About of voters support preserving jobless benefits


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
House Republicans Opposed To Extended Unemployment Benefits Could Pay The Price In 2014: Poll

By Ashley Alman

An overwhelming majority of voters are opposed to cutting off extended jobless benefits for the unemployed, a poll revealed on Monday.

The left-leaning Public Policy Polling surveyed voters in four key congressional districts, as well as House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) district, to gauge support for extending unemployment benefits. The poll, funded by the liberal advocacy group Americans United for Change, showed that voters across party lines were overwhelmingly in favor of extending the benefits, with 63 to 68 percent of voters in each district expressing support for preserving jobless benefits.

Voters in the four districts surveyed said they were less likely to vote for the Republican incumbent in 2014 -- by at least a 9-point margin -- were he to vote to cut off extended unemployment benefits.

"The cuts [in unemployment benefits] could also hamper the U.S. economy as a whole. The Congressional Budget Office said letting the benefits expire could cost as many as 300,000 jobs nationwide. Government and private economists estimate growth will be 0.4 percent lower next year than it would otherwise be because of the expiring benefits."


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