About those "European" Jews . . . .

Other than the bible itself, there simply is no proof, particularly empirical proof, that any of the passages in the Old (or New) Testament are true. ~ Susan

Ahh, spoken like a true atheist. But again, has no bearing on the subject of this thread.
All those pesky Jews, bothering people and seeking refuge in the homeland in the land of their creation, how dare them want that! We really need to stop this silliness once and for all. Then there are all those pesky Muslims that think Mecca is so special, all they need is a Disneyland and a few McDonalds selling pork chops to married lesbians.

It's not their homeland. It's the homeland of the Christians and Muslims that lived there before the Europeans expelled them.

Umm, wrong.
I'm all ears to hear your proof . . . if believable, I'll pack my car tonight and be in Appalachia country by dawn, hopefully in time to attend Sunday morning services at any one of the million or so churches there that will allow me to dance up and down its aisles praising the Lord while holding a rattlesnake . . . can I get an AMEN? :) ~ Susan

Figures. Why not attack some of the fringe churches in Appalachia, since that is the best you can do.

<snip>After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.


So you also expound the theory that none of today's Jews came from ancient Israel.


Percentage-wise many less than the indigenous Palestinians of whatever religion.
All those pesky Jews, bothering people and seeking refuge in the homeland in the land of their creation, how dare them want that! We really need to stop this silliness once and for all. Then there are all those pesky Muslims that think Mecca is so special, all they need is a Disneyland and a few McDonalds selling pork chops to married lesbians.

It's not their homeland. It's the homeland of the Christians and Muslims that lived there before the Europeans expelled them.

Umm, wrong.

Of course it isn't the homeland of a bunch of Europeans of the Jewish religion no more than Europeans of the Christian religion. which also originated in Palestine. LOL
For any of you that have some education beyond high school, that eliminates the Israel Firsters, here is the abstract and a liink to the definitive (and scholarly) study on genetics for the people of Palestine.

"ABSTRACT: The genetic profile of Palestinians has, for
the first time, been studied by using human leukocyte
antigen (HLA) gene variability and haplotypes. The com-
parison with other Mediterranean populations by using
neighbor-joining dendrograms and correspondence
analyses reveal that Palestinians are genetically very close
to Jews and other Middle East populations, including Turks
(Anatolians), Lebanese, Egyptians, Armenians and
Iranians. Archaeologic and genetic data support that both
Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites,
who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian and
Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-
Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in
genetic, differences. The relatively close relatedness of both
Jews and Palestinians to western Mediterranean
populations reflects the continuous circum-Mediterranean
cultural and gene flow that have occurred in prehistoric
and historic times. This flow overtly contradicts the demic
diffusion model of western Mediterranean populations
substitution by agriculturalists coming from the Middle
East in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition.

Immunology 62, 889-900 (2001). ã American Society
for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, 2001.
Published by Elsevier Sciece Inc.

You're incorrect. Christ sent the Apostles to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Read your Bible instead of pretending to know what it says:

Matthew 15:24, "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Matthew 10:6, "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Now before you say "see, see, I told you so" you'll need to recognize that the "House of Israel" is different that "the house of Judah." Here's the proof:

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

The "House of Israel" is not the "house of Judah" (Jews). If you knew your Bible history you'd know that the ten northern nations of Israel split from the two southern nations of Judah (Judah & Benjamin). They even warred against each other. The ten northern tribes were collectively known as "Israel" while the two southern tribes were collectively known as "Judah." Your Bible says the same thing my Bible says. I guess that makes you a member of the KKK (using your idiotic logic).

You're incorrect in your cherry picking of the scriptures. You are cherry picking exactly that same things that Neo Nazi's use to hate the Jews.
No ... I'm not ignorant of the FACT that the "Kosher" scam is a scam. The Old Covenant DID require the eating of "clean foods" but it was never called "Kosher" and clean foods were clean based on God's definition and didn't require a special blessing from Rabbis in order to be edible.

Yes you are in some ways. But again, nice for you to derail, deflect and dismember and confuse the topic of the OP.

"Kosher" is not a scam. You are correct that the Old Testament did require the eating of 'clean' foods, and mayhaps you are right; it wasn't called "kosher" back then.

But you are totally wrong as far as today. To be considered kasrut, the least it needs is a special blessing from a rabbi; boy are you ignorant!
You're incorrect. Christ sent the Apostles to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Read your Bible instead of pretending to know what it says:

Matthew 15:24, "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Matthew 10:6, "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Now before you say "see, see, I told you so" you'll need to recognize that the "House of Israel" is different that "the house of Judah." Here's the proof:

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

The "House of Israel" is not the "house of Judah" (Jews). If you knew your Bible history you'd know that the ten northern nations of Israel split from the two southern nations of Judah (Judah & Benjamin). They even warred against each other. The ten northern tribes were collectively known as "Israel" while the two southern tribes were collectively known as "Judah." Your Bible says the same thing my Bible says. I guess that makes you a member of the KKK (using your idiotic logic).

You're incorrect in your cherry picking of the scriptures. You are cherry picking exactly that same things that Neo Nazi's use to hate the Jews.

Are you saying that the Bible DOES NOT say what the Bible DOES say? Read Hebrews 8:8 then read 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings and the literal division that took place within the 12 tribes of Israel. I'm not making it up nor am I "cherry picking." I'm quoting actual, biblical history. While reading 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings read about the Assyrian invasion of the 10 northern tribes and where they were taken then read about the Babylonian invasion of the 2 southern tribes and where they were taken. The entire nations of Israel were significantly separated, geographically speaking. Don't argue against what you don't know.
Here's the title of the thread: "About those "European" Jews"

I've stayed on topic unless defending myself against attacks from looneytoon posters like Rude-ee. I believe that the bulk of European Jews are Khazars. I've stuck to that topic throughout.

No you have not. You have brought up Christianity several times and quoted Bible verses to expound upon such.

Is that really the topic of this thread? NO.
No ... I'm not ignorant of the FACT that the "Kosher" scam is a scam. The Old Covenant DID require the eating of "clean foods" but it was never called "Kosher" and clean foods were clean based on God's definition and didn't require a special blessing from Rabbis in order to be edible.

Yes you are in some ways. But again, nice for you to derail, deflect and dismember and confuse the topic of the OP.

"Kosher" is not a scam. You are correct that the Old Testament did require the eating of 'clean' foods, and mayhaps you are right; it wasn't called "kosher" back then.

But you are totally wrong as far as today. To be considered kasrut, the least it needs is a special blessing from a rabbi; boy are you ignorant!

The "clean food" of the OT was simply "clean" based on whether or not an animal had a split hoof and chewed its cud or whether or not it was a fish with scales, etc. There were no special markings placed on foods by the Levitical Priests to determine that it was "clean." But look at today's "Kosher" foods and you will see special marks on the packages that are supposed to tell the buyer that the food is "clean" based on the various inspections and "blessings" provided by today's Rabbis. The entire process is a man-made system that in no way reflects the OT food laws.





Kosher Symbols 101


Yup ... these folks are raking in millions and millions of dollars.
By the way ... I've NEVER said that "the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted." You're as bad at reading as the rest of the idiots in this thread. I said that they "make up the bulk of today's Jews." Please, please, please pay attention.

No, my reading and comprehension skills are fairly good. I have read well all your silly posts. And I still say that your theory that the Jews left on this world are made up from the bulk that have converted is wrong, wrong, wrong.

And if you wish to refute my claim, please tell me where the Jews from ancient Israel died.
Here's the title of the thread: "About those "European" Jews"

I've stayed on topic unless defending myself against attacks from looneytoon posters like Rude-ee. I believe that the bulk of European Jews are Khazars. I've stuck to that topic throughout.

No you have not. You have brought up Christianity several times and quoted Bible verses to expound upon such.

Is that really the topic of this thread? NO.

And yet ... here you are off topic yourself.
By the way ... I've NEVER said that "the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted." You're as bad at reading as the rest of the idiots in this thread. I said that they "make up the bulk of today's Jews." Please, please, please pay attention.

No, my reading and comprehension skills are fairly good. I have read well all your silly posts. And I still say that your theory that the Jews left on this world are made up from the bulk that have converted is wrong, wrong, wrong.

And if you wish to refute my claim, please tell me where the Jews from ancient Israel died.

Prove me wrong.
Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).

Ah so you are high on drugs. You probably frequent infowars.com as well.
Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).

Ah so you are high on drugs. You probably frequent infowars.com as well.

Wow ... another intelligent response. Bye bye.
Of course it isn't the homeland of a bunch of Europeans of the Jewish religion no more than Europeans of the Christian religion. which also originated in Palestine. LOL

Still spouting bullshit. There is no way that the only Jews left on the world are only from Europe. And the Christian religion originated in Israel fuckface!
Are you saying that the Bible DOES NOT say what the Bible DOES say? Read Hebrews 8:8 then read 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings and the literal division that took place within the 12 tribes of Israel. I'm not making it up nor am I "cherry picking." I'm quoting actual, biblical history. While reading 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings read about the Assyrian invasion of the 10 northern tribes and where they were taken then read about the Babylonian invasion of the 2 southern tribes and where they were taken. The entire nations of Israel were significantly separated, geographically speaking. Don't argue against what you don't know.

Yes you were cherry picking. In this post of yours I agree. So now. With these Jews taken from ancient Israel to Babylon (Iraq) where they all killed off? No, they made it back to Israel.
Here's the title of the thread: "About those "European" Jews"

I've stayed on topic unless defending myself against attacks from looneytoon posters like Rude-ee. I believe that the bulk of European Jews are Khazars. I've stuck to that topic throughout.

No you have not. You have brought up Christianity several times and quoted Bible verses to expound upon such.

Is that really the topic of this thread? NO.

And yet ... here you are off topic yourself.

Yes, I got dragged into your bullshit deflection detracting off topic . . . . bullshit. You win.
By the way ... I've NEVER said that "the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted." You're as bad at reading as the rest of the idiots in this thread. I said that they "make up the bulk of today's Jews." Please, please, please pay attention.

No, my reading and comprehension skills are fairly good. I have read well all your silly posts. And I still say that your theory that the Jews left on this world are made up from the bulk that have converted is wrong, wrong, wrong.

And if you wish to refute my claim, please tell me where the Jews from ancient Israel died.

Prove me wrong.

No asshole, prove me wrong.

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