About those "European" Jews . . . .

Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).

Ah so you are high on drugs. You probably frequent infowars.com as well.

Wow ... another intelligent response. Bye bye.
An intelligent response to an unfounded accusation to be sure. The ISIS massacre would be mostly because of the treacherous Turks.
Yeah and the only Christians he supports are the Palestinian ones.

The rest of the Christians that are being slaughtered by Muslim animals....he doesn't give a shit about.

You know what they say about something that walks
No ... I'm not ignorant of the FACT that the "Kosher" scam is a scam. The Old Covenant DID require the eating of "clean foods" but it was never called "Kosher" and clean foods were clean based on God's definition and didn't require a special blessing from Rabbis in order to be edible.

Yes you are in some ways. But again, nice for you to derail, deflect and dismember and confuse the topic of the OP.

"Kosher" is not a scam. You are correct that the Old Testament did require the eating of 'clean' foods, and mayhaps you are right; it wasn't called "kosher" back then.

But you are totally wrong as far as today. To be considered kasrut, the least it needs is a special blessing from a rabbi; boy are you ignorant!

The "clean food" of the OT was simply "clean" based on whether or not an animal had a split hoof and chewed its cud or whether or not it was a fish with scales, etc. There were no special markings placed on foods by the Levitical Priests to determine that it was "clean." But look at today's "Kosher" foods and you will see special marks on the packages that are supposed to tell the buyer that the food is "clean" based on the various inspections and "blessings" provided by today's Rabbis. The entire process is a man-made system that in no way reflects the OT food laws.





Kosher Symbols 101


Yup ... these folks are raking in millions and millions of dollars.

What is your point, AHOLE, you never have any. Muslims also follow the Halal diet with Halal markets and Hallal marking on all their foodstuff. What business is it of yours? You don't like it, eat non Kosher.

Personally I don't eat Kosher, I only don't eat pork because it reminds me too much of you.
Other than the bible itself, there simply is no proof, particularly empirical proof, that any of the passages in the Old (or New) Testament are true. ~ Susan

Ahh, spoken like a true atheist. But again, has no bearing on the subject of this thread.

Dear Teddy ~ Our minds take us where they wish to go . . . your above comment, too, has no bearing on the subject of this thread. Why not each of us simply quit being a baby about it and elect to ignore any comment each of us feels is not within the subject matter? ~ Susan
Of course it isn't the homeland of a bunch of Europeans of the Jewish religion no more than Europeans of the Christian religion. which also originated in Palestine. LOL

Still spouting bullshit. There is no way that the only Jews left on the world are only from Europe. And the Christian religion originated in Israel fuckface!

Good grief, Teddy . . . in my opinion, you've lost face, along with the argument ,when you have to put an 'F' word in front of the word 'face'.
Are you saying that the Bible DOES NOT say what the Bible DOES say? Read Hebrews 8:8 then read 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings and the literal division that took place within the 12 tribes of Israel. I'm not making it up nor am I "cherry picking." I'm quoting actual, biblical history. While reading 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings read about the Assyrian invasion of the 10 northern tribes and where they were taken then read about the Babylonian invasion of the 2 southern tribes and where they were taken. The entire nations of Israel were significantly separated, geographically speaking. Don't argue against what you don't know.

Yes you were cherry picking. In this post of yours I agree. So now. With these Jews taken from ancient Israel to Babylon (Iraq) where they all killed off? No, they made it back to Israel.

You fail to address the northern tribes taken in the Assyrian captivity. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were allowed to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city (see Ezra and Nehemiah) but they returned with a "mixed multitude" and the Prophets, Ezra & Nehemiah, were quite angry that the men of Judah and Benjamin had married non-Israelites (likely women of Esau/Edom as well as Babylon). Skimming over these historical details won't do service to the truth.

James 1:1, "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

"Twelve Tribes" ... not just Judah/Jews. Also ... see Revelation 7. The early part of the chapter names each of the 12 tribes which will receive the mark of God. "Judah" (Jews) are mentioned along with the other 11 tribes.
It is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard about the Jews and history of Israel - the most bizarre yet! Seriously - the history of the Jews and Israel go back over 4,000 years,.

You neglect to mention, there were hardly any Jews in that area for more than half of that time.
After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.

Don't like it, Fred? Just go run 'em out of there. Problem solved.

No need.
As BRICS takes over international trade, the Dollar will decline, forcing the US to cut back on its mass murder gifts to Israel.
That will weaken the IDF as time goes on, then the Arab forces will invade, getting rid of that bastard entity.
I call on all moderate, reasonable Jews to get out of Israel, so they don't get involved in the slaughter caused by the hate generated by decades of Israeli Zionist mass murder of Muslims.
The Zionists can stay and be killed - the world will be far better off without them.
<snip>After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.


So you also expound the theory that none of today's Jews came from ancient Israel.


No - you decided I said that - I did not.
However, most have no provable ties to the old Israel of 2,000 years ago.
we have all seen it posted time and time again that the Jews who now inhabit Israel are 'invaders' from Europe

I have never seen anyone claim that. Has anyone else?

Yes, many times. But I dismantled that lie by reminding them that the British has invited the Jews and facilitated their immigration. Also, I posted links showing that an invasion is a military offensive which has nothing to do with immigration.

Great. I look forward to seeing a link.

Btw. Britian did not "invite" European Jews to Israel. In fact, it interred them in camps in Cyprus and actively blocked their arrival. Thousands of Jews arrived in Israel from Europe as early as 1899 - nothing to do with Britain.

Correct they were first invited by the Ottoman owners of palestine in the latter part of the 19C, then after WW1 by the new legal land owners the LoN who not only invited them but also bequeathed them the land of palestine
Correct they were first invited by the Ottoman owners of palestine in the latter part of the 19C, then after WW1 by the new legal land owners the LoN who not only invited them but also bequeathed them the land of palestine


And in what years did the League of Nations OWN Palestine?

Also, can you provide a link to the invitation made by the Ottomans to the Jews?
we have all seen it posted time and time again that the Jews who now inhabit Israel are 'invaders' from Europe

I have never seen anyone claim that. Has anyone else?

Yes, many times. But I dismantled that lie by reminding them that the British has invited the Jews and facilitated their immigration. Also, I posted links showing that an invasion is a military offensive which has nothing to do with immigration.

You dismantled nothing you idiot. The Pope invited Spain and Portugal to settle the Americas. When a settlement and immigration dispossesses and expels the people that had been living in an area for thousands of years, it is an invasion.

So when the Ottomans invited the European Jews to migrate to Palestine and settle because the arab muslims refused to stay and work the land that was an invasion. Or was the invasion what came later when the arab muslims migrated to Palestine on the promises of Jobs, money and land made fertile by the Jews. As many so called Palestinians have said they will go back home once the Jews have been wiped out and Israel destroyed.
Driftingsand, interesting this "Thirteenth Tribe" you mention. I will have to give it a bit of a read. I did google the Khazars talked about and came across this tibdit:

Beginning in the 8th century, Khazar royalty and notable segments of the aristocracy converted to Judaism; the populace appears to have been multi-confessional—a mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers—and polyethnic.[15] A modern theory, that the core of Ashkenazi Jewry emerged from a hypothetical Khazarian Jewish diaspora, is now viewed with scepticism by most scholars,[16] but occasionally supported by others.[17] This Khazarian hypothesis is sometimes associated with antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Link: Khazars - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I also took a look at Arthur Koestler's wiki article and saw this:

After arriving (in Palestine), for a few weeks Koestler lived in a kibbutz, an agricultural collective. His application to join the collective (Kvutzat Heftziba) was rejected by its members.[8]

Link:Arthur Koestler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So I have to wonder if that colored his thoughts, as well as the fact that he used to be a zionist but changed.

But seriously, forget the DNA testing and all that. Can one actually think that most of the world's Jews are now from a little ancient country that converted to Judiasm and now is no more? If so, does this mean that the Jews who did come from ancient Israel, another ancient country, no longer exist at all?

I think not. Logic defies that notion.

Watch out ... stating historical facts can be a dangerous thing around here.

Edit: It's my belief that there are millions of folks of all races claiming to be Jews. Look online and you'll see black Jews; red-headed Jews with white skin; and olive complected Jews. Are all of them literal Jews by blood or are they Jews by religion?

Another thing. Is there something wrong with a group of people converting to Judaism? Is it "anti-Semitic" to suggest that peoples have converted to Judaism? I fail to see the logic in reaching that conclusion. How about you?

Read the Bible and see were in there it says that many people in the area had red hair or blue eyes. Then read the results of genetic testing that show the Ethiopian Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews both have distinctive haplotype markers only found in Jews from the M.E.. The same genetic studies showed that the arab muslims had only recently entered the gene pool of Palestine and the admixture was still dominant.
DNA Samples Confirm Ashkenazi Jews are of European Descent: Study

Read more: DNA Samples Confirm Ashkenazi Jews are of European Descent Study

But leaves the question open ended by also claiming that the patriarchal line did originate in Israel and it was only the females that introduced the European genes.

In the current study, the researchers found that a majority of Ashkenazi Jewish lineages were closely linked to the Southern and Western Europe and they were residing in Europe for thousands of years.
"This suggests that, even though Jewish men may indeed have migrated into Europe from Palestine around 2000 years ago, they seem to have married European women," states Professor Richards.
By studying the mitochondrial genomes from more than 3,500 people from Europe, the Near East, the Caucasus, including the Ashkenazi Jews, the researchers discovered that they basically originated some 10,000 - 20,000 years ago. They found that four founders were responsible for 40 percent of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA. More than 80 percent of the maternal lineages of the Ashkenazi Jews could be traced to Europe, NBC News reports.
DNA Samples Confirm Ashkenazi Jews are of European Descent: Study

Read more: DNA Samples Confirm Ashkenazi Jews are of European Descent Study

Interesting. The Khazars were of European heritage (eastern Europe/Turkey area).

The Khazars are a fictional people dreamt up by neo Nazis, just as the Elders are also a fictional group dreamt up by the neo Nazis.

This was shown yesterday on another thread with the evidence to show that the 13 tribe was a work of complete fiction right down to the legendary Khazars
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

Any could be a Jew by religion, race or heritage. You forget that a Jew can be a member of a religion, a member of a race or a member of a culture. It was the Nazi's that made this distinction in the 1930's when they engaged in the genocide of all religious,racial and cultural Jews.
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

A better question to ask would be, "Which of the three is the Ashkenazi?"

Any could be an Ashkenazi as negros were taken as slaves to Eastern Europe, and many Eastern Europeans are swarthy looking. They do say that Jesus was blue eyed and blonde.................
Which of the following are "Jews?" I know, I know ... I must be "anti-Semitic" to even ask:




I'll let you decide!!!

A better question to ask would be, "Which of the three is the Ashkenazi?"

Taking it a step further, one could even ask, "Which is the Ashkenazi, which is the Sephardi and which is the Jewish convert?"

Again that could apply to all 3 just as easily as asking which is the American ?
It is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard about the Jews and history of Israel - the most bizarre yet! Seriously - the history of the Jews and Israel go back over 4,000 years,.

You neglect to mention, there were hardly any Jews in that area for more than half of that time.
After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.

Don't like it, Fred? Just go run 'em out of there. Problem solved.

No need.
As BRICS takes over international trade, the Dollar will decline, forcing the US to cut back on its mass murder gifts to Israel.
That will weaken the IDF as time goes on, then the Arab forces will invade, getting rid of that bastard entity.
I call on all moderate, reasonable Jews to get out of Israel, so they don't get involved in the slaughter caused by the hate generated by decades of Israeli Zionist mass murder of Muslims.
The Zionists can stay and be killed - the world will be far better off without them.

How as all America needs to do is join the emerging nations and do business with them until once again they control the economy. At the present time the BRICS nations are suffering on the world markets as the people see the vast profits going into the pockets of the leaders while they starve. The Chinese workers have been on strike for more pay and so china has to put its prices up to cope.
<snip>After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.


So you also expound the theory that none of today's Jews came from ancient Israel.


No - you decided I said that - I did not.
However, most have no provable ties to the old Israel of 2,000 years ago.

Just as most arab muslim Palestinians have no provable ties to Palestine any further back that 1900..........

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