About Obama and possibilty of losing SSI


Jul 27, 2011

As of this moment I won't say hate because that is a strong word, but I am very unhappy with the things I am hearing about how the President can just take our SSI and the elders Social Security at the drop of a hat. I mean there has to be another way to do this.

Most of us depend on our checks we cannot go a whole payday without money, we will lose our homes or apartments, our cars, our insurance and without it well I will DIE!!!

I am sure others are in the same spot as me.

I do not get out because I am on 8 liters of oxygen and 10 liters at night, and my tanks I use only last 45 minutes.

The truck we have only seats 2 people and no backseat so only holds 2 tanks so I am limited on where I can go.

When I get my check I pay my bills then I am broke. My check just barely pays my bills and if I did not get food stamps I would starve to death.

I have several Illnesses:
Congestive Heart Failure
Atrial Fibrillation

I am sure there are others out there that are in worse condition than I am and this is not fair to do this to me or them, and Someone has to do something and soon because time is wasting for us.
If there is someone out there that can help us please stand up and do this because like I said many of us depend or should I say Live on what we get each month which might I say is hardly enough but we seem to get by, now you want to take what little we do get and just say well I cannot send your money to you because I need it!!!! This is not an answer and why are you being selfish? :(

What did any of us do to you? Does anyone else agree with me please reply to this!!!

Robin Phelps
Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.
By the way, the GOP would also end your Medicare. They would prefer that people like you just die.
Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.

What a bullshit lie. SS is paid every MONTH Congress does not stop it. If it is not paid in August it will be because the President illegally diverted those funds for other programs.
By the way, the GOP would also end your Medicare. They would prefer that people like you just die.
Let's not be too hasty, there.

Robin never mentioned whether-or-not he(?)/she(?) was White; pretty-damned-critical when Republicans are "evaluating" entitlements.​
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Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.

What a bullshit lie. SS is paid every MONTH Congress does not stop it. If it is not paid in August it will be because the President illegally diverted those funds for other programs.
Aw, c'mon.....show a lil' compassion.

You could (at least) remind Robin that he(?)/she(?) is still entitled to SSI....that Republicans/Corporate America haven't yet modified the issue.....and, suckered people (young-enough/stupid-enough) to "roll" their retirement-buck$ in the Wall Street Casino!

Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.
Man you are so drinking Obama's Kool aid aren't you. What plan has Obama even put out there .. NONE!!! Unless you want to put he wants to tax the rich AGAIN! He doesn't have to default on anything. We have enough money to come in to pay the interest, pay SS, Pay the military active and retired . He is putting fear into Seniors so he can get the vote next time plain and simple. This whole thing about this is all about politics, Boehner is doing what the people wanted to stop the spending in Washington. Obama is trying to get re elected. The speech the other night was a re election speech. Obama only interest is his own.
Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.

Liar Liar big fat pants on FIRE.
Social Security and Medicare have their own funds. So this Debt talk shouldn't have anything to do with them.

In the case of Social Security, they have a trust fund of US Bonds. So even if the money they take in can't meet all the obligations, they can sell off those bonds. (The problem, of course, is that for decades, the government has been converting that money into bonds so they could buy bombers and bridges instead of putting it into an account.)

Social Security has always been a Ponzi Scheme. While I can feel for a person like Robin, the fact is, with the conditions she describes, she is probably taking a lot more out of SS and Medicare than she ever paid in. What we have to stop doing with SSI is pretending it was ever a "retirement program". It isn't. It's charity. It's welfare. It's wealth redistribution. Call it what it is.

It makes no sense for Bill Gates to receive Social Security when he hits 65, but he will. So will a lot of other wealthy people, because they need to maintain the mythology that it's a "retirement program". Once we get past the smoke and mirrors, we can make evaluations about what we should and shouldn't pay for, nad what is the most effective way to do it.
Social Security and Medicare have their own funds. So this Debt talk shouldn't have anything to do with them.

In the case of Social Security, they have a trust fund of US Bonds. So even if the money they take in can't meet all the obligations, they can sell off those bonds. (The problem, of course, is that for decades, the government has been converting that money into bonds so they could buy bombers and bridges instead of putting it into an account.)

Social Security has always been a Ponzi Scheme. While I can feel for a person like Robin, the fact is, with the conditions she describes, she is probably taking a lot more out of SS and Medicare than she ever paid in. What we have to stop doing with SSI is pretending it was ever a "retirement program". It isn't. It's charity. It's welfare. It's wealth redistribution. Call it what it is.

It makes no sense for Bill Gates to receive Social Security when he hits 65, but he will. So will a lot of other wealthy people, because they need to maintain the mythology that it's a "retirement program". Once we get past the smoke and mirrors, we can make evaluations about what we should and shouldn't pay for, nad what is the most effective way to do it.

The problem, JoeB is this....

If the US reneges on its dubt obligations then the MARKET VALUE of all US debt insturments falls.

Since the SSA owns DEBT INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, even if they CAN sell them (I'm informed they cannot) their value will have dropped significantly due to the government RENEGING on them.
So which is it, my SS check coming or not?

If not, then it's off to attempt a bank robbery, take hostages, spend the day inside the bank talking to the pretty bank girls, surrender after a few "tense hours" or nap time, which ever occurs first, then it's off to jail to spend the rest of my days in federal prison, safe, secure with no more worry.

Got to make sure its an "armed" robbery attempt (use a fake toy gun painted black), post no bail, be my own lawyer, act threatening, don't be a model prisoner, that should get me past my expected life span date.

Maybe I'll meet some of my pals from the old folks home.

Gotta love these American jails. Wouldn't dare attempt this in Mexico.
Social Security and Medicare have their own funds. So this Debt talk shouldn't have anything to do with them.

In the case of Social Security, they have a trust fund of US Bonds. So even if the money they take in can't meet all the obligations, they can sell off those bonds. (The problem, of course, is that for decades, the government has been converting that money into bonds so they could buy bombers and bridges instead of putting it into an account.)

Social Security has always been a Ponzi Scheme. While I can feel for a person like Robin, the fact is, with the conditions she describes, she is probably taking a lot more out of SS and Medicare than she ever paid in. What we have to stop doing with SSI is pretending it was ever a "retirement program". It isn't. It's charity. It's welfare. It's wealth redistribution. Call it what it is.

It makes no sense for Bill Gates to receive Social Security when he hits 65, but he will. So will a lot of other wealthy people, because they need to maintain the mythology that it's a "retirement program". Once we get past the smoke and mirrors, we can make evaluations about what we should and shouldn't pay for, nad what is the most effective way to do it.

The problem, JoeB is this....

If the US reneges on its dubt obligations then the MARKET VALUE of all US debt insturments falls.

Since the SSA owns DEBT INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, even if they CAN sell them (I'm informed they cannot) their value will have dropped significantly due to the government RENEGING on them.

Minor quibble.

First, no one is going to renege on the debt. This is all a big kabuki dance until both sides can save face.

Second, even if they can't sell their debt, they are still taking in enough money to meet 90% of their obligations. So it's not like the checks won't go out.

Third, my large point is that this is ALL a big shell game. Social Security was never what it was presented as. There is not a big envelope out there marked "Joe B" for when I retire. The money I sent was either sent to other people or converted into bonds.
Social Security and Medicare have their own funds. So this Debt talk shouldn't have anything to do with them.

In the case of Social Security, they have a trust fund of US Bonds. So even if the money they take in can't meet all the obligations, they can sell off those bonds. (The problem, of course, is that for decades, the government has been converting that money into bonds so they could buy bombers and bridges instead of putting it into an account.)

Social Security has always been a Ponzi Scheme. While I can feel for a person like Robin, the fact is, with the conditions she describes, she is probably taking a lot more out of SS and Medicare than she ever paid in. What we have to stop doing with SSI is pretending it was ever a "retirement program". It isn't. It's charity. It's welfare. It's wealth redistribution. Call it what it is.

It makes no sense for Bill Gates to receive Social Security when he hits 65, but he will. So will a lot of other wealthy people, because they need to maintain the mythology that it's a "retirement program". Once we get past the smoke and mirrors, we can make evaluations about what we should and shouldn't pay for, nad what is the most effective way to do it.

The problem, JoeB is this....

If the US reneges on its dubt obligations then the MARKET VALUE of all US debt insturments falls.

Since the SSA owns DEBT INSTRUMENTS ISSUED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, even if they CAN sell them (I'm informed they cannot) their value will have dropped significantly due to the government RENEGING on them.

What part of " the Government has enough tax revenues coming in each month to pay the debt " don't you understand?

Obama has ILLEGALLY threatened to stop SS payments. He can not legally do so, he nor Congress can divert SS money UNTIL all SS obligations are paid for that month. Same with Medicare.

There are SPECIFIC monthly taxes for those programs and the Government can not divert those funds legally without an act of Congress being passed and the President signing it into law. And then due to the 14th Amendment and the rest of the Constitution on taxation people can sue the Government.
Robin, you are blaming the wrong person. The President is trying to prevent the destruction of the Social Security system. The GOP is doing there best to destroy it, as they have been since Roosevelt.

The President cannot take your SS at the drop of a hat. But the Congress can deny him the money with which to pay SS. And that is exactly what they want to do.
Man you are so drinking Obama's Kool aid aren't you. What plan has Obama even put out there .. NONE!!! Unless you want to put he wants to tax the rich AGAIN! He doesn't have to default on anything. We have enough money to come in to pay the interest, pay SS, Pay the military active and retired . He is putting fear into Seniors so he can get the vote next time plain and simple. This whole thing about this is all about politics, Boehner is doing what the people wanted to stop the spending in Washington. Obama is trying to get re elected. The speech the other night was a re election speech. Obama only interest is his own.


There is more than enough money to meet this countries obligations. The bondholders and the military.

Once thats done, if we don't raise the debt ceiling, which I believe will be raised, then Barry and his Treasury Sec will have to start cutting programs.

Wonder how many useless Fed programs they can cut?? Would certainly be interesing.
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Social Security and Medicare have their own funds. So this Debt talk shouldn't have anything to do with them.

In the case of Social Security, they have a trust fund of US Bonds. So even if the money they take in can't meet all the obligations, they can sell off those bonds. (The problem, of course, is that for decades, the government has been converting that money into bonds so they could buy bombers and bridges instead of putting it into an account.)

Social Security has always been a Ponzi Scheme. While I can feel for a person like Robin, the fact is, with the conditions she describes, she is probably taking a lot more out of SS and Medicare than she ever paid in. What we have to stop doing with SSI is pretending it was ever a "retirement program". It isn't. It's charity. It's welfare. It's wealth redistribution. Call it what it is.

It makes no sense for Bill Gates to receive Social Security when he hits 65, but he will. So will a lot of other wealthy people, because they need to maintain the mythology that it's a "retirement program". Once we get past the smoke and mirrors, we can make evaluations about what we should and shouldn't pay for, nad what is the most effective way to do it.

Bingo yet again.

Wonder how popular SS and Medicare would be if you could only take out exactly what you put in to either program??
So which is it, my SS check coming or not?

If not, then it's off to attempt a bank robbery, take hostages, spend the day inside the bank talking to the pretty bank girls, surrender after a few "tense hours" or nap time, which ever occurs first, then it's off to jail to spend the rest of my days in federal prison, safe, secure with no more worry.

Got to make sure its an "armed" robbery attempt (use a fake toy gun painted black), post no bail, be my own lawyer, act threatening, don't be a model prisoner, that should get me past my expected life span date.

Maybe I'll meet some of my pals from the old folks home.

Gotta love these American jails. Wouldn't dare attempt this in Mexico.

Hell, at least try to make a getaway. You never know, by luck you might just pull it off!
Well, according to the general welfare clause liberals keep blathering on and on about.

Obama can deem it best for the general welfare that the old and sick get cut off.

He's already hinted at it and may have the numbers to pull it off.
Well, the Teabaggers would support that, for sure.

When I started putting money into SS, one could buy a nice house for $6500. A new pickup for $1800. So the money I put in then was worth a lot more than the numbers of that time indicate. However, should I live a normal lifespan for either side of my family, I will definately draw out more than I put in by any accounting. And I intend to do just that.
The Dems will never touch SS or Medicare BENEFITS. Obama has spoken about saving money with technical improvements, or changing age requirements long in the future. Watch out for Pub doubletalk however. They already have made dupes think these programs are in trouble. They're not.

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