Absolutely No Election Fraud

The left follows the Bill Clinton example. Just deny, deny, deny, and with willing accomplices in the media, just saying this makes it so.


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I think only Fox made an unforced error on election night when they called AZ prematurely for Biden. The rest of the networks waited until 11/7 before they called the race.

Not just Arizona: AT the moment Fox started coverage, 7 P.M., they called Virginia for Biden with less than 1% of the vote in ------ AND Trump was ahead in the vote in Virginia until 11 PM that night! So that was just awful coverage. I was ashamed of Fox. These wild calls against the numbers are a form of election cheating, really. They need to get a whole lot more conservative in their election coverage.
If Trump says that OAN is a great network then that should be enough to doubt them.

He said the same thing about FOX in the beginning but lately he has been denouncing them.

Fox's claim to fame is knowing when to shill a conspiracy....and then knowing when to stop.

OAN and NewsMax think that the conspiracy gravy train is going to flow forever.

Well you got to like the title with Absolutely. Well there is voter fraud but that is all you can say. Trump and associates are saying that it was enough to change the outcome of the election in his favor. yet it happens on both sides. Thus to make it significant then they would have to have a high number of people who claim they saw voter fraud. Yet the fact is most do not understand what voter fraud is. The number of debunked stories show that they did not understand what is voter fraud. It was more of an agenda. The affidavits that claim that they didn't want me there. Well it may have hurt your feelings but it does not mean its voter fraud. Anybody would be annoyed to have people stand over their shoulder just waiting for human error to rear it ugly head. Yet you put up with it but it doesn't mean your not going to roll you eyes at the ones who want to watch and do not have to count the votes.

Heritage foundation has a nice data base of proven voter fraud cases. When you have both republican and democrats convicted cases, and they were discovered. Voter fraud by default is an individual incident. When you have over 150 billion votes then good luck with voter fraud.
Why hasn't the giggling brown slut given up her Senate seat yet? Completely unprecedented after "winning" a presidential election..... hmm?

Maybe she knows something you shit-eating rodents don't know......

Or....you don't know what you're talking about.

I don't think 'completely unprecedented' means what you think it means.

NY Times has a great read about this and fact is Biden did not leave his Senate post until a few days before he became VP and Al Gore did not leave the Senate until January of 1993, so those claiming Harris is not giving up her seat in the Senate because she knows the election is fraudulent are making up baseless claims as usual.

The fact is Trump voting base can not accept Sleepy Joe won against Donald the Marvelous and they will make wild claims from Harris not leaving the Senate is evidence fraud happen to Dominion Machines stole the election even though 24 States used the machines but only a few States the machines were hacked and caused a flipped of votes according to Trump voting base...

When all this fails and the USSC keep on rejecting the cases then Trump base will focus on telling everyone it is Deep State and his voting base will tell us even Trump picks were against Trump and the will of his voting base...

In the end Trump and his base will never accept the defeat and Trump will play this as some WWF match and like the Villain in those scripted shows Trump will announce he will be back with vengeance...
If Trump says that OAN is a great network then that should be enough to doubt them.

He said the same thing about FOX in the beginning but lately he has been denouncing them.

Fox's claim to fame is knowing when to shill a conspiracy....and then knowing when to stop.

OAN and NewsMax think that the conspiracy gravy train is going to flow forever.

Well you got to like the title with Absolutely. Well there is voter fraud but that is all you can say. Trump and associates are saying that it was enough to change the outcome of the election in his favor. yet it happens on both sides. Thus to make it significant then they would have to have a high number of people who claim they saw voter fraud. Yet the fact is most do not understand what voter fraud is. The number of debunked stories show that they did not understand what is voter fraud. It was more of an agenda. The affidavits that claim that they didn't want me there. Well it may have hurt your feelings but it does not mean its voter fraud. Anybody would be annoyed to have people stand over their shoulder just waiting for human error to rear it ugly head. Yet you put up with it but it doesn't mean your not going to roll you eyes at the ones who want to watch and do not have to count the votes.

Heritage foundation has a nice data base of proven voter fraud cases. When you have both republican and democrats convicted cases, and they were discovered. Voter fraud by default is an individual incident. When you have over 150 billion votes then good luck with voter fraud.

Simply put Voter Fraud happen every election cycle but not enough to change the election outcome...
I think only Fox made an unforced error on election night when they called AZ prematurely for Biden. The rest of the networks waited until 11/7 before they called the race.

Not just Arizona: AT the moment Fox started coverage, 7 P.M., they called Virginia for Biden with less than 1% of the vote in ------ AND Trump was ahead in the vote in Virginia until 11 PM that night! So that was just awful coverage. I was ashamed of Fox. These wild calls against the numbers are a form of election cheating, really. They need to get a whole lot more conservative in their election coverage.

Well, I was watching all three of the major news networks closely and Fox was the only one that fell for the red and blue mirages that everybody and their mother's uncle warned were coming on election night.
Well, I was watching all three of the major news networks closely and Fox was the only one that fell for the red and blue mirages that everybody and their mother's uncle warned were coming on election night.

I agree: that's what it looked like to me, too, that Fox just got very radical in order to "scoop" the other networks. Boy, did they overreach.

I normally never watch CNN, of course, because they are crazy-left-antiTrump, but their election coverage with Wolf Blitzer and John King was tops as always. That at least, they do right. I wish I had played the drinking game with how often John King YET AGAIN reminded everyone that the red vote comes in first, the blue vote comes in second..........it would have been a less painful evening than it was, if I had. Still, he was right. And they did wait till the next day, at least, to call the election. None of them should have called it, really ---- it was way too close. Just wait for the bureaucratic processes we have in place, coming up next week.

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