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unattributed gibberish whose context or veracity you dont know or care to know
I see you chose to ignore the deeper look.

The deeper look is to find buddha nature in ALL beings. I read those passages and I don't read hatred or world domination motivation at all.

The Bible says to obey God. The Q'uran says the same.
Obey allah kill those who dont obey allah.
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So, now I'm a drug addict? Why? Because I'm not a cynic?

Where do you come up with these responses??? You may need to cut back on the Caffeine.

If there is any supposition at all, it is that you are naive.

What I am, is open hearted, not cynical. Rather than look for the evil, I look for the good.

It's basic Buddhism.

Do you have two Twenties for a Ten??? :eek: :eusa_whistle: You are really lost on that expectation thing Sky. Clear those Chakras!!! You are running with more delays than Amtrak!!!


You can't hold onto what you have when you don't have it anymore?

You have a point. Islam is the bottle of beer?

The analogy doesn't really fit since nobody stole it.

That's a matter of arguable debate over which I am certain that we both could post many pages of support and deny the others with a variety of methods. :razz:

The analogy stands to my point of view at this point in time.

For misinterpretation of scripture is theft from...?

Truth is the interrelated consistency of statements and their correspondence with the facts of reality and the facts themselves. It suggests an integration of character, and adherence of virtue, a kind of reliability, which includes and goes beyond the literal meaning to include those aspects of personal behavior which seem to be implied by the love of truth. The concept of truth is derived from the character of God, and is the exact opposite of the concept of lying. "It is impossible for God to lie."


Since it is impossible for God to lie we know that everything He says about what will happen will actually take place.

Deuteronomy 32:4 said:
[HE is] the Rock, HIS work [is] perfect: for all HIS ways [are] judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right [is] HE.

Like most religions, Islam in general, forbids lying. The Quran says, "Truly Allah guides not one who transgresses and lies." Surah 40:28. In the Hadith, Mohammed was also quoted as saying, "Be honest because honesty leads to goodness, and goodness leads to Paradise. Beware of falsehood because it leads to immorality, and immorality leads to Hell."

However, unlike most religions, within Islam there are certain provisions under which lying is not simply tolerated, but actually encouraged. The book "The spirit of Islam," by the Muslim scholar, Afif A. Tabbarah was written to promote Islam. On page 247, Tabbarah stated: "Lying is not always bad, to be sure; there are times when telling a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for the settlement of conciliation among people, than telling the truth.

To this effect, the Prophet says: 'He is not a false person who (through lies) settles conciliation among people, supports good or says what is good."

Now the Prophet is Muhammad. Not G-d. Muhammad. So, as long as the Muslim is lying for peace (Submission to the Will off Muslims who submit to the Will of Allah is Islamic Peace) and it's pretty much an open road. War in Islam is not to be submitting to those who submit to the will of Allah.

That leads me to the same question again.

If G-d is truth, why are Muslims promoting advising to lie to further their truth?

If G-d is truth, then evil is lies and if evil is lies, why is Muhammad proposing situations and events where lying is not only permitted, but encouraged?

This is why I write so blisteringly about Arab truces or "hudnas". The concept of truce was turned it into a tactic of war, a method to increase greater damage to the other side. Now since it is fine to lie in order to facilitate peace (again see above, submission) and not stand to the honor of word given, how can one trust their truces? History, both past and recent show that they do not honor the word to infidels if an advantage can be gained.

Hudna has a distinct meaning to Islamic fundamentalists, well-versed in their history: The prophet Mohammad struck a legendary, ten-year hudna with the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca in the seventh century. Over the following two years, Mohammad rearmed and took advantage of a minor Quraysh infraction to break the hudna and launch the full conquest of Mecca, the holiest city in Islam.

Now truce means a time to lay down the arms and work towards making a peace. A hudna is not a truce, but that term is interchanged when translated. As they do with Judeo/Christian peace (see above submission to...).

A truce has been twisted into a military tactic by Muslims. And one of lies. So another form of peace (freedom from Islamic Peace :razz: can be lied to since it is not the true peace of Islam.

Now that is truly fact up! :cuckoo: (a pun at this time is hopefully allowed)

Tactical Hudna and Islamist Intolerance | Shimshon 9

When Yassir Arafat infamously invoked Mohammad’s hudna in 1994 to describe his own Oslo commitments “on the road to Jerusalem,” the implication was clear. As Mideast expert Daniel Pipes explained, Arafat was asserting to his Islamic brethren that he will, “when his circumstances change for the better, take advantage of some technicality to tear up existing accords and launch a military assault on Israel.” Indeed, this is precisely what occurred in Sept. 2000 when Arafat & Co. launched a terror assault upon Israeli citizens.

We could all take something out of Jeremiah Chapter 23. There is truth and then there is Truth. In the grand scheme, the games are each exposed, just like everything else, which is, in effect, as it should be. When we freely choose to put God first in All Things, where does that leave us???

The Holy Bible
We could all take something out of Jeremiah Chapter 23. There is truth and then there is Truth. In the grand scheme, the games are each exposed, just like everything else, which is, in effect, as it should be. When we freely choose to put God first in All Things, where does that leave us???

The Holy Bible

Every Muslim should expend all his effort and energy for the society he belongs to.

The present economic world order generates profit as well as consumer in a cyclic manner. It has produced a society, which believes and practices a wasteful or extravagant life-style and considers it their right to "use" because they "have" it. This is in total contrast to Qur’anic model of modesty, simplicity and frugality.

There is a universal rule of law: No one can be punished without evidence. Another important rule: Freedom from guilt is principal, i.e. everybody is innocent unless the opposite is proved. The Prophet is reported to have said, "A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally."

Islam advices us like that: ‘Look at the defect in your own soul that you do not see or do not wish to see. Deduct a share for that. As for the small share which then remains, if you respond with forgiveness, pardon, and magnanimity, in such a way as to conquer your enemy swiftly and safely, then you will have escaped all sin and harm.’ Thus, self-awareness should lead to repentance, repentance to forgiveness, forgiveness to reconciliation and the seeds for a lasting peace are laid.

I see no flaw in these values.

It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.
So are all those protesters demonstrating against the governments in the ME committing treason because they are going against their leader?

...No, they're duty-bound to oppose their governments because those governments are neglectful of Shari'ah.

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions. At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power. The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah. The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.

You cannot force a way of belief onto another person. All you will harvest is falseness.
So are all those protesters demonstrating against the governments in the ME committing treason because they are going against their leader?

...No, they're duty-bound to oppose their governments because those governments are neglectful of Shari'ah.

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions. At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power. The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah. The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.

You cannot force a way of belief onto another person. All you will harvest is falseness.

I don't see the protestors in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain or anywhere else revolting because the governments aren't Islamic enough, I don't hear anyone asking for Shariah either.
Every Muslim should expend all his effort and energy for the society he belongs to.

The present economic world order generates profit as well as consumer in a cyclic manner. It has produced a society, which believes and practices a wasteful or extravagant life-style and considers it their right to "use" because they "have" it. This is in total contrast to Qur’anic model of modesty, simplicity and frugality.

There is a universal rule of law: No one can be punished without evidence. Another important rule: Freedom from guilt is principal, i.e. everybody is innocent unless the opposite is proved. The Prophet is reported to have said, "A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally."

Islam advices us like that: ‘Look at the defect in your own soul that you do not see or do not wish to see. Deduct a share for that. As for the small share which then remains, if you respond with forgiveness, pardon, and magnanimity, in such a way as to conquer your enemy swiftly and safely, then you will have escaped all sin and harm.’ Thus, self-awareness should lead to repentance, repentance to forgiveness, forgiveness to reconciliation and the seeds for a lasting peace are laid.

I see no flaw in these values.

It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.

I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.
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So are all those protesters demonstrating against the governments in the ME committing treason because they are going against their leader?

...No, they're duty-bound to oppose their governments because those governments are neglectful of Shari'ah.

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions. At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power. The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah. The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.
Should we mimic the Western governments like the U.S.

Where they just fleece the people of their money and hand it to Wall Street.

While convincing the brain washed Americans that it's the patriotic thing to do. :cuckoo:
Every Muslim should expend all his effort and energy for the society he belongs to.

The present economic world order generates profit as well as consumer in a cyclic manner. It has produced a society, which believes and practices a wasteful or extravagant life-style and considers it their right to "use" because they "have" it. This is in total contrast to Qur’anic model of modesty, simplicity and frugality.

There is a universal rule of law: No one can be punished without evidence. Another important rule: Freedom from guilt is principal, i.e. everybody is innocent unless the opposite is proved. The Prophet is reported to have said, "A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally."

Islam advices us like that: ‘Look at the defect in your own soul that you do not see or do not wish to see. Deduct a share for that. As for the small share which then remains, if you respond with forgiveness, pardon, and magnanimity, in such a way as to conquer your enemy swiftly and safely, then you will have escaped all sin and harm.’ Thus, self-awareness should lead to repentance, repentance to forgiveness, forgiveness to reconciliation and the seeds for a lasting peace are laid.

I see no flaw in these values.

It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.

I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

But she is unwilling to stick her toes in the true waters of Islam. :razz:

She favors the spirtual jihad because it comes more slowly. Future gays and lesbians? Matters not to the philosopher. For they are:

Blind in one eye and can not see out of the other.
...No, they're duty-bound to oppose their governments because those governments are neglectful of Shari'ah.

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions. At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power. The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah. The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.
Should we mimic the Western governments like the U.S.

Where they just fleece the people of their money and hand it to Wall Street.

While convincing the brain washed Americans that it's the patriotic thing to do. :cuckoo:

hahahaha have you ever been to the Middle East Sunni? trust me, the guys there do far worse, which is why there are so many uprisings in that part of the world. If everything in Muslim countries was peaches and cream, there would be no revolts.
It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.

I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

But she is unwilling to stick her toes in the true waters of Islam. :razz:

She favors the spirtual jihad because it comes more slowly. Future gays and lesbians? Matters not to the philosopher. For they are:

Blind in one eye and can not see out of the other.

I don't consider extremist Islam as the true waters of Islam.

Those who are oppressing, torturing and killing gays and women in Islamic countries are wrong.

Please have enough respect to post TO me rather than ABOUT me. It's rude. People who disagree with your view are just as deserving of courtesy as your friends who agree with you.

Thank you.

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