About rightful racism as opposed to hating a race just because of racial differences

From that "premise" (antecedent), by applying the rule of inference, this follows "logically". You claimed this is not logic because that premise is wrong, which you likely claimed "just for the sake of persisting".

"If it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer within your own race, ethnicity, country, it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer of some other race, ethnicity, country. If it is rightful to hate an ugly girl of your own race, ethnicity, country (or a Caucasian), it is rightful to hate an ugly girl even if she is colored."
From that "premise" (antecedent), by applying the rule of inference, this follows "logically". You claimed this is not logic because that premise is wrong, which you likely claimed "just for the sake of persisting".

"If it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer within your own race, ethnicity, country, it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer of some other race, ethnicity, country. If it is rightful to hate an ugly girl of your own race, ethnicity, country (or a Caucasian), it is rightful to hate an ugly girl even if she is colored."

Give it a rest. Go sleep it off. :itsok:
It was obvious. You were just bullshitting "for the sake of persisting" for what you want to see & what you want to have despite "other people having other values from you". Your ideal is not wanted & not given a shit. The rightful entitlements are wanted over what "you" want. Some people value rightful entitlements (including being rightfully entitled to not do something) over comforts, ideal (especially when not even his or her ideal), profits; some people value comforts, ideal, profits over rightful entitlements.
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No idea what you are trying to bullshit. Clearly not what the expression the "traditional" Western ideal of beauty refers to nor what "I" want. What are you trying to say? That Caucasians are trying to appreciate all races in beauty & that I should too? No, I just feel what I feel. I have my standards & preferences which are my rights. I shouldn't be forced to like the faces I don't like just because that's what you want to see & what you want to have with your ideal not given a shit by me.

Not trying to be aggressive here. Best I can tell -- you have a preference for Caucasian beauty and you feel guilty about that. Some kind of cultural or nurturation bias that you developed. And you are trying to getting immunity from being racist. You don't need APPROVAL for a preference. You've clearly bought into the totally busted myth of Western beauty being exclusively Caucasian. And are trying to analyze a fallacy that died about 100 years ago..

Try Match.com or EHarmony --- they will fix you up quickly and cheaply..
What are you talking about? I like Caucasian & I shouldn't have to have that right infringed. I am not looking for an approval. I am making a statement. I don't feel guilty. I feel my rights challenged & annoyed. Deluding what you wish doesn't make it so. Clearly not what I want, think, pursue. Your fallacy is called "affirming the consequent". You think your wishful delusion "makes sense" when it is true, but the actual reality is that it makes sense even when when something other than your wishful delusion is true. As for what the reality is, I told you. Not that it's important in terms of what I want, think, pursue "anyway". Also, this isn't just about me or just about dating. I was talking about the general facts & logic. I was speaking for the general rights & rightful entitlements.
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What are you talking about? I like Caucasian & I shouldn't have to have that right infringed. I am not looking for an approval. I am making a statement. I don't feel guilty. I feel my rights challenged & annoyed. Deluding what you wish doesn't make it so. Clearly not what I want, think, pursue. Your fallacy is called "affirming the consequent". You think your wishful delusion "makes sense" when it is true, but the actual reality is that it makes sense even when when something other than your wishful delusion is true. As for what the reality is, I told you. Not that it's important in terms of what I want, think, pursue "anyway".
If you are Asian and you dont consider your look to be the best you are clearly operating on opinion and not logic. Not to mention a healthy dose of self hate.
"If you are Asian and you dont consider your look to be the best you are clearly operating on opinion and not logic"

That's false & doesn't follow any of the rules of inference in logic. Your claim assumes that whether something is an opinion or not (whether something is in the structure of the rules of inference or not) is dependent on the evaluation of face, which is false by the definition of sentence structure not having anything to do with face but only language. Also, Asians certainly don't look the best.

Also, I don't look like a typical Asian. My look doesn't represent the general East Asian but only Korean (well, noble Korean). People who look like me among Asians don't exist to serve wrongful Asian ego. Got nothing to do with the Asian blood. There are plenty of Central Asian lineage in East Asia. Not a face representation for East Asia.

Also, we already went over how everything I've said follows the rules of inference & has the true premises, which means "logic" regardless of you claiming otherwise with "lies". You lying over & over again means nothing other than "being false" & annoyance. You should be cut of from this thread. Except that there is no referee.

See the level of this guy talks? "If an Asian doesn't think Asian is the best looking, anything he says is an opinion instead of logic". Clearly illogical wishful bullshit. Just plain annoyance. But anyway, do observe the level of this guy's statement. Where his head revolves around.

Also, my topic on "an individual's right to distinguish races in dating" (this is not even racism as racial hatred or repulsion is not racism, & this has to do with preference without declaring superiority aside from this being a rightful racism even if you insist calling it racism) is that "a guy has a right to reject ugly girls even if the ugliness is from racial traits". My topic is not whether Asian is the best looking race (geez, hilarious) or not. As for what is good looking, I am using the traditional Western ideal of beauty. Also, the point is not what's good looking but the right to reject the uglies "when & if" you find such to be ugly.

The only thing you can claim to be an opinion is whether Caucasian is good looking or not & whether Asian is ugly or not. This is irrelevant to my logic. My logic applies either way aside from how I am setting the term "good looking" as "looking like Caucasian".
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"If you are Asian and you dont consider your look to be the best you are clearly operating on opinion and not logic"

That's false & doesn't follow any of the rules of inference in logic. Your claim assumes that whether something is an opinion or not (whether something is in the structure of the rules of inference or not) is dependent on the evaluation of face which is false by the definition of sentence structure not having anything to do with face. Also, Asians certainly don't look the best.

Also, I don't look typical Asian. My look doesn't represent the general East Asian but only Korean (well, noble Korean).

Also, we already went over how everything I've said follows the rules of inference & has the true premises, which means "logic" regardless of you claiming otherwise with "lies". You lying over & over again means nothing other than "being false" & annoyance. You should be cut of from this thread. Except that there is no referee.

See the level of this guy talks? "If an Asian doesn't think Asian is the best looking, anything he says is an opinion instead of logic". Clearly illogical wishful bullshit. Just plain annoyance. But anyway, do observe the level of this guy's statement. Where his head revolves around.

Also, my topic on "an individual's right to distinguish races in dating" (this is not even racism as racial hatred or repulsion is not racism, & this has to do with preference without declaring superiority aside from this being a rightful racism even if you insist calling it racism) is that "a guy has a right to reject ugly girls even if the ugliness is from racial traits". My topic is not whether Asian is the best looking race (geez, hilarious) or not. As for what is good looking, I am using the traditional Western ideal of beauty. Also, the point is not what's good looking but the right to reject the uglies "when & if" you find such to be ugly.

The only thing you can claim to be an opinion is whether Caucasian is good looking or not & whether Asian is ugly or not. This is irrelevant to my logic. My logic applies either way aside from how I am setting the term "good looking" as "looking like Caucasian".
I was in Korea for 2 years dude. Give me a break. Youre part Japanese and god knows what else. You think whites look better because you hate yourself.
I am not part Japanese. I don't even look Jap nor Chink. I am a full blood Korean. Uralic blood has big eyes & big nose like visible from some members of Nenets in Siberia. All my family members have been Korean up to how manyever generations recorded. Also, Korean's Uralic blood is from Central Asia & is mixed with Caucasians, Arabs, Indians. There are Caucasian DNA analyzed even today among Korean last names as well as ancient Caucasian corpses excavated. This also explains how Korean faces were recorded as Caucasoid in the 19th century for the noble Koreans & the northern Koreans above Kapsan.

Also, whether I think Caucasians are the better looking or not is my preference & my right, having nothing to do with my logic as it applies in "any direction". For now, I am just conveniently using the term "good looking" as "Caucasian looking". That's my "opinion" having nothing to do with my logic; that's my preference which I am rightfully entitled to.

You claiming wishfully with no proof (that I'm part Jap or that an Asian should think Asian is the best looking if not hating himself, which is false & illogical as that premise assumes that the ideal of beauty has to do with hating self or insisting self to be the best looking) is not relevant to the reality nor accepted by me obviously. But for the other people, see the level of this guy claiming & where his head revolves around.
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I am not part Japanese. I don't even look Jap nor Chink. I am a full blood Korean. Uralic blood has big eyes & big nose like visible from some members of Nenets in Siberia. All my family members have been Korean up to how manyever generations recorded. Also, Korean's Uralic blood is from Central Asia & is mixed with Caucasians, Arabs, Indians. There are Caucasian DNA analyzed even today among Korean last names as well as ancient Caucasian corpses excavated. This also explains how Korean faces were recorded as Caucasoid in the 19th century for the noble Koreans & the northern Koreans above Kapsan.

Also, whether I think Caucasians are the better looking or not is my preference & my right, having nothing to do with my logic as it applies in "any direction". For now, I am just conveniently using the term "good looking" as "Caucasian looking". That's my "opinion" having nothing to do with my logic; that's my preference which I am rightfully entitled to.

You claiming wishfully with no proof is not relevant to the reality nor accepted by me obviously. But for the other people, see the level of this guy claiming & where his head revolves around.
No such thing as full blooded Korean you moron. The Japanese made sex slaves out of the women on the Korean peninsula. DNA shows you guys are the same.
Sex slaves have nothing to do with my lineage nor any Korean family. What? Did they have children as sex slaves? You are just persisting for the sake of persisting with your false ego.

There is such a thing as full blooded Korean, "wishful delusional claimer". It means having Korean ancestry paternally & maternally to how manyever generations recorded. Also, what are you talking DNA about? Korean has Arab, Indian, Caucasian DNA's. Japs don't. Korean's Uralic DNA is from Korea (ultimately from Central Asia, but Korea's DNA is its own). Japs also have Uralic DNA, which is irrelevant (so what?). Japs have Pygmy DNA. Koreans don't. Koreans & Japs have different sub-haplogroups even for East Asian haplogroup O although Japs have "some" Korean sub-haplogroups which is by having it from Korea, not the other way around. Not a single DNA originated in that Jap island. So, aside from how I am not a part Jap, we don't even have the same DNA.

Aside from how you have 0 proof for claiming me to be mixed (which means it is never a fact but just your wishful delusion, which is not accepted by me nor the reality; obviously, I still see me as not mixed), I don't "look" Jap or Chink; the facial traits are different when comparing to the real honest racial faces. Aside from how you are the one who has to prove for claiming such, I am disproving it anyway with the opposite proofs. A claim with 0 proof is "never" a fact by me or the reality. Also, there's a thing called the burden of proof. That's to the claimer. + disproven with the actual "honest" racial faces recorded in the 19th century (& the facial traits belonging to DNAs vs only what traits being visible).
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I am not part Japanese. I don't even look Jap nor Chink. I am a full blood Korean. Uralic blood has big eyes & big nose like visible from some members of Nenets in Siberia. All my family members have been Korean up to how manyever generations recorded. Also, Korean's Uralic blood is from Central Asia & is mixed with Caucasians, Arabs, Indians. There are Caucasian DNA analyzed even today among Korean last names as well as ancient Caucasian corpses excavated. This also explains how Korean faces were recorded as Caucasoid in the 19th century for the noble Koreans & the northern Koreans above Kapsan.

Also, whether I think Caucasians are the better looking or not is my preference & my right, having nothing to do with my logic as it applies in "any direction". For now, I am just conveniently using the term "good looking" as "Caucasian looking". That's my "opinion" having nothing to do with my logic; that's my preference which I am rightfully entitled to.

You claiming wishfully with no proof is not relevant to the reality nor accepted by me obviously. But for the other people, see the level of this guy claiming & where his head revolves around.
No such thing as full blooded Korean you moron. The Japanese made sex slaves out of the women on the Korean peninsula. DNA shows you guys are the same.

DNA?..but...but..you denied DNA and race before. You're painting yourself into a corner, whigger

...and of course, as usual, you have nothing to support your allegations anyway...

...LMAO, whigger...you don't fool me.
I am not part Japanese. I don't even look Jap nor Chink. I am a full blood Korean. Uralic blood has big eyes & big nose like visible from some members of Nenets in Siberia. All my family members have been Korean up to how manyever generations recorded. Also, Korean's Uralic blood is from Central Asia & is mixed with Caucasians, Arabs, Indians. There are Caucasian DNA analyzed even today among Korean last names as well as ancient Caucasian corpses excavated. This also explains how Korean faces were recorded as Caucasoid in the 19th century for the noble Koreans & the northern Koreans above Kapsan.

Also, whether I think Caucasians are the better looking or not is my preference & my right, having nothing to do with my logic as it applies in "any direction". For now, I am just conveniently using the term "good looking" as "Caucasian looking". That's my "opinion" having nothing to do with my logic; that's my preference which I am rightfully entitled to.

You claiming wishfully with no proof is not relevant to the reality nor accepted by me obviously. But for the other people, see the level of this guy claiming & where his head revolves around.
No such thing as full blooded Korean you moron. The Japanese made sex slaves out of the women on the Korean peninsula. DNA shows you guys are the same.

DNA?..but...but..you denied DNA and race before. You're painting yourself into a corner, whigger

...and of course, as usual, you have nothing to support your allegations anyway...

...LMAO, whigger...you don't fool me.
Where did I deny DNA? Do you have a link to it? I think youre just mad because you didnt know that neaderthals were not homo sapiens and you were actually happy you were part troglodyte. :laugh:
Sex slaves have nothing to do with my lineage nor any Korean family. What? Did they have children as sex slaves? You are just persisting for the sake of persisting with your false ego.

There is such a thing as full blooded Korean, "wishful delusional claimer". It means having Korean ancestry paternally & maternally to how manyever generations recorded. Also, what are you talking DNA about? Korean has Arab, Indian, Caucasian DNA's. Japs don't. Korean's Uralic DNA is from Korea (ultimately from Central Asia, but Korea's DNA is its own). Japs also have Uralic DNA, which is irrelevant (so what?). Japs have Pygmy DNA. Koreans don't. Koreans & Japs have different sub-haplogroups even for East Asian haplogroup O although Japs have "some" Korean sub-haplogroups which is by having it from Korea, not the other way around. Not a single DNA originated in that Jap island. So, aside from how I am not a part Jap, we don't even have the same DNA. Aside from how you have 0 proof for claiming me to be mixed (which means it is never a fact but just your wishful delusion which is not accepted by me nor reality; obviously I still see me as not mixed), I don't "look" Jap or Chink; the facial traits are different when comparing to the real honest racial faces. Aside from how you are the one who has to prove for claiming such, I am disproving it anyway with the opposite proofs. A claim with 0 proof is "never" a fact by me or the reality.
Sorry guy but someone in your family line was a comfort girl. You have basically the same DNA as Japanese.
"Sorry guy but someone in your family line was a comfort girl. You have basically the same DNA as Japanese."

Aside from how you are the one who has to prove (a claim with 0 proof is never accepted as a fact to the reality or to me; I obviously see me as not mixed anyway), I have proofs against it anyway as all the family members recorded are clear off Japs. Also, your bullshit doesn't even make sense as sex slaves didn't really try to have children as slaves aside from having nothing to do with my families. Not to mention me looking different anyway.

But do see the level of this guy persisting. He should be cut off from the thread. Just false & annoyance. Nothing more. See the level of people like him. Just look at how his sentences make no sense at all. That's their level.
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I'm trying to understand here. Could you tell me what is NOT desirable about this Korean beauty?

Not pretty enough (not my type, as in a typical blonde Nordic doll looking Caucasian). Aside from finding out whether plastic or real. Also, probably has small nose & small eyes (can't tell much through makeup). Also, she has that exotic texture (Asian texture) which I don't like. I like genuine beauty. In real life, there are other factors in dating like personality, ethnic preference, etc. I am strictly talking face.

Yeah, when I say "Caucasian", I mean the nordic doll type. I'm not into Italian girls.

Why are we talking about my preference on beauty though? It's none of your business nor relevant to the topic & logic. The issue is not what face you should like but your right to reject even if the ugliness is from racial traits.
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Whether I want white or not has nothing to do with me being white. Also, I'm somewhat white. My look certainly has no thanks to the East Asian face.


Kind of Arab.


Kind of Caucasian. My brother looks even more Caucasian.

The point is that I hate it when East Asians cling to me as if my look represents them.

Such faces are not East Asian. East Asia just got used to them, but such faces are not from the East Asian blood & hard to see in East Asia. Getting used to some faces for centuries doesn't make the faces East Asian nor high in frequency. They are rare; they are not from the East Asian blood.
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