Absolutely THE Best Description Of Dems You'll Ever Read


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I've been saying this for years. Listen up, people. The sooner you recognize what you're up against, the better

"Fool, prate not to me about covenants. There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall and glut grim Mars with his life's blood. Put forth all your strength; you have need now to prove yourself indeed a bold soldier and man of war. You have no more chance, and Pallas Minerva will forthwith vanquish you by my spear: you shall now pay me in full for the grief you have caused me on account of my comrades whom you have killed in battle."

Sultan Knish: No Truce With the Left

The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left. Not on social issues. Not on any issues.

The left is a drunk in a bar trying to pick a fight with you. Trying to convince him that you didn't disrespect him, put something in his beer to make him dizzy or make his feet so heavy won't work. There's no 'agree to disagree' possible here. He's picking a fight with you because he wants a fight.

The left does not care about Bruce Jenner. It does not care about gay rights, equal pay, police brutality or even slavery. Its activists 'care' about those things a great deal right now, but they could easily be persuaded tomorrow to be outraged by telephone poles, shredded wheat or people in green sweaters.

...The left will destroy the things you care about, because you care about them. It will destroy them because that gives them power over you. It will destroy them because these things stand in the way of its power. It will destroy them because a good deal of its militant activists need things to destroy and if they can't attack you, they'll turn on the left in a frenzy of ideologically incestuous purges.

Their end goal? Passivity and compliance on your part.

Much more at the link, H/T Ace of Spades HQ

Believe it, people
People have been wondering why dimocfrap scum, butt rangers and bean flickers Demanded the 'right' to marry when a Civil Union would have done just as well.....

There's your answer, people.

They attack and they destroy because -- They can.

No more complicated than that
till one or other shall fall and glut grim Mars with his life's blood.

That about sums up them Democrats
People have been wondering why dimocfrap scum, butt rangers and bean flickers Demanded the 'right' to marry when a Civil Union would have done just as well.....

There's your answer, people.

They attack and they destroy because -- They can.

No more complicated than that

Once you admit that a civil union for gays is acceptable, you have admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Once you've admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable, that you remain opposed to it is irrational.

You, sir, are irrational.
People have been wondering why dimocfrap scum, butt rangers and bean flickers Demanded the 'right' to marry when a Civil Union would have done just as well.....

There's your answer, people.

They attack and they destroy because -- They can.

No more complicated than that

Once you admit that a civil union for gays is acceptable, you have admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Once you've admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable, that you remain opposed to it is irrational.

You, sir, are irrational.
No, civil unions was a compromise. Queers didn't want to compromise. Therefore you made marriage useless.
Once you admit that a civil union for gays is acceptable, you have admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Once you've admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable, that you remain opposed to it is irrational.

You, sir, are irrational.

I don't want to re-hash this gay butt sex marriage bullshit again but.....

What advantage is there for a gaywad butt ranger or a carpet muncher to have a marriage license over a Civil Union license?

Answer: None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nein. Nyet.

A Civil Union for butt rangers and bean flickers would serve every purpose, every need,

Do you think having a Marriage license will allow butt rangers and bean flickers to fool people?

Do you think that if gays tell people they're 'married' that, that somehow makes them less likely to be 'discriminated' against?

dimocrap FILTH did this for one reason and one reason only....... To force every day Americans to bow to their power.

This was an "IN YOUR FACE" moment for dimocrap scum.

Just like everything else they do.

But this time, it is thoroughly obvious. They can not claim a pure motive.

dimocraps are scum and the American People better wake up to that
People have been wondering why dimocfrap scum, butt rangers and bean flickers Demanded the 'right' to marry when a Civil Union would have done just as well.....

There's your answer, people.

They attack and they destroy because -- They can.

No more complicated than that

FALSE...civil unions do not replace the benefits of marriage...

What Are the Differences between Marriage and Civil Unions?
There are significant differences between the benefits and responsibilities of marriage and civil unions. People who are married usually enjoy more benefits than those in civil unions, including:

  • Legal recognition of the relationship in other states
  • The ability to divorce in any state, regardless of where married
  • Tax benefits available to married couples only
  • Immigration benefits when petitioning for a non-citizen spouse
  • Federal benefits, such as social security, medical, and life insurance
- See more at: Marriage Compared to Civil Unions LegalMatch Law Library
outraged by telephone poles,

interesting you bring that up, i read a blog somewhere the anti-Christ want them banned or reconfigured, simply because most look like "CROSSES", and we just can not have "CROSSES" covering Americas landscape.., can we ? :lmao:
FALSE...civil unions do not replace the benefits of marriage...

What Are the Differences between Marriage and Civil Unions?
There are significant differences between the benefits and responsibilities of marriage and civil unions. People who are married usually enjoy more benefits than those in civil unions, including:

  • Legal recognition of the relationship in other states
  • The ability to divorce in any state, regardless of where married
  • Tax benefits available to married couples only
  • Immigration benefits when petitioning for a non-citizen spouse
  • Federal benefits, such as social security, medical, and life insurance
- See more at: Marriage Compared to Civil Unions LegalMatch Law Library

Gays were offered a Civil Union with EVERY SINGLE BENEFIT OF A MARRIAGE.

Every one. Every single one.

And they refused.

Your post is nothing but lies.
The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left.


But, you claim you are a liberal...

No, I am liberal by classic definition, as were the Founders. I am not "a liberal" in the modern sense by any standard.

So this is what you believe?

FALSE...civil unions do not replace the benefits of marriage...

What Are the Differences between Marriage and Civil Unions?
There are significant differences between the benefits and responsibilities of marriage and civil unions. People who are married usually enjoy more benefits than those in civil unions, including:

  • Legal recognition of the relationship in other states
  • The ability to divorce in any state, regardless of where married
  • Tax benefits available to married couples only
  • Immigration benefits when petitioning for a non-citizen spouse
  • Federal benefits, such as social security, medical, and life insurance
- See more at: Marriage Compared to Civil Unions LegalMatch Law Library

Gays were offered a Civil Union with EVERY SINGLE BENEFIT OF A MARRIAGE.

Every one. Every single one.

And they refused.

Your post is nothing but lies.

By WHOM???

Proof REQUIRED, not requested...
Even better description of Dems...

You have no more chance, and Pallas Minerva will forthwith vanquish you by my spear
The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left.


But, you claim you are a liberal...

No, I am liberal by classic definition, as were the Founders. I am not "a liberal" in the modern sense by any standard.

So this is what you believe?


Too funny. What point are you trying to make with these particular quotes? Please expand.

Do keep in mind that I do not agree with every Founder on every point they ever made anymore than they agreed with each other.
Once you admit that a civil union for gays is acceptable, you have admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable.

Once you've admitted that same sex marriage is acceptable, that you remain opposed to it is irrational.

You, sir, are irrational.

I don't want to re-hash this gay butt sex marriage bullshit again but.....

What advantage is there for a gaywad butt ranger or a carpet muncher to have a marriage license over a Civil Union license?

Answer: None. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Nein. Nyet.

A Civil Union for butt rangers and bean flickers would serve every purpose, every need,

Do you think having a Marriage license will allow butt rangers and bean flickers to fool people?

Do you think that if gays tell people they're 'married' that, that somehow makes them less likely to be 'discriminated' against?

dimocrap FILTH did this for one reason and one reason only....... To force every day Americans to bow to their power.

This was an "IN YOUR FACE" moment for dimocrap scum.

Just like everything else they do.

But this time, it is thoroughly obvious. They can not claim a pure motive.

dimocraps are scum and the American People better wake up to that

A marriage license IS a civil union license you moron.

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