About those "European" Jews . . . .

You don't have a clue. The Jews fled to their ancient homeland, they were being slaughtered. Now were else to go. Jews literally disappeared from Europe in the 40's . Who doesn't get that?
Other than the bible itself, there simply is no proof, particularly empirical proof, that any of the passages in the Old (or New) Testament are true. ~ Susan
Sure there is.

I'm all ears to hear your proof . . . if believable, I'll pack my car tonight and be in Appalachia country by dawn, hopefully in time to attend Sunday morning services at any one of the million or so churches there that will allow me to dance up and down its aisles praising the Lord while holding a rattlesnake . . . can I get an AMEN? :) ~ Susan
Gourd head on.
Then tell us where the word "Palestine" is mentioned even once.

Why do you always make a fool of yourself?

No Sara, you have made one of yourself. Palestine is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Some of your verses refer to "Philistia" which was a small country were the Gaza strip is now.

"What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon,
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4a = 4:4a Heb)

Joel 3:4 does not say anything close to this. It says:
The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the Day comes, that great and terrible Day.

The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of Palestina. (Exod 15:14)

Exodus 15:14 says:

Hearing of this, the peoples tremble; pangs seize on the people of Philistia

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina ... (Isa 14:29a)

Isaiah 14:29 says:
All Philistia, do not rejoice . . . . .<snip>

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31a)

And Isaiah 14:31 says calls it Philistia and NOT Palestine.

Oh and to continue, maybe I should give a bit of a history lesson. The area was never called Palestine until near the 20th century. After the Romans trampled upon the Jews in and after 70CE, they (the Romans) decided to rename the area from Israel to Syria Philistina as a disgrace the Jews; since they had once conquered and vanquished the Philistines.
Here's another modern, Jewish scientist who believes that the bulk of today's Jews are of Khazarian origin:

Dr. Eran Elhaik, Ph.D.

Eran Elhaik homepage at The University of Sheffield

The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century.
Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry.
The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses

Oh for fucks sake! So even in your quote it is said that some of the Jews still have roots to ancient Israel, but you still say "No?" You still state that they are ALL from the Khazars? Totally illogical.

Oh, maybe I get it. Maybe you are trying to say that the Jews who died in the Holocaust were the remnant of the ancient Israelis and that the remaining ones are only of European descent. Laughable.
So I'm a "Jew-hater" for trying to determine the real origin of today's Jews but Christ can call Jews "children of the devil" or a "brood of vipers" and nobody says a word? Why is that? Isn't Christ our example?

Yes, you are a Jew hater. Jesus did condemn the Jews of his time. And Christians used those verses to condemn and kill the Jews for the last several hundred years or so.

Modern Christianity (IMHO) is attempting to repent of the sins of their past; those wrongs by Christians to the Jews. After all, you can catch a lot more bees with honey . . . .

But again, this is WAY off the topic of this thread . . . . .
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The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.

And you show your ignorance very well here. Kasrut has nothing to do with "Rabbis getting paid big bucks to bless food." In fact it has nothing to do with anyone blessing food. And it has been around much longer than you say.

Again, off topic drivel designed obviously to detract, deflect and confuse the subject posted.
You're having great difficulty answering simple questions. Do you believe in the Bible? If so, what say you concerning the verses I quoted. You can find them in your own Bible if you don't want to take my word for it. Is your adoration for an anti-Christ people greater than your adoration for the Bible, the truth, and Christ?

Typical Jew hater won't admit that Jesus was a Jew who practiced Judaism from the OT. What else is new.

LOL. Let's see what Christ, Himself, had to say about the leading Jews of His time:

John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

And another:

Matthew 12:34, "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."

And another:

Matthew 23:33, "Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

And just who do you think Christ was speaking to when He uttered this warning:

John 3:18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."

Reject Christ and receive condemnation. PERIOD!
Immaterial in this case.
So I'm a "Jew-hater" for trying to determine the real origin of today's Jews but Christ can call Jews "children of the devil" or a "brood of vipers" and nobody says a word? Why is that? Isn't Christ our example?

Jesus first mission was to save his fellow Jews first. You gotta stop reading those Bibles in the KKK library and get your hands on a real Bible. Of course the bible is riddled with praise and adoration for Jews and Israel, more than anything Jesus like all good rabbis loved his people, his faith, and his nation, Israel. But you won't find that in any of the garbage hate sites you cut and paste from.

You're incorrect. Christ sent the Apostles to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Read your Bible instead of pretending to know what it says:

Matthew 15:24, "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
Matthew 10:6, "But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

Now before you say "see, see, I told you so" you'll need to recognize that the "House of Israel" is different that "the house of Judah." Here's the proof:

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

The "House of Israel" is not the "house of Judah" (Jews). If you knew your Bible history you'd know that the ten northern nations of Israel split from the two southern nations of Judah (Judah & Benjamin). They even warred against each other. The ten northern tribes were collectively known as "Israel" while the two southern tribes were collectively known as "Judah." Your Bible says the same thing my Bible says. I guess that makes you a member of the KKK (using your idiotic logic).
The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.

And you show your ignorance very well here. Kasrut has nothing to do with "Rabbis getting paid big bucks to bless food." In fact it has nothing to do with anyone blessing food. And it has been around much longer than you say.

Again, off topic drivel designed obviously to detract, deflect and confuse the subject posted.

No ... I'm not ignorant of the FACT that the "Kosher" scam is a scam. The Old Covenant DID require the eating of "clean foods" but it was never called "Kosher" and clean foods were clean based on God's definition and didn't require a special blessing from Rabbis in order to be edible.
Well, the topic of this thread is the "European Jews" and their genetic ancestry and whether or not the bulk of today's Jews can trace their lineage back to the ancient Israelites or if it's more likely that they are converts to the religion of Judaism (the likely scenario) and not directly related to ancient Israel at all. Based on historical works written by Jews, for Jews, it's likely that today's Jews aren't genetically related to biblical Judah but are Jewish in name and religion only.

Funny you. To try to tell one poster about the topic of this thread while you yourself have derailed it in so many different directions that it has become a twisted pretzel.

And again, I say. It is totally illogical for you to say that the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted. But you are free to believe whatever bullshit you want to. I will not. Facts Jack, just the facts. Oh, but I see your rebuttal to that last sentence of mine coming, more bullshit links that have no basis in logical thought nor reality.
Well, the topic of this thread is the "European Jews" and their genetic ancestry and whether or not the bulk of today's Jews can trace their lineage back to the ancient Israelites or if it's more likely that they are converts to the religion of Judaism (the likely scenario) and not directly related to ancient Israel at all. Based on historical works written by Jews, for Jews, it's likely that today's Jews aren't genetically related to biblical Judah but are Jewish in name and religion only.

Funny you. To try to tell one poster about the topic of this thread while you yourself have derailed it in so many different directions that it has become a twisted pretzel.

And again, I say. It is totally illogical for you to say that the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted. But you are free to believe whatever bullshit you want to. I will not. Facts Jack, just the facts. Oh, but I see your rebuttal to that last sentence of mine coming, more bullshit links that have no basis in logical thought nor reality.

Here's the title of the thread: "About those "European" Jews"

I've stayed on topic unless defending myself against attacks from looneytoon posters like Rude-ee. I believe that the bulk of European Jews are Khazars. I've stuck to that topic throughout.
Well, the topic of this thread is the "European Jews" and their genetic ancestry and whether or not the bulk of today's Jews can trace their lineage back to the ancient Israelites or if it's more likely that they are converts to the religion of Judaism (the likely scenario) and not directly related to ancient Israel at all. Based on historical works written by Jews, for Jews, it's likely that today's Jews aren't genetically related to biblical Judah but are Jewish in name and religion only.

Funny you. To try to tell one poster about the topic of this thread while you yourself have derailed it in so many different directions that it has become a twisted pretzel.

And again, I say. It is totally illogical for you to say that the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted. But you are free to believe whatever bullshit you want to. I will not. Facts Jack, just the facts. Oh, but I see your rebuttal to that last sentence of mine coming, more bullshit links that have no basis in logical thought nor reality.

By the way ... I've NEVER said that "the only Jews left on this earth are those who converted." You're as bad at reading as the rest of the idiots in this thread. I said that they "make up the bulk of today's Jews." Please, please, please pay attention.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

Well, you are a Jew Groupie then or, useful idiot as they are called. I support my fellow Christians in Palestine and you support the Jews that are oppressing them.

So as a "Christian" you only support Christians of the Palestinian variety. The rest of fellow Christians around the world, that Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing and genocide upon, WHO CARES, right?

Ya right you're a REAL Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

Well, you are a Jew Groupie then or, useful idiot as they are called. I support my fellow Christians in Palestine and you support the Jews that are oppressing them.

Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).
Then tell us where the word "Palestine" is mentioned even once.

Why do you always make a fool of yourself?

No Sara, you have made one of yourself. Palestine is NOT mentioned in the Bible. Some of your verses refer to "Philistia" which was a small country were the Gaza strip is now.

"What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon,
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4a = 4:4a Heb)

Joel 3:4 does not say anything close to this. It says:
The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the Day comes, that great and terrible Day.

The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of Palestina. (Exod 15:14)

Exodus 15:14 says:

Hearing of this, the peoples tremble; pangs seize on the people of Philistia

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina ... (Isa 14:29a)

Isaiah 14:29 says:
All Philistia, do not rejoice . . . . .<snip>

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31a)

And Isaiah 14:31 says calls it Philistia and NOT Palestine.

Oh and to continue, maybe I should give a bit of a history lesson. The area was never called Palestine until near the 20th century. After the Romans trampled upon the Jews in and after 70CE, they (the Romans) decided to rename the area from Israel to Syria Philistina as a disgrace the Jews; since they had once conquered and vanquished the Philistines.

All in all Mohomod Latici is a total fraud. If he really believes Its "Palestine" that is being referred to in the Bible verses he posted, then he should also like the fact that they were a CURSED PEOPLE who angered God and brought about his wrath which led to the total defeat and destruction.

I'm thinking maybe we should agree with Mohomod Latici. Yeah! I'm wrong! Those are PALESTINIANS in the Bible God is cursing. Ha ha ha.
The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

Well, you are a Jew Groupie then or, useful idiot as they are called. I support my fellow Christians in Palestine and you support the Jews that are oppressing them.

Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).

Actual your drifting more shit, Drifty Shit. Israel and the Kurds are cooperating very closely both militarily and economically. It's been going on for a long time, and US and other countries just joined in.

Do you get tired out speaking out of your rear end?
The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

Well, you are a Jew Groupie then or, useful idiot as they are called. I support my fellow Christians in Palestine and you support the Jews that are oppressing them.

Agreed. And now we see Israel and the USA aiding ISIS (in a roundabout way) as they massacre Kurdish Christians and other Christians in the region. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if ISIS was actually made up of the European Jews of the Khazar variety (speculation/suspicion on my part).

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