According To The LGBT+ Community Straight Men Must Have Sex With Trans Men Or Face Their Wrath

Whatever happened to my body - my choice?

Why must straight men have sex with Trans men, according to the left.?
Must a Gay man have sex with a biological woman to prove that they aren't straightphobic?

These trans "women" were sold a bill of goods as it turns out. They thought if they worked hard enough on their look....took enough hormones....maybe had all the surgeries....all the men they wanted would fall at their feet. Or maybe just some of the straight men they wanted.

You can pretend all you want. In America, that's your right. But other people do not have to be conscripted into your fantasy. That's that.

Of course this is true for everyone. Tall, athletic brunette women don't get to tell men who prefer small blondes that they must date them. Etc, etc, etc.


You're not special, gender-benders.
How is this even something to object to?
I've got a strong stomach but the thought of having sex with a man with a pagina is enough to make a normal man sick.

I'm picturing a sausage pizza that exploded in the microwave


Have you seen the one they made out of actual fish skin?


Women know. You really shouldn't try to turn the penis inside-out and make a vagina out of it.
If you think you may be gay all you can do is give it a try.
You'll know pretty quickly if it's your type of thing.
For one....gays give off a pherimone that repels straight folks. Another thing....I had Gays make a pass at me and thought farting was a form of foreplay. Nobody but a Gay man likes the smell of shit during sex.
Then you should feel right at home.
It's just another homeophobic response to a serious topic of discussion. Last thing any lib wants to admit to is being Gay, even though they totally support all of the hogwash the LGBT community forces down our throats.
A serious discussion of what you seem to know a lot about.
A serious discussion of what you seem to know a lot about.
Well considering the fact that I know enough to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic isn't something I need to be ashamed of.
I'm not afraid to say that I've talked to people in the Gay Community, and actually befriended people in the Gay Community. I'm even related to some in the Gay Community.
I've known friends who get fighting mad when a Gay makes a pass at them. Personally I think they're just acting the way they've been raised. Democrats in the South don't joke about the subject. It's like you're questioning their manhood. The only person doing that is themselves.
Well considering the fact that I know enough to carry on an intelligent conversation about the topic isn't something I need to be ashamed of.
I'm not afraid to say that I've talked to people in the Gay Community, and actually befriended people in the Gay Community. I'm even related to some in the Gay Community.
I've known friends who get fighting mad when a Gay makes a pass at them. Personally I think they're just acting the way they've been raised. Democrats in the South don't joke about the subject. It's like you're questioning their manhood. The only person doing that is themselves.
I know people in the gay community too but I don't seek them out.
Why are these people getting so much attention?
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Our country is being taken over by communists.....and they know the fastest way to bring any society down is by removing morals and decency from the equation. Sodom & Gomorrah.
That's why George Soros funded folks like Barack Obama and most of the Democrat's campaigns.
He also made sure that blacks and lesbians took over several cities who refuse to enforce the law.
They call it Social-Justice.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Our country is being taken over by communists.....and they know the fastest way to bring any society down is by removing morals and decency from the equation. Sodom & Gomorrah.
That's why George Soros funded folks like Barack Obama and most of the Democrat's campaigns.
He also made sure that blacks and lesbians took over several cities who refuse to enforce the law.
They call it Social-Justice.
Why are we talking about it here? It should be ignored there should not be threads about it. This thread should be closed in order to help starve the beast. We should refuse to acknowledge it. It is harassment.
Why are we talking about it here? It should be ignored there should not be threads about it. This thread should be closed in order to help starve the beast. We should refuse to acknowledge it. It is harassment.
Homosexuality, pedophilia, and the corruption in politics goes hand in hand.
Homosexuality, pedophilia, and the corruption in politics goes hand in hand.
Agreed, but plastering the web with threads about it whether it be for or against it gives it life. It is validating even if we're sitting here bashing it. My local grocery store bought an entire pallet of lgbtq+ Oreos.... And most of them were still left close to the expiration date and had to be reduced to clearance and eventually thrown away because nobody wanted them. That's the way to quell the tide. By just not buying it and not talking about it and not giving it attention. Attention is what it wants. Mostly it's being used to divide people, and the Democrats and liberals are trying to make themselves look like the good guys with this phony proactive promotional attitude they have, same as they do with minorities.

Pedophiles should be incarcerated and in some cases even executed in my opinion. But the lgbtq stuff is being used politically, and as long as you choose an opposing side you are feeding the exact mechanism that they want to construct out of it.
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Agreed, but plastering the web with threads about it whether it be for or against it gives it life. It is validating even if we're sitting here bashing it. My local grocery store bought an entire pallet of lgbtq+ Oreos.... And most of them were still left close to the expiration date and had to be reduced to clearance and eventually thrown away because nobody wanted them. That's the way to quell the tide. By just not buying it and not talking about it and not giving it attention. Attention is what it wants. Mostly it's being used to divide people, and the Democrats and liberals are trying to make themselves look like the good guys with this phony proactive promotional attitude they have, same as they do with minorities.

Pedophiles should be incarcerated and in some cases even executed in my opinion. But the lgbtq stuff is being used politically, and as long as you choose an opposing side you are feeding the exact mechanism that they want to construct out of it.
This is a topic that came up last week. If we don't put our foot down before you know it they'll be saying everyone has to put a dress on and learn to suck a dick.
This is just a rational discussion of what these folks are into and the truth about why.
It also explains why it seems so many Gays are currently screwing up their cities by refusing to enforce laws against criminal activity. They're literally tearing down our society around our ears. Something has to be done about it regardless of the taboo nature it seems to folks like you.
Why are we talking about it here? It should be ignored there should not be threads about it. This thread should be closed in order to help starve the beast. We should refuse to acknowledge it. It is harassment.

When you ignore it, it festers, grows and continues on like it thinks it's reality and what everyone has to accept as reality.
This is a topic that came up last week. If we don't put our foot down before you know it they'll be saying everyone has to put a dress on and learn to suck a dick.
This is just a rational discussion of what these folks are into and the truth about why.
It also explains why it seems so many Gays are currently screwing up their cities by refusing to enforce laws against criminal activity. They're literally tearing down our society around our ears. Something has to be done about it regardless of the taboo nature it seems to folks like you.
That's the bait. They're challenging people to go after gays so that they can keep raising the human rights issues and keep their agenda spinning. The agenda really has nothing to do with homosexuality it has to do with control over the government. They're just using homosexuality like they use minorities in order to create outrage, and raise issues and polarize people.
That's the bait. They're challenging people to go after gays so that they can keep raising the human rights issues and keep their agenda spinning. The agenda really has nothing to do with homosexuality it has to do with control over the government. They're just using homosexuality like they use minorities in order to create outrage, and raise issues and polarize people.
You're singing to the choir.
But something has to be done about this.....because whether we talk about it or not....they're going to continually get worse to the point where eventually a normal person will be an outcast in America.
Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away.
We have to make sure that everyone is aware of what's going on and make sure that everyone knows what to expect next.
You're singing to the choir.
But something has to be done about this.....because whether we talk about it or not....they're going to continually get worse to the point where eventually a normal person will be an outcast in America.
Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away.
We have to make sure that everyone is aware of what's going on and make sure that everyone knows what to expect next.
I think gradually people are starting to realize, even many Dems. You won't see many Democrats suddenly wanting to be Republicans, but I do see a new party.or two eventually forming in order to adopt the platform of the old Democratic Party of decades ago and step down a bit from modern wokeness and globalism. Those are the things that have gradually taken over that party and become it's identity. The Dems were tolerant of some things in order to satisfy their broad, inclusive, "progressive" agenda. And those things took them over. Kind of like a woman who wears a miniskirt and tight blouse and walks around the back streets of L.A. at night expecting nothing will ever happen to her.

EDIT: I think the real.problem with defusing and shutting down the Democrats is that they are under the thumb of globalists who don't all even live in the U.S.. This gives them a HUGE advantage having access to the finances and resources of other countries. They aren't for America at all. They just have their.offiices here trying to use our resources as our military for instance. It goes WAY beyond LGBTQ. That's just one of the divisive mechanisms.
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I think gradually people are starting to realize, even many Dems. You won't see many Democrats suddenly wanting to be Republicans, but I do see a new party.or two eventually forming in order to adopt the platform of the old Democratic Party of decades ago and step down a bit from modern wokeness and globalism. Those are the things that have gradually taken over that party and become it's identity. The Dems were tolerant of some things in order to satisfy their broad, inclusive, "progressive" agenda. And those things took them over. Kind of like a woman who wears a miniskirt and tight blouse and walks around the back streets of L.A. at night expecting nothing will ever happen to her.

EDIT: I think the real.problem with defusing and shutting down the Democrats is that they are under the thumb of globalists who don't all even live in the U.S.. This gives them a HUGE advantage having access to the finances and resources of other countries. They aren't for America at all. They just have their.offiices here trying to use our resources as our military for instance. It goes WAY beyond LGBTQ. That's just one of the divisive mechanisms.
Gradually isn't fast enough. We're a year or two away from an economic collapse and a complete socialist takeover if we don't do something before 2024.
These people have to be stopped now, not eventually.
Gradually isn't fast enough. We're a year or two away from an economic collapse and a complete socialist takeover if we don't do something before 2024.
These people have to be stopped now, not eventually.
What do you propose?
What do you propose?
Clean out the FBI of communists subversives.
Arrest the members of the Jan 6th Committee for felonious fraud.
Bring in every card carrying communist in congress and grill them over their involvement in subversive domestic terrorist groups like BLM & ANTIFA.
Check the bank accounts of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, and other's and look for payoffs from drug cartels and foreign agencies.
Subpoena the phone records of Nancy Pelosi and others on Jan 6th.

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