Acerbic Ann Coulter says she'd vote for Crazy Bernie over Trump if Bernie changed immigration views

Annie is entering her mid-life crisis.....she's frantic....I bet she buys a red convertible and gets a new tit job. :badgrin:
I’m out on Sanders this election, he got stranger and stranger last campaign.
Many of Trump’s worshippers would support communism if Trump started to push it as long as he promised to keep the Darkies out.
What has happened to Ann?

She writes some of the best political books ever written by a mile but her commentary apart from those books is always either mediocre or just flat out stupid.

At best Bernie LIES about changing his immigration stance or possibly even sincerely changes it and then gets into the White House and the Democrats either make him change it back so he can continue to receive donations or attack him until he cowers to their demands like he did with Hillary.
Many of Trump’s worshippers would support communism if Trump started to push it as long as he promised to keep the Darkies out.

What a drama queen! Thanks for the laugh, clown.

Remember to kneel towards 5th Ave when you are praying to your Orange God tonight!

Sorry, sunshine but I don't support Trump however watching you nuts cry and wet yourself everyday since before Trump took office is just priceless.

I get laughs from you and your ilk everyday, thanks again.
Many of Trump’s worshippers would support communism if Trump started to push it as long as he promised to keep the Darkies out.

What a drama queen! Thanks for the laugh, clown.

Remember to kneel towards 5th Ave when you are praying to your Orange God tonight!

Sorry, sunshine but I don't support Trump however watching you nuts cry and wet yourself everyday since before Trump took office is just priceless.

I get laughs from you and your ilk everyday, thanks again.
If you were smart you would support Trump over the Democrats.
Fuck bernie and trump

I agree.

Trump is too...Trump.

And Bernie is too Socialist.

I respect Sanders far more then Trump (which is not saying much)...but I actually think some of his/other extreme, progressive policies would be worse for America. Free college for all, universal income, guaranteed jobs. These would - collectively - be INSANELY expensive...TOTALLY unsustainable.
And as for Medicare For All? It might be better then what is in place now. But I bet you most Americans would not like it - especially the middle class and upwards.
As I said before, two-tiered healthcare is the answer, IMO. it gives the poor, full healthcare. And allows the rest to find their own and use the power of free enterprise to drastically lower their costs.
Fuck bernie and trump

I agree.

Trump is too...Trump.

And Bernie is too Socialist.

I respect Sanders far more then Trump (which is not saying much)...but I actually think some of his/other extreme, progressive policies would be worse for America. Free college for all, universal income, guaranteed jobs. These would - collectively - be INSANELY expensive...TOTALLY unsustainable.
And as for Medicare For All? It might be better then what is in place now. But I bet you most Americans would not like it - especially the middle class and upwards.
As I said before, two-tiered healthcare is the answer, IMO. it gives the poor, full healthcare. And allows the rest to find their own and use the power of free enterprise to drastically lower their costs.
In other words you are going to vote for Trump once the batshit crazy Democrat nominee is decided and it isn’t Bernie or Yang or Tulsi and that nominee wants reparations and free college and Medicare for all.

And then you will know what it is like to be called a Nazi and an extremist for being sane.
Fuck bernie and trump

I'm not voting for either of them. But if I had to vote for one, I'd rather vote for Trump. Better a crazy person in the WH than a communist.
I would have been rooting for bernie to beat trump in 16, but i wouldnt vote for him.
Now? If i HAD to, it would be trump. I liked bernie because i thought he had integrity and he actually cared.. now i know i was wrong. He proved that after hillary.
If a decent dem or ind dont come forward, i will be writing in.

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