Abraham? Really?

Then why did you ask? lol

Because its obvious ..."the world" is against Christianity for very different reasons.
Like what?
Why do you think the world is against christianity? I certainly have never heard of such a thing. At least out of the ordinary. Do people that believe in biblical prophecy ignore history?
I will admit in the US, christianity gets frowned upon while islam gets applauded. But surely people dont think because we have leftist retards in this country that biblical prophecy is coming true? Kind of ignorant..

Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.
Picking and choosing? All but 2 was a fallacy.. Sorry if i cant suppress logic and say natural earth evolution and human nature is a sign of biblical prophecy..
I didn't, you are the are who thinks that.
so you didnt say
The world against Israel and Christianity. and No the world is against radical terrorists, not Islam.
Since you responded to posts after this, i can assume you wont respond to this.
Thanks for leaving me here trying to sort out your mess! Lol

No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

Torah was a story to suit the needs of the people at the time. The following books of the Tanakh were added over time.

These are books by men to shape religion.
Then why did you ask? lol

Because its obvious ..."the world" is against Christianity for very different reasons.
Like what?
Why do you think the world is against christianity? I certainly have never heard of such a thing. At least out of the ordinary. Do people that believe in biblical prophecy ignore history?
I will admit in the US, christianity gets frowned upon while islam gets applauded. But surely people dont think because we have leftist retards in this country that biblical prophecy is coming true? Kind of ignorant..

Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.

Lets hope not.
so you didnt say
The world against Israel and Christianity. and No the world is against radical terrorists, not Islam.
Since you responded to posts after this, i can assume you wont respond to this.
Thanks for leaving me here trying to sort out your mess! Lol

No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

Torah was a story to suit the needs of the people at the time. The following books of the Tanakh were added over time.

These are books by men to shape religion.

And control society.
Revelations , which is happening and in the order it was written.
what do you mean?

Gospel spread to the world.
Israel becoming a Nation again.
The world against Israel and Christianity.
All religions have spread to the world
The world is against islam too. Weird how that works. Different religions being against the other..
I thought you were going to say something extraordinary lol

Why is the world against islam?

the world got to know islam. I grew up in the USA-----in a very Christian town.
I is a jew. ------old history and foreign stuff fascinated. Hinduism fascinated me,
islam fascinated me. -------EVERYTHING fascinated me. The only "evil" I knew
was the KU KLUX KLAN and ADOLF HITLER (a person I identified with MING
(the martian emperor) ---but both of them were dead ------then I grew up and learned
that there is real PRESENT TIME evil in the world besides the KU KLUX KLAN.
I grew up just as Biafran babies were drying up in the DUST-----and East Pakistan
came under siege. I saw a pattern. It may be a matter of when you live and when
you start reading the newspaper
Because its obvious ..."the world" is against Christianity for very different reasons.
Like what?
Why do you think the world is against christianity? I certainly have never heard of such a thing. At least out of the ordinary. Do people that believe in biblical prophecy ignore history?
I will admit in the US, christianity gets frowned upon while islam gets applauded. But surely people dont think because we have leftist retards in this country that biblical prophecy is coming true? Kind of ignorant..

Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.

Lets hope not.

Penny----you are afraid of a "TEMPLE"?------it is not all that exiting-----a square building
on a plot of land. As far as I know-----the levites were never even armed in the temple----
they just danced and sang and swept up. No gladiators. -----no lions eating people----no
crazed vestal sluts
Like what?
Why do you think the world is against christianity? I certainly have never heard of such a thing. At least out of the ordinary. Do people that believe in biblical prophecy ignore history?
I will admit in the US, christianity gets frowned upon while islam gets applauded. But surely people dont think because we have leftist retards in this country that biblical prophecy is coming true? Kind of ignorant..

Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.

Lets hope not.

Penny----you are afraid of a "TEMPLE"?------it is not all that exiting-----a square building
on a plot of land. As far as I know-----the levites were never even armed in the temple----
they just danced and sang and swept up. No gladiators. -----no lions eating people----no
crazed vestal sluts

You do not need a temple to start WWIII, you have the wailing wall, and there is no need for sacrifices.
so you didnt say
The world against Israel and Christianity. and No the world is against radical terrorists, not Islam.
Since you responded to posts after this, i can assume you wont respond to this.
Thanks for leaving me here trying to sort out your mess! Lol

No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)
Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.

Lets hope not.

Penny----you are afraid of a "TEMPLE"?------it is not all that exciting-----a square building
on a plot of land. As far as I know-----the levites were never even armed in the temple----
they just danced and sang and swept up. No gladiators. -----no lions eating people----no
crazed vestal sluts

You do not need a temple to start WWIII, you have the wailing wall, and there is no need for sacrifices.

do you understand that your post makes no sense? It is probably true that routine type sacrifices
will not be done-------maybe just a few lanbs at the beginning of the year but maybe not. The
temple has nothing to do with WORLD WAR III Do you have any idea what the function of animal
sacrifice was in the ancient world-------or did you stop reading after DICK, JANE, AND SALLY?
Are you aware of the fact that animal sacrifices were MASSIVE in rome-----in their Temples.
The Vestal sluts would probably have starved without them. ------you want the dancing singing
Levites to starve?
Like what?
Why do you think the world is against christianity? I certainly have never heard of such a thing. At least out of the ordinary. Do people that believe in biblical prophecy ignore history?
I will admit in the US, christianity gets frowned upon while islam gets applauded. But surely people dont think because we have leftist retards in this country that biblical prophecy is coming true? Kind of ignorant..

Has Israel become a State again? Yes
Is Israel getting ready to Build the Temple again? Yes
Has Christianity been spread to the world? Yes
Are we having climate change? Yes
Are mountains & islands eroding? Yes
Is red algee (wormwood) forming in our fresh waters and seas? Yes
Are people lovers of themselves, lovers of money disobedient to parents, ungrateful and selfish? Yes
all religions have. Its called globalization. Has been going on for centuries.
Yes, we have always had climate change
Yes, they have always eroded. Hek, erosion makes mountians lol
are you saying red algae is something new?
People being selfish isnt anything new..

Picking and choosing while ignoring the whole thing together as a whole.
Of course we have had all of them ,but Israel is a nation again and they will build their temple.

Lets hope not.

Penny----you are afraid of a "TEMPLE"?------it is not all that exiting-----a square building
on a plot of land. As far as I know-----the levites were never even armed in the temple----
they just danced and sang and swept up. No gladiators. -----no lions eating people----no
crazed vestal sluts
I think its a little bit deeper than that.. Like war lol
Since you responded to posts after this, i can assume you wont respond to this.
Thanks for leaving me here trying to sort out your mess! Lol

No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.
No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcements are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION-----FADS
The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown
Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled
I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled

People took an old religion with a language scholars barely understand and use a calendar of their's to scare people in this age that the world was going to end. It didn't
Nor did the 2000 scare bring and end to computers or commerce.
Was not that long ago when star alignments and comets over the middle east were feared to be the end.
How many in the span of a hundred years will we have that don't come true. You might not even follow those of more obscure or Asian faiths.
People should stop shitting their pants and just live. When the end does come, if and when, we won't have any way to stop it, especially if it comes in the form of some giant asteroid. More likely we will be our own doom makers when water and food become scares due to over population. Just another extinction and then the birth of a new age of life.

The ancients had religion, we have horror stories we tell around camp fires and on halloween. Politicians have threats of global war and mutual nuclear annihilation. Greeks used mythic monsters and demi-god heroes. Some use dragons as either good or bad, depending on the part of the world.

a good scare, then a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows for comfort before bed.
Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled

People took an old religion with a language scholars barely understand and use a calendar of their's to scare people in this age that the world was going to end. It didn't
Nor did the 2000 scare bring and end to computers or commerce.
Was not that long ago when star alignments and comets over the middle east were feared to be the end.
How many in the span of a hundred years will we have that don't come true. You might not even follow those of more obscure or Asian faiths.
People should stop shitting their pants and just live. When the end does come, if and when, we won't have any way to stop it, especially if it comes in the form of some giant asteroid. More likely we will be our own doom makers when water and food become scares due to over population. Just another extinction and then the birth of a new age of life.

The ancients had religion, we have horror stories we tell around camp fires and on halloween. Politicians have threats of global war and mutual nuclear annihilation. Greeks used mythic monsters and demi-god heroes. Some use dragons as either good or bad, depending on the part of the world.

a good scare, then a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows for comfort before bed.

The early Christians were big time END OF DAYS persons--------do not blame Jesus----he was
an innocent Pharisee kid--------IT WAS PAUL (damn greek freak)
Since you responded to posts after this, i can assume you wont respond to this.
Thanks for leaving me here trying to sort out your mess! Lol

No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled

People took an old religion with a language scholars barely understand and use a calendar of their's to scare people in this age that the world was going to end. It didn't
Nor did the 2000 scare bring and end to computers or commerce.
Was not that long ago when star alignments and comets over the middle east were feared to be the end.
How many in the span of a hundred years will we have that don't come true. You might not even follow those of more obscure or Asian faiths.
People should stop shitting their pants and just live. When the end does come, if and when, we won't have any way to stop it, especially if it comes in the form of some giant asteroid. More likely we will be our own doom makers when water and food become scares due to over population. Just another extinction and then the birth of a new age of life.

The ancients had religion, we have horror stories we tell around camp fires and on halloween. Politicians have threats of global war and mutual nuclear annihilation. Greeks used mythic monsters and demi-god heroes. Some use dragons as either good or bad, depending on the part of the world.

a good scare, then a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows for comfort before bed.

The early Christians were big time END OF DAYS persons--------do not blame Jesus----he was
an innocent Pharisee kid--------IT WAS PAUL (damn greek freak)

No actually the Jews were and rightly so, the destruction of Herods temple in 70AD.
No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

....and the endtimes have supposedly been coming ever few hundred years for millennia , yet we are still here.

then the groups try to recalculate and come up with another date. It is a scare tactic to drive people to faith and control them.

Israel was not a Nation, that is the key.
Dates should never be believed.
That's in the Bible too, but many really don't study it deep enough ,so they believe their leaders rather than the Bible.
No I didn't ,the Bible says it.
You are the one not understanding.

The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

I do not believe that END-TIME announcement are world wide CONSPIRACIES-----more
like weird FASHION

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled

People took an old religion with a language scholars barely understand and use a calendar of their's to scare people in this age that the world was going to end. It didn't
Nor did the 2000 scare bring and end to computers or commerce.
Was not that long ago when star alignments and comets over the middle east were feared to be the end.
How many in the span of a hundred years will we have that don't come true. You might not even follow those of more obscure or Asian faiths.
People should stop shitting their pants and just live. When the end does come, if and when, we won't have any way to stop it, especially if it comes in the form of some giant asteroid. More likely we will be our own doom makers when water and food become scares due to over population. Just another extinction and then the birth of a new age of life.

The ancients had religion, we have horror stories we tell around camp fires and on halloween. Politicians have threats of global war and mutual nuclear annihilation. Greeks used mythic monsters and demi-god heroes. Some use dragons as either good or bad, depending on the part of the world.

a good scare, then a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows for comfort before bed.

The early Christians were big time END OF DAYS persons--------do not blame Jesus----he was
an innocent Pharisee kid--------IT WAS PAUL (damn greek freak)

No actually the Jews were and rightly so, the destruction of Herods temple in 70AD.

No Christian Jews, followers of Jesus were big on end time.
The bible says what selective writers and editing says, for religious and political purposes.
............and erroneous translations

Each writing and publishing of the bible over time, changes the words and the meaning. It is the human factor.
The bible is recreated to suit the intended reader.

If you want more authenticity, try the aramaic/syriac version

Just listen to yourself what you just wrote.
Dismissing the Torah and New testament and telling me what is better to read.
By the way, I did read them, in the 90's.
You know what I found? Not a whole lot of differences between them, the basic meaning is the same in all of them.

I full understand the books on a scholarly level, I do not believe in it as fact only as faith based on facts.

Each religious text applies to the culture, people at the time of the writing.

Well their prophesies all pretty much agree with each other on end times. And a new era.
From Christian to Eastern ,all the way to native American ,Island tribes and even the aboriginals and African tribes.
I found it fascinating , that the Dogon tribe has known about Sirius B before the rest of the world knew. Also being dissected and torn apart by skeptics. :)

Do you think the mayans would ever have thought their calendar would scare the world or be used by conspiracy theorists? It was an end of cycle not the end of the world. Like turning the page and continuing with the story or starting the next chapter.

religion plays on human fears of the unknown

I am not sure what you are getting at--------as for fear by virtue of religion ----
that was KEY TO THE MAYAN culture. BUT I DO NOT BELIEVE that the recent
MAYAN SCARE had anything to do with some big time ORGANIZED AGENDA
created by the forces of EVIL The recent Mayan scare was a matter of FASHION
FAD------I did not buy in------but then, I never used black nail polish either. The
mayans did have stories of COSMIC cataclysm ------but somehow cycles -----rolled

People took an old religion with a language scholars barely understand and use a calendar of their's to scare people in this age that the world was going to end. It didn't
Nor did the 2000 scare bring and end to computers or commerce.
Was not that long ago when star alignments and comets over the middle east were feared to be the end.
How many in the span of a hundred years will we have that don't come true. You might not even follow those of more obscure or Asian faiths.
People should stop shitting their pants and just live. When the end does come, if and when, we won't have any way to stop it, especially if it comes in the form of some giant asteroid. More likely we will be our own doom makers when water and food become scares due to over population. Just another extinction and then the birth of a new age of life.

The ancients had religion, we have horror stories we tell around camp fires and on halloween. Politicians have threats of global war and mutual nuclear annihilation. Greeks used mythic monsters and demi-god heroes. Some use dragons as either good or bad, depending on the part of the world.

a good scare, then a nice cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows for comfort before bed.

The early Christians were big time END OF DAYS persons--------do not blame Jesus----he was
an innocent Pharisee kid--------IT WAS PAUL (damn greek freak)

No actually the Jews were and rightly so, the destruction of Herods temple in 70AD.

No Christian Jews, followers of Jesus were big on end time.

Which were all Jews according to the scriptures. Jews believed a lot of things, some even believed in reincarnation. Paul spoke of end times as well. He was a Roman Jew, probably Josephus. The shipwreck sound just too familiar. It happened in 70AD. What happened during the 400 silent years of the OT and NT. Have you read the Maccabees I and II and the rest of the Catholic Bible, or the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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