Acceptable Racism?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I have noticed many posts criticizing the GOP as a party of "old white men." Can you imagine the uproar if any other demographic group was identified and criticized in this manner? Note to the New Racists: White men are the biggest supporters of true equal opportunity in our country. You may rue the day when quotas become established throughout society and you find that there is no more room for your particular classification.
It's ok to defile white people because everyone knows white people are all evil and are the cause of every problem on the planet from the price of eggs to AGW.

I hope this helps...
I have noticed many posts criticizing the GOP as a party of "old white men." Can you imagine the uproar if any other demographic group was identified and criticized in this manner? Note to the New Racists: White men are the biggest supporters of true equal opportunity in our country. You may rue the day when quotas become established throughout society and you find that there is no more room for your particular classification.

Only on the surface.

Deep down, when the cameras aren't on them or they aren't facing the potential wrath of an indignant minority they know will have consequential leverage if they take their contention to the blood thirsty press, most white men really couldn't give a damn about blacks. They only say they that they "care" about equality and equal opportunities to avoid the consequences of airing what they and anyone else present know are their deeply-held biases, even though those deeply-held biases are shared by every man, woman and child on planet earth relative to their respective races.
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The whole problem is that it's the white people who support equal opportunity. No one but white people want equal oppurtunity. It's equal outcome now.
The whole problem is that it's the white people who support equal opportunity. No one but white people want equal oppurtunity. It's equal outcome now.

Thats not true, I want equal opps.

That's all very well and good, but what are you doing to support equal opportunities?

Either way, I suspect what the OP's contention stems from is the fact that although they/we have been to a great extent induced by a percieved guilt into reforming the past status quo and enforcing equal opportunities, anyone with an axe to grind is given coverage in the media to mock and pillory the only people who've made any progress merging equality into the mainstream.

Do you see where I'm coming from?
The whole problem is that it's the white people who support equal opportunity. No one but white people want equal oppurtunity. It's equal outcome now.

Thats not true, I want equal opps.

That's all very well and good, but what are you doing to support equal opportunities?

Either way, I suspect what the OP's contention stems from is the fact that although they/we have been to a great extent induced by a percieved guilt into reforming the past status quo and enforcing equal opportunities, anyone with an axe to grind is given coverage in the media to mock and pillory the only people who've made any progress merging equality into the mainstream.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

I see where your coming from.
Deep down, when the cameras aren't on them or they aren't facing the potential wrath of an indignant minority they know will have consequential leverage if they take their contention to the blood thirsty press, most white men really couldn't give a damn about blacks.

And you know this how?
Deep down, when the cameras aren't on them or they aren't facing the potential wrath of an indignant minority they know will have consequential leverage if they take their contention to the blood thirsty press, most white men really couldn't give a damn about blacks.

And you know this how?

Just an educated guess.

Rather inflammatory for a 'guess'. In my experience, you're wrong. Either way, I would never make such accusations without proof. It's irresponsible to do so, IMO.
I have noticed many posts criticizing the GOP as a party of "old white men." Can you imagine the uproar if any other demographic group was identified and criticized in this manner? Note to the New Racists: White men are the biggest supporters of true equal opportunity in our country. You may rue the day when quotas become established throughout society and you find that there is no more room for your particular classification.

Only on the surface.

Deep down, when the cameras aren't on them or they aren't facing the potential wrath of an indignant minority they know will have consequential leverage if they take their contention to the blood thirsty press, most white men really couldn't give a damn about blacks.

I'm sure the irony of your statement eludes you: As a white man, I don't give a damn about ANY grouping of people. I view people as individuals and judge them on their own merits. The "glass ceiling" and other myths that have been created during the past 40 years are nothing more than propagandistic excuses for deficiencies in personal responsibility. If anything, nonwhite applicants with legitimate university degrees have been at the top of every employer's hiring list for more than a generation.
I have noticed many posts criticizing the GOP as a party of "old white men." Can you imagine the uproar if any other demographic group was identified and criticized in this manner? Note to the New Racists: White men are the biggest supporters of true equal opportunity in our country. You may rue the day when quotas become established throughout society and you find that there is no more room for your particular classification.

Good points. If people don't like people making blanket generalizations about their group or race, then they shouldn't do the same thing.
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"Racism" is by far the most over-used and mis-used word in the American lexicon. And the further away American society moves from the oppressive racial divide engendered by slavery and Jim Crow segregation the more prevalent the use of this increasingly misapplied term has become.

The currently popular notion that "old White men," a category which I inhabit, are the primary vestige of "racism" in America obviously derives from the fact that we old White men were around during the final stages of Jim Crow and therefore presumptively retain the social attitudes of that era. And while that may be true in some examples of old White men the belief that it's universally true is every bit as prejudicial as is the discriminatory circumstance it refers to.

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