Absolutely Delicious PC/Identity Politics story


Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Cool ironic story. Here's a related one I heard today on a local talk show that I listen to..

Huffington Post Guest Writer Cass Bliss Describes Male Periods

“Nonbinary trans menstruator” Cass Bliss took to the Huffington Post to write about the struggles with simultaneous acceptance of both one’s identity and having a period.
“I am a nonbinary trans menstruator ― someone with a uterus that bleeds monthly, but who identifies outside of the fixed categories of male and female,” Bliss wrote. “Because of that, I have to navigate the challenges of getting my period every month in a world that refuses to acknowledge that not everyone who gets their period is a woman, and not every woman gets their period.”

This question lingers as Bliss describes the “persistent gendered messages” of modern American society hitting like “thousands of metal slivers piercing through my skin.” According to Bliss, feminine hygiene products are marketed in a way that makes it intensely uncomfortable for someone who does not identify as a woman to purchase and use.

Bliss is regularly confronted by a dilemma:

Now that my appearance has tipped the scale toward masculine, I’ve found myself ushered out of a lot women’s bathrooms by moms with young daughters, as if I’m inherently dangerous or being trans is a disease they could catch from breathing in the same air as me. On the flip side, using the men’s restroom means that I have to pray that I’m not already leaking when I walk in there and figure out the best ways to keep myself safe while discreetly tending to my period.

Is is just me? Or does this not sound like a plan well thunked out? Non-binary Trans buyer's remorse? Or will he/she feel better in about a week about the choice?


This is what happens when we enable (and even celebrate) neurotic hypersensitivity.

America, 2018.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
These are the idiots that want to run this country!
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley
These are the idiots that want to run this country!
Well, we'll see what happens. They definitely control the party.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Cool ironic story. Here's a related one I heard today on a local talk show that I listen to..

Huffington Post Guest Writer Cass Bliss Describes Male Periods

“Nonbinary trans menstruator” Cass Bliss took to the Huffington Post to write about the struggles with simultaneous acceptance of both one’s identity and having a period.
“I am a nonbinary trans menstruator ― someone with a uterus that bleeds monthly, but who identifies outside of the fixed categories of male and female,” Bliss wrote. “Because of that, I have to navigate the challenges of getting my period every month in a world that refuses to acknowledge that not everyone who gets their period is a woman, and not every woman gets their period.”

This question lingers as Bliss describes the “persistent gendered messages” of modern American society hitting like “thousands of metal slivers piercing through my skin.” According to Bliss, feminine hygiene products are marketed in a way that makes it intensely uncomfortable for someone who does not identify as a woman to purchase and use.

Bliss is regularly confronted by a dilemma:

Now that my appearance has tipped the scale toward masculine, I’ve found myself ushered out of a lot women’s bathrooms by moms with young daughters, as if I’m inherently dangerous or being trans is a disease they could catch from breathing in the same air as me. On the flip side, using the men’s restroom means that I have to pray that I’m not already leaking when I walk in there and figure out the best ways to keep myself safe while discreetly tending to my period.

Is is just me? Or does this not sound like a plan well thunked out? Non-binary Trans buyer's remorse? Or will he/she feel better in about a week about the choice?


This is what happens when we enable (and even celebrate) neurotic hypersensitivity.

America, 2018.

Neurotic may be a clue. Because if you can't weigh the consequences of choosing a gender and you're suddenly SURPRISED by the menstruation issue and want the whole world TO KNOW how hurtful it is to find out it FOLLOWED YOU into your new gender identity ----

Then you're probably constantly worrying about a lot less important and trivial things..

I'd say wait to make that "gender re-declaration" til after menopause then.. Or get a medical team to FIX it for you. Don't start writing tearful missives in the Huffington Post about "how abused" you are by biology, society, and nature.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Wow. I feel academia has become addicted to the crazy :cuckoo: when I read stuff like this. Interesting find, thanks.
Full disclosure: This story is about four years old. But it may be my favorite story on this insane issue.

So at Wellesley College, a transgender student "Timothy" (used to be female) wanted to run for a seat on the student-government cabinet. By the way, Timothy "identifies" as a "masculine-of-center-genderqueer", which is a new one to me. Timothy wanted to be the Multicultural Affairs Coordinator.

Anyway, a group that "identifies" itself as "The Campaign to Abstain" strongly opposed Timothy's candidacy.

Why? Because Timothy was now a WHITE MALE.


When Women Become Men at Wellesley

Cool ironic story. Here's a related one I heard today on a local talk show that I listen to..

Huffington Post Guest Writer Cass Bliss Describes Male Periods

“Nonbinary trans menstruator” Cass Bliss took to the Huffington Post to write about the struggles with simultaneous acceptance of both one’s identity and having a period.
“I am a nonbinary trans menstruator ― someone with a uterus that bleeds monthly, but who identifies outside of the fixed categories of male and female,” Bliss wrote. “Because of that, I have to navigate the challenges of getting my period every month in a world that refuses to acknowledge that not everyone who gets their period is a woman, and not every woman gets their period.”

This question lingers as Bliss describes the “persistent gendered messages” of modern American society hitting like “thousands of metal slivers piercing through my skin.” According to Bliss, feminine hygiene products are marketed in a way that makes it intensely uncomfortable for someone who does not identify as a woman to purchase and use.

Bliss is regularly confronted by a dilemma:

Now that my appearance has tipped the scale toward masculine, I’ve found myself ushered out of a lot women’s bathrooms by moms with young daughters, as if I’m inherently dangerous or being trans is a disease they could catch from breathing in the same air as me. On the flip side, using the men’s restroom means that I have to pray that I’m not already leaking when I walk in there and figure out the best ways to keep myself safe while discreetly tending to my period.

Is is just me? Or does this not sound like a plan well thunked out? Non-binary Trans buyer's remorse? Or will he/she feel better in about a week about the choice?


This is what happens when we enable (and even celebrate) neurotic hypersensitivity.

America, 2018.

Neurotic may be a clue. Because if you can't weigh the consequences of choosing a gender and you're suddenly SURPRISED by the menstruation issue and want the whole world TO KNOW how hurtful it is to find out it FOLLOWED YOU into your new gender identity ---- Then you're probably constantly worrying about a lot less important and trivial things...
That's where it gets worse - you have people sprinting to your defense and attacking anyone who dares to raise an eyebrow, coddling you, enabling all behaviors and organizing marches for you. Any human being is going to be affected by hysteria like that.

That goes for more than gender issues. Race, for example.
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That's where it gets worse - you have people sprinting to your defense and attacking anyone who dares to raise an eyebrow, coddling you, enabling all behaviors and organizing marches for you. Any human being is going to be affected by hysteria like that.

That goes for more than gender issues. Race, for example.

Stormy Mac is upset that his White Privilege Card got stamped "No Dessert."
Dick or no dick.....formerly dicked or formerly center-holed. The only identity that matters is that you embrace the Marxists. Duh....if you dont, its "Fuck You!!!". Especially if you are white!
You want to hear about fucked up PC gheyness......

So I drive my kid yesterday to the same college I went to almost 40 years ago. SUNY Stony Brook here in NY. My first time back in decades.....could not believe the changes in the lanscape.

Coming to drop him off I see this giant glass building that says LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER! Multimillion dollar smack dab n the center of the campus by the busiest main road! They might as well have adorned the roof with a gigantic cock with LED lights:113:

Said to myself...."WHAT.....THE.....FUCK!!"

Mindfuckery indoctrination starts before you even park your fucking car for the first time. Lol....."equality".....I think they should have made the building the size of Lincoln Center with 4 giant erect cocks at each corner and a humongous vagina in the roof center! You know.....to help these folks better fit in to society!!:backpedal::backpedal:
You want to hear about fucked up.....

So I drive my kid yesterday to the same college I went to almost 40 years ago. SUNY Stony Brook here in NY. My first time back in decades.....could not believe the changes in the lanscape.

Coming to drop him off I see this giant glass building that says LGBT COMMUNITY CENTER! Multimillion dollar smack dab n the center of the campus by the busiest main road! They might as well have adorned the roof with a gigantic clock with LED lights:113:

Said to myself...."WHAT.....THE.....FUCK!!"

Mindfuckery indoctrination starts before you even park your fucking car for the first time. Lol....."equality".....I think they should have made the building the size of Lincoln Center with 4 giant erect cocks at each corner and a humongous vagina in the roof center! You know.....to help these folks better fit in to society!!:backpedal::backpedal:

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