About rightful racism as opposed to hating a race just because of racial differences

The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.
The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.

LMAO...the indoctrination is strong in you.

"Human" isn't a race..it's a species...

and there are measurable biological, physical and intellectual differences between the races.
The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.

LMAO...the indoctrination is strong in you.

"Human" isn't a race..it's a species...

You misunderstood the post.

Human "RACE" as in the several races described by folks that believe that physical characteristics separate humans.

Those would be Negroid, Europeoid, and Mongoloid races.
The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.

LMAO...the indoctrination is strong in you.

"Human" isn't a race..it's a species...

You misunderstood the post.

Human "RACE" as in the several races described by folks that believe that physical characteristics separate humans.

Those would be Negroid, Europeoid, and Mongoloid races.

...there are measurable physical, biological and intellectual differences between the races.

"race" isn't a societal construct....society is a racial construct...societies are reflective of the race of the people that comprise it...compare japan with africa for example..one is an advanced, modern society..the other is africa.......
This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will.

People like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs.

Which are not factors dependent upon race.
It's not a matter of whether a physical characteristic or any attribute of a race, ethnicity, country is "superior" or whatever. It is just that they are different & some attributes are preferred while some attributes are repulsed. I am saying that this is rightful (legitimate) whether you call this racism or not & I am saying that this is not racism. The entire focus is on the specific attributes which happen to apply in the unit of race (or ethnicity or country) for the target "although it doesn't have to be in the unit of race, ethnicity, country". The focus is not about it being superior or not. You don't think it's superior. You just like something or hate (or repulsed) by something. Also, whether something is "better" or "preferred" should not be distorted just so that the less fortunate races can feel better about themselves. Like the face envy towards Caucasians by Asians. This is not about feeling superior or declaring to be superior. It's not about superiority. This is about what you like or don't like rightfully (legitimate). Some factors may or may not be dependent on race (or ethnicity or country), but it is irrelevant as the focus is not on the race itself but on the factors themselves which happen to be (but don't have to be) dependent on race, ethnicity, country.
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The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.

LMAO...the indoctrination is strong in you.

"Human" isn't a race..it's a species...

You misunderstood the post.

Human "RACE" as in the several races described by folks that believe that physical characteristics separate humans.

Those would be Negroid, Europeoid, and Mongoloid races.

...there are measurable physical, biological and intellectual differences between the races.

"race" isn't a societal construct....society is a racial construct...societies are reflective of the race of the people that comprise it...compare japan with africa for example..one is an advanced, modern society..the other is africa.......

Compare someone who completed at least junior high and some idiot who doesn't know the difference between a country and a continent.
Yeah, but see? This starts to look like a debate as opposed to yesterday's "all humans are equal". That was stupid.
The point is how that is not racism & how that is a rightful racism even if you call it that.

First you have to understand "racism".

It has very little to do with "racial" hatred and more to do with feeling that physical characteristics are an indication of ability and intellect and that your "race" makes you superior.

Outside of a social construct, human race, as a biological "science" really doesn't exist.

LMAO...the indoctrination is strong in you.

"Human" isn't a race..it's a species...

You misunderstood the post.

Human "RACE" as in the several races described by folks that believe that physical characteristics separate humans.

Those would be Negroid, Europeoid, and Mongoloid races.

...there are measurable physical, biological and intellectual differences between the races.

"race" isn't a societal construct....society is a racial construct...societies are reflective of the race of the people that comprise it...compare japan with africa for example..one is an advanced, modern society..the other is africa.......

No there aren't any measurable physical, biological or intellectual differences between races.

The fact that a person with dark skin and a person with light skin can have sexual intercourse and produce offspring shoots your "theory" to shit.
Race is a part of the system of classification which applies to all things, including the abstract. Classification is established through observable characteristics and behaviors.
Ah, that was a good point. Racism is not about racial hatred (more like repulsion in the reality) but about racial superiority.
There are any measurable physical, biological differences between races. Black people have dark skin & frizzy hair. Caucasians don't. Asians (99% of them) have slanted oblique small single-eyelids eyes, flat nose, yellow skin while Caucasians have folding eyelids, big eyes, big nose, white skin. Clearly measurable.

Most importantly, apparently, racism isn't defined as racial hatred but as racial superiority. That strengthens my points. Racism is not even hating a certain race, ethnicity, country but about the superiority of a race, ethnicity, country. Hence, hating (or being repulsed) a certain race, ethnicity, country because of an attribute (like face or it having done something wrong to you) is not racism aside from being rightful anyway. Even on the matter of superiority, it is within the individual rights & it is rightful (legitimate) to distinguish what you like & what you don't like "without declaring" superiority. It is an individual right morally, rightfully, legally.
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No there aren't any measurable physical, biological or intellectual differences between races.

Incorrect..there are race specific diseases...taylor-sachs...sickle cell anemiea...cystic fibrosis are a few...

a forensic anthropologist can determine the race of a skeleton by making measurements at critical points...

the average mongoloid IQ is 10-15 points higher than the average caucasian...the average caucasian IQ is 10-15 points higher than the average negroid IQ...which coincidentally is the lowest among humans...

hard facts....

The fact that a person with dark skin and a person with light skin can have sexual intercourse and produce offspring shoots your "theory" to shit.

no...human is a species..like canine (Canidae) is a species....

all humans can interbreed...just like all canines can...
"Race" among humans is like "Breeds" among dogs...there are marked and measurable differences among dog breeds...just like there are marked and measurable differences among the various races..
None of those diseases are exclusive to any one 'race' dopey.
Doesn't have to be completely exclusive to a race. The point is how there are valid differences "without declaring superiority" but declaring "preference" like face or culture. You can have "easier on the eyes" or "easier on the mind" without stating "superior".

When there is an ugly girl in the unit of "the family next door" or "the town over there within the same country", she is hated (or repulsed). When a town within your own country or a giant corporation did something wrong to you, it is hated (or repulsed). Although hatred is not the definition of racism, the logic works the same for superiority thing. It doesn't matter whether your own race, ethnicity, country or some other race, ethnicity, country. When such happens to be done or possessed in the unit of group race, ethnicity, country, it is hated & repulsed.

Technically, such things "are" superior “at least to the person feeling such” in terms of those factors. It's just that racism-phobia people don't want to "declare" it which I have no problem with. I don't "have to" declare it. I just know what I want & don't want.
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So, this is rightful, & this isn't even rightful racism at all! This is not even racism at all!
No "if this then that" as usual. Just a "claim" with what you want to see or have. Which is not given a shit as I've said.

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