Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'

Obama just signs the legislation yet you credit him even though congress did all the work. OH SNAP caught you libs in yet another epic example of hypocrisy suck it!
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump and the fact that he's a liar, con man, and unfit to be president.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.

Dude I bitch slapped you fools on this. I picked you up bitch slapped you silly then threw you to the ground and kicked dirt in your face while laughing.:laugh:
Of course, thats how trump operates, he tries to hire smart and talented people. didn't you ever watch the Apprentice?
I knew it!

I just KNEW Trump's Chumps think reality tv is real!
“For example, on a recent episode of “Celebrity Apprentice,” at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team did not impress the men from Omaha Steaks.

“And there was lots of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership.

“And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey.

“These are the kinds of decisions that keep me up at night. Well handled, sir! Well handled,” Obama joked.
“For example, on a recent episode of “Celebrity Apprentice,” at the steakhouse, the men’s cooking team did not impress the men from Omaha Steaks.

“And there was lots of blame to go around. But you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership.

“And so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey.

“These are the kinds of decisions that keep me up at night. Well handled, sir! Well handled,” Obama joked.

Translation...deflection and:crybaby:its okay we'll only mock you for a day or so on this :itsok:
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

Just more of Trump's pattern, he takes full credit for someone else's work. He pretends to be something he isn't, like a businessman. He stiffed many small business owners by not paying them for work they did for him, forcing them to spend as much in court as the job they did to collect.

And Trump would call this 'being smart in business'.

He is a bottom of the toilet dweller.
Trump lost a billion dollars during an economic boom, and wiped out his investors. He thinks this makes him smart. :lol:

The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

I said this like 4 days ago. I'm surprised that Trump hasnt taken credit for the sun rising this morning. "

"I'm the only one who made the sun come out. I didnt start it but I finished it...believe me"
I thought that was Obama, oh nevermind he was gonna stop the seas from rising. Silly me.
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
Someone is taking credit for his work and he's not supposed to say anything? That's nonsense. Anyone with any self respect would naturally speak up.
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
Someone is taking credit for his work and he's not supposed to say anything? That's nonsense. Anyone with any self respect would naturally speak up.

Yes, he was hired to provide professional services. Playing a pissing match with his client in public is completely unprofessional. And Trump isn't taking credit for his work, that's stupid. Everyone knows he worked with his accountant on his accounting. Don't be an idiot
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
Someone is taking credit for his work and he's not supposed to say anything? That's nonsense. Anyone with any self respect would naturally speak up.

Yes, he was hired to provide professional services. Playing a pissing match with his client in public is completely unprofessional. And Trump isn't taking credit for his work, that's stupid. Everyone knows he worked with his accountant on his accounting. Don't be an idiot

I don't remember Trump ever mentioning his accountant.
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
Someone is taking credit for his work and he's not supposed to say anything? That's nonsense. Anyone with any self respect would naturally speak up.

Yes, he was hired to provide professional services. Playing a pissing match with his client in public is completely unprofessional. And Trump isn't taking credit for his work, that's stupid. Everyone knows he worked with his accountant on his accounting. Don't be an idiot

I don't remember Trump ever mentioning his accountant.

Ha ha?

The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...

This guy is from my world. Accountants and lawyers work for me. I'm their client, it's their professional responsibility to act in my interest. And Trump said nothing derogatory to him. Everyone knows his accountant gets credit for what he does. No, being in your 80s is not an excuse for unprofessionalism. You have no idea how completely inappropriate what he said was. He does know how inappropriate it was
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...

This guy is from my world. Accountants and lawyers work for me. I'm their client, it's their professional responsibility to act in my interest. And Trump said nothing derogatory to him. Everyone knows his accountant gets credit for what he does. No, being in your 80s is not an excuse for unprofessionalism. You have no idea how completely inappropriate what he said was. He does know how inappropriate it was
I agree with you..but only cut the old geezer a break because he may not realize what he had said and done...reporters are tricky....
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...

This guy is from my world. Accountants and lawyers work for me. I'm their client, it's their professional responsibility to act in my interest. And Trump said nothing derogatory to him. Everyone knows his accountant gets credit for what he does. No, being in your 80s is not an excuse for unprofessionalism. You have no idea how completely inappropriate what he said was. He does know how inappropriate it was
I agree with you..but only cut the old geezer a break because he may not realize what he had said and done...reporters are tricky....

Fair enough on the press. But he shouldn't have been talking about Trump and tax preparation at all. How is it after doing a job for decades, suddenly he's supposed to not grasp basic professionalism in his field? If Trump had criticized him then that would be one thing, but he didn't. Everyone who works in that area would know that of course the accountant gets credit for the accounting. No one thought Trump did it without his accountant.

What you're also failing to realize is that if he really did it without Trump's involvement, that's not appropriate either. Decisions have to be made in accounting by the client. Here's the standard my accountant and I have. Government is full of gray and if you just pay everything safely, you're going to be way overpaying. There's also the future. The whole thing is a stupid farce.

So let's go to me. Thoughts:

1) I have the standard for my books for gray areas (e.g., deductions) that if worse case is that the IRS will charge me interest and probably not a penalty, then I want to take it

2) Other things my accountant has to ask me questions since I bought and sold businesses regarding what I'm planning to do because there are multiple legitimate ways to treat some things and where I plan to go and the timing is important

3) So, I have my accountant provide me with options and tradeoffs. I have also proposed other options and asked him "what if I do ... then can I do ...?" Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes yes but ...

Trump did a lot bigger deals with larger implications than me. Explain in the 3 basic interactions between the business (me) and my accountant how one of us can get the credit and not the other?

What I'm suggesting is that his accountant is a Hillary supporter. I don't see how he would have been so unprofessional otherwise
The accountant who confirmed that leaked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tax returns were legitimate is pushing back against the billionaire’s claims that he “brilliantly” used tax laws to avoid paying federal taxes.

“I did all the tax preparation. He never saw the product until it was presented to him for signature,” Jack Mitnick told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Accountant to Trump: 'I'm the one that did all the work'


His minions will spin this: See what a genius Trump is? He hires the right people.

The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...

This guy is from my world. Accountants and lawyers work for me. I'm their client, it's their professional responsibility to act in my interest. And Trump said nothing derogatory to him. Everyone knows his accountant gets credit for what he does. No, being in your 80s is not an excuse for unprofessionalism. You have no idea how completely inappropriate what he said was. He does know how inappropriate it was
I agree with you..but only cut the old geezer a break because he may not realize what he had said and done...reporters are tricky....

Fair enough on the press. But he shouldn't have been talking about Trump and tax preparation at all. How is it after doing a job for decades, suddenly he's supposed to not grasp basic professionalism in his field? If Trump had criticized him then that would be one thing, but he didn't. Everyone who works in that area would know that of course the accountant gets credit for the accounting. No one thought Trump did it without his accountant.

What you're also failing to realize is that if he really did it without Trump's involvement, that's not appropriate either. Decisions have to be made in accounting by the client. Here's the standard my accountant and I have. Government is full of gray and if you just pay everything safely, you're going to be way overpaying. There's also the future. The whole thing is a stupid farce.

So let's go to me. Thoughts:

1) I have the standard for my books for gray areas (e.g., deductions) that if worse case is that the IRS will charge me interest and probably not a penalty, then I want to take it

2) Other things my accountant has to ask me questions since I bought and sold businesses regarding what I'm planning to do because there are multiple legitimate ways to treat some things and where I plan to go and the timing is important

3) So, I have my accountant provide me with options and tradeoffs. I have also proposed other options and asked him "what if I do ... then can I do ...?" Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes yes but ...

Trump did a lot bigger deals with larger implications than me. Explain in the 3 basic interactions between the business (me) and my accountant how one of us can get the credit and not the other?

What I'm suggesting is that his accountant is a Hillary supporter. I don't see how he would have been so unprofessional otherwise
Alzheimer's, dementia, tricked, a number of reasons...this man was his father's accountant as well, and then Donald's since he was 18... maybe he didn't say what is claimed he said...I dunno? The journalists tracked him down in Florida, because Donald's returns had an anomaly where the numbers didn't line up, and wanted to see if he could identify the reason for it, and he did....which verified they were Donald's returns.
The guy is a douche. I'd fire my accountant immediately if he said that kind of shit.

1) Actually good tax strategies are a joint effort between the accountant and the client. There's a lot of gray, the client better be OK with and onboard with the strategies being used

2) He's a professional (supposedly) adviser and it's his job to make his client look good, not bad

3) Whatever he thinks, it's not appropriate for him to come out and say things like this about his client publicly
He's an old geezer and retired for a while now...think he's in his 80's, give the guy a break....coming up with those tax ideas and loop holes was what he could be proud of himself for, in his eyes...

This guy is from my world. Accountants and lawyers work for me. I'm their client, it's their professional responsibility to act in my interest. And Trump said nothing derogatory to him. Everyone knows his accountant gets credit for what he does. No, being in your 80s is not an excuse for unprofessionalism. You have no idea how completely inappropriate what he said was. He does know how inappropriate it was
I agree with you..but only cut the old geezer a break because he may not realize what he had said and done...reporters are tricky....

Fair enough on the press. But he shouldn't have been talking about Trump and tax preparation at all. How is it after doing a job for decades, suddenly he's supposed to not grasp basic professionalism in his field? If Trump had criticized him then that would be one thing, but he didn't. Everyone who works in that area would know that of course the accountant gets credit for the accounting. No one thought Trump did it without his accountant.

What you're also failing to realize is that if he really did it without Trump's involvement, that's not appropriate either. Decisions have to be made in accounting by the client. Here's the standard my accountant and I have. Government is full of gray and if you just pay everything safely, you're going to be way overpaying. There's also the future. The whole thing is a stupid farce.

So let's go to me. Thoughts:

1) I have the standard for my books for gray areas (e.g., deductions) that if worse case is that the IRS will charge me interest and probably not a penalty, then I want to take it

2) Other things my accountant has to ask me questions since I bought and sold businesses regarding what I'm planning to do because there are multiple legitimate ways to treat some things and where I plan to go and the timing is important

3) So, I have my accountant provide me with options and tradeoffs. I have also proposed other options and asked him "what if I do ... then can I do ...?" Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes yes but ...

Trump did a lot bigger deals with larger implications than me. Explain in the 3 basic interactions between the business (me) and my accountant how one of us can get the credit and not the other?

What I'm suggesting is that his accountant is a Hillary supporter. I don't see how he would have been so unprofessional otherwise
Alzheimer's, dementia, tricked, a number of reasons...this man was his father's accountant as well, and then Donald's since he was 18... maybe he didn't say what is claimed he said...I dunno? The journalists tracked him down in Florida, because Donald's returns had an anomaly where the numbers didn't line up, and wanted to see if he could identify the reason for it, and he did....which verified they were Donald's returns.

Can you show where he has Alzheimer's or dementia? His quotes were pretty strong, I'm doubting the "tricked"

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