Abraham Lincoln: Alternative History?

Lincoln was the warhawk. He's the one who ordered federal troops to invade Virginia

In July, as two Confederate columns of over 30,000 men were encamping just 25 miles south of Washington in preparation of attacking the city.

Or what, are we supposed to believe that Generals Beauregard, Jackson, and Johnston were just out there picking flowers and communing with nature?

It is not an "invasion" when just south of the Capitol they meet that large of a combined force. In case you were not aware, the Union had already riddled the Confederates with spies, and they knew that the column was marching on DC. Battling an invasion army is not itself an "invasion".

And let me guess, the Confederates were also just picking flowers when they marched into Pennsylvania in 1863.
It didn't free any slaves.

Wrong. It freed tens of thousands immediately. An estimated 20,000 which were already being held by Union soldiers, as "confiscated property". Liberated from Confederate states and held by Union forces, they were called "Contraband", and were still considered property. The act freed all of them immediately, and continued like that for the rest of the war.

The total number is unknown, but most place it at well over 100,000 before the Southern states finally threw in the towel. Anywhere the Union Army went, all slaves were immediately freed.

Try learning some actual history, this looks very silly you know when you make such easily disproven statements.
In July, as two Confederate columns of over 30,000 men were encamping just 25 miles south of Washington in preparation of attacking the city.

Or what, are we supposed to believe that Generals Beauregard, Jackson, and Johnston were just out there picking flowers and communing with nature?

It is not an "invasion" when just south of the Capitol they meet that large of a combined force. In case you were not aware, the Union had already riddled the Confederates with spies, and they knew that the column was marching on DC. Battling an invasion army is not itself an "invasion".

And let me guess, the Confederates were also just picking flowers when they marched into Pennsylvania in 1863.
Having troops encamped on your own territory is not an act of war, doofus. "In preparation of attacking the city" is pure babble.

An invasion is when your troops enter the territory of another nation without their permission. That's exactly what the Union did, moron. The column was marching in the federal troops that were in invading Virginia.

I marvel how you convert clear acts of war into some kind of defensive action.
Wrong. It freed tens of thousands immediately. An estimated 20,000 which were already being held by Union soldiers, as "confiscated property". Liberated from Confederate states and held by Union forces, they were called "Contraband", and were still considered property. The act freed all of them immediately, and continued like that for the rest of the war.

The total number is unknown, but most place it at well over 100,000 before the Southern states finally threw in the towel. Anywhere the Union Army went, all slaves were immediately freed.

Try learning some actual history, this looks very silly you know when you make such easily disproven statements.
If they were still property, they weren't freed. You are a fucking moron.

Try learning what words mean.
Having troops encamped on your own territory is not an act of war, doofus. "In preparation of attacking the city" is pure babble.

An invasion is when your troops enter the territory of another nation without their permission. That's exactly what the Union did, moron. The column was marching in the federal troops that were in invading Virginia.

I marvel how you convert clear acts of war into some kind of defensive action.
This ^^^ traitorous idiot keeps beating this stupid, ignorant drum because he hates The United States of America. If the fucking coward had any shred of the courage of his convictions, he would have dragged his useless ass out of my great nation long since. The epitome of a dumbass scumbag.
If they were still property, they weren't freed. You are a fucking moron.

They were not property after the declaration.

Come now, it clearly stats so right in the opening paragraph.

That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

Which included all of the "Contraband" that was largely confined to camps near the Union Army until that time.

History, try reading it instead of trying to pass off insults to those that know it better than you do.
Having moved there in the week prior, just 25 miles from Washington.

As I said, what were they going there for, to pick the flowers?
An act of war would be crossing the border into Maryland, you fucking moron. They can march wherever they want in the state Virginia.

How much of a fucking moron are you? Do you imaging Russia has a right to invade Ukraine because the later stations troops on their border?

You are so brainwashed it's difficult to comprehend.
They were not property after the declaration.

Come now, it clearly stats so right in the opening paragraph.

Which included all of the "Contraband" that was largely confined to camps near the Union Army until that time.

History, try reading it instead of trying to pass off insults to those that know it better than you do.
You're quibbling about trivia.
This ^^^ traitorous idiot keeps beating this stupid, ignorant drum because he hates The United States of America. If the fucking coward had any shred of the courage of his convictions, he would have dragged his useless ass out of my great nation long since. The epitome of a dumbass scumbag.
I hate all government, so where would I go, dumbass?
An act of war would be crossing the border into Maryland, you fucking moron. They can march wherever they want in the state Virginia.

How much of a fucking moron are you? Do you imaging Russia has a right to invade Ukraine because the later stations troops on their border?

And to throw it right back at you, obviously the Russian troops have absolutely no intention of doing anything to Ukraine. They are just massing at the border to pick flowers I guess.

Absolutely no threat at all, and they should just be ignored. Just as the Confederate troops were just hanging out and not a threat at all.

Of course, the Confederates had also already attacked the garrison at Fort Sumter. But this is obviously completely different.

Wow, you really are deep into the "Lost Cause" I can see. Do you still weep at night because you can't have slaves?
What if aliens came down and said there will be slavery.

Seems silly to imagine what could of happened when the only thing that did happen is what we have as history.
statue of a young shirtless Abe Lincoln. i wonder if this is an accurate depiction?

I think that the history of the formation of the United States is connected with Austria-Hungary. There is a huge number of coincidences, in heraldry, culture, traditions, political system, there can not even be a doubt that the United States is connected with the Danube. The American flag practically reproduces the Hungarian heraldry. The United States of Austria is the European copy of the USA.

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