About those "European" Jews . . . .

Correct they were first invited by the Ottoman owners of palestine in the latter part of the 19C, then after WW1 by the new legal land owners the LoN who not only invited them but also bequeathed them the land of palestine


And in what years did the League of Nations OWN Palestine?

Also, can you provide a link to the invitation made by the Ottomans to the Jews?

From 1919 when the surrender treaties were singed with the Ottoman empire that transferred the land as reparations.

History of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Phoenall -

I am still waiting to see these points addressed:

And in what years did the League of Nations OWN Palestine?

Also, can you provide a link to the invitation made by the Ottomans to the Jews?
<snip>After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.


So you also expound the theory that none of today's Jews came from ancient Israel.


No - you decided I said that - I did not.
However, most have no provable ties to the old Israel of 2,000 years ago.

Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........

But you are totally unable to discount my assertions, just try to blow smoke, hoping no one will notice your inabilities.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
What's the big effing deal anyhow? Jews is Jews and Ayrabs is Ayrabs and never the twain shall meet.
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Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.

When you see that there is nothing you can say, you do your childish bullshit. Grow up punk.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.

When you see that there is nothing you can say, you do your childish bullshit. Grow up punk.
Are you saying that the Bible DOES NOT say what the Bible DOES say? Read Hebrews 8:8 then read 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings and the literal division that took place within the 12 tribes of Israel. I'm not making it up nor am I "cherry picking." I'm quoting actual, biblical history. While reading 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings read about the Assyrian invasion of the 10 northern tribes and where they were taken then read about the Babylonian invasion of the 2 southern tribes and where they were taken. The entire nations of Israel were significantly separated, geographically speaking. Don't argue against what you don't know.

Yes you were cherry picking. In this post of yours I agree. So now. With these Jews taken from ancient Israel to Babylon (Iraq) where they all killed off? No, they made it back to Israel.

You fail to address the northern tribes taken in the Assyrian captivity. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city (see Ezra and Nehemiah) but they returned with a "mixed multitude" and the Prophets, Ezra & Nehemiah, were quite angry that the men of Judah and Benjamin had married non-Israelites (likely women of Esau/Edom as well as Babylon). Skimming over these historical details won't do service to the truth.

James 1:1, "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

"Twelve Tribes" ... not just Judah/Jews. Also ... see Revelation 7. The early part of the chapter names each of the 12 tribes which will receive the mark of God. "Judah" (Jews) are mentioned along with the other 11 tribes.

Drifting shit forgot the part where the tribes gather in Israel before the Messiah comes. The Nazi website didn't mention it. Ha ha ha.
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.

After the Romans sacked Jerusalem, they also imported 100,000 Jews to Rome, who were used as slaves even who ended up building the Colosseum. And that's Jews some made it to Europe. They were not allowed to mix with the Romans and restricted to their own area.

So not only did the sacking of Israel finance the building of the colosseum and many structures in Rome, but it was Jews who built them.

Building the Colosseum - Who built the Roman Colosseum? <---click here.
An estimated 100,000 prisoners were bought back to Rome as slaves after the Jewish War. Vespasian had a limitless work force. In the building of the Colosseum the slaves undertook the manual labor such as working in the quarries at Tivoli where the travertine was quarried.

Colosseum built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple - Telegraph

The descendants of those same Jews are now back in their ancestral homeland now, and aren't going anywhere.
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Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.


I am really hoping that you meant that ironically!!
Nope, I'm serious.

Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land?

Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean?

God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........


As I think most people understand anyway, genetic testing has shown that today's Palestinians can trace their history in towns like Akko, Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem back around 2,700 years.

Really - even if you don't know a lot aout the topic, try and post with a little common sense, eh?
Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are the people that have lived in the area since biblical times for the most part. The DNA proves it. Most Jews converted to Christianity by 100-200 AD. . The few that kept to Judaism converted to Christianity when Constantine made Christianity the Roman state religion. Not converting was not healthy. Certainly though, the European invaders that were of the Jewish religion were Europeans, not Middle Eastern.
I can trace my origins to Spain, when the Jews fled the Inquisition to Africa - like my ancestors did, to Morocco - many Jews had to keep their identity hidden during the Inquisition, the others fled, some to Israel, and some claim their family remained in Israel for over 2,000 years ago, they do share unique traditions, mostly in Safed or Jerusalem..and its impossible Palestinians share the same DNA with Jews, you just said it yourself, I also want to note that Jews have always kept intermarriage which makes it even more unlikely for them to be Jews, what is actually possible is that some Palestinians are Jews converted to Islam, I watched a documentary on this one, before Israel it was like you said healthy to convert yet many prefer to die before doing so, just like the Yizidies and Christians in Iraq today, in the old world religion had far greater affection over humanity than it is today.

Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.


I am really hoping that you meant that ironically!!
Nope, I'm serious.

Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land?

Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean?

God damn, this is going to be funny!!
It is a time where history blends with the bible, but every now and then we hear about some new discovery proving something new.
You want some solid proofs?
1.The Western Wall - the Western wall of the second temple, Jewish..about 2700 years old.
2.Oldest synagogues in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
3.Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I can also link you up with more stuff but I believe it does prove the point, the Palestinians can only trace their origins from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, Israel was just a forsaken land filled with bandits looting the travelers between two continents, Africa, Asia, and some even to Europe, it was dangerous and nearly impossible to live a life out in the desert of Tel Aviv for example of 1900, as you know Beduoins are great nomads also originated from Africa and Arabia, both were probably descendants of those bandits, in fact the Palestinians have zero traditions or Arab customs like any other Arabian culture indicating a very short origin of their own, and most of the surnames indicate their origin places[it is very common in the ME, mostly occupation, or place] for example in Hebrew Mitzraim means Egypt, in Arabic its Masri [Egyptian] which is a common Palestinian surname and if you want another proof try think about how possible it is that all of these Palestinians living for decades in Israel have not expanded like most Arabian civilizations, the Arab Muslim tradition is to have up to 5 wives like Khaled Masha'al for example, you get the point.

Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.


I am really hoping that you meant that ironically!!
Nope, I'm serious.

Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land?

Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean?

God damn, this is going to be funny!!
It is a time where history blends with the bible, but every now and then we hear about some new discovery proving something new.
You want some solid proofs?
1.The Western Wall - the Western wall of the second temple, Jewish..about 2700 years old.
2.Oldest synagogues in the Land of Israel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
3.Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I can also link you up with more stuff but I believe it does prove the point, the Palestinians can only trace their origins from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, Israel was just a forsaken land filled with bandits looting the travelers between two continents, Africa, Asia, and some even to Europe, it was dangerous and nearly impossible to live a life out in the desert of Tel Aviv for example of 1900, as you know Beduoins are great nomads also originated from Africa and Arabia, both were probably descendants of those bandits, in fact the Palestinians have zero traditions or Arab customs like any other Arabian culture indicating a very short origin of their own, and most of the surnames indicate their origin places[it is very common in the ME, mostly occupation, or place] for example in Hebrew Mitzraim means Egypt, in Arabic its Masri [Egyptian] which is a common Palestinian surname and if you want another proof try think about how possible it is that all of these Palestinians living for decades in Israel have not expanded like most Arabian civilizations, the Arab Muslim tradition is to have up to 5 wives like Khaled Masha'al for example, you get the point.

And all Muslims / Arabs have is this ONE Dome of Crock, which is actually built in top of an ancient Jewish temple. Truly no other ties to the land other than bullshit and bullying.

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