ONE life to be less valuable.

Perhaps you should be more specific next time.

Is the life of an Iraqi civilian worth less than yours?
War is war. It's irrelevant to the topic of abortion, and completely unrelated. Just as the stupid argument "if you won't adopt children then you can't be pro-life" is irrelevat. Those are stupid, immature arguments that don't even rate a response. It's moronic to claim that if there is war, then there must be abortion.

I thought our education system sucked, but apparently Australia has crap schooling as well.
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I know for damn sure who should have NO say in this.

Celibate men.

Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn' t wanna fuck in the first place? - G.C.

How many hot, sexually active babes or studs do you see on a pro-life picket line?

All the normal-looking WBC kids are leaving that church church.
War is war. It's irrelevant to the topic of abortion, and completely unrelated. Just as the stupid argument "if you won't adopt children then you can't be pro-life" is irrelevat. Those are stupid, immature arguments that don't even rate a response. It's moronic to claim that if there is war, then there must be abortion.

I thought our education system sucked, but apparently Australia has crap schooling as well.

For the discussion, it's relevant. Is the life of an Iraqi citizen worth more than yours?

If you had to save either an American citizen, or an Iraqi civilian, and the other would die, which would you save?

I'll answer for you - the American. Why? Because you believe the life of an American is worth more than the life of an Iraqi.

Therefore there are many cases in which you believe a life is not as valuable as your own or someone else's.

You want to concede my point now, or shall I own you some more?
It's all about who is making the decisions.

Totalitarians believe it's okay for some people to make decisions for other people, and for some people to have no right to make decisions at all.

It's all very personal. Women can decide to kill their babies, but nobody may protect the babies. Cuz those women have more rights than you or I.
It's all about who is making the decisions.

Totalitarians believe it's okay for some people to make decisions for other people, and for some people to have no right to make decisions at all.

It's all very personal. Women can decide to kill their babies, but nobody may protect the babies. Cuz those women have more rights than you or I.

So if you had to make the decision regarding my question to you about the American or Iraqi, which life would you choose as being more valuable?

You are going to have to admit that you believe some lives are worth less than others, which would further my point about a woman being more important than a fetus.
12 strangers should not have the right to decide whether someone's life is worth less than anothers.

Then why do you allow 9 Supreme Court Justices, whom you have never met in your life, to make that determination?

That's hypocritical.

My country doesn't allow any such thing. Yours does.

What country is that?

You know what I find funny? People who don't even live here in the United States somehow feel like they can just waltz in and give their two cents worth about our laws and customs.
It's all about who is making the decisions.

Totalitarians believe it's okay for some people to make decisions for other people, and for some people to have no right to make decisions at all.

It's all very personal. Women can decide to kill their babies, but nobody may protect the babies. Cuz those women have more rights than you or I.

So if you had to make the decision regarding my question to you about the American or Iraqi, which life would you choose as being more valuable?

You are going to have to admit that you believe some lives are worth less than others, which would further my point about a woman being more important than a fetus.


I would lay down my life for both if it came to that. A life is a life. But this has nothing to do with abortion, does it?

Underlined Bold Italics

No, she believes the child (yes a child, not some clump of cells you claim is a fetus) has the same right to live as the mother does. Man cannot live on assumptions alone.
12 strangers should not have the right to decide whether someone's life is worth less than anothers.

Then why do you allow 9 Supreme Court Justices, whom you have never met in your life, to make that determination?

That's hypocritical.

My country doesn't allow any such thing. Yours does.

Why do you care so much that goes on in our country?? You should HAVE NO SAY. just saying
Really? Then why don't you report me for changing your quote, because here's what I quoted you saying. Which you can't do because I didn't change your quote.

Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?

If you're trying to do some bull crap word parsing where you called someone a racist then didn't, but you are, but you didn't say that, then go ahead and delude yourself. But no one with a critical mind is buying it.

Let's start with my full quote, shall we, instead of the part you snipped out:

Do you value and respect the lives of the working poor or do you refer to them as "takers"? Do you value and respect the lives of people who aren't white? Do you value and respect the lives of people on welfare?

If you don't value all of these people equally, does that make you a communist/facist?[/

There are THREE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT QUESTIONS. At the end I said "If you don't value all of these people, as in "all three groups of people".

You're so busy playing "Gotcha" that you can't see that you missed the entire point of the post.

The full quote just added to my point. I thought two were enough to show the point. But OK, you're right that you asked three highly loaded, accusatory questions not two. I stand corrected. The questions themselves are accusations and only an idiot would answer them because even answering them gives the misleading connotation there is a reason for doubt because the questions had to be asked. They didn't, it was a liberal onslaught of rubbish.

I'm a fiscal conservative. I'm not a social conservative, so I refer to myself as a fiscal conservative or a libertarian. The idea that opposing using Federal power to confiscate and redistribute income means that we personally dislike like welfare recipients is as vacuous as every other liberal argument. And when people like you use that implication to attack people who disagree with you because you can't form actual arguments, I just mock you because there's no point, is there?

I don't think my mother should get welfare, OMG, I hate my mother! What a load of crap.
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Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

I think they're more qualified to make that decision than a bunch of creepy, titty-obsessed, old-aged, sexually repressive, southern white guys.
Men are the reason we have abortion, and even today more men than women believe in abortion rights.

So you've got a problem.

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