‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable


It's funny how the cult which so desperately hates women is always slobbering to murder babies in order to supposedly save women's lives.


To me it's they can't admit what is actually happening, or explain why if late term abortions that involve viable fetuses are so rare, why did they lower the bar from the life of the mother to the health of the mother?

‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable​

In Washington, D.C., a woman crossed the street to fling her coffee in the face of a sidewalk counselor outside an abortion facility. Meanwhile, her partner began a shouting match with another sidewalk counselor, which soon devolved into a physical altercation.

In Baltimore, a man lunged at an elderly man praying outside an abortion facility, knocking him into a concrete planter and down to the ground. When a second elderly sidewalk counselor hurried over to help the first victim, the passerby shoved him to the ground and kicked his face with extreme force. Both men were knocked unconscious and required medical care.

In Saginaw, Michigan, an abortionist ran over a man who regularly prays outside the abortion facility — not once, but twice.

In a tumultuous culture where the emotional temperature seems to be ever-rising after the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision on abortion, it’s perhaps not surprising that violence is being reported more frequently outside facilities that perform abortions — which, ironically, is a violence of its own.

These are situations in which people engaged in sidewalk counseling, or people who are simply praying quietly, are being attacked. In two of these instances, the attackers had nothing to do with the abortion facility — they were mere passersby whose rage was somehow sparked by the sight of people ready to help women in crisis.

OP Comment: The hate and evil and violence among those who are so deseperate to keep legal the murdering babies can be described in no other way than demonic. How could anyone want to kill a child so badly that they would actually attack people in the street who have a different opinion? Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
I'm happy to see you were concerned with pro-choice abortion workers who were attacked by anti-choice xians
To me it's they can't admit what is actually happening, or explain why if late term abortions that involve viable fetuses are so rare, why did they lower the bar from the life of the mother to the health of the mother?
Come on Marty, you can answer that yourself. Just sit quietly and think what the ramifications are.
To me it's they can't admit what is actually happening, or explain why if late term abortions that involve viable fetuses are so rare, why did they lower the bar from the life of the mother to the health of the mother?

Yes, women should be willing to suffer lifetime disability to give birth to defective fetuses, because that's God's Plan.
Yes, women should be willing to suffer lifetime disability to give birth to defective fetuses, because that's God's Plan.

Again, the laws in places like NY and CA use "OR" when defining when late term abortions can be done. "Fetal Viability OR the health of the mother"

What was wrong with "Fetal Viability OR the LIFE of the mother"?
What I remember was some Fox News watching Mutant murdering Doctor George Tiller in his church in front of his wife after Bill O'Reilly got on the air every night and called him " Baby Killer Tiller"

I remember neo-Nazi Eric Rudolf bombing abortion clinics...

That's what I remember.
Man, that is still just so offensive.

George Tiller going to church.

What a piece of shit.

His grave should be a national toilet.
As should the abortion workers and their security.
No, they should just shoot themselves, the filth.

But since they are all BY DEFINITION, violent and dangerous sociopaths, pro-life protestors - who have every right and SHOULD be there - SHOULD also carry weapons for self-defense.

"Abortion escorts" - aka thugs, fitting for the thuggee assassins they work for - are known to attack without provocation and should be shot dead if they try to do so.

But really the proper thing that should happen when an abortionist and their staff are found operating is that we should be able to call 911 and let a SWAT team take them all down.
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No, of course not. What a stupidly irreligious statement of yours.
Abortionists and anyone who works for them and anyone who is a client of theirs should fucking kill themselves.

They're inhuman monsters, and they should be put down.

We can't execute them for ex post facto crimes, but they can certainly die by their own hand. And should. But they're violent sociopaths without shame or remorse, so that isn't happening, sadly.

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