About those "European" Jews . . . .

We Christians are rather sensitive about that. Jesus Christ is central to our belief system. But you know that, don't you,
No one's arguing your belief. Why, I believe Jesus was a Zionist Jewish Rabbi back in the day.
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

Well, you can remain a Jew and let us Christians believe in Christ. We don't need you to believe in him. Is that ok with you?
No one's arguing your belief. Why, I believe Jesus was a Zionist Jewish Rabbi back in the day.
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.
Other than the bible itself, there simply is no proof, particularly empirical proof, that any of the passages in the Old (or New) Testament are true. ~ Susan
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

You never told me that , you have me mixed up with someone. I was close hey.
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

So you are a Jew then, I thought so. Jesus being a Jew would never believe he was God.
I told your dumb ass before I am an Appalachian American with no religion, but I follow the teachings of the Old Testament.

Well, you are a Jew Groupie then or, useful idiot as they are called. I support my fellow Christians in Palestine and you support the Jews that are oppressing them.
All those pesky Jews, bothering people and seeking refuge in the homeland in the land of their creation, how dare them want that! We really need to stop this silliness once and for all. Then there are all those pesky Muslims that think Mecca is so special, all they need is a Disneyland and a few McDonalds selling pork chops to married lesbians.
All those pesky Jews, bothering people and seeking refuge in the homeland in the land of their creation, how dare them want that! We really need to stop this silliness once and for all. Then there are all those pesky Muslims that think Mecca is so special, all they need is a Disneyland and a few McDonalds selling pork chops to married lesbians.

It's not their homeland. It's the homeland of the Christians and Muslims that lived there before the Europeans expelled them.
As non Muslim, I would like to know what the hell is so "special" about the kabba in Mecca, I would like to go there and take my little camera. I would also like to know WHY non Muslims aren't allowed in. I bet, they don't have enough toilets, and the food sucks. In a land of sand and air what is the big deal? What are they defending? Islam is the very ideal of sucky-ness. Israel doesn't keep out non jews, so what is the issue?
It is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard about the Jews and history of Israel - the most bizarre yet! Seriously - the history of the Jews and Israel go back over 4,000 years,.

You neglect to mention, there were hardly any Jews in that area for more than half of that time.
After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.

It is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard about the Jews and history of Israel - the most bizarre yet! Seriously - the history of the Jews and Israel go back over 4,000 years,.

You neglect to mention, there were hardly any Jews in that area for more than half of that time.
After a 2,000 year break, Jewish converts who have no historical ties to Palestine, still want to claim the land.

Don't like it, Fred? Just go run 'em out of there. Problem solved.
No one's arguing your belief. Why, I believe Jesus was a Zionist Jewish Rabbi back in the day.
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.
If Jesus comes back, we will ask him if this is his first or second visit and if he still eats Kosher. Meanwhile, for a change of pace, why not tell us about the Gospel of Barnabas that the Muslims use where it even discusses the bowel movements of Jesus. A Muslim poster once told us about this, but it would be interesting to get your take on it.

The "Kosher" scam came along long after Christ. It's a scam because a bunch of Rabbis get paid big bucks to "bless" certain foods. I don't need a Rabbi to tell me what I can or can't eat. The Old Covenant has long been replaced by the New Covenant in Christ.
:disagree: Jesus was a Jew and was never a Christian. He preached and taught the Torah. And I believe "kosher " was a few thousand years old in Jesus' time.

Well, you can remain a Jew and let us Christians believe in Christ. We don't need you to believe in him. Is that ok with you?
Did I ever present myself as being a Jew? There are millions and millions of non Jews who happen to believe in the Jews and their right to Israel. You can still believe that Mohammed is the final prophet if you want to and keep on spouting your taqiyya. One thing for sure. If Jesus ever did return, he would not stop at either my house or your house for a meal.
For the so-called "Bible believers" in this thread: what do you make of the following verses?:

Revelation 2:9, "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

Who "call themselves Jews but are not? Whomever they are, they are liars like their father the devil (see John 8:44).

Note that the word "Jew" is a short version of the word "Judah." If the Jews are of the tribe of Judah then where are the other 11 tribes?:

James 1:1, "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

Then take a look at the following verse and please tell me which of the two subjects of the verse are the "chosen people."

Hebrews 8:8, "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:"

Who is chosen? The "house of Israel" or the "house of Judah?" If they are one and the same then why does the Bible present them as two separate groups?

For more fun, read the opening verses of Revelation chapter 7. Twelve DIFFERENT tribes are mentioned by name and not all of them are "Judah."

:poke: :cuckoo:

You're having great difficulty answering simple questions. Do you believe in the Bible? If so, what say you concerning the verses I quoted. You can find them in your own Bible if you don't want to take my word for it. Is your adoration for an anti-Christ people greater than your adoration for the Bible, the truth, and Christ?

I would have great difficulty answering as well, since you have cherry picked Bible verses without any further for the context.
"Comparing Islamic behavior to what Christians did 600 or more years ago"

How about 8:15 a.m. on August 6, 1945?

Nothing wrong with that. It was estimated that at least a million lives may have been lost had the US actually gone forward with a ground invasion of Japan. And while we're at this, how many were lost during the carpet bombing of Tokyo? Totally getting off the topic, though. As usual.
I place more emphasis on the fact that Jesus was God in the flesh. A perfect man and a perfect God. That should be the focus of any Christian.

While a noble statement, please tell me exactly what relevance does that have to do with the topic of this thread as created? Oh, I know. I doesn't. But as usual, Team Palestine [sic] always deflects, detracts, and confuses the issues when confronted with some truths that they cannot honestly deny.
Other than the bible itself, there simply is no proof, particularly empirical proof, that any of the passages in the Old (or New) Testament are true. ~ Susan
Sure there is.

I'm all ears to hear your proof . . . if believable, I'll pack my car tonight and be in Appalachia country by dawn, hopefully in time to attend Sunday morning services at any one of the million or so churches there that will allow me to dance up and down its aisles praising the Lord while holding a rattlesnake . . . can I get an AMEN? :) ~ Susan

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