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I don't know too much about Turkey and Algerias political system, but Pakistan? that country is under Islamic law and very hateful towards Westerners, they are trying to execute a Christian Pakistani lady for blasphemy and they have an American in custody for shooting 2 robbers. Pakistan is definently not Sweden.

Pakistan is trying to be a democracy but frequent coups have swung it right. Pakistan is one of our allies.
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Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria

I don't know too much about Turkey and Algerias political system, but Pakistan? that country is under Islamic law and very hateful towards Westerners, they are trying to execute a Christian Pakistani lady for blasphemy and they have an American in custody for shooting 2 robbers. Pakistan is definently not Sweden.

Pakistan is trying to be a democracy but frequent coups have swung it right. Pakistan is one of our allies.

The government takes American moneys yes, but the people on the ground in Pakistan DESPISE Americans. Pakistan is playing a double game, they take American money and smile in our face but they let the Taliban use Pakistan as a sanctuary, they are not our friends.

Philippines is mostly a Roman Catholic country, the Muslims are a minority and are fighting an insurgency there.

The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is the region of the Philippines that is composed of all the Philippines' predominantly Muslim provinces, namely: Basilan (except Isabela City), Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the Islamic City of Marawi. It is the only region that has its own government. The regional capital is at Cotabato City, although this city is outside of its jurisdiction..
Turkey, Pakistan, Algeria, Phillipines

Philippines is mostly a Roman Catholic country, the Muslims are a minority and are fighting an insurgency there.

The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) is the region of the Philippines that is composed of all the Philippines' predominantly Muslim provinces, namely: Basilan (except Isabela City), Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, and the Islamic City of Marawi. It is the only region that has its own government. The regional capital is at Cotabato City, although this city is outside of its jurisdiction..

The South of the Philippines is a terrorist safe haven for the group Abu Sayyaf, Westerners have been taken hostage there and beheaded.:eek:

Terrorism Havens: Philippines - Council on Foreign Relations
I don't know too much about Turkey and Algerias political system, but Pakistan? that country is under Islamic law and very hateful towards Westerners, they are trying to execute a Christian Pakistani lady for blasphemy and they have an American in custody for shooting 2 robbers. Pakistan is definently not Sweden.

Pakistan is trying to be a democracy but frequent coups have swung it right. Pakistan is one of our allies.

The government takes American moneys yes, but the people on the ground in Pakistan DESPISE Americans. Pakistan is playing a double game, they take American money and smile in our face but they let the Taliban use Pakistan as a sanctuary, they are not our friends.

Now you're changing it to friend requirement? They are our allies. They're decidedly grouchy about the CIA's tactics. They don't like being bullied. They don't like our drones killing civilians.
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Pakistan is trying to be a democracy but frequent coups have swung it right. Pakistan is one of our allies.

The government takes American moneys yes, but the people on the ground in Pakistan DESPISE Americans. Pakistan is playing a double game, they take American money and smile in our face but they let the Taliban use Pakistan as a sanctuary, they are not our friends.

Now you're changing it to friend requirement? They are our allies. They're decidedly grouchy about the CIA's tactics. They don't like being bullied.

Grouchy? lol. Pakistan is playing both sides here, taking American money and than helping the Taliban kill Americans, what about this don't you understand?
The government takes American moneys yes, but the people on the ground in Pakistan DESPISE Americans. Pakistan is playing a double game, they take American money and smile in our face but they let the Taliban use Pakistan as a sanctuary, they are not our friends.

Now you're changing it to friend requirement? They are our allies. They're decidedly grouchy about the CIA's tactics. They don't like being bullied.

Grouchy? lol. Pakistan is playing both sides here, taking American money and than helping the Taliban kill Americans, what about this don't you understand?

I see. If I agree with everything you think then I 'understand'. There's YOUR view, always right. And everyone elses, always wrong.
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Now you're changing it to friend requirement? They are our allies. They're decidedly grouchy about the CIA's tactics. They don't like being bullied.

Grouchy? lol. Pakistan is playing both sides here, taking American money and than helping the Taliban kill Americans, what about this don't you understand?

I see. If I agree with everything you think then I 'understand'.

You are going by everything Pakistan says on paper, the reality on the ground is a different story. Even Saudi Arabia and Yemen are technically our "allies" because they take our money and arms but, if you try to walk down their streets as an American, you are fucked.:eek:
Now you're changing it to friend requirement? They are our allies. They're decidedly grouchy about the CIA's tactics. They don't like being bullied.

Grouchy? lol. Pakistan is playing both sides here, taking American money and than helping the Taliban kill Americans, what about this don't you understand?

I see. If I agree with everything you think then I 'understand'. There's YOUR view, always right. And everyone elses, always wrong.

Never said always right.
I wouldn't say Algeria is a democracy.

Algeria-Military Dictatorship

The head of state is the president of Algeria, who is elected for a five-year term.

If thats the case why are the Algerians protesting demanding he step down? Remember, Mubarak called himself a President and was running Egypt for 30+ years, even Saddam Hussein called himself a President. You need to look past the words and see the reality on the ground in these countries, really dip your feet in it.

Algerian Dictator Scared | Newsflavor
Here are some pics of the protests in Algeria.




If there was real democracy in Algeria, this would not be happening.
You need to stop confusing dictatorship with Islamic. Democratic elections were suspended under a state of emergency in 1992 because the ISLAMICISTS were winning. The protestors are MUSLIM.

What the west can't stand is if these countries CHOOSE Islamic leaders.

I'm for democracy, how about you? Let the people CHOOSE. No one wants a dictatorship.
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You need to stop confusing dictatorship with Islamic. Democratic elections were suspended under a state of emergency in 1992 because the ISLAMICISTS were winning. The protestors are MUSLIM.

What the west can't stand is if these countries CHOOSE Islamic leaders.

So than Algeria is not a democracy. The dictators of these countries are Muslim, and all of them have Islam as the official state religion, even "moderate" countries like UAE, Jordan, Turkey etc. follow Islamic law, some of them just enforce it harder than others. What do you think happens when Islamic parties triumph in these elections? they never have elections again.:razz:
You need to stop confusing dictatorship with Islamic. Democratic elections were suspended under a state of emergency in 1992 because the ISLAMICISTS were winning. The protestors are MUSLIM.

What the west can't stand is if these countries CHOOSE Islamic leaders.

So than Algeria is not a democracy. The dictators of these countries are Muslim, and all of them have Islam as the official state religion, even "moderate" countries like UAE, Jordan, Turkey etc. follow Islamic law, some of them just enforce it harder than others. What do you think happens when Islamic parties triumph in these elections? they never have elections again.:razz:

I don't consider a 19 year 'emergency' suspension of democratic elections to meet the test for democracy, no.

Just as we couldn't elect a non-christian to the White House in America today, you're not going to see a non-muslim elected President in a predominantly Muslim country.

You forget the US was once friends with the Shah of Iran and Saddam Hussein. Do you want me to start naming all the dictators the US has supported?
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You need to stop confusing dictatorship with Islamic. Democratic elections were suspended under a state of emergency in 1992 because the ISLAMICISTS were winning. The protestors are MUSLIM.

What the west can't stand is if these countries CHOOSE Islamic leaders.

So than Algeria is not a democracy. The dictators of these countries are Muslim, and all of them have Islam as the official state religion, even "moderate" countries like UAE, Jordan, Turkey etc. follow Islamic law, some of them just enforce it harder than others. What do you think happens when Islamic parties triumph in these elections? they never have elections again.:razz:

I don't consider a 19 year 'emergency' suspension of democratic elections to meet the test for democracy, no.

Just as we couldn't elect a non-christian to the White House in America today, you're not going to see a non-muslim elected President in a predominantly Muslim country.

Hahaha Barack Obamas father is Muslim, so according to Islam, he is a Muslim because if your father is Muslim, so are you. Religion in the US is not politics, in Muslim countries, Islam IS politics. Technically Lebanon's President is Christian, even though Hezbollah are the ones really running that country.
You forget the US was once friends with the Shah of Iran and Saddam Hussein. Do you want me to start naming all the dictators the US has supported?

The Shah of Iran is a boy scout compared to the Mullahs currently running Iran.
You forget the US was once friends with the Shah of Iran and Saddam Hussein. Do you want me to start naming all the dictators the US has supported?

The Shah of Iran is a boy scout compared to the Mullahs currently running Iran.


The CIA-trained SAVAK police under the Shah were ten times more brutal and repressive then the Mullahs have ever been. :doubt:
You forget the US was once friends with the Shah of Iran and Saddam Hussein. Do you want me to start naming all the dictators the US has supported?

The Shah of Iran is a boy scout compared to the Mullahs currently running Iran.

That is your prejudiced opinion. It's a silly statement unable to be backed by facts. It's like asking who is a worse dictator, Hitler or Pol Pot?
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