Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

Men are the reason we have abortion, and even today more men than women believe in abortion rights.

So you've got a problem.

Men have a greater need for abortion and a far greater benefit. Who do you think brings those 15 year old girls into the abortionist's office? You know. I know you know. It's the baby daddy. Abortion is hiding the evidence. The girl or woman can be safely dumped witn no complaint and no child support either. Then these low life scum bag guys can say "I had nothing to do with it. It was her decision. I support whatever little woman chooses to do, as long as she chooses to kill it.
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Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

I think they're more qualified to make that decision than a bunch of creepy, titty-obsessed, old-aged, sexually repressive, southern white guys.

You're absolutely correct but I hope they continue with their women hating rhetorical BS right up until the mid terms.
Abortions: Should Women be Allowed to Choose?

I think they're more qualified to make that decision than a bunch of creepy, titty-obsessed, old-aged, sexually repressive, southern white guys.

You're absolutely correct but I hope they continue with their women hating rhetorical BS right up until the mid terms.

I Speak Four Languages; English, Profanity, Sarcasm and Bull Shit.

Might want to change that sig of yours. Because all you have are your bs filled overly sexist neo feminist arguments. Hey, minus the man, you have nothing to protest and nobody to tell to stay out of your snatch.
Men are the reason we have abortion, and even today more men than women believe in abortion rights.

So you've got a problem.

No problem at all.

YOu conflate support in the abstract (where there is only a slight gap) with intensity.

Yeah, slightly more men favor the right to choose - 52% of women favor it under some circumstances and 26 under any circumstance, vs. 58% of men under some circumstances to 23% under any. Total- 78% of women vs. 81% of men favor at least SOME Abortion rights.


The difference is, a woman ismore likely to vote BECAUSE of this issue, becuase it effects them. Which is why Obama won the woman's vote.
It's all about who is making the decisions.

Totalitarians believe it's okay for some people to make decisions for other people, and for some people to have no right to make decisions at all.

It's all very personal. Women can decide to kill their babies, but nobody may protect the babies. Cuz those women have more rights than you or I.

So if you had to make the decision regarding my question to you about the American or Iraqi, which life would you choose as being more valuable?

You are going to have to admit that you believe some lives are worth less than others, which would further my point about a woman being more important than a fetus.


I would lay down my life for both if it came to that. A life is a life. But this has nothing to do with abortion, does it?

Underlined Bold Italics

No, she believes the child (yes a child, not some clump of cells you claim is a fetus) has the same right to live as the mother does. Man cannot live on assumptions alone.

I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?
So if you had to make the decision regarding my question to you about the American or Iraqi, which life would you choose as being more valuable?

You are going to have to admit that you believe some lives are worth less than others, which would further my point about a woman being more important than a fetus.


I would lay down my life for both if it came to that. A life is a life. But this has nothing to do with abortion, does it?

Underlined Bold Italics

No, she believes the child (yes a child, not some clump of cells you claim is a fetus) has the same right to live as the mother does. Man cannot live on assumptions alone.

I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?
Both would be saved!

But, YOU would kill both of them......Seeing as though human life means absolutely nothing to you, as was proven, when your demented ass admitted you would have killed the conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you stated you considered them as nothing more than "monstrocities."

Hopefully, a sick and twisted person like you NEVER procreates.....'cause we all know what could go wrong in that scenario.

As for the rest of the nonsense in your post, you're a friggin' loony tune.:cuckoo:

But, YOU would kill both of them......Seeing as though human life means absolutely nothing to you, as was proven, when your demented ass admitted you would have killed the conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you stated you considered them as nothing more than "monstrocities."

Hopefully, a sick and twisted person like you NEVER procreates.....'cause we all know what could go wrong in that scenario.

As for the rest of the nonsense in your post, you're a friggin' loony tune.:cuckoo:

So by your mind, the medical nightmare these conjoined twins went through is okay, because, hey, it's better than abortion.

lifetimes of surgeries, and they'll never have anything near a "normal" life. They did, however, get a reality show on TLC, so there's that.

They could be on there with the other freakish things... Midgets, sextuplets, Sarah Palin.

But, YOU would kill both of them......Seeing as though human life means absolutely nothing to you, as was proven, when your demented ass admitted you would have killed the conjoined twins referenced in that other thread, AFTER THEY WERE BORN, because you stated you considered them as nothing more than "monstrocities."

Hopefully, a sick and twisted person like you NEVER procreates.....'cause we all know what could go wrong in that scenario.

As for the rest of the nonsense in your post, you're a friggin' loony tune.:cuckoo:

So by your mind, the medical nightmare these conjoined twins went through is okay, because, hey, it's better than abortion.

lifetimes of surgeries, and they'll never have anything near a "normal" life. They did, however, get a reality show on TLC, so there's that.

They could be on there with the other freakish things... Midgets, sextuplets, Sarah Palin.
Obviously, it bothers you that they are far happier, and much more successful in life than you could EVER hope to be......And imagine that, they became that way while dealing with issues in life that would leave you begging.....They certainly aren't running around bitching about their failed lot in life, as you so often do up here, because they're winners in life.....Ya' see, they had the fortitude to overcome, without blaming everybody else the way you do.

Look, just 'cause you're miserable due to your own failings, doesn't mean anybody should be miserable for you....That's your problem, and yours alone......Deal with it, or don't.

Oh, and btw, there is no such thing as a "normal life".....No two lives are ever the same, nor can anyone lay claim to a "normal life".....But hey, maybe that's a part of your problem.
[Obviously, it bothers you that they are far happier, and much more successful in life than you could EVER hope to be......And imagine that, they became that way while dealing with issues in life that would leave you begging.....They certainly aren't running around bitching about their failed lot in life, as you so often do up here, because they're winners in life.....Ya' see, they had the fortitude to overcome, without blaming everybody else the way you do.

Look, just 'cause you're miserable due to your own failings, doesn't mean anybody should be miserable for you....That's your problem, and yours alone......Deal with it, or don't.

Oh, and btw, there is no such thing as a "normal life".....No two lives are ever the same, nor can anyone lay claim to a "normal life".....But hey, maybe that's a part of your problem.

Yawn, guy, it ain't about me. I land on my feet. Just because I think the current system SUCKS doesn't mean I don't make the best of it.

Admittably, if I only controlled half my body and had someone else's head right next to me and had to undergo a lifetime of surgeries (they cut off a third arm off this freak to make it look more "Normal") I'd probably be in a pretty bad mood. I think I'd be angrier at my parents for making me endure a lifetime of freakhood.

But if you think being a freak on TLC is being a winner, you have some pretty sad definitions of "Winning"...
So if you had to make the decision regarding my question to you about the American or Iraqi, which life would you choose as being more valuable?

You are going to have to admit that you believe some lives are worth less than others, which would further my point about a woman being more important than a fetus.


I would lay down my life for both if it came to that. A life is a life. But this has nothing to do with abortion, does it?

Underlined Bold Italics

No, she believes the child (yes a child, not some clump of cells you claim is a fetus) has the same right to live as the mother does. Man cannot live on assumptions alone.

I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?

No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.
[Obviously, it bothers you that they are far happier, and much more successful in life than you could EVER hope to be......And imagine that, they became that way while dealing with issues in life that would leave you begging.....They certainly aren't running around bitching about their failed lot in life, as you so often do up here, because they're winners in life.....Ya' see, they had the fortitude to overcome, without blaming everybody else the way you do.

Look, just 'cause you're miserable due to your own failings, doesn't mean anybody should be miserable for you....That's your problem, and yours alone......Deal with it, or don't.

Oh, and btw, there is no such thing as a "normal life".....No two lives are ever the same, nor can anyone lay claim to a "normal life".....But hey, maybe that's a part of your problem.

Yawn, guy, it ain't about me. I land on my feet. Just because I think the current system SUCKS doesn't mean I don't make the best of it.

Admittably, if I only controlled half my body and had someone else's head right next to me and had to undergo a lifetime of surgeries (they cut off a third arm off this freak to make it look more "Normal") I'd probably be in a pretty bad mood. I think I'd be angrier at my parents for making me endure a lifetime of freakhood.

But if you think being a freak on TLC is being a winner, you have some pretty sad definitions of "Winning"...

Thankfully, it isn't your call, pervert.

I would lay down my life for both if it came to that. A life is a life. But this has nothing to do with abortion, does it?

Underlined Bold Italics

No, she believes the child (yes a child, not some clump of cells you claim is a fetus) has the same right to live as the mother does. Man cannot live on assumptions alone.

I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?

No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.

Who is more important? Woman or fetus?
I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?

No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.

Who is more important? Woman or fetus?

Fetus. Both my wife and I would gladly die for our children. Gladly. Any woman who thinks she is more important than her baby is one sick bitch.
No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.

Who is more important? Woman or fetus?

Fetus. Both my wife and I would gladly die for our children. Gladly. Any woman who thinks she is more important than her baby is one sick bitch.

Really? Why would you die and leave behind your existing children, and your husband?
Being a mother to your existing children is more important, and it isn't selfish for a woman to think that.
I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?

No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.

Who is more important? Woman or fetus?

And just as important: who decides?

The individual or the state?

The hypocrisy of the right is indeed telling, where government is ‘bad’ and ‘incompetent’ in everything save deciding whether a woman may give birth or not.
I gave you an example in which you had to choose one.

Here's another - if you could save an 8 week old fetus, or an 8 week old baby (born) which would you save?

Most people would save the baby who is already here.

Also, a fetus cannot have the same rights as the mother. Someone always has more rights. If the woman isn't allowed to abort, you are saying that the fetus has more rights than the woman. Likewise, if the woman can abort, she has more rights than the fetus.

The question is which life is more worthy?

No, that's not the question, because the huge majority of abortions have nothing to do with the health of the mother. There is no "it's me or the baby" scenario, and you're lying when you present it as a truth.

Who is more important? Woman or fetus?

Progressives always believe there are degrees of humanity, and they always will.

People who are deserving of life, and people who aren't. People who have value, and people who don't.
[SIZE=+2]False Dichotomy[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]The fallacy of false dichotomy is committed when the arguer claims that his conclusion is one of only two options, when in fact there are other possibilities. The arguer then goes on to show that the 'only other option' is clearly outrageous, and so his preferred conclusion must be embraced.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]Either you let me go to the Family Values Tour, or I'll be miserable for the rest of my life. I know you don't want me to be miserable for the rest of my life, so you should let me go to the concert.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=+2]Either you use Speed Stick deodorant, or you will stink to high heaven. You don't want to stink, so you better by Speed Stick.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]Either I keep smoking, or I'll get fat. I don't want to get fat, so I better keep smoking.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]Either we keep Charles Manson in jail, or we release him, thus risking murder, carnage, and mayhem. We don't want murder, carnage, or mayhem, so we had better keep him in jail."


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