About Private Citizen Hunter Biden.....

Tell me what these texts mean to you.
Um, obviously, Joe Biden takes a significant cut of the business revenue which his unqualified children secure from foreign powers who are looking for kickbacks such as favorable approvals from the US government.

No one in their right mind would deal with crackhead Hunter if they weren't getting access to the Big Guy.

Um, obviously, Joe Biden takes a significant cut of the business revenue which his unqualified children secure from foreign powers who are looking for kickbacks such as favorable approvals from the US government.

No one in their right mind would deal with crackhead Hunter if they weren't getting access to the Big Guy.

Wonderful. Just show some evidence of that and you can actually make a point
A Republican Congress investigating a private citizen with no ties to the Government just because he is the Presidents son

They hav better have some major ties to the President other than some Big Guy nonsense
The president’s son who was flown into China on Air Force 2 on a official visit. One whose co-conspirators have claimed under oath that ten percent of Hunter’s deals goes to “the big guy”. One whose father claims to never have discussed Hunters business deals with him and been proven wrong on several occasions. There are photos and records linking Joe Biden to people directly paying Hunter Money that he doesnt have the experience or skills to earn.
Um, obviously, Joe Biden takes a significant cut of the business revenue which his unqualified children secure from foreign powers who are looking for kickbacks such as favorable approvals from the US government.

No one in their right mind would deal with crackhead Hunter if they weren't getting access to the Big Guy.

They mean Joe is dirty.

Now, tell us what they mean to you. Be specific.

Watch this troll dodge this question.
Looks like personal family dynamics to me.
Sleepy Joe's boy is alleged to be involved is peddling influence abroad. That's what makes it important.

Little Hunter was involved with crookedness in Ukraine and the President of Ukraine has the dirt on the boy. The question is whether or not President Zelenskyy is holding the dirt he has on Hunter over Biden's head to score massive foreign aid in his war against Russia.
Every Republican/far rightwing poster in this thread....

All these pervert Republicans want to do is see Hunter's dick pics....

Bobolinski is a convicted criminal so why should we believe him? Joe Biden has released his tax returns ever since he became VP. They show that Biden received nothing from any business deals with his son. Maybe I need to repeat every word in bold until you get it.
Hunter's laptop proves you wrong.

Hunter paid to renovate Joe's mansion and paid his bills. They also shared a bank account.
The White House was also colluding with Twitter in the same respect. Not illegal or inappropriate but part of their fact check system. All in the Twitter dump. Your spin is weak.

There is absolutely no evidence of any collusion. Warning social media companies of potential Russian misinformation is not colluding. In addition, I am still waiting for a answer on how it happened the laptop just happened to come out a few weeks before the election. That is a amazing coincidence.
And of course you are simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual. You are simply parroting the lies that the fake news easily brainwashed your gullible ass into believing.

Go ahead and provide a link to the document wherein a bipartisan commission calls for Shokin to get canned. Of course you cannot do that because it simply does not exist.

Fuck off, pathetic liar!

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself?

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

There is absolutely no evidence of any collusion. Warning social media companies of potential Russian misinformation is not colluding. In addition, I am still waiting for a answer on how it happened the laptop just happened to come out a few weeks before the election. That is a amazing coincidence.

Sure its collusion, if the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop story WASN'T "Russian misinformation" yet passed that false information to social media as if it was true.

And since the FBI had the Hunter Biden laptop in its possession, they DID know that it was true.
Read it yourself, you lying bitch. I read it a long time ago. The letter does not even mention Shokin, let alone say he should be fired.

You're a fucking liar.

Why do you base all of your political opinions on the stupid lies you tell yourself?

You are one of the fucking liars. Being a Trump supporter makes you among the stupidest people.
Answering the question as to why this is not a big deal, here's a succinct answer....


To date no Biden-basher can give a clear reason as to what crime was committed, but here's the facts....
  1. Hunter benefited from his father's name. Not a crime, and all politician's children benefit from this. All of them.
  2. Companies put people w/familiar names on the Boards or as mastheads all the time. Not a crime.
  3. Americans do business overseas. Not a crime.
Hunter's done illegal drugs and slept w/hookers. Okay, so what?

What's the actual "Hunter Biden Story" can anyone explain it? Anyone?!??
If Hunter was Trump’s son it would be an enormous deal. High level Democrats and their family members have the advantage that they are totally above the rule of law.

Hunter can do any damn thing he wants and Joe Biden can collect his 10% from Hunter and both will waltz away scot-free.

There is absolutely no evidence of any collusion. Warning social media companies of potential Russian misinformation is not colluding. In addition, I am still waiting for a answer on how it happened the laptop just happened to come out a few weeks before the election. That is a amazing coincidence.
Stay stupid.

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