About those "European" Jews . . . .

Daniel -

Great...so maybe now you can answer the question more specifically.

This is what you claimed:

Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The question again - in what year and in what city or area did ONLY Jews live in Israel?

No one is questioning that Jews have lived in Israel for 2,700 years, but that is not what you claimed.

Is it really your claim that there were no Arabs in Jerusalem or Jericho 2,700 years ago?
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.

Yeah, like Mark, Andrew etc. Paul are Jewish names. They are in the New Testament and you will find that there are plenty of Palestinians with those names.
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.

Is that the same Sebastian Munster who was a Christian Hebraist? No surprise he'd label towns based on the Bible rather than their Arabic or Turkish names; he also labelled areas of the Ottoman Empire by their original Ancient Greek names instead of their Turkish provincial names.
Daniel -

Great...so maybe now you can answer the question more specifically.

This is what you claimed:

Impossible, during this time only Jews lived in Israel, and I'm pretty sure they was not addressed as Palestinians.

The question again - in what year and in what city or area did ONLY Jews live in Israel?

No one is questioning that Jews have lived in Israel for 2,700 years, but that is not what you claimed.

Is it really your claim that there were no Arabs in Jerusalem or Jericho 2,700 years ago?
Like I said this times blend with the bible, Jericho destroyed by Jeushoa [hope I got that right in English] and later on in the bible [I cant point directly where but its not hard to look up for it] someone was punished [I think in King Solomon time] for rebuilding Jericho, again, Jewish, thing is there are not digging in these areas due to the tension[I can tell], basically 2,000 years ago Israel was Jewish only, but ONLY Jews? I dunno, thing is the non-Jews didn't mix with the Jews and Jews with the non-Jews, but all across that time the big majority was Jewish, 2,000 years ago, Jesus walked on the Kineret of Tiberius, in the Talmud it said he was sitting in a pub or some tavern and studied, he told his teacher to look at the strange eyes of the waitress [probably Asian] and as you know staring a women is forbidden in Judaism, which is why he was banished, studied the highest levels of the Torah/Cabala and in the peak of spirituality he failed for momentary instinct, however I found this to be an evidence of non Jews [I Don't mean Jesus, but the waitress] and this is the latest one.
The question you're asking is basically impossible to answer since there always lived non-Jews, among the Jews, because economic opportunity attracts people.
Daniyel -

The thing is, we both know that thousands of people lived in Jerusalem and Jericho and Akko and Nablus some 3,000 years ago, and that these people were not Jews. We can call them Canaanites or Arabs or Egyptians or whatever you like - but they weren't Jews and they were the forefathers of today's Palestinians, and they lived in those cities in reasonable numbers.

Did these people live "in and around Jews" in Ramallah, Nalbus or Akko?

No, of course they didn't; they were very much the majority in those towns (from the time those towns were founded).

I totally agree that Jews lived in some of those cities as well, but what puzzles me here is why anyone would feel the need to lie about something that surely everyone is aware of.
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.
Yeah, like Mark, Andrew etc. Paul are Jewish names. They are in the New Testament and you will find that there are plenty of Palestinians with those names.
No arabs?! Hilarious!
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.
Is that the same Sebastian Munster who was a Christian Hebraist?
Jesus was a jewish rabbi too! hehehe
No surprise he'd label towns based on the Bible rather than their Arabic or Turkish names; he also labelled areas of the Ottoman Empire by their original Ancient Greek names instead of their Turkish provincial names.
Palistan cheerleaders have always been at odds with historical precedence and correctness, of course.
Daniyel -

The thing is, we both know that thousands of people lived in Jerusalem and Jericho and Akko and Nablus some 3,000 years ago, and that these people were not Jews. We can call them Canaanites or Arabs or Egyptians or whatever you like - but they weren't Jews and they were the forefathers of today's Palestinians, and they lived in those cities in reasonable numbers.

Did these people live "in and around Jews" in Ramallah, Nalbus or Akko?

No, of course they didn't; they were very much the majority in those towns (from the time those towns were founded).

I totally agree that Jews lived in some of those cities as well, but what puzzles me here is why anyone would feel the need to lie about something that surely everyone is aware of.
Nablus is a newly invented name for Schem[The way you pronounce it] - Shechem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - and was a kingdom of pagans, read the Wikipedia its a very enriching source, anyway they were no Palestinians, not Arabs, and not even Monotheistic like most of the ME, just like the Yizidies or the Circussians they are a unique religion ethnicity of one source, something like a tribe more likely with their own beliefs and rituals, the fact Palestinians came and claimed this place doesn't mean they established it, just like Jerusalem they claim it belongs to them, can you state anywhere else in the world where Jewish could think about first except Brooklyn? [Joking :D]
Lets move on, Ramallah is also Aramic/Hebrew named, and as you know pronounced slightly different in Arabic, in Hebrew/Aramic it means Ram- Huge and El- God while the Arabic term for God is 'Allah' except that there is no definition for 'Ram', earlier name was Ramlie given by the crusaders to the this city, note that there is also another Ramle in Israel but its different city so don't mix, anyway Israel is a very tiny piece of land, and nearly every grain of sand has its own name, the origins of this city is yet unknown because of the archaeological difficulties and what else not, but the name tells you everything, every conqueror made their mark in the ME, from Great Alexander in Egypt [Alexandria] to the original name the crusaders altered to Ramlie, and later the Ottoman empire or so under Arab rule to be Ramallah, the first known part is Aramic/Hebrew stands for the term 'Huge/Great' and the 'L' is also something to most likely kept, so a wild guess..?
it was ancient Jewish city in the past.
Akko, by the biblical reference is the land given to the tribe of Asher, the son of Jacob claimed from Cnaanite originated town, a very ancient one, not a sign for Palestinians either but only Cnaanites and Abraham, only Abraham remained of all the Cnaanites for believing in God alone, unlike all the rest of the ancient world, Abraham was the first Monotheistic, Jacob the first Israelite, Moses the first Jewish, I know its confusing bare with me because here is the bottom line, the Palestinians have ZERO claim in this matter..they do have the moral ground for claiming they lived there recently[a very small part actually] but yet not a single connection to ANY of historical nor religious aspects in Israel.
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Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.

Yeah, like Mark, Andrew etc. Paul are Jewish names. They are in the New Testament and you will find that there are plenty of Palestinians with those names.

Andrew and Paul are "common Palestinian names"? OMG what crap.

Or would about 99.999999% have Muslim / Arabic names.

You see, there you go with your bald faced lies again.
Daniyel -

The thing is, we both know that thousands of people lived in Jerusalem and Jericho and Akko and Nablus some 3,000 years ago, and that these people were not Jews. We can call them Canaanites or Arabs or Egyptians or whatever you like - but they weren't Jews and they were the forefathers of today's Palestinians, and they lived in those cities in reasonable numbers.

Did these people live "in and around Jews" in Ramallah, Nalbus or Akko?

No, of course they didn't; they were very much the majority in those towns (from the time those towns were founded).

I totally agree that Jews lived in some of those cities as well, but what puzzles me here is why anyone would feel the need to lie about something that surely everyone is aware of.
Nablus is a newly invented name for Schem[The way you pronounce it] - Shechem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - and was a kingdom of pagans, read the Wikipedia its a very enriching source, anyway they were no Palestinians, not Arabs, and not even Monotheistic like most of the ME, just like the Yizidies or the Circussians they are a unique religion ethnicity of one source, something like a tribe more likely with their own beliefs and rituals, the fact Palestinians came and claimed this place doesn't mean they established it, just like Jerusalem they claim it belongs to them, can you state anywhere else in the world where Jewish could think about first except Brooklyn? [Joking :D]
Lets move on, Ramallah is also Aramic/Hebrew named, and as you know pronounced slightly different in Arabic, in Hebrew/Aramic it means Ram- Huge and El- God while the Arabic term for God is 'Allah' except that there is no definition for 'Ram', earlier name was Ramlie given by the crusaders to the this city, note that there is also another Ramle in Israel but its different city so don't mix, anyway Israel is a very tiny piece of land, and nearly every grain of sand has its own name, the origins of this city is yet unknown because of the archaeological difficulties and what else not, but the name tells you everything, every conqueror made their mark in the ME, from Great Alexander in Egypt [Alexandria] to the original name the crusaders altered to Ramlie, and later the Ottoman empire or so under Arab rule to be Ramallah, the first known part is Aramic/Hebrew stands for the term 'Huge/Great' and the 'L' is also something to most likely kept, so a wild guess..?
it was ancient Jewish city in the past.
Akko, by the biblical reference is the land given to the tribe of Asher, the son of Jacob claimed from Cnaanite originated town, a very ancient one, not a sign for Palestinians either but only Cnaanites and Abraham, only Abraham remained of all the Cnaanites for believing in God alone, unlike all the rest of the ancient world, Abraham was the first Monotheistic, Jacob the first Israelite, Moses the first Jewish, I know its confusing bare with me because here is the bottom line, the Palestinians have ZERO claim in this matter..they do have the moral ground for claiming they lived there recently[a very small part actually] but yet not a single connection to ANY of historical nor religious aspects in Israel.

Arabs invade, and then they engage in historical revisionism and destruction of the previous culture, language, and religion. Islam in other words, is Arab Imperialism.
When you see that there is nothing you can say, you do your childish bullshit. Grow up punk.

When you see your theory proven false, you still stick to it like a stubborn child. It is you who needs to grow up.

Most of these Pali supporters as you know are mentally ill and in total denial about everything going on in the world, including their own personal matters.
Interesting.....and can you tell us exactly what year it was that Jews lived in this otherwise uninhabited land? Perhaps you would also like to tell us which cities or areas you mean? God damn, this is going to be funny!!
Bth., there's an excellent map of the Holy Land in the Cosmographia (1572) of Sebastian Munster. And, what's funny, trying to find an arab name on it is a futile occupation. Nablus, for instance, goes by its true, hebrew name Shechem. Hilarious! But I digress.
Palistan cheerleaders should be concentrating on how to make an "eons-old "palestinian"" out of the major arab settler and squatter from the hood, of course.

Yeah, like Mark, Andrew etc. Paul are Jewish names. They are in the New Testament and you will find that there are plenty of Palestinians with those names.
The New Testament has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism, those three names you listed are not a Jewish names but might be a translation of Jewish names not that I can think of any and I'm pretty good with names.
The Jews believe in the Old Testament alone when Christians believe in the Old and the New Testament.
And about the Palestinians with those names, British look[Blonde, Blue eyes] there might be two reasons for that.
Only the Arab Christians have the British look, they also not marry Muslims or Jews, which is why they have a unique look.
Many British soldiers had kids only from the Christian Arab population in Israel, which usually sees only Christians, not Jews or Muslims [or any other religion in Israel] which is why they got the British look, and the Christian names like you said are all originated in the New Testament, not Jewish.
The question again - in what year and in what city or area did ONLY Jews live in Israel?

No one is questioning that Jews have lived in Israel for 2,700 years, but that is not what you claimed.

Is it really your claim that there were no Arabs in Jerusalem or Jericho 2,700 years ago?

I would say somewhere around 3,000 BCE.
Teddy -

Then you would be wrong.

Archeological evidence suggests that the first settlement was established near Gihon Spring between 4500–3500 BCE. The first known mention of the city was in c. 2000 BCE in the Middle Kingdom Egyptian Execration Texts in which the city was recorded as Rusalimum.[12][13] The root S-L-M in the name is thought to refer to either "peace" (compare with modern Salam or Shalom in modern Arabic and Hebrew) or Shalim, the god of dusk in the Canaanite religion.

History of Jerusalem - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Daniyel -

The origin of place names are interesting, but hardly conclusive. The name 'New Zealand' is Dutch - does that make the country a Dutch colony?

The fact is, Palestinians and their genetic forefathers have lived in towns like Ramallah for as long as Jews have; in some cases longer. If a people have lived on land for 3,000 years, I'd say they have a fairly strong case for land owernership.

In fact, I'd say their claim is indisputable, and I think most Israelis genuinely respect this.

It does Israel no favours to try and pretend that Jews occupied the land alone for thousands of years before Palestinians arrived - it simply invites the response that Palestinians occupied the land alone as recently as the 1890s, before Jews arrived from Europe. It is worth keeping in mind that the Jewish population of Palestine in 1890 was tiny and had been for many years...
Daniyel -

The origin of place names are interesting, but hardly conclusive. The name 'New Zealand' is Dutch - does that make the country a Dutch colony?

The fact is, Palestinians and their genetic forefathers have lived in towns like Ramallah for as long as Jews have; in some cases longer. If a people have lived on land for 3,000 years, I'd say they have a fairly strong case for land owernership.

In fact, I'd say their claim is indisputable, and I think most Israelis genuinely respect this.

It does Israel no favours to try and pretend that Jews occupied the land alone for thousands of years before Palestinians arrived - it simply invites the response that Palestinians occupied the land alone as recently as the 1890s, before Jews arrived from Europe. It is worth keeping in mind that the Jewish population of Palestine in 1890 was tiny and had been for many myears...
I thought Palestinians were Arabs and never were in Israel until a drunken Arab named Mohammed rode in there one night on a unicorn.
Hossfly -

I'm sure you believe a lot of things about Arabs that have no basis in reality.

The weird ting for me is that Israel has a cast iron historical case for existance within its current borders - Israel simply does not need people propagating lies and nonsense in order to kustify its existance.

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