About rightful racism as opposed to hating a race just because of racial differences

None of those diseases are exclusive to any one 'race' dopey.
nope...not completely exclusive....but the point stands...there ARE biological differences...and physical differences...and intellectual differences....
race exists and it matters.

ok..your turn..this is where you get to call me some names, cause a distraction, change the subject and pretend to be above it all, right?..LMAO..
Like I said, living in your own head doesn't do anything in the reality nor in me (what I think or do). Twisting does nothing aside from the irrelevance to anything anyway. Whether exclusive or not, there are differences which can be either preferred or repulsed "without the concept of superiority (racism applies only to superiority)" just like it would be applied for your own race the same "when matching that attribute" such as an "ugly face" or "did something wrong". Also, whether something is rightful or not applies to the "action itself", not what the unit of the target is (race, ethnicity, country, individual). It is not about whether a target is wrongful or rightful. It is about whether the action itself is rightful or not. Also, if the action is rightful when it is not for a different race, ethnicity, country but your own race, ethnicity, country, the action is also rightful "even if" it applies to a different race, ethnicity, country or an individual from such.
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Saying that that's racism? Or that there isn't differences in attributes "whether exclusive or not".

Simply put, a Caucasian has a right to favor dating Caucasians. A Caucasian has a right to not date a colored girl if such looks are considered ugly by him. A Caucasian has a right to "also not date" a Caucasian girl when she happens to be ugly. The logic applies the same to an Asian wanting to date a Caucasian instead of black, Asian, only quarter Caucasian, whatever. There is no declaration of superiority but just what is considered "better looking (or more descriptively, the Western ideal of beauty)" & "favored". Even when a Caucasian girl fails to match it, she is rejected. This is for the sake of argument. There are other factors in dating like personality.
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This thread would confuse anyone with half a brain.
No, it only confuses you if you are dumb enough to dumb down what I said into something easy, which I didn't say, you can see & perceive like a grade 1's textbook on what racism is.
No, it only confuses you if you are dumb enough to dumb down what I said into something easy, which I didn't say, you can see & perceive like a grade 1's textbook on what racism is.
Thanks, Perfesser!
There is such a thing as rightful racism, & I just provided the logic on it. Either stick to the logic or don't bother. I clearly made the point how whether something is rightful or not is not what you call it nor which unit is used but the action itself. Hence, I declared that this is not racism & it is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

You provided your opinion. It had nothing to do with logic whatsoever.

I provided "logic" with the concept of "action" & "unit" being isolated. If you don't understand what that means, you clearly skipped that part & you are not smart enough to sense that there is something wrong it.
No you provided your opinon. Nothing you said was logicial. It was only based on your assumptions.

  1. 1.
    reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Logic is in the form of if then. I provided: "The idea is that whether something is rightful or not is dependent only on the action itself regardless of the unit. If something is rightful on some other unit, then it should be rightful in the unit of race as well. As for being rightful on some other unit, it is entitled morally & rightfully (there's nothing wrong with it aside from being your rightful, natural, valid, consequential, logical response), not just legally (it is your legal right as well). Hence, even when the unit happens to become in the unit of race, it is still rightful because the action itself is a rightful action. That's the logic."

There's the "if" & the "then" is "hence, such thing is not racism & even if you insist calling it racism, it is rightful". Racial hatred is not even racism as it doesn't involve the concept of superiority, & you can have preference on races without the concept of superiority. Claiming that I didn't provide logic & "why" part is simply a "lie" by a "liar".

If it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer within your own race, ethnicity, country, it is rightful to hate a thief or a murderer of some other race, ethnicity, country. If it is rightful to hate an ugly girl of your own race, ethnicity, country (or a Caucasian), it is rightful to hate an ugly girl even if she is colored. Since whether something is rightful or not is on the action itself not "to whom", changing the target unit doesn't change being rightful. Hence, such is not racism aside from being rightful whether you call it racism or not by grouping with some other racism with equivocation.
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Like I said, a "lie" by a "liar". Just a wishful claim. No such concept as "if this then that" structure. Logic means "the structures following the rules of inferences". Quoting Google Dictionary, "In logic, a rule of inference, inference rule, or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a function which takes premises, analyzes their syntax, and returns a conclusion (or conclusions)." A typical one is Modus Ponens (if this then that) which I used. Logic is defined as “reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity”.

Ah, I should have demanded "name me a fallacy I committed" instead of describing what a logic is like talking to "COMPLETE IDIOTS" for the liars.
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Also, when certain attributes happen to be assigned better or inconvenient to the unit of race, then that is just how the truth is. For example, Caucasian is more "Western" ideal of beauty whether you call it good looking or not. There shouldn't be any distortion of facts just because that exposes how some race is "better" or "less convenient" in any attribute.

Should be fairly easy to distinguish between racism and racial preference -- which I think might be what you are trying to get to here. Racial preference is driven not just by race, but by the culture, dominant religion, socio-political views and life experiences generally prevalent in that race.

Often race is the least important of those discriminating factors.
Attraction and compatibility (for business or pleasure) should supercede any racial boundaries if you are NOT a racist.
Not really. If a race is ugly (I called Asian ugly, so don't henpeck on this), you are not attracted just like you won't be attracted to someone ugly from your own race or Caucasian (some Caucasians are ugly, yes). That's the point I made with "unit" & "action".
Also, when certain attributes happen to be assigned better or inconvenient to the unit of race, then that is just how the truth is. For example, Caucasian is more "Western" ideal of beauty whether you call it good looking or not. There shouldn't be any distortion of facts just because that exposes how some race is "better" or "less convenient" in any attribute.

Western 'ideal of beauty' is a myth. Probably stronger in non-westerners. You look at High Fashion Western beauty and it is NOT dominated by Caucasian people.. Plenty of room for ALL races in that trait..
What do you mean myth? "I" like it & that's the important part. Myth to whom? Someone other than me? Irrelevant. Also, just like blonde is the popular hair color, even a lot of Caucasians fancy that "myth". Also, I can quote Elisée Reclus on the specific use of the term "Western Ideal of beauty". That expression is from Europe, not non-European.

The Earth and Its Inhabitants ...: East Asia: Chinese empire, Corea, and Japan

See? A quote from an European using that concept & expression.
Not really. If a race is ugly, you are not attracted just like you won't be attracted to someone ugly from your own race or Caucasian (some Caucasians are ugly, yes). That's the point I made with "unit" & "action".

Well fine -- I'll say if you dismiss ANY race for "lack of beauty" --- then you probably ARE a racist.. Name an ugly race there polarbear -- and I will tempt you with some pictures and see if I can fix your bias.. :badgrin:

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