About Hawaii...

Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

I heard that is why they did that as well, to make him react and star world war 3. The prick deep state thought he would instantly hit the red button.. Many of us pray this back fires on these pos losers. It also proves the deep scum these bastards are to do this to their own President. Man you can't get any lower than these scum bags.
And, it show just how traitorous and disgusting it is IF this was planned to make Trump hit his red button in retaliation for an attack on hawaii...which he did not do. Still...what happens if they take it further and try again? They want to get rid of Trump SO BAD, they will destroy our own country???
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

Regardless miketx
the false alarm still showed people didn't know where to go or
how to respond. the state should still use this exercise, to get feedback from each district and city govt, and troubleshoot areas that need improvement. the public should be educated and trained in where to go for shelter, help and updates should a real emergency occur. they can still use this as a drill, and better prepare the public for emergencies.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

I heard that is why they did that as well, to make him react and star world war 3. The prick deep state thought he would instantly hit the red button.. Many of us pray this back fires on these pos losers. It also proves the deep scum these bastards are to do this to their own President. Man you can't get any lower than these scum bags.
And, it show just how traitorous and disgusting it is IF this was planned to make Trump hit his red button in retaliation for an attack on hawaii...which he did not do. Still...what happens if they take it further and try again? They want to get rid of Trump SO BAD, they will destroy our own country???
Fortunately for us our Naval and Air Force personnel we doing their jobs...
Meanwhile, hawaii wants Trump to sit down with RocketMan and make a deal. Um. No.
That Dem representative woman who doesn't have a clue about strategy or negotiations.. She is the type of idiot that got us where we are today. She is clueless.
She is skeered. So, she wants to hand rocketman more stuff to build nukes. Anything to make him NOT fire on hawaii. Talk about roll over and show a belly. :cuckoo:
I have some bad news for dems. The way they are handling our current potus, the world sees and knows now may be the time to strike at us. Then where will they be? Screaming for halp from potus while they burn. And that is what it might come to if they don't stop this bullshit.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.
Well.....the emergency in Hawaii was imaginary, and was a fuckup that the left wants to somehow blame on Trump.

The way they blamed Charlottesville on him.

Actually, the news stories that I've seen (both on CNN and MSNBC) stated that it was because of an employee who pressed the wrong button and generated the alarm.

By the way, Trump had nothing to do with it, he was in FL golfing again.
CNN and MSNBC are extremely reliable sources that will do anything to hurt Trump and this country.

Hey stupid.............read my post again...............neither of them blamed Trump for any part of this false alarm. They reported that he was briefed about it, but they never said it was his fault.

However.................YOU seem to be defending Trump from a non attack. Why?
Well apparently the press has been been working up to it regardless what you think.
In a week they'll have you libs thinking he pushed the button personally.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

I heard that is why they did that as well, to make him react and star world war 3. The prick deep state thought he would instantly hit the red button.. Many of us pray this back fires on these pos losers. It also proves the deep scum these bastards are to do this to their own President. Man you can't get any lower than these scum bags.
And, it show just how traitorous and disgusting it is IF this was planned to make Trump hit his red button in retaliation for an attack on hawaii...which he did not do. Still...what happens if they take it further and try again? They want to get rid of Trump SO BAD, they will destroy our own country???

They want to bring down the Country. That's what we keep trying to get you guys to understand.

The last cards are being drawn they are running out of options. The others have failed

Clintons are getting busted and found out etc, etc, etc.............................
This is exactly why no dems should have control of the house OR IN the house itself. No, no and double no. They don't give a shit about our country or the people in it. They just want POWER and will do whatever it takes to get that power. Anything. And this latest brouhaha proves it.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

Regardless miketx
the false alarm still showed people didn't know where to go or
how to respond. the state should still use this exercise, to get feedback from each district and city govt, and troubleshoot areas that need improvement. the public should be educated and trained in where to go for shelter, help and updates should a real emergency occur. they can still use this as a drill, and better prepare the public for emergencies.
Agree, but the last thing regressives care about is the people when they get in the way of their agenda.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.
I`d bet you`re posting from a mental institution. WTF is wrong with you to make an idiotic post like that? Seek help before you hurt yourself. Jeezus!
No, it's true.
Phone records confirm that two tips came in.
The first from Harry Reid, and the second from Dick Durbin.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.
Well.....the emergency in Hawaii was imaginary, and was a fuckup that the left wants to somehow blame on Trump.

The way they blamed Charlottesville on him.

Indeed. Hawaii is run by Democrats, like most fucked up places in the U.S.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.
Well.....the emergency in Hawaii was imaginary, and was a fuckup that the left wants to somehow blame on Trump.

The way they blamed Charlottesville on him.

Indeed. Hawaii is run by Democrats, like most fucked up places in the U.S.
Hawaii is owned and operated by rich Japanese and Chinese businesses.
I can't even believe this happened. How could they (whoever "they" might be) make such a huge mistake?

It was not a mistake...it was on purpose. That is what makes it a conspiracy.

Allthough, so far, the only benefactor of this conspiracy appears to be miketx starting a conspiracy theory thread.
Of course I can't prove this, but, seeing how sorry regressives are, I'd bet someone put out that warning about inbound missiles on purpose to make Trump react.

Regressive scum would anything to make him make a mistake like that. Guess what, he didn't.

Regardless miketx
the false alarm still showed people didn't know where to go or
how to respond. the state should still use this exercise, to get feedback from each district and city govt, and troubleshoot areas that need improvement. the public should be educated and trained in where to go for shelter, help and updates should a real emergency occur. they can still use this as a drill, and better prepare the public for emergencies.

True, plus we need to find out if the procedure for issuing that alarm was followed, and if it needs to be changed. Missiles don't take that long to get to Hawaii, so it ain't like you got all day. I want to know who did it, and why. Maybe it's about time we perfected our missile defense systems instead of our high speed rail systems. If that fat little fuck is going to have nukes then we better be able to shoot 'em down before we have millions of dead Americans.

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