About time we had a President to deal with North Korea

I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

Well, now that they have the nuke, they now have admitted they are developing tactic weapons to deliver them...https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/09/asia/north-korea-nuclear-development-intl-hnk/index.html
No argument here.

But the question was how they got weapons and the answer is that Bush screwed up.

Getting touch sounds nice but when there’s no plan, it often backfires.
nope...they were creating the weapons before Bush took office...and had a great head start from all the stuff Clinton gave them. Bush had nothing to do with the agreement and handing over the materials. When Bush discovered what they had been doing, he rightfully called them oiut
I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

Well, now that they have the nuke, they now have admitted they are developing tactic weapons to deliver them...https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/09/asia/north-korea-nuclear-development-intl-hnk/index.html
No argument here.

But the question was how they got weapons and the answer is that Bush screwed up.

Getting touch sounds nice but when there’s no plan, it often backfires.
nope...they were creating the weapons before Bush took office...and had a great head start from all the stuff Clinton gave them. Bush had nothing to do with the agreement and handing over the materials. When Bush discovered what they had been doing, he rightfully called them oiut

What stuff did Clinton give them that gave them a great head start? I’d be interested to know.

Bush “called them out” based on shaky intelligence, stop me if you heard this one. And his “calling them out” led to them getting nuclear weapons FASTER than if he had done literally nothing.
Finally, a President who will stand up to a very real threat and protect American and our allies, and not a President not obsessed with sweet letters and, photo ops and self serving rhetoric.
Oooh...Biden threats N. Korea. Prepare for the fall of Kim Jong Un and the Communist North.

The idea that anyone is frightened by this doddering old clown is rich.
I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

Well, now that they have the nuke, they now have admitted they are developing tactic weapons to deliver them...https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/09/asia/north-korea-nuclear-development-intl-hnk/index.html
No argument here.

But the question was how they got weapons and the answer is that Bush screwed up.

Getting touch sounds nice but when there’s no plan, it often backfires.
nope...they were creating the weapons before Bush took office...and had a great head start from all the stuff Clinton gave them. Bush had nothing to do with the agreement and handing over the materials. When Bush discovered what they had been doing, he rightfully called them oiut

What stuff did Clinton give them that gave them a great head start? I’d be interested to know.

Bush “called them out” based on shaky intelligence, stop me if you heard this one. And his “calling them out” led to them getting nuclear weapons FASTER than if he had done literally nothing.
* Deliver 500,000 tons of heavy oil annually to DPRK as an alternative energy
* Make arrangements for two 1000 MWe light water reactors to DPRK with target date of 2003.

I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

Well, now that they have the nuke, they now have admitted they are developing tactic weapons to deliver them...https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/09/asia/north-korea-nuclear-development-intl-hnk/index.html
No argument here.

But the question was how they got weapons and the answer is that Bush screwed up.

Getting touch sounds nice but when there’s no plan, it often backfires.
nope...they were creating the weapons before Bush took office...and had a great head start from all the stuff Clinton gave them. Bush had nothing to do with the agreement and handing over the materials. When Bush discovered what they had been doing, he rightfully called them oiut

What stuff did Clinton give them that gave them a great head start? I’d be interested to know.

Bush “called them out” based on shaky intelligence, stop me if you heard this one. And his “calling them out” led to them getting nuclear weapons FASTER than if he had done literally nothing.
* Deliver 500,000 tons of heavy oil annually to DPRK as an alternative energy
* Make arrangements for two 1000 MWe light water reactors to DPRK with target date of 2003.

Light water reactors never happened. The fuel deliveries were often delayed.

As if the development of nuclear weapons somehow hinged on heavy oil. What a reach.
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

Well, now that they have the nuke, they now have admitted they are developing tactic weapons to deliver them...https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/09/asia/north-korea-nuclear-development-intl-hnk/index.html
No argument here.

But the question was how they got weapons and the answer is that Bush screwed up.

Getting touch sounds nice but when there’s no plan, it often backfires.
nope...they were creating the weapons before Bush took office...and had a great head start from all the stuff Clinton gave them. Bush had nothing to do with the agreement and handing over the materials. When Bush discovered what they had been doing, he rightfully called them oiut

What stuff did Clinton give them that gave them a great head start? I’d be interested to know.

Bush “called them out” based on shaky intelligence, stop me if you heard this one. And his “calling them out” led to them getting nuclear weapons FASTER than if he had done literally nothing.
* Deliver 500,000 tons of heavy oil annually to DPRK as an alternative energy
* Make arrangements for two 1000 MWe light water reactors to DPRK with target date of 2003.

Light water reactors never happened. The fuel deliveries were often delayed.

As if the development of nuclear weapons somehow hinged on heavy oil. What a reach.
you don't think fuel, food etc isn't going to help? that's one less thing the govt needs to worry about or spend on
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Why shouldnt he withdraw the US since the russians are cheating

American officials have long complained that Moscow was violating the Open Skies accord by not permitting flights over a city where it was believed Russia was deploying nuclear weapons that could reach Europe, as well as forbidding flights over major Russian military exercises. (Satellites, the main source for gathering intelligence, are not affected by the treaty.)
you don't think fuel, food etc isn't going to help?
You realize we are talking about nuclear weapons, right?

Nuclear weapon development isn’t exactly dependent on whether people have snacks.
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Trump didn't ignore it...he followed it, and then officially withdrew....a President can do that.

We withdrew, because it wasn't being followed....Putin was not following it, Turkey wasn't either

Trump turned over the intelligence as well proving they were...they shared it with the EU...and I see no move by Xiden to rejoin...it was a justified withdrawal.

Never trust the Russian...in particular one of their ideas like this one dealing with intelligence.
you don't think fuel, food etc isn't going to help?
You realize we are talking about nuclear weapons, right?

Nuclear weapon development isn’t exactly dependent on whether people have snacks.
Well...we are talking about MONEY....developing nukes requires money....food and fuel cost money.

If I don't have to spend money on fuel, food or heating the population, I have more resouces to spend on something else...
Biden refused to say what the response may be to NOKO for their illegal tests. He had to read his reply verbatim from his notes.

He doesnt know what the fuck is going on.

Finally, a President who will stand up to a very real threat and protect American and our allies, and not a President not obsessed with sweet letters and, photo ops and self serving rhetoric.

This belongs in the humor/comedy section of the board.

Unless... do we have a lying liars and the lies they tell section?
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Why shouldnt he withdraw the US since the russians are cheating

American officials have long complained that Moscow was violating the Open Skies accord by not permitting flights over a city where it was believed Russia was deploying nuclear weapons that could reach Europe, as well as forbidding flights over major Russian military exercises. (Satellites, the main source for gathering intelligence, are not affected by the treaty.)

My position was since it's ok for one president to withdraw from treaties it would have been ok for the next.
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Why shouldnt he withdraw the US since the russians are cheating

American officials have long complained that Moscow was violating the Open Skies accord by not permitting flights over a city where it was believed Russia was deploying nuclear weapons that could reach Europe, as well as forbidding flights over major Russian military exercises. (Satellites, the main source for gathering intelligence, are not affected by the treaty.)

My position was since it's ok for one president to withdraw from treaties it would have been ok for the next.
I don't disagree.

My position was, and is...that withdrawling from a treaty isn't the same as ignoring it.
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Why shouldnt he withdraw the US since the russians are cheating

American officials have long complained that Moscow was violating the Open Skies accord by not permitting flights over a city where it was believed Russia was deploying nuclear weapons that could reach Europe, as well as forbidding flights over major Russian military exercises. (Satellites, the main source for gathering intelligence, are not affected by the treaty.)

My position was since it's ok for one president to withdraw from treaties it would have been ok for the next.
I don't disagree.

My position was, and is...that withdrawling from a treaty isn't the same as ignoring it.

So Jorgensen could have decided to withdraw based upon it being our best interest to mind our own business.
you don't think fuel, food etc isn't going to help?
You realize we are talking about nuclear weapons, right?

Nuclear weapon development isn’t exactly dependent on whether people have snacks.
Well...we are talking about MONEY....developing nukes requires money....food and fuel cost money.

If I don't have to spend money on fuel, food or heating the population, I have more resouces to spend on something else...
Sure. Because North Korea was going to prioritize food and oil for their citizens over development of nuclear weapons.

I mean, do you know anything about North Korea?
N. Korea can't threaten us.
ICBMs with nukes that can reach the US threaten us

Along with nukes aimed at our ally Japan

Then Japan needs to step up. We have no business being the world police.
well....you may recall that they don't have much of a military...since the end of the WW2...President Truman signed the Security Treaty Between the US and Japan in 1951.

You may recall that the former President Trump, actually was attacked...by leftist propagandist, when he said...repeatedly that Japan needs to step it up...he was attacked in 2016

2019: Trump says 'unfair' defense treaty with Japan needs to be changed

You had a President that wanted Japan to "set it up" as you say you want....the partisan Dems and their propagandist attacked him.

Sounds like you voted for the wrong guy, and feel for the leftwing propagandist

I'm sure Jorgensen would have had us minding our own business.
If she were President, I don't think she could ignore our legal obligations per a treaty...I suppose she could...I think there would be major backlash...but had she won in 2020....and the Dems actually instead of lying, attack and spreading propaganda about Trump during his term, and actually worked on what he, and you apparently agree on in regards to Japan defense, maybe she could have.

We have no legal obligations to address N. Korea that has never done anything to anyone.

Besides, Trump ignored agreements when he didn't support them, why should Jorgensen been any different?
um South Korea would argue with you, and Japan, and the Americans living in Guam...would disagree with you about them not doing anything to anyone.

Well I think I stated, I suppose she could ignore it...but with that said, an agreement and a treaty are two different things....what I highlighted was a treaty...not merely an agreement

Trump Will Withdraw From Open Skies Arms Control Treaty
Why shouldnt he withdraw the US since the russians are cheating

American officials have long complained that Moscow was violating the Open Skies accord by not permitting flights over a city where it was believed Russia was deploying nuclear weapons that could reach Europe, as well as forbidding flights over major Russian military exercises. (Satellites, the main source for gathering intelligence, are not affected by the treaty.)

My position was since it's ok for one president to withdraw from treaties it would have been ok for the next.
I don't disagree.

My position was, and is...that withdrawling from a treaty isn't the same as ignoring it.

So Jorgensen could have decided to withdraw based upon it being our best interest to mind our own business.
Sure...withdrawing isn't ignoring...it's in fact acknowledging it's existence, and taking the steps to withdraw formally...as Trump did.

What Russia was doing was ignoring the treaty.
you don't think fuel, food etc isn't going to help?
You realize we are talking about nuclear weapons, right?

Nuclear weapon development isn’t exactly dependent on whether people have snacks.
Well...we are talking about MONEY....developing nukes requires money....food and fuel cost money.

If I don't have to spend money on fuel, food or heating the population, I have more resouces to spend on something else...
Sure. Because North Korea was going to prioritize food and oil for their citizens over development of nuclear weapons.

I mean, do you know anything about North Korea?
Certainly made things easier for them. Fuel is also need to run equipment, military and other construction equipment...soldiers need to eat, construction crews, and scientist....

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