About time we had a President to deal with North Korea

I wonder how North Korea got their nukes, do you know?
Bush torpedoed the agreed framework and Kim took their previously secured fuel rods and reprocessed the plutonium.
hashahahhahahhaha https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kim/nukes/nukes.htmling

They were making it the entire time! Bush caught them! They admitted to it in 2002!

"we did know about the DPRK cheating on the highly-enriched uranium front starting in 1998" Joel S. Wit, State Department Coordinator for implementation of the Agreed Framework (1995–2000

NK was cheating the entire time...and were given the tools by Clinton to do just that.
There’s debate as to whether they “admitted” anything. It boils down to a translation issue. People jump on anything that confirms their pre-existing belief and the Bush administration was pretty prone to seeing weapons of mass destruction that don’t exist.

NK’s first nuclear weapons were plutonium based. Not uranium.

N. Korea has as much of a right to defense as any country does. They launched these rockets in protest of the joint S. Korea/US sabre rattling.
Oh look a North Korea troll on here

Typical post where one replaces making a rational rebuttal of what one says with lame retorts. What exactly did I say that you disagree with?
History indicates that democrats have a peculiar reference to North Korea. Harry Truman sent Troops to Korea on an (illegal?) executive order. You could forgive him if he handled the crisis right but his ineptitude cost the lives of anywhere from 35.000 to 50,000 Americans in a three year quagmire that should have been over in a year. The media supported "Give 'em Hell Harry" for no other reason than he was a democrat. Bill Clinton apparently decided to give the Nobel Prize a shot when he shipped nuclear technology to N.K. against most of his advisers and they built a bomb instead of a nuclear energy source.


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