About TheReligionofPeace.com

Every Muslim should expend all his effort and energy for the society he belongs to.

The present economic world order generates profit as well as consumer in a cyclic manner. It has produced a society, which believes and practices a wasteful or extravagant life-style and considers it their right to "use" because they "have" it. This is in total contrast to Qur’anic model of modesty, simplicity and frugality.

There is a universal rule of law: No one can be punished without evidence. Another important rule: Freedom from guilt is principal, i.e. everybody is innocent unless the opposite is proved. The Prophet is reported to have said, "A believer remains within the scope of his religion as long as he doesn't kill another person illegally."

Islam advices us like that: ‘Look at the defect in your own soul that you do not see or do not wish to see. Deduct a share for that. As for the small share which then remains, if you respond with forgiveness, pardon, and magnanimity, in such a way as to conquer your enemy swiftly and safely, then you will have escaped all sin and harm.’ Thus, self-awareness should lead to repentance, repentance to forgiveness, forgiveness to reconciliation and the seeds for a lasting peace are laid.

I see no flaw in these values.

It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.

I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

You have mistakenly taken 'general' statements for 'all inclusive'. Most of the posters here have gone to great lengths at some point to state they do not believe all muslims are bad people (quite the opposite). They probably go to a general statement to save time and space, and repeating.
Islam includes two parts: one part is the spiritual (this is the part most people have absolutely no problem with others believing), the other part is Sharia and a controlling system over all (not just muslims) peoples (this would be the part that most people have serious problems accepting or even tolerating)
The second part of islam is the corruption for any society. Because the muslims follow a prophet instead of the Lord, they will not seperate the two. The muslims that you apparently know in this country only share the first part (the spiritual) with you. They will not reveal, clearly, their intentions about the second part until they are in a position to implement control over your life.
Hence we are at an impasse. You only wish to see the spiritual. Most of us see the Shariah portion waiting, deceptively in the background waiting to see weakness. Sharia offers no freedom, no liberty, no pursuit of hapiness, only life in poverty and misery. There is not an option to save or live frugally, if you don't you don't live. The minimalist is the way because there is no other choice.
Muslims in this country have the opportunity to live the spiritual side only. Many of them personally reject the Shariah aspect, but they cannot change islam. There are too many muslims that will murder muslims for even suggesting reform. There is no choice, it is assimilate or die.
It is truly amazing that you will spout this propaganda while women in the ME are tried, tortured and killed everyday on falsified or no evidence.

It must be wonderful to live in a world where you do not deal with the corruption, pain and murders these "ideals" cause.

Sky Dancer, please do the research, and explain to me where islam is making a great society. Where are the leaders of said areas living in a minimalist way while the people are starving or giving half of their income for FOOD?

Words printed in a book are easy to say... it is talking the talk. Where does islam walk the walk (in a predominately islamic society)?

Show me an islamic society and I will show you: corruption, torture, murder, false imprisonment, etc (all those things you want to claim are so very harmful in this country, yet ignore in other cultures). I am cynical over anything you "claim" to support. It appears to be highly selective.

I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

You have mistakenly taken 'general' statements for 'all inclusive'. Most of the posters here have gone to great lengths at some point to state they do not believe all muslims are bad people (quite the opposite). They probably go to a general statement to save time and space, and repeating.
Islam includes two parts: one part is the spiritual (this is the part most people have absolutely no problem with others believing), the other part is Sharia and a controlling system over all (not just muslims) peoples (this would be the part that most people have serious problems accepting or even tolerating)The second part of islam is the corruption for any society. Because the muslims follow a prophet instead of the Lord, they will not seperate the two. The muslims that you apparently know in this country only share the first part (the spiritual) with you. They will not reveal, clearly, their intentions about the second part until they are in a position to implement control over your life.
Hence we are at an impasse. You only wish to see the spiritual. Most of us see the Shariah portion waiting, deceptively in the background waiting to see weakness. Sharia offers no freedom, no liberty, no pursuit of hapiness, only life in poverty and misery. There is not an option to save or live frugally, if you don't you don't live. The minimalist is the way because there is no other choice.
Muslims in this country have the opportunity to live the spiritual side only. Many of them personally reject the Shariah aspect, but they cannot change islam. There are too many muslims that will murder muslims for even suggesting reform. There is no choice, it is assimilate or die.

Here's where we agree and have common ground.
hahahaha have you ever been to the Middle East Sunni? trust me, the guys there do far worse, which is why there are so many uprisings in that part of the world. If everything in Muslim countries was peaches and cream, there would be no revolts.
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.
...No, they're duty-bound to oppose their governments because those governments are neglectful of Shari'ah.

You have to admit the irony here. Islam will only allow leaders that are muslim. The 'leader' must proclaim to be of the faith while deceiving his way to corrupt positions. At that point the 'leader' in the corrupt position must use 'mischief' and terror to maintain power. The muslims will then (once his country decides he must be eliminated to maintain the country's "honor") declare the 'leader' to be in violation of Shariah. The next corrupt 'leader' will stand to lead the masses against the corrupt 'leader' in power, and the people will support the new corrupt 'leader', until that leader embarasses them on an international scale. At that point: repeat.

Man, you must go to bed every single night wondering why there is no nation that follows Shariah law.
Should we mimic the Western governments like the U.S.

Where they just fleece the people of their money and hand it to Wall Street.

While convincing the brain washed Americans that it's the patriotic thing to do. :cuckoo:

food, lots of food
modern conviences
as much education as you want
libraries open to all
top medical care
controlled parasites (germs and insects)
comfortable shelter
comfortable clothes that you get to choose yourself

islamic nations
expensive food, and not that much of it
few modern conviences outside of metropolitan areas
limited or no education
illegal and punishible by death to read or possess some books
limited medical care
uncontrolled parasites (of all kinds)
shelter: maybe
clothes that someone else dictates acceptable

Yes, we are fleeced by government. We are at a constant battle with our politicians over that. We do get to keep some of our earnings though. We do not spend nearly half our income on food (unless we eat, extremely well).
Are you telling me that with all those other problems the islamic governments don't fleece their people too? Why are the 'islamic' countries places of absolute poverty and despair? Will you ever look at the 'law side' of islam that encourages the destruction of wealth and producers to replace it with destroyers and monsters?
Taliban was a valid Shar'ee government. The methods adopted by the Taliban
were in accordance to the Shari'ah. In the Shari'ah. The Imaam (Islamic
ruler) has the right and duty to enforce the external laws of the Shari'ah.
This had been the practice of the four rightly guided Khulafaa Raashideen.

Ask-Imam.com [5115] Plz tell me about Osama bin ladin and Taliban

The Taliban is wretched. There is nothing defensible about it.

And you are a qualified Imam to make that pronouncement ?:lol:
hahahaha have you ever been to the Middle East Sunni? trust me, the guys there do far worse, which is why there are so many uprisings in that part of the world. If everything in Muslim countries was peaches and cream, there would be no revolts.
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.
hahahaha have you ever been to the Middle East Sunni? trust me, the guys there do far worse, which is why there are so many uprisings in that part of the world. If everything in Muslim countries was peaches and cream, there would be no revolts.
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.
As long as the oil flowed.

Or in Mubarak's case; didn't attack Israel.

The U.S. could care less what these brutal dictators did to their people.

Just keep giving them money and weapons to suppress their people. :evil:
Taliban was a valid Shar'ee government. The methods adopted by the Taliban
were in accordance to the Shari'ah. In the Shari'ah. The Imaam (Islamic
ruler) has the right and duty to enforce the external laws of the Shari'ah.
This had been the practice of the four rightly guided Khulafaa Raashideen.

Ask-Imam.com [5115] Plz tell me about Osama bin ladin and Taliban

The Taliban is wretched. There is nothing defensible about it.

And you are a qualified Imam to make that pronouncement ?

Mr, Fitnuts you make all kinds of pronouncements about Islam and you are definitely not an Imam. :cuckoo:
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.
As long as the oil flowed.

Or in Mubarak's case; didn't attack Israel.

The U.S. could care less what these brutal dictators did to their people.

Just keep giving them money and weapons to suppress their people. :evil:

What we were supposed to do? invade all of them like Iraq? the US had nothing to do with the way these governments treated their people, they chose to treat them like trash.
hahahaha have you ever been to the Middle East Sunni? trust me, the guys there do far worse, which is why there are so many uprisings in that part of the world. If everything in Muslim countries was peaches and cream, there would be no revolts.
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.

Look at Sunni Man's responses to this statement.

All external blame. Nice Muslims didn't do anything.

All the dreadful West's fault.

The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.

Look at Sunni Man's responses to this statement.

All external blame. Nice Muslims didn't do anything.

All the dreadful West's fault.


I fail to see how the US is to blame for the Yemenis running out of water, for the Egyptians not having jobs and for Ghadaffi putting his boot on the neck of the Libyan people.
I base my view on the fact that I live in peace with Muslim Americans in the US. I base my view on knowing and befriending Sufis in America.

I'm aware of and oppose corruption, murder, torture and the oppression and killing of women.

What I disagree with, is the assertion by some that the entire religion of Islam is inherently violent, evil, flawed, false and needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

You have mistakenly taken 'general' statements for 'all inclusive'. Most of the posters here have gone to great lengths at some point to state they do not believe all muslims are bad people (quite the opposite). They probably go to a general statement to save time and space, and repeating.
Islam includes two parts: one part is the spiritual (this is the part most people have absolutely no problem with others believing), the other part is Sharia and a controlling system over all (not just muslims) peoples (this would be the part that most people have serious problems accepting or even tolerating)The second part of islam is the corruption for any society. Because the muslims follow a prophet instead of the Lord, they will not seperate the two. The muslims that you apparently know in this country only share the first part (the spiritual) with you. They will not reveal, clearly, their intentions about the second part until they are in a position to implement control over your life.
Hence we are at an impasse. You only wish to see the spiritual. Most of us see the Shariah portion waiting, deceptively in the background waiting to see weakness. Sharia offers no freedom, no liberty, no pursuit of hapiness, only life in poverty and misery. There is not an option to save or live frugally, if you don't you don't live. The minimalist is the way because there is no other choice.
Muslims in this country have the opportunity to live the spiritual side only. Many of them personally reject the Shariah aspect, but they cannot change islam. There are too many muslims that will murder muslims for even suggesting reform. There is no choice, it is assimilate or die.

Here's where we agree and have common ground.

Sky Dancer, that is the part most of us are discussing. We are not in opposition of anyone privately worshipping as they choose. We are in opposition of a religion that is being used (because the Shariah part needs reformed) to incite violence and misery on every person on the planet.
The people are revolting against plutocratic dictators who were kept in power by the weapons and money supplied by the Western nations.

Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.
As long as the oil flowed.

Or in Mubarak's case; didn't attack Israel.

The U.S. could care less what these brutal dictators did to their people.

Just keep giving them money and weapons to suppress their people. :evil:

Muslims being described as "brutal dictators"? Where does that faith allow that? What islamic nation is not run by a dictator?
You have mistakenly taken 'general' statements for 'all inclusive'. Most of the posters here have gone to great lengths at some point to state they do not believe all muslims are bad people (quite the opposite). They probably go to a general statement to save time and space, and repeating.
Islam includes two parts: one part is the spiritual (this is the part most people have absolutely no problem with others believing), the other part is Sharia and a controlling system over all (not just muslims) peoples (this would be the part that most people have serious problems accepting or even tolerating)The second part of islam is the corruption for any society. Because the muslims follow a prophet instead of the Lord, they will not seperate the two. The muslims that you apparently know in this country only share the first part (the spiritual) with you. They will not reveal, clearly, their intentions about the second part until they are in a position to implement control over your life.
Hence we are at an impasse. You only wish to see the spiritual. Most of us see the Shariah portion waiting, deceptively in the background waiting to see weakness. Sharia offers no freedom, no liberty, no pursuit of hapiness, only life in poverty and misery. There is not an option to save or live frugally, if you don't you don't live. The minimalist is the way because there is no other choice.
Muslims in this country have the opportunity to live the spiritual side only. Many of them personally reject the Shariah aspect, but they cannot change islam. There are too many muslims that will murder muslims for even suggesting reform. There is no choice, it is assimilate or die.

Here's where we agree and have common ground.

Sky Dancer, that is the part most of us are discussing. We are not in opposition of anyone privately worshipping as they choose. We are in opposition of a religion that is being used (because the Shariah part needs reformed) to incite violence and misery on every person on the planet.

I have no problem with this part of your statement. I agree.

I disagree that the goal of these extremists is to make every human on earth miserable.

I'm not sure that the answer is reforming Shariah Law itself. It may be a question of ensuring certain interpretations of Shariah Law do not dominate the Islamic world.

Regarding whether Shariah Law itself needs reforming, I would want to speak to Muslims first.

I think it's arrogant to tell a religion that is not your own that their scripture should be reformed. I think it's perfectly fine to tell them the way they practice their interpretation of religion violates international laws on human rights.
Western nations didn't order Ghaddafi and Mubarak to treat their people like trash, they did that on their own.
As long as the oil flowed.

Or in Mubarak's case; didn't attack Israel.

The U.S. could care less what these brutal dictators did to their people.

Just keep giving them money and weapons to suppress their people. :evil:

Muslims being described as "brutal dictators"? Where does that faith allow that? What islamic nation is not run by a dictator?

As long as the oil flowed.

Or in Mubarak's case; didn't attack Israel.

The U.S. could care less what these brutal dictators did to their people.

Just keep giving them money and weapons to suppress their people. :evil:

Muslims being described as "brutal dictators"? Where does that faith allow that? What islamic nation is not run by a dictator?


CHARLES HECTOR: Malaysia: Dictatorship or real Democracy?

I don't know too much about Turkey and Algerias political system, but Pakistan? that country is under Islamic law and very hateful towards Westerners, they are trying to execute a Christian Pakistani lady for blasphemy and they have an American in custody for shooting 2 robbers. Pakistan is definently not Sweden.

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