Ace of Spades HQ: How to Survive in the Days of Rage

Truth never hurts. Don't know what that's got to do with anything here though.

What seems to have sailed over the author's head, if I have to spell it out, is the mass incredulity that an orange freak con artist could be elected --- regardless who the opponent was --- that he naïvely chooses to self-delude as "they lost their feeling of power and control over America". I mean come on, what is this guy, twelve years old? That's all I needed to know.

So more like "TJDR" --- too juvenile, didn't read.

So it goes against your views, and has to be juvenile. Got it. That you have to call him the "orange freak con artist" just shows how right the author is about the progressive freak out.

For progressives it is all about control, and control at the highest level of government. if it wasn't they would just try to change things at the State level, where people may actually want it. But they know their policies are unpopular once people understand who has to pay for it, (hint, its not the 1%) so they have to implement them at the highest level possible, as far away from popular control as possible.

My sig sums up the sentiment perfectly, in my opinion.

Actually, for Progressives it's all about decomposition, since they've been dead, buried and pushing up daisies for the last century.

In political discourse perhaps the only thing more fun than using a term to mean its own opposite is using one that has no contemporary meaning at all. The old "wild card lexicography". :lol:

What we have here is a bubbleblogger who imagines a world of "us" and "them" in which "them" meet continuously in some dank cave, presumably guarded by some Roman-centurioun sentinel, where they stir a continuous cauldron babbling "bubble bubble toil and trouble" and plotting how they can overthrow the world and convert it to some kind of putrid green slime made up of the collective snot of their mortal enemy-beings who they will have upon victory in their Armageddonesque World War, run through some kind of giant evil food processor.

That world does not exist.

What does exist is a population of mundane not-at-all-binary normal people, of all persuasions, none of whom own a cauldron, who are periodically presented with an "election" they're expected to pretend is in their hands. And the last time 'round, 25% of them voted for an orange TV freak con artist, 26% voted for the same-old-thing boring wife of the former same-old-thing, and 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing here worth getting out of bed for".

Of course, that doesn't sell blogs like cauldrons and centurions and century-old political zombies do. It's too mundane.

At base is the bubbleblogger's inability to see, or more correctly his self-delusion to shut out, the fact that his idol is simply grossly flawed all by Himself and needs no foil to express it. So he must invent the cauldrons and the cave scary-monster images. Because those gross flaws must at all costs be obscured, blamed on somebody else and twisted from an active into a passive --- the impotent inevitable result of the evildoing of the cauldron cave conspiracy of The "Them", against which He is apparently helpless. And because oh yeah, fear does sell comic books.

Just doesn't impress me. Maybe I've read too many comic books to take them seriously.

Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?

They Get Their Daddies to Make Laws Against the Will of the Majority

Liberals are Preppies, a class that has no right to exist. You can tell where they came from by their bossy snobbery, their sheltered ignorance, and their spoiled-child immaturity.
Truth never hurts. Don't know what that's got to do with anything here though.

What seems to have sailed over the author's head, if I have to spell it out, is the mass incredulity that an orange freak con artist could be elected --- regardless who the opponent was --- that he naïvely chooses to self-delude as "they lost their feeling of power and control over America". I mean come on, what is this guy, twelve years old? That's all I needed to know.

So more like "TJDR" --- too juvenile, didn't read.

So it goes against your views, and has to be juvenile. Got it. That you have to call him the "orange freak con artist" just shows how right the author is about the progressive freak out.

For progressives it is all about control, and control at the highest level of government. if it wasn't they would just try to change things at the State level, where people may actually want it. But they know their policies are unpopular once people understand who has to pay for it, (hint, its not the 1%) so they have to implement them at the highest level possible, as far away from popular control as possible.

My sig sums up the sentiment perfectly, in my opinion.

Actually, for Progressives it's all about decomposition, since they've been dead, buried and pushing up daisies for the last century.

In political discourse perhaps the only thing more fun than using a term to mean its own opposite is using one that has no contemporary meaning at all. The old "wild card lexicography". :lol:

What we have here is a bubbleblogger who imagines a world of "us" and "them" in which "them" meet continuously in some dank cave, presumably guarded by some Roman-centurioun sentinel, where they stir a continuous cauldron babbling "bubble bubble toil and trouble" and plotting how they can overthrow the world and convert it to some kind of putrid green slime made up of the collective snot of their mortal enemy-beings who they will have upon victory in their Armageddonesque World War, run through some kind of giant evil food processor.

That world does not exist.

What does exist is a population of mundane not-at-all-binary normal people, of all persuasions, none of whom own a cauldron, who are periodically presented with an "election" they're expected to pretend is in their hands. And the last time 'round, 25% of them voted for an orange TV freak con artist, 26% voted for the same-old-thing boring wife of the former same-old-thing, and 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing here worth getting out of bed for".

Of course, that doesn't sell blogs like cauldrons and centurions and century-old political zombies do. It's too mundane.

At base is the bubbleblogger's inability to see, or more correctly his self-delusion to shut out, the fact that his idol is simply grossly flawed all by Himself and needs no foil to express it. So he must invent the cauldrons and the cave scary-monster images. Because those gross flaws must at all costs be obscured, blamed on somebody else and twisted from an active into a passive --- the impotent inevitable result of the evildoing of the cauldron cave conspiracy of The "Them", against which He is apparently helpless. And because oh yeah, fear does sell comic books.

Just doesn't impress me. Maybe I've read too many comic books to take them seriously.

Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?


Reading comprehend much? That fallacy is exactly what I'm calling out here. Exactly what I mean by using a word to mean its own opposite.

That distinction is one I've been screaming from the rooftops the entire time I've been on this site.

And the 2nd line is the other terminological fallacy -- the wild card term, where you dredge up a term from 100 years ago and tag it onto anything you'd like to demonize without the muss and fuss of having to actually define it. Long as you use that crutch I'll continue to point out what it is.
So it goes against your views, and has to be juvenile. Got it. That you have to call him the "orange freak con artist" just shows how right the author is about the progressive freak out.

For progressives it is all about control, and control at the highest level of government. if it wasn't they would just try to change things at the State level, where people may actually want it. But they know their policies are unpopular once people understand who has to pay for it, (hint, its not the 1%) so they have to implement them at the highest level possible, as far away from popular control as possible.

My sig sums up the sentiment perfectly, in my opinion.

Actually, for Progressives it's all about decomposition, since they've been dead, buried and pushing up daisies for the last century.

In political discourse perhaps the only thing more fun than using a term to mean its own opposite is using one that has no contemporary meaning at all. The old "wild card lexicography". :lol:

What we have here is a bubbleblogger who imagines a world of "us" and "them" in which "them" meet continuously in some dank cave, presumably guarded by some Roman-centurioun sentinel, where they stir a continuous cauldron babbling "bubble bubble toil and trouble" and plotting how they can overthrow the world and convert it to some kind of putrid green slime made up of the collective snot of their mortal enemy-beings who they will have upon victory in their Armageddonesque World War, run through some kind of giant evil food processor.

That world does not exist.

What does exist is a population of mundane not-at-all-binary normal people, of all persuasions, none of whom own a cauldron, who are periodically presented with an "election" they're expected to pretend is in their hands. And the last time 'round, 25% of them voted for an orange TV freak con artist, 26% voted for the same-old-thing boring wife of the former same-old-thing, and 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing here worth getting out of bed for".

Of course, that doesn't sell blogs like cauldrons and centurions and century-old political zombies do. It's too mundane.

At base is the bubbleblogger's inability to see, or more correctly his self-delusion to shut out, the fact that his idol is simply grossly flawed all by Himself and needs no foil to express it. So he must invent the cauldrons and the cave scary-monster images. Because those gross flaws must at all costs be obscured, blamed on somebody else and twisted from an active into a passive --- the impotent inevitable result of the evildoing of the cauldron cave conspiracy of The "Them", against which He is apparently helpless. And because oh yeah, fear does sell comic books.

Just doesn't impress me. Maybe I've read too many comic books to take them seriously.

Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?

They Get Their Daddies to Make Laws Against the Will of the Majority

Liberals are Preppies, a class that has no right to exist. You can tell where they came from by their bossy snobbery, their sheltered ignorance, and their spoiled-child immaturity.

Here's ^^ a wag who thinks Rump is a "Liberal". :rofl:
So it goes against your views, and has to be juvenile. Got it. That you have to call him the "orange freak con artist" just shows how right the author is about the progressive freak out.

For progressives it is all about control, and control at the highest level of government. if it wasn't they would just try to change things at the State level, where people may actually want it. But they know their policies are unpopular once people understand who has to pay for it, (hint, its not the 1%) so they have to implement them at the highest level possible, as far away from popular control as possible.

My sig sums up the sentiment perfectly, in my opinion.

Actually, for Progressives it's all about decomposition, since they've been dead, buried and pushing up daisies for the last century.

In political discourse perhaps the only thing more fun than using a term to mean its own opposite is using one that has no contemporary meaning at all. The old "wild card lexicography". :lol:

What we have here is a bubbleblogger who imagines a world of "us" and "them" in which "them" meet continuously in some dank cave, presumably guarded by some Roman-centurioun sentinel, where they stir a continuous cauldron babbling "bubble bubble toil and trouble" and plotting how they can overthrow the world and convert it to some kind of putrid green slime made up of the collective snot of their mortal enemy-beings who they will have upon victory in their Armageddonesque World War, run through some kind of giant evil food processor.

That world does not exist.

What does exist is a population of mundane not-at-all-binary normal people, of all persuasions, none of whom own a cauldron, who are periodically presented with an "election" they're expected to pretend is in their hands. And the last time 'round, 25% of them voted for an orange TV freak con artist, 26% voted for the same-old-thing boring wife of the former same-old-thing, and 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing here worth getting out of bed for".

Of course, that doesn't sell blogs like cauldrons and centurions and century-old political zombies do. It's too mundane.

At base is the bubbleblogger's inability to see, or more correctly his self-delusion to shut out, the fact that his idol is simply grossly flawed all by Himself and needs no foil to express it. So he must invent the cauldrons and the cave scary-monster images. Because those gross flaws must at all costs be obscured, blamed on somebody else and twisted from an active into a passive --- the impotent inevitable result of the evildoing of the cauldron cave conspiracy of The "Them", against which He is apparently helpless. And because oh yeah, fear does sell comic books.

Just doesn't impress me. Maybe I've read too many comic books to take them seriously.

Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?


Reading comprehend much? That fallacy is exactly what I'm calling out here. Exactly what I mean by using a word to mean its own opposite.

That distinction is one I've been screaming from the rooftops the entire time I've been on this site.

And the 2nd line is the other terminological fallacy -- the wild card term, where you dredge up a term from 100 years ago and tag it onto anything you'd like to demonize without the muss and fuss of having to actually define it. Long as you use that crutch I'll continue to point out what it is.

Then what do you want to call them, mister smarty-shit?

People understand progressive Statist, you seem to be a semantics nimrod.
If Trump is still around a year from now, I shudder to think what the left is likely to do. Likely, violence will become an every day occurance.
Actually, for Progressives it's all about decomposition, since they've been dead, buried and pushing up daisies for the last century.

In political discourse perhaps the only thing more fun than using a term to mean its own opposite is using one that has no contemporary meaning at all. The old "wild card lexicography". :lol:

What we have here is a bubbleblogger who imagines a world of "us" and "them" in which "them" meet continuously in some dank cave, presumably guarded by some Roman-centurioun sentinel, where they stir a continuous cauldron babbling "bubble bubble toil and trouble" and plotting how they can overthrow the world and convert it to some kind of putrid green slime made up of the collective snot of their mortal enemy-beings who they will have upon victory in their Armageddonesque World War, run through some kind of giant evil food processor.

That world does not exist.

What does exist is a population of mundane not-at-all-binary normal people, of all persuasions, none of whom own a cauldron, who are periodically presented with an "election" they're expected to pretend is in their hands. And the last time 'round, 25% of them voted for an orange TV freak con artist, 26% voted for the same-old-thing boring wife of the former same-old-thing, and 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing here worth getting out of bed for".

Of course, that doesn't sell blogs like cauldrons and centurions and century-old political zombies do. It's too mundane.

At base is the bubbleblogger's inability to see, or more correctly his self-delusion to shut out, the fact that his idol is simply grossly flawed all by Himself and needs no foil to express it. So he must invent the cauldrons and the cave scary-monster images. Because those gross flaws must at all costs be obscured, blamed on somebody else and twisted from an active into a passive --- the impotent inevitable result of the evildoing of the cauldron cave conspiracy of The "Them", against which He is apparently helpless. And because oh yeah, fear does sell comic books.

Just doesn't impress me. Maybe I've read too many comic books to take them seriously.

Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?


Reading comprehend much? That fallacy is exactly what I'm calling out here. Exactly what I mean by using a word to mean its own opposite.

That distinction is one I've been screaming from the rooftops the entire time I've been on this site.

And the 2nd line is the other terminological fallacy -- the wild card term, where you dredge up a term from 100 years ago and tag it onto anything you'd like to demonize without the muss and fuss of having to actually define it. Long as you use that crutch I'll continue to point out what it is.

Then what do you want to call them, mister smarty-shit?

I call leftism "leftism" and Liberalism "Liberalism". Surprisingly easy to remember.
And never the twain shall meet.

People understand progressive Statist, you seem to be a semantics nimrod.

Sorry, but if a term doesn't have a definition, it's useless as a word. Words are not just turds to be flung. They have to actually represent something. Otherwise they make no point.
Ace actually wasn't on board the Trump Train initially, and most of his support of Trump is based on opposition to the Democratic/Progressive/Statist way of doing things. And by your continued use of name calling for Trump, you make this exactly "us vs them", thus negating your entire premise.

That would almost be a theory --- if I hadn't called them both names.

Selective Reading Class gives you an A. :thup:

And yes, progressive statists do want power and control, you just don't see it because you probably agree with their end game.

I do agree that we're all going to die eventually, as they did a hundred years ago.

You know you added the 2nd one just for an attempted "gotcha" moment. Bush league of you.

So you really want to call the current crop of leftists liberals?


Reading comprehend much? That fallacy is exactly what I'm calling out here. Exactly what I mean by using a word to mean its own opposite.

That distinction is one I've been screaming from the rooftops the entire time I've been on this site.

And the 2nd line is the other terminological fallacy -- the wild card term, where you dredge up a term from 100 years ago and tag it onto anything you'd like to demonize without the muss and fuss of having to actually define it. Long as you use that crutch I'll continue to point out what it is.

Then what do you want to call them, mister smarty-shit?

I call leftism "leftism" and Liberalism "Liberalism". Surprisingly easy to remember.
And never the twain shall meet.

People understand progressive Statist, you seem to be a semantics nimrod.

Sorry, but if a term doesn't have a definition, it's useless as a word. Words are not just turds to be flung. They have to actually represent something. Otherwise they make no point.

You are like a person trying to fix a leaky faucet on the Titanic while it's sinking. Its Noble in an idiotic sort of way.
A long read, but worth it.

How to Survive In the Age of Rage

In summary, to me its another version of the whole progressivism/statism as a religious replacement, and how the shattering of control and power that Trump created is almost like a Biblical Cataclysm to them.

Some relevant sections:

November 9, 2016 was when the actual SMOD -- reality -- hit.

They lost their feeling of control and power over America. And believe me, after 8 years of Obama, and with the social and cultural winds at their back, able to gin up social media hate-mobs against anyone who even said something they didn't like, and able to sic the IRS on conservative groups and get away with it scot-free -- they felt like they were in total control.

And they were right to feel that way: They were in total control.

And now that's gone.

November 9, 2016 -- the day they realized it was not a nightmare, but a reality akin to a nightmare -- was the progressives' 9/11. Just as real Americans felt the loss of security and control over their own fates that day, so did progressives feel that on 11/9.

What you're seeing from progressives now, and the media, is the same sort of urgent fury you saw from real Americans after 9/11 -- an anger that a great evil had been done, and honor demanded furious retribution.

In my experience, there is nothing quite so dangerous as an inflated but brittle ego. An inflated ego which is resilient is annoying and dangerous, but, being resilient, it does not really react bigly to threats. It shakes threats off, so it doesn't need to lash out or go on little Nervous Breakdown Picnics out in Ego Protection Park.

But large brittle egos do. Large egos lash out, and brittle ones -- ones that are easily punctured by pins -- must lash out aggressively, constantly, almost randomly.

11/9 stole from them the two things most sacred: their sense of superiority and infallibility, and their precious political power over the people they hate.

And they're reacting rather poorly to that.

The daily hysteria, paranoia, conspiricizing, meltdowns, tantrums, out of left field accusations -- these are not signs of healthy minds.

We are used to saying X Derangement Syndrome but I really think there is some actual derangement going on.

And I would like to tell everyone reading: Please do not give in to it. Do not let their sickness become your sickness.

When they panic, do not let their panic cause you agitation.
To survive in the age of rage, by the leftwing lunatics that go around burning buildings and punching women, see picture below... Soon there is no more rage....

View attachment 115788
This is precisely my kind of girl.
If DJT lasts more than about 100 days, then he will either follow in the footsteps of Carter (inept) or Reagan (master manipulator).

But after that the cycle will return and the DEM's will again take over and change everything back.

Wheel turning round and round ...

A long read, but worth it.

How to Survive In the Age of Rage

In summary, to me its another version of the whole progressivism/statism as a religious replacement, and how the shattering of control and power that Trump created is almost like a Biblical Cataclysm to them.

Some relevant sections:

November 9, 2016 was when the actual SMOD -- reality -- hit.

They lost their feeling of control and power over America. And believe me, after 8 years of Obama, and with the social and cultural winds at their back, able to gin up social media hate-mobs against anyone who even said something they didn't like, and able to sic the IRS on conservative groups and get away with it scot-free -- they felt like they were in total control.

And they were right to feel that way: They were in total control.

And now that's gone.

November 9, 2016 -- the day they realized it was not a nightmare, but a reality akin to a nightmare -- was the progressives' 9/11. Just as real Americans felt the loss of security and control over their own fates that day, so did progressives feel that on 11/9.

What you're seeing from progressives now, and the media, is the same sort of urgent fury you saw from real Americans after 9/11 -- an anger that a great evil had been done, and honor demanded furious retribution.

In my experience, there is nothing quite so dangerous as an inflated but brittle ego. An inflated ego which is resilient is annoying and dangerous, but, being resilient, it does not really react bigly to threats. It shakes threats off, so it doesn't need to lash out or go on little Nervous Breakdown Picnics out in Ego Protection Park.

But large brittle egos do. Large egos lash out, and brittle ones -- ones that are easily punctured by pins -- must lash out aggressively, constantly, almost randomly.

11/9 stole from them the two things most sacred: their sense of superiority and infallibility, and their precious political power over the people they hate.

And they're reacting rather poorly to that.

The daily hysteria, paranoia, conspiricizing, meltdowns, tantrums, out of left field accusations -- these are not signs of healthy minds.

We are used to saying X Derangement Syndrome but I really think there is some actual derangement going on.

And I would like to tell everyone reading: Please do not give in to it. Do not let their sickness become your sickness.

When they panic, do not let their panic cause you agitation.

Since the mess that is the Republican Party appears incapable of doing anything with their power,

what's the loss? This is just a pause in the inevitable progress of liberalism.
A long read, but worth it.

How to Survive In the Age of Rage

In summary, to me its another version of the whole progressivism/statism as a religious replacement, and how the shattering of control and power that Trump created is almost like a Biblical Cataclysm to them.

Some relevant sections:

November 9, 2016 was when the actual SMOD -- reality -- hit.

They lost their feeling of control and power over America. And believe me, after 8 years of Obama, and with the social and cultural winds at their back, able to gin up social media hate-mobs against anyone who even said something they didn't like, and able to sic the IRS on conservative groups and get away with it scot-free -- they felt like they were in total control.

And they were right to feel that way: They were in total control.

And now that's gone.

November 9, 2016 -- the day they realized it was not a nightmare, but a reality akin to a nightmare -- was the progressives' 9/11. Just as real Americans felt the loss of security and control over their own fates that day, so did progressives feel that on 11/9.

What you're seeing from progressives now, and the media, is the same sort of urgent fury you saw from real Americans after 9/11 -- an anger that a great evil had been done, and honor demanded furious retribution.

In my experience, there is nothing quite so dangerous as an inflated but brittle ego. An inflated ego which is resilient is annoying and dangerous, but, being resilient, it does not really react bigly to threats. It shakes threats off, so it doesn't need to lash out or go on little Nervous Breakdown Picnics out in Ego Protection Park.

But large brittle egos do. Large egos lash out, and brittle ones -- ones that are easily punctured by pins -- must lash out aggressively, constantly, almost randomly.

11/9 stole from them the two things most sacred: their sense of superiority and infallibility, and their precious political power over the people they hate.

And they're reacting rather poorly to that.

The daily hysteria, paranoia, conspiricizing, meltdowns, tantrums, out of left field accusations -- these are not signs of healthy minds.

We are used to saying X Derangement Syndrome but I really think there is some actual derangement going on.

And I would like to tell everyone reading: Please do not give in to it. Do not let their sickness become your sickness.

When they panic, do not let their panic cause you agitation.

Since the mess that is the Republican Party appears incapable of doing anything with their power,

what's the loss? This is just a pause in the inevitable progress of liberalism.

Not liberalism, Progressive Statism. You guys stopped being liberals long ago.

And that talk of inevitability is a link to your socialist roots. They said the same thing, look at them now.
A long read, but worth it.

How to Survive In the Age of Rage

In summary, to me its another version of the whole progressivism/statism as a religious replacement, and how the shattering of control and power that Trump created is almost like a Biblical Cataclysm to them.

Some relevant sections:

November 9, 2016 was when the actual SMOD -- reality -- hit.

They lost their feeling of control and power over America. And believe me, after 8 years of Obama, and with the social and cultural winds at their back, able to gin up social media hate-mobs against anyone who even said something they didn't like, and able to sic the IRS on conservative groups and get away with it scot-free -- they felt like they were in total control.

And they were right to feel that way: They were in total control.

And now that's gone.

November 9, 2016 -- the day they realized it was not a nightmare, but a reality akin to a nightmare -- was the progressives' 9/11. Just as real Americans felt the loss of security and control over their own fates that day, so did progressives feel that on 11/9.

What you're seeing from progressives now, and the media, is the same sort of urgent fury you saw from real Americans after 9/11 -- an anger that a great evil had been done, and honor demanded furious retribution.

In my experience, there is nothing quite so dangerous as an inflated but brittle ego. An inflated ego which is resilient is annoying and dangerous, but, being resilient, it does not really react bigly to threats. It shakes threats off, so it doesn't need to lash out or go on little Nervous Breakdown Picnics out in Ego Protection Park.

But large brittle egos do. Large egos lash out, and brittle ones -- ones that are easily punctured by pins -- must lash out aggressively, constantly, almost randomly.

11/9 stole from them the two things most sacred: their sense of superiority and infallibility, and their precious political power over the people they hate.

And they're reacting rather poorly to that.

The daily hysteria, paranoia, conspiricizing, meltdowns, tantrums, out of left field accusations -- these are not signs of healthy minds.

We are used to saying X Derangement Syndrome but I really think there is some actual derangement going on.

And I would like to tell everyone reading: Please do not give in to it. Do not let their sickness become your sickness.

When they panic, do not let their panic cause you agitation.

Since the mess that is the Republican Party appears incapable of doing anything with their power,

what's the loss? This is just a pause in the inevitable progress of liberalism.

Not liberalism, Progressive Statism. You guys stopped being liberals long ago.

And that talk of inevitability is a link to your socialist roots. They said the same thing, look at them now.
What America Needs Is an Ambidextrous Guillotine

Unintimidated analysis would also reveal the roots of socialism. After the terror directed against their class in the French Revolution, one faction of aristocratic youth became reactionary, one became socialist. The Red Princes feared that democracy would inevitably take power and abolish their unearned, irrational, and toxic birth privileges, so they decided that the only way to save their skins was to take over the democratic movements. Wherever that failed, as in America, they decided to create new movements of society's resentful misfits. Only such a well-connected elite could change laws against the will of the majority. It is undeniable that the Preppy Progressives did that in America.

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