‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable

I'm talking about your partisan ignorance. Now what?
You are babbling, nothing else. No one should be using violence against anyone in the political or social or cultural conflicts in America.

What the MAGA and far and TeaParty right don't get is that they are basically at the mercy of their enemies if they violent. I think it is wrong, if they do. I condemn any who do. But if your gang thinks it can do any good for its side with the impotent flailing of its baby fists, you are fooling yourselves. Don't.
What the MAGA and far and TeaParty right don't get is that they are basically at the mercy of their enemies if they violent. I think it is wrong, if they do. I condemn any who do. But if your gang thinks it can do any good for its side with the impotent flailing of its baby fists, you are fooling yourselves. Don't.
you can't accept we disagree with you and you call me out? Dude, you can believe all you want that your sacred gods love you, I know better, but fk, sk their dicks all you want. They are not for freedom. They treat women with disrespect, you follow them so it can only mean you don't appreciate women either. Ukraine another one, Ukraine is not part of the USA, yet your side is handing them billions of our tax money and you don't care there either. The list goes on and on. But you are against me voicing my opposition and call me names and MAGA this and that. Dude, get over yourself already! I'm here and not intending to go anyplace. Agree to disagree as some say!!!
you can't accept we disagree with you and you call me out? Dude, you can believe all you want that your sacred gods love you, I know better, but fk, sk their dicks all you want. They are not for freedom. They treat women with disrespect, you follow them so it can only mean you don't appreciate women either. Ukraine another one, Ukraine is not part of the USA, yet your side is handing them billions of our tax money and you don't care there either. The list goes on and on. But you are against me voicing my opposition and call me names and MAGA this and that. Dude, get over yourself already! I'm here and not intending to go anyplace. Agree to disagree as some say!!!
You are so confused. As long as no one is violent, we all are OK and can shout as much as we want.
Un, no minding your own business is YOU not having an abortion
But what about all the other killing that abortionists and their piece of shit clients do?

That's my business too, and those pieces of shit need to die in prison.

And your business.

Learn how to mind your business, retard.
But what about all the other killing that abortionists and their piece of shit clients do?

That's my business too, and those pieces of shit need to die in prison.

And your business.

Learn how to mind your business, retard.

We've been over this.

Fetuses aren't people. We don't count fetuses on the Census, and we don't allow people to count their fetuses as dependents.

Even the BIBLE doesn't count fetuses as people.

Exodus 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

I would be far more impressed with the "concern" for babies if you guys weren't constantly trying to cut aid to children to give tax cuts to rich people.

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What was wrong with "Minding your own fucking business."

her body... her choice.

The typical dodge of someone who just wants the other side to shut up.

The problem is it's not just her body, after viability it's someone else's as well.

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